Royal Oak, MI, USA


Welcome to The Aetherius Society in Royal Oak, MI

The Aetherius Society was founded in London, England in 1955 by the English Yoga Master, Dr. George King (1919-1997). He founded the European Headquarters there and the Society soon flourished throughout the UK.

In 1959 Dr. King was instructed by an advanced Master to travel to “The New World” and he made this trip to the USA by steamer with one disciple, leaving behind all his possessions.

Dr. King travelled throughout this country spreading the Cosmic message. He gave lectures and classes on advanced yoga philosophy urging people to embrace and use their spirituality. He taught healing, yogic prayer, pranayama, as well as many of the secrets of the universe such as life after death and life beyond this Earth.

In 1960, Dr. King founded two main centers in the USA: Los Angeles, California, which became the American Headquarters and his primary residence, and Detroit, Michigan.

The Aetherius Society has since spread to many countries throughout the world and the USA but these two centers remain the major centers in North America.

Since 1960, what was initially the Detroit Branch became the Michigan Branch which in 2007 purchased The Aetherius Temple in Royal Oak, Michigan. Now known as the Eastern USA Branch, it is here that we hold regular Services, talks, classes and the global healing mission, Operation Prayer Power to which all are warmly welcome.

For further information, please email us at [email protected] or call (248) 588-0290. We’d love to hear from you!

Contact Us

(248) 588-0290

[email protected]

3119 North Campbell Road

Royal Oak



Events and Activities

Regular Spiritual Activities

We have a regular schedule of activities throughout the year – an opportunity for you to uplift, heal and inspire yourself and others.

Special Events

We run a program of interactive, experiential and educational events.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healers offer treatments at our Temple using a simple and balanced technique of spiritual healing devised by Master of Yoga Dr. George King.