Raise your consciousness with the Mother Earth

This Planet is a living, breathing Entity. It is an ancient and, in comparison with man, very advanced Entity. It is a female entity. The mass of liquid which covers most of the surface of this planet and which, in deep occult circles, represents psychic power, illustrates that the life stream, or Logos, of this planet is female in character.... Another definite indication of the female characteristics of our Logos—continual promotion and propagation of life in multitudinous forms from Her body is perpetually taking place. 

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Visit To The Logos Of Earth   

The Gaia hypothesis, formulated by Prof. James Lovelock in the 1960s, postulates that the Earth functions as a self-regulating system. In simple terms this means the Earth functions like a single living being.

This hypothesis is interesting, but it is only just scratching the surface of the truth about what a planet really is. A planet is not simply an ecosystem that functions like a single living being – a planet is a single living being, in a very literal sense.

Planets are beings – just like we are beings, except that they are much more advanced than us.

This belief that our planet is a living, female intelligence has been with us for thousands of years in civilizations throughout the world.

The ancient Greeks used to call her Gaia. The Inca people called her Pachamama. The Māori – Papatūānuku.

Far from being a primitive or unscientific concept, the Earth as a living intelligence is an idea that is essential to an understanding of our future upon this planet.

Prophecies of a New Age go back thousands of years in many different traditions.  

There are many references to a golden era, often just preceded by a great cataclysm.

But what these traditions as a whole do not explain is how and why this New Age is coming.

The Mother Earth – a living, breathing Goddess

...one lesson which I will never forget was, strangely enough, one which I have always known ever since I was a very small child, but this truth was brought home to me more forcibly than ever before. It is a simple truth and an obvious one, but has been overlooked by mankind for centuries. It is a truth which the more highly evolved beings, living on other planets in this solar system, have known about for thousands of years.

Very simply stated, the truth is this: the most holy, the most sacred, the most godlike being you have ever physically touched, is the ground beneath your feet.

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Visit To The Logos Of Earth

We have studied her climate; explored her seas; mapped her surface, and photographed her from space, but how well do we really know her?

The life-stream itself – the intelligence – is within the planet, not its surface appearance. This is referred to as the “Logos” of a planet.

The Logos of the Mother Earth is a conscious, living, breathing entity – who feels and thinks, in some ways just like we do, but on a much greater, more advanced, cosmic scale.

She is ancient and extremely advanced – in fact some may even refer to her as a Goddess because of her extraordinary wisdom, unimaginable compassion and God-like spiritual power. This is not Goddess in a supernatural sense, but Goddess in the sense of an intelligence who is considerably higher up the evolutionary ladder than we are.

It is because of her compassion that she is manifesting this beautiful, life-giving material form for our benefit, so that we can live here in an environment conducive to our level of spiritual evolution, but change is coming.

Extract from a lecture given by Master of Yoga Dr. George King

The Mother Earth is a living being – like we are living beings – but a living being that is billions of lives more spiritually evolved than we are.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King – Your guide to the New Age

My friends, let me remind you that without Truth you cannot ever hope to enter the New Age. If you want a key to the gates of the new millennium which is to come upon Terra, then that key is—Truth, and no other key known to man or God, will open those gates.

– The Master Aetherius, 'Become A Builder Of The New Age'

In 1954, while living in London, Dr. George King was contacted for the first time by an alien intelligence known only by the pseudonym: Aetherius. 

Shortly after this contact he was taught how to enter a very deep state of trance meditation known as samadhi, so that he could be used as a channel by spiritual aliens referred to as Cosmic Masters who were – and are – helping us by giving us teaching and in other ways.

This contact with beings from other worlds was made possible by more than a decade of previous intense yoga training. This wasn’t just to keep fit, but to attain Enlightenment. He practised 8-10 hours per day on top of a normal job, including mantra yoga, yoga breathing, raja yoga and kundalini yoga. 

The Cosmic Masters, including the Master Aetherius, have been helping us throughout our history. Their messages, given through Dr. King, were marked by compassion, spiritual authority and wisdom. 

In essence, these messages were about:

  • The path to enlightenment through selfless service,
  • The impending New Age, and
  • What we can do to cooperate with them in their plan to help us prepare for the New Age. 

They spoke with devastating candour about the challenges we would face ahead, but also with hope for the future and the promise of great spiritual adventure.

This message, received in February 1964, was no exception:

These are the days of action. The days of theory are dead and will never return to Terra—to last. These are the days of opportunity. They are the days of practical service to others. The days of selfishness are beginning to draw to a violent close...

Before you there is a great task; before you there is a great challenge; before you a whole world needs to be spiritually fed and actively cared for; before you lieth your salvation. 

The road will be rough. Whosoever says it will be smooth is an ignorant fool. The road will be rough. But, also the power given to you will be great; the strength which will be poured through your failing limbs will be tremendous; the energy which will be radiated to you will be colossal. Your tired, worn-old consciousness, made coarse by many of your faults, will be heightened— and be made anew!

– Mars Sector 6, 'Cosmic Message of Divine Opportunity'

This is what lies ahead. To understand why, let’s now have a look at our past.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King – Your guide to the New Age

My friends, let me remind you that without Truth you cannot ever hope to enter the New Age. If you want a key to the gates of the new millennium which is to come upon Terra, then that key is—Truth, and no other key known to man or God, will open those gates.

– The Master Aetherius, 'Become A Builder Of The New Age'

In 1954, while living in London, Dr. George King was contacted for the first time by an alien intelligence known only by the pseudonym: Aetherius. 

Shortly after this contact he was taught how to enter a very deep state of trance meditation known as samadhi, so that he could be used as a channel by spiritual aliens referred to as Cosmic Masters who were – and are – helping us by giving us teaching and in other ways.

This contact with beings from other worlds was made possible by more than a decade of previous intense yoga training. This wasn’t just to keep fit, but to attain Enlightenment. He practised 8-10 hours per day on top of a normal job, including mantra yoga, yoga breathing, raja yoga and kundalini yoga. 

The Cosmic Masters, including the Master Aetherius, have been helping us throughout our history. Their messages, given through Dr. King, were marked by compassion, spiritual authority and wisdom. 

In essence, these messages were about:

  • The path to enlightenment through selfless service,
  • The impending New Age, and
  • What we can do to cooperate with them in their plan to help us prepare for the New Age. 

They spoke with devastating candour about the challenges we would face ahead, but also with hope for the future and the promise of great spiritual adventure.

This message, received in February 1964, was no exception:

These are the days of action. The days of theory are dead and will never return to Terra—to last. These are the days of opportunity. They are the days of practical service to others. The days of selfishness are beginning to draw to a violent close...

Before you there is a great task; before you there is a great challenge; before you a whole world needs to be spiritually fed and actively cared for; before you lieth your salvation. 

The road will be rough. Whosoever says it will be smooth is an ignorant fool. The road will be rough. But, also the power given to you will be great; the strength which will be poured through your failing limbs will be tremendous; the energy which will be radiated to you will be colossal. Your tired, worn-old consciousness, made coarse by many of your faults, will be heightened— and be made anew!

– Mars Sector 6, 'Cosmic Message of Divine Opportunity'

This is what lies ahead. To understand why, let’s now have a look at our past.

The Twelve Blessings are a series of teachings channelled by Dr. George King in 1958 from the Master Jesus. The Seventh Blessing is to the Mother Earth, revealing profound mystic knowledge about the planet we call home. 

In his book, Visit to the Logos of Earth, Dr. George King describes the experience he had when visiting the center of the planet Earth; something that very, very few people have ever had the privilege of seeing. 

Discover more about the Ascended Masters on Earth and their role in helping the Mother Earth to release some of the energy now stored in her inner batteries following her Primary Initiation in 1964.

More than 18 million years ago humanity destroyed the planet Maldek, our previous home, in a nuclear cataclysm. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is all that is left.

Our true history

According to the Cosmic Masters, the human race has been on Earth for over 18 million years. 

Previously we lived on another planet in this Solar System, known as Maldek, which we destroyed by exploding a hydrogen bomb – a weapon much more powerful than anything on Earth today, which converted hydrogen mass into energy in its entirety. All that remains of Maldek now is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter – a cold reminder of our violent past.

That wasn’t the only time our civilization has ended in nuclear cataclysm. It has happened twice since then:

  • The second time, on Earth, possibly millions of years ago, that resulted in the destruction of the civilization known as Lemuria.
  • And the third time, possibly hundreds of thousands of years ago, that resulted in the destruction of the civilization known as Atlantis.

When we destroyed the planet Maldek, there was no other planet available with suitable conditions for our evolutionary progress and so the Mother Earth chose, with Divine Compassion, to withhold her own evolution so that we could reincarnate upon her surface. 

In other words, she held up her own spiritual evolution for our sake.

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Imagine something this great as the Logos of a world who knew that She would have to hold up her evolution long enough for a race that had just killed a planet to evolve. Imagine giving permission! 

I don’t think you can really appreciate this fantastic sacrifice – this true, true, true, true essence of love. Not the love you know, but the real cosmic love in action. It is one of the saddest things I have ever heard of, and I say in all truth to you that I cannot talk very much about it. It affects me greatly even though I am a trained yogi and I am trained to control my emotions up to a certain point. But I am afraid, talking very much about this tremendous decision does affect me emotionally and it should affect you emotionally”. 

- Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘The Cosmic Plan

Sometime in our distant past on Earth, we evolved to the point where at least some of us were able to tap the power of the Logos of Earth in such a way that it supplied all our needs, including long-lasting youth and freedom from disease. 

Using the Logos in this way would not have been an exploitation but rather a highly advanced, harmonious, spiritual union. 

But we fell away from true spirituality after the fall of Lemuria and again after the fall of Atlantis, and our relationship with the Logos deteriorated drastically. Her great powers were no longer accessible to us.

She patiently waited – and suffered – while we crawled our way towards the light. 

We have murdered each other in bloody wars, plundered her natural resources, poisoned the environment, contaminated the world with nuclear radiation, and, worst of all, threatened to destroy ourselves and the planet with nuclear weapons – again. She has even been cut off from natural energies flowing through the cosmos – energies which are essential to her. 

And yet, in all this time, she has provided a beautiful classroom for us conducive to our physical and evolutionary needs, so that we could have somewhere to live in the vastness of space, and continue to evolve through many lifetimes of experience – to God-realization. 

Maintaining this type of an environment in which we can live is a terrible limitation for her. In her natural state, she would function at a much higher vibration – one that we could not survive. 

In fact, if she were to express her full powers, even for one second, she would completely transmute the massive body of the planet. 

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We plant seeds, we reap them, we eat them. We even rear cattle and eat them. We use wood. We use all the commodities of the Earth to give unto us sustenance. Now, if the Earth had taken its rightful place it wouldn’t be able to provide this type of sustenance; the sustenance that it would be able to provide would be of such a high vibration we could not use it for our wants and our needs. 

...she purposely took upon herself this limitation, of this gross physical body that you can see. Upon which you built your roads and your houses. Out of which you have built your roads and your houses, and run your cars and aeroplanes and submarines and atomic bombs. “Blessed is the Logos of this Earth”. My God, yes...

She has had to withdraw her great energies and power into herself. Hide her light beneath the bushel of this type of gross material form so that man could live upon her. Other than that he would be burned with the cosmic fire. 

In a small way it’s like a very advanced person living and working with nice, but not so advanced, people. He has to control his power all the time or he would burn them up. …And the same with the Earth. She has got to withdraw this power into herself and control it so that man can go about gaining experience in life.

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, edited extracts from a lecture on the Seventh Blessing

Even now, the Mother Earth is still suffering – because most of us have not yet made the effort to change. 

It has been her choice to help us in this way, but karma will not allow her to do so forever.

The Primary Initiation of Earth

On July 8th, 1964, the Earth was given more energy than she had ever been given since her initial inception as a planet.

This initiation was performed by Cosmic Masters from this solar system, led by Mars Sector 6, a very great being who is revered throughout the galaxy…! 

Things are very different now compared to how they were prior to the Initiation of Earth. 

Prior to this staggering event, the Earth was allowed to hold up her progress; to hold down the rate of her vibration so that we could continue to live here.

There will now come a time, however, when she will have to remove this shroud of self-imposed limitation which we call home – and let her true glory shine forth.

In the words of the Master Aetherius:

When she had her Initiation, she took within herself great and mighty energies. Stupendous powers were manipulated by that great being, Mars Sector 6. These powers lie within Terra. Whenever she chooses, she can release the powers within her inner batteries and quicken all vibrations upon her surface, change the seasons, alter the mountains, move the seas into different positions because they suit her better in different positions.

She will not make this choice herself you know. But one day the Gods will speak, and when they do, the change will come. And Terra, no matter how great her compassion may be, will be given a directive which is in accordance with strict law and she will act. And after this moment of turbulence there will be a great new dawn, and a new awakening for those who are ready. Men of Terra, this is the truth.

– The Master Aetherius, 'This is the Hour of Truth'

The Mother Earth has in fact already begun to release the energy now stored in her “inner batteries.” Fortunately for us, She is releasing these energies slowly, knowing that most of us – all but a handful of Adepts and Masters – would not be able to physically live here otherwise. 

Nevertheless, this energy is still affecting the vibration of all life on the planet.

The future of humanity on Earth is at stake. It is up to us to raise our vibration so that we can be here with her in the New Age. 

If we can raise our consciousness in harmony with the Mother Earth, we will be able to go into the New Age. The most important way that we can do this is selfless service; an expression of true unconditional love. 

What will these changes mean for the Mother Earth – and for us?

The New World is being born this moment. It is up to you how it is born! Your thought and action can make this transition a pleasant thing or can make it a little unpleasant. You must choose. Your free will will not be interfered with. You will not be dictated to. Exercise your free will and if you believe in God, go forward, bravely, in this belief, for it is the greatest and most important of all beliefs. The wheat will be sorted from the chaff. It is up to you how this will be done! The prophecies, my friends, are nigh—are even happening now. Choose well and God bless you.

– The Master Aetherius

Many changes were prophesied to accompany the dawning of the New Age, including the following points:

The ionosphere will gradually be taken down 

As the ionosphere is gradually taken down there will be an increase in cosmic rays and UV radiation bombarding the surface of the Earth. This is good for the planet but not good for us in our current state because we are not sufficiently spiritually evolved to benefit from this. In fact, it would be deadly.  

More natural disasters

The Cosmic Masters have told us that we are due to see more earthquakes, tidal waves, droughts, fierce winds, hurricanes, floods, etc. The severity of these phenomena will be determined by the state of world karma, which at present is a long way from being as good as it should be – and could be. The more people dedicate themselves to selfless service to others, the better world karma will become, and the less traumatic the transition into the New Age needs to be. 

The Next Master will come to Earth

Dr. King received a prophecy about another great Master who will come to Earth and walk openly among mankind. His job will be to lead humanity into the New Age. 

When Buddha, and later Jesus, walked the Earth thousands of years ago, they gave their teachings, but they didn’t openly reveal their interplanetary origins. The Next Master will. 

The whole of humanity will be given the opportunity to hear his message – and more importantly, change in the light of it. There will be no excuse for indecision – his spiritual wisdom and powers will be undeniable. 

Those who choose to ignore him will not make it into the New Age on Earth. They will be reborn instead onto another, younger world more suitable to their level of evolution.

Whereas those who follow his teachings will be free to build a new world of peace and enlightenment, no longer limited by the warmongers and materialists who have held sway over the rest of humanity for millennia. 

The Earth will alter her position in space

When the time comes, the Mother Earth will alter her physical position in space. Environmental conditions on Earth will change considerably as a result. 

A golden era for humanity

We are now on the verge of a new era – the Age of Aquarius: 

In the Age of Aquarius we will see a merging of science and religion; a breaking down of the barriers between different religions and cultural and racial groups; the introduction of mysticism into orthodox thinking to bring a deeper realization about the meaning of life in all aspects; and, above all, a much clearer realization and recognition of the importance of Service to humanity. 

– Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence, Contacts with the Gods from Space – Pathway to the New Age

This New Age will be a golden era for humanity:

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Gradually, mankind in the New World [i.e. the New Age] will learn to tap the great all-pervasive energy radiating from the Logos of the planet as an Intelligence. He will be able to bathe himself in this great light and thereby preserve his physical structure throughout the centuries. He will learn how to cause procreation without physical contact. He will learn how to communicate with all the worlds. He will conquer all space. He will be taken to the far ends of the galaxy. Many and varied will be his experiences. He will gradually spread throughout the whole of space, finding out for himself its great mystery, solving these mysteries, understanding and living by the great laws. 

In these days, he will be evolved above all war. All thoughts of materialistic gain will be foreign to him. He will be evolved above all known political systems. He will be evolved above the use of his petty free will and he will be given the key to the great portal of total freedom.

– The Master Aetherius, 'The New World – Message To America'

If we raise our consciousness we’ll be able to live in harmony with the highly elevated vibrations of the Mother Earth in the New Age.

It doesn't matter who we are; what race, religion or culture we come from; how attractive we are; and certainly not how many followers we have on TikTok or Youtube! 

The only thing that matters is whether we’re spiritually prepared…!

Raise your consciousness in preparation for the New Age

The Cosmic Masters are doing everything they can to help us prepare for the New Age.

They have been helping us throughout our history to evolve – and are working now to help speed up our evolution – to help to raise global consciousness sufficiently so that we can stay:  

The evolution of mankind is now being speeded up, in order to reach a certain point within a certain time limit. Cooperate with the speeding up, help it, become the beings who speed this up and I promise you a million helpers. If you do, you will never regret any time you have spent in this wonderful way. There is so much for all of you to do, but so little time in which you can do it. Then strike the gong of the present, so that the echoes may be magnified by the future. These are the teachings which we, from the Interplanetary Governmental Systems wish you to take, absorb, believe and act upon.

– The Master Aetherius, 'Cosmic Logic', You Are Responsible!

How can we cooperate together with this speeding up? 

We need to raise our consciousness. 

We all have a Higher Self, which is that aspect of us through which we can receive inspiration. 

When we raise our consciousness and listen to the wise counsel of our Higher Self, we become better, more compassionate people – motivated by the love of God.

As a result of this change, we can discover the power of love energy to change the world; feel a greater selfless yearning to help people who are suffering; and even think in a totally different way about our relationship with the planet that we live on. 

The more we do these things, the more we will be speeding towards our Enlightenment – and changing the world by helping others to do the same. 

So what can you do to raise your consciousness? 


Live in harmony with spiritual truth 

...I'm here to try to give you some enlightenment and the only way you can go to enlightenment is in the carriage of truth. There isn't another vehicle which can take you there. Neither has there ever been, neither will there ever be.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Even simply reading a spiritual book, and allowing its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, will change you. Your vibration will become that little bit higher, your knowledge will be that little bit greater – and this wisdom will, if you let it, permeate your daily life so that you can live your life in harmony with spiritual truth.


Go within 

Why sit shivering in the cold darkness of ignorance which you yourselves have fabricated for yourselves, when you have only to raise your mind to that thing, that indescribably beautiful thing, that real thing, that true thing, that flame, that inspiration, that wisdom, that love, that perfection which is within your very souls at this very moment? 

– The Master Aetherius, 'Cosmic Logic', You Are Responsible!

Living in harmony with spiritual truth will lead you within so that you can realize your own inner potential. You can aid this journey by doing spiritual practices like yoga breathing and mantra, which will help to purify and raise the vibration of your physical body like the Adepts and Masters of old. This will help to open your chakras and ignite them into radiant, living vitality, which will give you great psychic powers and, more importantly, greater wisdom too. 


Serve others

My friends, there is only one way the New Age can come, and can endure – that is by man working full time for his neighbor! There is not another way.

– The Master Aetherius, Become A Builder Of The New Age

Service is not only the greatest thing that you can do, it is also the key to Enlightenment. 

We can roll up our sleeves and get started now with dynamic prayer, with spiritual healing, with positive visualization, with mantra and whatever other work is necessary to help those in need. 

You don’t have to look far to see someone or some area of the world that needs help – and there has been no better time to do so!

Today—NOW, your Spiritual actions will be more fruitful than ever they have been before in your TOTAL HISTORY. Today, NOW, Karma will be balanced quicker than ever before in your TOTAL HISTORY. Whether that Karma applies to you as an individual, as a member of a race, a country or the whole mass of humanity, this will be so. Therefore, because this is so, it is only logical to conclude that never before was Spiritual action as essential as it is now.

– The Master Aetherius, Join Your Ship


Contemplating on spiritual truths and allowing them to sink into your consciousness will change your whole being.

Radiating spiritual energy using the Dynamic Prayer technique devised by Dr. George King will help to bring about global healing and enlightenment.

Giving spiritual healing to a patient using the King Technique can help to bring about a state of greater internal harmony within them. 

Become a Spiritual Pioneer through King Yoga

If you’ve read this far, you know that none of us will qualify ourselves for the New Age unless we work for it. 

But if we do – it can be the greatest spiritual adventure of all our lifetimes. 

Our future is intimately interconnected with our relationship to the Mother Earth.

This isn’t just about our relationship with the environment for the sake of ourselves and future generations – important though that is – but our relationship with her as a Being, for Her sake.

In the words of Dr. King: “Of all the times that it’s been possible to live upon this Earth, this time will be the most exciting.” Why? Because you can do the greatest good!

Dr. King knew that selfless spiritual work–not detachment and withdrawal from the world and its problems—is the key to our salvation, in keeping with the New Age message of the Cosmic Masters. 

To help prepare us for the New Age, he has left us the path of King Yoga, so named in deference to him after his passing – a practical spirituality rooted in ancient teachings and inspired by the Cosmic Masters.

All the great religions are expressions of the one timeless reality that is the Divine. But King Yoga can give you something that no other path can: a unique way to help our world by working with beings from other planets who are millions of years more evolved than us! 

King Yoga is your opportunity to work directly with these interplanetary saviours to change the world and open the door of Enlightenment.

A Priest leads a Sunday Divine Service with a reading from The Nine Freedoms at The Aetherius Temple in London.

The yoga breathing exercises as taught by Master of Yoga Dr. George King can help you to speed up your journey to Enlightenment. 

Operation Prayer Power is a mission to invoke spiritual energy, store it in a physical container, and release it when it is needed.

Continue the journey with our 9-day email series

“Never before, in the history of this Planet were people called upon, as they are being called upon today! Every Initiate is being called upon to do his best. Every disciple, every follower is being called upon to do his part too. So do it and know that you cannot fail. If you fail then God would fail. If you say this is possible, then I must smile in unbelief. Your books say that the Light of God Never Fails—it never has done and it never will! If you want one impossible thing, this is it—all else is possible.”

– The Master Aetherius, ‘Cosmic Logic’

If you dream of a world of lasting peace and enlightenment; if you wish to glimpse your true spiritual nature; if you long for the great spiritual adventure that will take you to Adeptship, take the next step in that journey! 

Subscribe to our 9-day email series that will help to guide you on your spiritual quest so that you can raise your consciousness and play your part in the awakening of humanity – as the Mother Earth takes her rightful place at the dawning of the New Age.

  • Email 1 - Living in harmony with spiritual truth
  • Email 2 - Recognising spiritual truth
  • Email 3 - Go within - a simple exercise to get you started
  • Email 4 - Change the world (Part 1) - Try this!
  • Email 5 - Change the world (Part 2) - Try this!
  • Email 6 - Change the world (Part 3) - Try this!
  • Email 7 - A secret to connecting with the Mother Earth
  • Email 8 - Blessing the Mother Earth
  • Email 9 - Awakening through King Yoga

You will receive your first email in the next few minutes. 

Discover how to raise your consciousness and play your part in the awakening of humanity with our 9-day email series