UFOs, Aliens and Their Spiritual Message

Released on Hubble’s 30th birthday in 2020, the red nebula and its blue neighbor are part of a star-forming region 163,000 light-years away. Credits: NASA, ESA and STScI

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Are UFOs and Aliens real?

Yes, UFOs and aliens are real, and they have been visiting Earth throughout our history.

They’re even here today. And they’re vastly more advanced than us.

A few decades ago, belief in intelligent life outside of Earth - aliens - was still more often ridiculed than not. Today, it’s a very different story. It’s more absurd to not believe in it.

As our understanding of other planets, the Solar System and the universe grows, we are collectively realizing that intelligent life simply must exist outside of Earth.

But even though attitudes are changing, there’s still a fair way to go until sincere, open discussion in the mainstream becomes the norm.

People deserve to know the truth, and The Aetherius Society has been helping to spread and act upon the truth about UFOs and alien life since the 1950s.

You may be finding it difficult to uncover the truth on this subject with the government coverups and fakes. But if you’re hungry for the truth then don’t give up.

In the words of Master of Yoga and Contactee Dr. George King, "...if you’ve taken to truth, and you’re searching for truth, you will find it—that’s the law. You’ll find it." When you do find it, it is your opportunity to become a better, wiser person. Read on and discover the truth about UFOs and alien life – and most importantly the spiritual implications.

What are UFOs?

UFO literally means ‘Unidentified Flying Object,’ and could refer to anything that meets that description, but the term is now often used to refer to alien spacecraft. These craft are also referred to as “flying saucers”, “cigar-shaped objects” or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP).

Of course, many objects first thought to be alien spacecraft, turn out to be other things. But there are still some that simply can’t be explained by conventional means.

How to tell if you’ve seen a UFO

Some people have had spectacular sightings, clearly seeing a craft, and occasionally even extraterrestrial beings. But most sightings are limited to seeing distant lights in the skies - usually witnessed by one person or just a few. Occasionally larger numbers of people have the same sighting, such as the Phoenix Lights in 1997 which were seen by thousands of people.

There are many things that can make people think they have seen an alien spacecraft when they actually haven’t, such as satellites, planes and sky lanterns (sometimes known as Chinese lanterns).

However, some UFOs display very unusual behaviours that don’t fit with these, or indeed with any known terrestrial technology or phenomena, such as:

  • Extreme speeds
  • Apparently impossible changes of direction - speeding in one direction and then suddenly changing to another at a sharp angle without any slowing down
  • Blinking in and out as though a light is being switched on and off

What do they look like?

Some people have had a closer view of a UFO and these sightings often result in descriptions of craft similar to the one below.

This image shows a type of scout patrol vessel and comes from a booklet by Master of Yoga Dr. George King called The Flying Saucers.

Dr. King has not only seen these and other types of craft, but has even been inside some of them. His descriptions show there is no doubt that they have far superior technology to anything created on Earth.

Of their ability to suddenly change direction at high speed, Dr. King says:

“They are propelled by a magnetic device which exerts an equal thrust upon every atom of substance within the ship, thereby cancelling out any effects of gravitational weight which may be caused by high acceleration within the gravitational pull of a planetary body.”

Of their ability to become invisible he says:

“Some vessels from Interplanetary Parliament can be dematerialized at will by their operators and the vibratory octave of their existence so changed as to become invisible to our eyesight. The phenomena has been noted on numerous occasions by aircraft which have been pursuing these flying saucers.

“Invisibility can also be brought about in another way. At times the operators of Scout Vessels and Mother-Ships choose to rotate the streams of photons around their craft in a 360 degree arc, thereby rendering themselves invisible to the ordinary eye.”

Dr. George King, Contactee

While Dr. George King is not the only person to have had contacts with beings from other worlds, he is definitely one of the most remarkable. He was indeed a rare individual – unique in the history of Earth.

He was chosen by the Cosmic Masters - advanced intelligences from other worlds - for his outstanding yogic abilities and dedication to truth. They designated him their "Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel." He wasn’t their only channel, but he was their most important one. He was in communication with Cosmic Masters - beings from higher levels of existence on other worlds - from the time they first contacted him in 1954 through to his death in 1997.

During this time he received a vast amount of spiritual teaching from these intelligences in various ways, including by telepathy, and also by entering a positive samadhic yogic trance in which he allowed them to speak through him.

The teachings given in this way are termed “Cosmic Transmissions” – of which there are more than 600. The audio recordings or transcriptions of many of these are available on this website. They cover a wide range of topics but there are some core themes running through them, the most prevalent being selfless service to others and that the Mother Earth is quickening her vibrations onto a higher spiritual frequency.

The spiritual teachings about UFOs on this website have come either from Dr. King directly or from the messages that he has channeled from Cosmic Masters who live on the higher realms of other planets, as well as Ascended Masters and unascended Earth people living on the higher realms of Earth.

Dr. George King, Contactee

While Dr. George King is not the only person to have had contacts with beings from other worlds, he is definitely one of the most remarkable. He was indeed a rare individual – unique in the history of Earth.

He was chosen by the Cosmic Masters - advanced intelligences from other worlds - for his outstanding yogic abilities and dedication to truth. They designated him their "Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel". He wasn’t their only channel, but he was their most important one.

He was in communication with Cosmic Masters - beings from higher levels of existence on other worlds - from the time they first contacted him in 1954 through to his death in 1997.

During this time he received a vast amount of spiritual teaching from these intelligences in various ways, including by telepathy, and also by entering a positive samadhic yogic trance in which he allowed them to speak through him.

The teachings given in this way are termed “Cosmic Transmissions” – of which there are more than 600. The audio recordings or transcriptions of many of these are available on this website. They cover a wide range of topics but there are some core themes running through them, the most prevalent being selfless service to others and that the Mother Earth is quickening her vibrations onto a higher spiritual frequency.

The spiritual teachings about UFOs on this website have come either from Dr. King directly or from the messages that he has channeled from Cosmic Masters who live on the higher realms of other planets, as well as Ascended Masters and unascended Earth people living on the higher realms of Earth.

Recommended Reading

Sorting UFO truth from fiction

Conspiracies and government coverups

Governments around the world have long covered up information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The Cosmic Masters referred to "the silence group," a secret and sinister group of powerful individuals who work behind the scenes of global institutions, and who have prevented the truth of UFOs being given out.

This secrecy has spawned countless conspiracy theories which has made finding the truth more difficult. The UK government for example, had its infamous D-notice whereby they would instruct the media not to print certain information.

Some incidents, such as those at Area 51 and Roswell in the US, have so many theories swirling around them it's virtually impossible to determine the truth.

On the positive side, some governments have now released their UFO files and made them publicly available, such as the 12,618 UFO reports in Project Blue Book which are now available in the US National Archives. The UK government similarly has records in its national archives.

Occasionally other things leak out, such as the image below, taken from a video recording from the US Navy, known as the USS Nimitz incident. These videos have been authenticated by the US Navy, and in 2020 they were even formally acknowledged by the Pentagon.

A screenshot from one of the US Navy videos confirmed as authentic footage by the Pentagon in 2020

Looking for truth

It can be hard to know what to believe.

There have always been fakes, and today anyone so inclined and with modest skills can fake a UFO video and put it on Youtube for worldwide distribution, which means identifying truth takes time and effort.

Fortunately, there are many people working for greater disclosure and transparency. For example, in 2001 The Disclosure Project brought together a group of retired US Air Force, aviation and intelligence officers to publicly testify about their experiences. In 2017 Netflix produced a follow-on documentary with Dr Steven Greer who initiated the project, and in 2020 the feature length documentary Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind was released.

These, along with other films and television shows such as the popular Ancient Aliens, help to bring the subject more into the light. The Aetherius Society does not endorse all the details contained in these shows, but supports the open discussion of UFOs and life outside of Earth.

Astronauts also have a unique perspective to offer. Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon in 1971, later dedicated his life to proving the existence of extraterrestrial life. Another astronaut, Chris Hadfield, said in 2013, "I don't know of any astronauts who think we're alone in the universe."

Chris Hadfield during the STS-100 mission in 2001

How to identify truth

Finding truth is essential for spiritual progress.

When it comes to spiritual messages from sources claiming to be extraterrestrial, it’s even more important that we are able to sort the truth from the fiction. So how can we do this?

  • Evaluate the information logically. For example, what is the calibre of the spiritual message, and how does it compare with other teachings? Is the guidance offered direct and substantive, or is it woolly and nonsensical? Is it a philosophy that can be applied to create lasting peace and enlightenment on Earth?
  • Listen to your intuition – the voice of your higher self. Do you feel that the message could be from an extraterrestrial, and something positive for humanity? This is not about emotion, or what we want to be true. It is a profound inner knowing that comes from the essence of your being.
  • Act on the information, if it seems reasonable. For example by practicing some of the spiritual techniques that they teach. This way you can have your own personal experiences – and your own proof.

Once you believe that you have found truth, what then? In all likelihood it means a change in thinking, and a change in actions.

Dr. King was someone who knew that he had found truth and dedicated himself to sharing this with the world. Fearless and uncompromising, he spoke about these truths no matter what it cost him.

It did not matter to him that he stood alone in his claims, that he was ridiculed, or that he even received death threats. He knew that it was his responsibility to act on what had been proved to him.

In all things, but especially in spiritual things, truth is paramount, as Dr. King says here:

“So we’re told here that truth is an essential part of total terrestrial experience. It’s one thing we came to Earth to learn—truth. And we’ll never leave Earth, or never get any place, until we’ve learned this—truth.

“Now I think, myself, that if we take to truth, I don’t think we’re going to be so easily deluded by others, either, because, you see, like attracts like, and if we speak out boldly in truth, we’re going to attract truth to us...

“If you’ve taken to truth, and you’re searching for truth, you will find it—that’s the law. You’ll find it.”

Alien life in our Solar System

Higher levels of vibration

Throughout creation, life can exist on different levels of vibration. So while NASA may be searching for extraterrestrial life “as we know it” on the planet Mars, they’re looking on the same level of vibration as we exist on Earth today - this physical plane.

If NASA were able to travel to the higher levels of vibration on Mars, then they would find a planet full of advanced life.

A Master of Yoga could consciously leave their body and project to another planet. If they did this and travelled to Mars, they would be able to see the advanced life there. This higher plane of existence is still physical - but is a higher form of physicality than our physical senses or our science can currently detect.

Life on other planets

Life on other planets in our Solar System not only exists, but is intelligent and highly advanced; far more advanced than life on Earth.

The most advanced planet in our Solar System is Saturn. On this planet, the most evolved intelligences are known as the “Perfects.”

Like other civilizations throughout the Solar System, they live on higher planes of existence than we do. The Perfects are responsible for the evolution and enlightenment of life throughout the Solar System.

Cosmic Masters & Avatars

The advanced beings from other planets in our Solar System are known as Cosmic Masters and some of these intelligences have visited Earth. Some have even been born as a human and lived in a physical body just like us, in which case they are called an “Avatar”. For example, the Master Jesus and the Lord Buddha were Avatars and both came from the planet Venus, and the Lord Krishna came from Saturn.

References to UFOs can be found in religious texts such as the Bible and the ancient Vedas. In fact, arguably the most famous UFO sighting of all time is in the Bible - the Star of Bethlehem.

Traditional religion has held back this truth but there are signs of a change. In 2008 the Vatican’s chief astronomer said: "Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative freedom," and "Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation."

While Cosmic Masters may, at times, look like us, or at least broadly similar to us, they think in a completely alien way. The beings on other planets in our Solar System do not fight and scheme against one another. Murder, theft, racism, greed, cruelty, war etc - commonplace on Earth - are entirely alien to them.

Their whole outlook is one of selfless compassion based on an understanding of universal oneness and cooperation with the natural laws which are God.

Sri Krishna came from Saturn

The Master Jesus came from Venus

The Lord Buddha came from Venus

Why are aliens visiting Earth?

The answer is surprisingly simple - they want to help us evolve.

Being far more advanced than people on Earth, they have a tremendous amount to offer us. And they passionately want to see us realize the spiritual potential within us.

The problems we face on Earth are, at least for the most part, caused by our own actions. All our thoughts and actions affect our karma for better or for worse. The Cosmic Masters are only able to help us as much as the Law of Karma allows, and this is why UFOs have not landed more openly.

One of their key messages is that things would be so much better on Earth if we heeded their advice and lived a more spiritual life in accordance with the natural all-pervasive laws of God.

As well as giving spiritual teachings, the Cosmic Masters have also gone out of their way to assist us in other ways, including providing us with sources of much-needed spiritual energy which would not otherwise be available to us. The real crisis on Earth is the lack of spiritual energy, a situation created by humanity, and if we put this right then the other problems we face would cease to exist.

Their spiritual message

The heart of their message is really a very simple one - service to others - a message propounded by great spiritual teachers throughout the ages.

To put it another way, humanity needs to turn back to the teachings of these great spiritual masters. This sentiment is expressed beautifully in this statement from the Master Aetherius:

“If you are a Christian, then live the Laws as laid down by Jesus. If you are a Buddhist, live the Laws as laid down by Buddha. If you are a Hindu, then be the best Hindu. This procedure is the one true Way for men of Earth to save themselves from their lower aspects.”

The Cosmic Masters want to help us to realize the potential within, as in this beautiful transmission extract from the Master Jesus:

“My dream for Earth is fashioned out of Love Itself - for only by using the tools of Love can God walk among ye all.

“Oh, my beloved children, I wait and watch and pray that you will be awakened to these things which are within you all. Today your world is filled with strife and hate, and man makes war against his brother and slays him - when he could bring the very Realms of Heaven down upon the Earth to glow and last, and he could live in peace and eternal paradise.

“My brothers, sometimes ye are strangers to me, yet my heart I give to thee, and lay it at your feet. Take this. Take it to your heart, so that the words of your throat may be kind and gentle as a lamb is gentle; so that the visions of your Eye may be wide as space is wide; so that your expanding consciousness may reach out through the highest space curvature - and be linked with God.

“Oh man, thou art eternal in an eternal world.

“Rise up, and grasp this eternity to your very soul, that you may know the power that dwells within you NOW. Be not limited by your own limitations, let nothing impose limitation upon you, but LIVE IN GOD’S FREEDOM.”

How can we rise up? How can we break away from the materialistic prison in which we live and find spiritual truth? How can we raise the consciousness of humanity to help create this "heaven" that the Master Jesus speaks of?

The surest way is through service to others. Service is discussed by Mars Sector 6 in The Nine Freedoms, a metaphysical treatise in which he says:

“There are no words great enough to describe the wonder of—SERVICE.

“And no words can describe the crime of selfishness.

“Know this. Whether you like it or not does not matter, it is the Truth. I, Mars, do declare it as such. If you believe it not today, terrestrial man, you will know it in your morrow.

“What is SERVICE but Love in practical action.

“SERVICE is the result of applied Spiritual logic. It is the lasting flower in the garden of Enlightenment. SERVICE is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment.”

The Cosmic Masters have provided spiritual truth regarding many aspects of life. You can explore other areas of their key teachings in our Discovery Guides:

Above all, Service is the core of their message and it is Service that is at the core of The Aetherius Society’s activities. The Society’s motto is “Service is the jewel in the rock of attainment,” a direct quote from Mars Sector 6’s inspiring words above. As Dr. King put it:

“My friends, flying saucers, as such, don’t count. They’re just materialistic vehicles. It’s the message which the people bring to this earth that does count and the greatest part of that message is this. That it’s service to mankind which is important in these days.”
– Dr. George King

The desire to help others exists within all of us in one way or another - however deeply buried it may appear to be. Perhaps you’ve felt this desire but weren’t sure where to start.

Fortunately, the Cosmic Masters have a plan for the enlightenment and salvation of humanity and we can all play a part in this.

In the New Age, our planet – the Mother Earth, a highly evolved conscious intelligence – will be changing with an intense quickening of vibration.

Their plan and how you can play a part in it

Dr. King showed us how spiritual action can save our world – and usher in a new age of peace and enlightenment upon Earth.

His legacy provides a spiritual path now known as "King Yoga" that embodies spiritual wisdom, self-development practices and service to others. In combination, these three facets provide a well-balanced path you can use to advance yourself and, more importantly, help the world around you.

Following this path is one way you can help the Cosmic Masters in their Cosmic Plan for the enlightenment and salvation of the human race.

Find out more about King Yoga.

One of the most unique and extraordinary aspects of King Yoga is the opportunity you have to cooperate directly with the Cosmic Masters in their plan.

How can you do this?

You can send out your love to help heal the world

Everyone can cooperate with the Cosmic Masters.

It’s not an exclusive club that you need money or power to belong to. It’s one that is open to all.

We need more love energy in the world.

Specifically we need spiritual energy. Dr. King talked about the only crisis on Earth being the spiritual energy crisis, and that if we solve this then we can solve all other crises.

You can begin help to solve the spiritual energy crisis quite simply, right now, wherever you are, with the power of prayer.

We recommend a series of blessings and prayers known as The Twelve Blessings.

You can do this on your own, or visit one of our centers around the world where we have regularly scheduled prayer services.

If you don’t live near one of these centers, there are online prayer services you can participate in - see dates and times.

You can participate in or support Cosmic Missions

The Aetherius Society has been set up to cooperate with the Cosmic Masters in Cosmic Missions designed by Dr. King. These were designed to improve world karma and raise global consciousness by radiating vast amounts of spiritual energy to the Mother Earth, the Devic Kingdom, and to people on Earth.

You can participate in one of these known as Operation Prayer Power at our centers in London, UK; Barnsley, UK; Los Angeles, USA; Detroit, USA; or Auckland, New Zealand. In this Mission, the spiritual energy that you invoke and radiate into a spiritual power battery is later directed by extraterrestrial intelligences to bring relief from suffering around the world.

You can cooperate with Satellite Number 3 during a Spiritual Push

One of the best demonstrations of the Cosmic Masters helping us is the presence of Satellite Number 3.

This is a large extraterrestrial spacecraft which, through its advanced technology, is able to potentize all unselfish actions by a factor of 3000. This means any unselfish act has three thousand times more impact, in one way or another, than the same act would when this craft was not present.

This satellite comes into orbit of Earth four times per year known as ‘Spiritual Pushes’ or ‘Magnetization Periods.’ The dates of the orbits of this craft are set for hundreds of years into the future and anyone can cooperate with it, regardless of spiritual belief.

Cooperating with the Cosmic Masters in this way is something everyone can do. It doesn’t matter where you live, what language you speak, how old you are or how much money you have.

It’s free and you can do it from your own home or indeed anywhere at any time of the day. Simply pray or help others in some unselfish way and your actions will be potentized - whether you believe in Satellite Number 3 or not!

If you want to try it for yourself then find out more about Satellite Number 3 and when it is in orbit.

Why take spiritual action?

A lot of people talk about making a difference in the world.

You don’t have to have special skills, lots of money or influence to do this. Wherever you are in the world, your spiritual actions will make a real difference.

You can start doing this right now on your own. You don’t need to be part of an organization to do this, but if you do choose to work together with others, you can have an even greater impact for good.

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If you’re looking for a way to make a difference in the world, then you’ve just found it!

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