London, UK

The George King Chapel

Dr. George King seated at the back of the George King Chapel where he received many messages (Transmissions) from the Cosmic Masters. 

A unique and sacred history

The George King Chapel was used in the 1950s by Master of Yoga Dr. George King to receive messages in a trance state of meditation known as Samadhi. Some of the most famous of these include The Twelve Blessings – given by The Master Jesus. The vibrations of these holy Masters imbue the chapel even today.

A tangible, spiritual vibration

In the tabernacle on the main altar are small wooden crosses blessed by the Master Jesus during the giving of The Nine Freedoms and The Twelve Blessings. The tabernacle is opened during our weekly Twelve Blessings Services so that you can tune in to the holy vibration of this great Master.

The main altar in the Chapel, venerating the Mother Earth – a conscious, living entity of great compassion and spiritual power, and Dr. George King – Metropolitan Archbishop in the Aetherius Churches. 

Spiritual Workers radiate spiritual energy to help raise the consciousness of the world as a whole. 


Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service

The George King Chapel has also been used for absent healing, dynamic prayer and mantra for more than 60 years by active spiritual workers. You too can help to raise the consciousness of the world as a whole at our weekly Twelve Blessings Services and Power Circles.


Twelve Blessings Service

Radiate spiritual energy for global healing. These Services are an easy way to start giving service to others, to feel inspired and to charge yourself with spiritual energy. They are broadcast around the world so that people can participate from anywhere.

Tuning in to the online service from home.

A plaque at the back of the hall commemorates the giving of The Twelve Blessings over twelve consecutive Sundays by the Master Jesus through Dr. George King, while he was in a trance state of meditation known as Samadhi. It is situated over the exact place in the Chapel where Dr. King was seated during the giving of the Blessings.

This altar is dedicated to six holy beings who have helped protect humanity and guide us all towards enlightenment. Their motto is "Service To Humanity Through Protection". Each Service includes a blessing to these Six Adepts.

The George King Chapel is located at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society. Dr. George King - a true Spiritual Master - lived and worked here between July 1958 and June 1959. He frequently stayed at the Headquarters throughout his life when visiting the UK from the US. The property is imbued with his presence.

How to get here

5 minutes’ walk from the nearest tube: Parsons Green (District Line).

3-4 minutes’ walk from the nearest bus: 14, 414, 424, 211 and 295.