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New Year Reflections on a New Age Meditation

In 2015, Brian Keneipp and I made a pilgrimage to the picturesque town of St Mawes on the south coast of Cornwall. It was some 60 years earlier that Dr. George King had stayed here for a historic purpose when he devised The Aetherius Society Symbol.

Later he wrote, referring to the ancient Sanskrit symbol for God: “In an unbroken meditation lasting 65 hours, I meditated upon this Symbol and upon the triangle, which is the Symbol of Universal Wisdom, and realised afterwards that it was my destiny to start an organisation under the banner of the amalgamation of these two greatest and most ancient Symbols.”

He returned to London “with the results of my meditations buzzing around in my head” as he put it. He knew then what The Aetherius Society symbol would be and understood its inner meaning which, he said, contained such depth and profundity that it could only be fully revealed through initiation. Put simply it signifies “God manifesting Itself as wisdom”.

Six years later Mars Sector 6 in the Seventh Freedom delivered to Earth a more complete meaning of the triangle of wisdom than has ever been given to us before. He replaced the ancient goal of transmigration with the far more expansive, new age concept of transmutation. Thus the triangle represents the unmanifested God bringing, through experience, transmutation of the very manifestation It has created and preserved. We should regard this, Mars Sector 6 instructs us, as Sacred Wisdom.

Only the path of Karma Yoga can bring transmutation in its fullest sense. It is the path we follow in The Aetherius Society as epitomised by our motto, also taken from The Nine Freedoms: “Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment”. Any other accolades or successes we might achieve in life are ordinary stone when compared to the precious gem of selflessness. Undoubtedly our Master would have known this and far, far more when he devised our Symbol in St Mawes in those early days.

I assume that like me you are not yet ready to enter Samadhi for 65 hours, but we can all reflect on the meditation of a Master who did, what it means to us and what it means to The Aetherius Society. For as Saint Goo-Ling stated: “No man upon Terra (Earth) has ever, or can ever, work while he is upon Terra for a higher Order than that which inspires The Aetherius Society.”

About the author
Dr. Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He has devoted his life to the work of his master and personal friend, Dr. George King (1919-1997), who founded the Society. He is also an international bestselling author of more than 10 books.

All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.

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  1. kunle kolawole on December 31, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    Thank you Sir for making known, these priceless informations. Am being affected and touched. It is a unique privilege for me having access to these knowledge. Very grateful to our beloved Master, His Emminence, Dr. George King

    • Darren on January 1, 2016 at 7:28 am

      Hi Kunle,
      It is a privilege for us all!
      May the hearts and minds of many, many more be touched by our Master and the Path he has left to us.

  2. Diane Ramsden on January 2, 2016 at 2:28 am

    Thank you. What a wonderful statement by Saint Goo-Ling to start the New Year with. We are so blessed to be allowed to work for the wonderful Aetherius Society.

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