Blog/Podcast Archives: Dr. George King

The Voice Of The King: Part 2 of 2

A rare divine intervention took place in 1919, a cosmic avatar with highly specialized skills, named George King, came to Earth to help humanity through a critical period in human history. He literally saved us from many global catastrophes! Using his unique mediumship, Dr King…

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The Voice Of The King: Part 1 of 2

A rare divine intervention took place in 1919, a cosmic avatar with highly specialized skills, named George King, came to Earth to help humanity through a critical period in human history. He literally saved us from many global catastrophes! Using his unique mediumship, Dr King…

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#127 – How To Make A Connection With A Real Spiritual Master (Lessons From A Disciple)

The relationship between Master and disciple is not like teacher and pupil at school.It is a form of magic.A metaphysical link is formed, through which the disciple can advance by the very presence of the Master.Even if the Master is not physically present, if you…

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#126 – What Is A Genuine Spiritual Master Really Like? (Insights From A Disciple)

What is a genuine spiritual master really like? Richard spent more than 20 years working very closely with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – a man of extraordinary spiritual powers and wisdom. In this week’s show, Richard shares some of his own insights and…

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The First Cosmic Transmission Given In Public

On January 29th, 1955, Master of Yoga Dr. George King walked up onto the platform in Caxton Hall, London, for the first time to act as a channel for The Master Aetherius – an enlightened extraterrestrial intelligence from a higher plane of existence on the planet Venus.In this…

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Memories of our Master

On January 23rd we celebrated the birthdate of Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919-1997). With this very special date in mind, this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a heartfelt tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. King.Host Chrissie Blaze interviews her husband Gary Blaze…

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Being a disciple – from Christianity to King Yoga

Discipleship is by no means a concept limited to the twelve disciples of the Bible or even the Christian tradition as a whole. It is a calling common throughout many spiritual traditions on Earth, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and of course King Yoga – the spiritual…

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How Dr. George King changed the Cosmic Plan

Throughout our history on Earth, great beings from other planets in this Solar System, known as Avatars, have allowed a part of their consciousness to be born here as one of us, in order to help us towards Enlightenment. Different Avatars have exemplified different qualities,…

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The Adepts and Animals

On May 17th, 1959, the Master Aetherius, a Cosmic Master, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King to the attendees of a special Power Circle at Aetherius House in London. He informed them that there were three specially trained Adepts who had come…

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Dr. King’s Last Mission – Operation Power Light

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In the words of Master of Yoga Dr. George King, today we celebrate the start “of the Mighty, of the Mighty, of the Mighty Operation Power Light.” Operation Power Light was a mission given to Dr. King by the…

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Dr. George King – Karmic Agent

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. On January 23rd we celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Master of Yoga Dr. George King! In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Richard Lawrence and Brian Keneipp, both long-time disciples of Dr. King, and co-authors…

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Can you know a Master you’ve never met?

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. It is an awesome privilege to have been in the presence of a genuine Spiritual Master. But what if you never had that opportunity – can you know a Master you’ve never met? Master of Yoga Dr. George King…

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Discipleship for this age

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. You don’t need to be in the physical, living presence of a Spiritual Master to benefit from their teaching. But you do need to make the effort to study and apply their teaching for yourself if you want to…

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New Morning – A New Year’s Poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Happy New Year! In this post we wanted to share with you a New Year’s poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King, as well as his own commentary on its true meaning. This poem can be interpreted as a very concise manual for…

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When Dr. King realized he came from another world

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Like the Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha and other great Avatars throughout history, Master of Yoga Dr. George King also came from another world. Sadly, in most cases, we simply do not really know very much about the lives…

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Behind the scenes of the Biography – the companion website

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Discover more about the life of Master of Yoga Dr George King with a guided tour of the biography companion website –! In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Brian…

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A Disciple Remembers: 40 Years As Executive Secretary

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing to follow a master is good, but choosing to serve him or her and their mission, even in a small way, is better – and more important to the world as a whole. In this month’s episode of…

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A Biography Of A Biography

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. We are overjoyed to be launching the much-anticipated biography of Master of Yoga Dr George King this weekend: The King Who Came To Earth. Dr King was an enigma even to his closest staff and disciples, and went to…

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The King and I – Centenary Tribute 2

“Why don’t you sit down and have a drink with me?” “I’d love to, Master”, I replied as I poured myself a drink and sat next to him. “Yes, but why do I have to ask?” He choked slightly. “Then I am completely alone”. The…

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Spiritual Master in the Aquarian Age

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The transition from one astrological age to another can be a tumultuous period. New influences begin to shape the evolution of humanity. Perhaps you can also feel this sea change taking place… Some 2,000 years ago the great Master…

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Our Master and The Next Master

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Master of Yoga Dr George King! In this month’s show, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the essence of our Mission in The Aetherius Society, left to us…

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The King and I: A centenary tribute to my Master

“Did you want something?” The words were said with a gentle kindness, but what took me by surprise was the person who had spoken them. “Oh, I’m sorry to disturb you, sir. I was just wondering whether there was anything I could do to help?”…

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The Knighthood and Consecration of His Eminence Sir George King

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. “I thus initiate you as Grand Knight Templar of the Inner Sanctum of the Holy Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.” Thus spoke the Lord Buddha to Master of Yoga Dr George King on December 5th 1978 in…

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By the side of a living Spiritual Master

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be spiritual, they may well tell you it’s about peace… But Master of Yoga Dr George King had a completely different approach. He was dynamic, intense and driven in his…

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Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel – Lightning Conductor for the Gods!

Discover the truth about the most significant series of extraterrestrial contacts in history! For 43 years between 1954 and 1997 Master of Yoga Dr. George King served as “Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel”, receiving hundreds of communications from advanced alien intelligences from this Solar System and…

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Dr. George King: “Star Pupil”

Today marks the birthdate of legendary Master of Yoga and world-renowned medium Dr. George King. As part of the celebrations of this special day we have great pleasure in sharing with you a podcast that makes history. For the first time ever in public Rt….

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New Year Reflections on a New Age Meditation

In 2015, Brian Keneipp and I made a pilgrimage to the picturesque town of St Mawes on the south coast of Cornwall. It was some 60 years earlier that Dr. George King had stayed here for a historic purpose when he devised The Aetherius Society…

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“Beyond a shadow of a doubt”

During a TV interview in England in the 1970s, Dr. George King made the following statement about the teachings he had received from the Cosmic Masters: From the philosophical content alone, they are pretty fantastic – so they did come from somewhere. Either they came…

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The Command

On May 8th 1954 a close encounter took place in London which changed the course of history. Dr. George King, while alone in his small flat, heard the “Command” of the great extraterrestrial Master known as Aetherius, instructing him to prepare himself for his mission…

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Dr. George King

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of Yoga, space contactee, and outstanding trance medium. Find out what this extraordinary individual was really like – and what it was like working with him on a daily basis, as he pioneered some of the most advanced…

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