UFOs are real, friendly and alien – governments know it!
With Richard Lawrence
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Following months of sensational revelations from official sources concerning UFOs, there has now been a release from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence making it clear that the Pentagon knows that UFOs are real and physical.
Certain UFOs have demonstrated capabilities vastly superior to the technology of any country on Earth – and the testimony of military, naval and government personnel who have witnessed these phenomena makes the belief that we are not alone not just credible – but inevitable.
Award-winning bestselling author and internationally-renowned UFO expert Richard Lawrence will respond to this seismic moment in UFO history by answering questions such as:
- Now that it is accepted that UFOs are real, how do we know that some of them are alien spacecraft?
- Can we be sure that they are friendly?
- Why has it taken the government so long to release the truth?
- Have contacts been made with extraterrestrials?
- What is their spiritual significance?
Space contactee Dr. George King published as long ago as the 1950s that UFOs were real, friendly and alien, and that governments know it. The organization he founded, The Aetherius Society, still maintains this to this day.
Recent polls conducted in the UK and USA show that the Society is not alone in this belief – with most people in both countries now believing in UFOs and intelligent alien life, and distrusting their governments to tell them the truth about it.
Discover the amazing truth about alien life in this one-off online event with one of the world’s foremost authorities on this vitally important subject!
Presented by

Richard Lawrence
Richard Lawrence has been The Aetherius Society’s Secretary in Europe for over 40 years and during that time has campaigned vociferously in the UK and the USA for governments to reveal the truth about UFOs. He is the award-winning bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message, and the co-author with Dr. George King of Contacts with the Gods from Space. He is a frequent guest on media around the world as one of the leading internationally renowned experts in this field.