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The Adepts and Animals

On May 17th, 1959, the Master Aetherius, a Cosmic Master, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King to the attendees of a special Power Circle at Aetherius House in London. He informed them that there were three specially trained Adepts who had come to Earth on a mission to transmute the black magicians who were manipulating the evil forces upon Earth.

The term “black magician” refers to the type of magic these beings performed, not their skin color. These sinister beings lived on the lower realms of Earth. These lower realms are just as physical as this realm that we live on, but they vibrate at a lower frequency. These black magicians were powerful and they were able to influence this realm that we live on, causing division, fear and even war.

The Three Adepts that the Master Aetherius referred to were Interplanetary Beings, and were joined on their Mission by another two Cosmic Masters, also known as Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five and by the Master Babaji, who is the Lord of Earth and was also known as Adept Number Six. We now refer to these as “The Six Adepts.”

The Six Adepts had many Missions that we know of from the 1950s until 1997, when Adept Number One, Dr. George King passed from this plane.

Through their numerous battles, and other forms of assistance, the Adepts have saved humanity many times. The level of compassion that they have for the Mother Earth and humanity is so deep it is beyond comprehension.

This compassion, however, was not just limited to the Mother Earth, or humanity, but also extended to animals. Let’s look at three examples of this.

Blessing for pets

On several occasions, Dr. George King, had a special ceremony where people brought their pets and he gave each one a blessing. It wasn’t just cats and dogs who received a blessing; birds, hamsters and even a turtle were blessed as well.

These were uplifting and joyous ceremonies for the pet owners, for Dr. King and the animals. At the first ceremony, which was held at the American Headquarters in Los Angeles in 1981, Dr. King told a story of his wife’s dog, Rusty:

Rusty would know an hour before I did, many times throughout her life, when a Transmission was going to occur, and she always did the same thing. She always came to me and cuddled up to me in a very frightened way. I think she knew that danger was imminent. She did this for a number of years.

The dog was uncannily correct with these things. If some Transmissions were given, such as a fight against the evil forces, Rusty would shake very badly and almost have a heart attack. In fact, sometimes we thought we had lost her. So therefore, she had to be cared for by other people all the time the Transmission went on.

Afterwards she would then come to me, have a look at me, see I was still alive and walk away. I wonder which are the dumb people – the owners or the animals?

I think we should always remember this, and I think, too, it is so nice to see people who are devoted to animals, are kind to them, who obviously look after them in the right manner, and I feel that if people cannot do this, then they are not worthy of being called human.

Dr. King was extremely hard working. He was always moving from one life-saving Mission to another and his leisure time was severely limited – to say the least. Yet here he took time out of his almost impossible schedule, more than once, to set up a blessing for animals.

Dr. King was an animal lover. One expression of this was two very beautiful and moving blessing ceremonies conducted by him for the Members’ pets, which took place outside the Temple of the American Headquarters. Members presented their pets before him, as an Archbishop, to receive his loving blessings.

Animal Surgery

In 1978, one of the Directors of The Aetherius Society lost her beloved dog to a tragic accident. Dr. King saw the distress that this caused her, and contacted the Cosmic Master Mars Sector 8 – Special Advisor S2, hoping that he could locate the dog on the mental realms. It is unknown how many hundreds of thousands of animals die each day, but this Master was able to find the dog on the other realms in just six minutes! Dr. King then immediately reached out to Adept Number Five, who said that he would “make contact.”

The Adepts always make it a point to turn a negative situation into a positive one, and this case was no exception. Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five advised that auric surgery was performed on the dog, and no auric blemishes remained. Additionally, the recovery time for the dog would be very short. But that is not where this story ends. Inspired by this incredible example of compassion and service, hundreds of humanitarians on the other realms stepped forward and volunteered to help other animals who were also in need of this auric surgery.

In January 1979, Dr. King received this message from Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five:

The training programme we initiated to train suitable candidates in our specialized method of psychic surgery, for the benefit of animals with mutilated subtle bodies, has already reached such gigantic proportions that we have to train and appoint more than 100 organizers to control it. This is not the only animal rescue service on these realms but is the most specialized in auric surgery to severe cases.

This is an incredible story of compassion for animals and spiritual action. Again, we see that the Adepts, although busy with dangerous and life-saving work, have gone out of their way to help animals. They even set up a system for this help to carry on in the future.

The Atomic Mission

In the Atomic Mission, the Adepts went into the lower realms and discovered an area that was used as a dumping ground for radioactive waste, which had caused mutation of the whole area.

As the radioactivity escaped from the fragile containers, which had probably been broken open when dropped by air into this jungle swamp, a mutation started to form and conditions were exactly right for it. What was before an impenetrable disease-ridden swamp, now became something which could, in non-technical terms, be described as a single mutated entity which absorbed everything in its path; animal, fish and vegetable alike.

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King

This leaking radiation was causing animals in the area to be severely burnt and even killed. One of the first actions the Adepts took was to place narcotic land-mines around the whole area. When animals came near, these land-mines rendered the animals unconscious so that they could be dragged to safety. Hundreds of animals that strayed into the area were saved by volunteer forces.

Although cleaning up the radioactive waste was their primary mission, not saving the animals, the Adepts, as always, went above and beyond what was needed to fulfil their mission to make sure that their actions preserved all life as much as possible. No unnecessary death or suffering would take place. This shows how much they valued animal life as well as human life, and how they treated it with a similar level of care and compassion.

The lessons I am taking away from these examples of the Adepts and their interactions with the animal kingdom, is the importance of being kind and compassionate to animals. They are also living beings on their own evolutionary path. If great beings such as the Adepts could find the time to help animals, we should do the same.

The motto of The Aetherius Society is “SERVICE is the jewel in the rock of attainment.” I think we can interpret this “service” to mean service to others, all others.

Dr. King was an animal lover throughout his life, and owned a number of pets including dogs, fresh and saltwater fish and even a much-loved monkey (below).

Dr. King out for a walk with his dog, Sandy, a Hungarian Vizsla.

About the author
Lisa Rosser is a staff member and Programme Administrator at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.

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  1. Elizabeth Trimble on May 17, 2021 at 2:21 pm

    That is such a lovely blog Lisa – a moving insight, and reminder, of our Master’s extraordinary compassion for the animal kingdom on this and other realms. Thank you!

    • Lisa Rosser on May 17, 2021 at 11:58 pm

      Thank you very much Elizabeth!

  2. JANE HOLUBIK CANADA on May 17, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    Thank you so much for such a lovely Blog….I am mad about all animals and hope that I can be an Animal Healer in the Here After….they are all so precious and enlightened…..many, many thanks JANE

    • Lisa Rosser on May 18, 2021 at 12:17 am

      Thank you Jane!

  3. margaret jGroom on May 17, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    This read was so moving and tears came easily. Being an animal lover, I was filled with joy and gratitiude to know the Adepts went to such lengths to help these dear innocent ones, who bring unconditional love and happiness to so many.
    Thank you so much Lisa..

    • Lisa Rosser on May 18, 2021 at 12:18 am

      Thank you Margaret, I’m so glad you enjoyed it

  4. Chris on May 18, 2021 at 11:39 am

    Thank you Lisa for this insightful and very valuable article, which teaches us so much about Masters, humans, and animals. We can learn so much from animals. They demonstrate great love, respect, acceptance, forgiveness, bravery, selflessness, joy, humour, spirituality, psychic and healing abilities, thankfulness, patience, tolerance, determination, sacrifice, devotion, and physical and mental agility. All these qualities come from an open heart. Animals know how to flow with life, and are one with all nature, while man has separated himself from nature. I have just seen an amazing video about a dog whose owner died. The dog waited every day at the train station for him for nine whole years before he died. A statue in Japan commemorates the life of this dog, who taught us the real meaning of being faithful to one’s Master. On March 15th some years ago, I looked out of the window, and small birds were sat on the asphalt, which was odd, in the car park, which was odd, in the shape of a cross, facing me. May God Bless Sir George King always for His great compassion for all life.

  5. Livia on May 18, 2021 at 1:24 pm

    Thank you Lisa for this fantastic article, it was an absolute pleasure to read.

  6. Natalie on May 19, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    moved to tears, thank you Lisa! <3

  7. Len Jason-Lloyd on May 23, 2021 at 5:07 am

    Thank you very much for this very uplifting insight into yet another characteristic of that great being we are so privileged to be allowed to call our Master. The coverage of certain animals, and matters relating to them, was also highly informative and uplifting. Last month for myself personally, marked the 60th anniversary of my being introduced to The Aetherius Society. During this time I have learned and witnessed much. Your article has added yet another insight into the animal kingdom to augment this knowledge. This goes to prove that one is never too old to learn! Thank you for this,Lisa, and keep up the good work.

  8. Alexis on May 30, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    This is so beautiful! I wish there were more references to this, and just including this concept in the teachings and the services especially when we send out healing to the world! Everything always seems to revolve around humanity, but other species are never included. Obviously it makes sense for the main focus to be humanity since humanity is what’s screwing everything up! But this is the first I’ve heard of this and I’ve been with the society for quite some time! Why is that? I feel that this kind of thing should really be way more known and promoted throughout the teachings and services. Thank you for posting this.

    • Lisa Rosser on May 31, 2021 at 1:47 pm

      Thanks for your comment Alexis! These examples were taken from the Aetherius Society’s journals which can be found here:
      I agree, it is easy to focus solely on humanity, but we do send out our love to other living beings, such as in the Twelve Blessings we send love to the Planetary Ones, The Mother Earth, as well as even greater beings. In fact, the Absolute, is ALL things. In our own personal prayers as well, we can direct energy to animals, as well as give them healing. They help us, and can teach us so much.

    • Chris on July 9, 2021 at 5:09 am

      Thank you Alexis. All the points you raise are very important!

  9. Alan on June 2, 2021 at 1:17 pm

    Hi I read post a little late, blessed be the animals. I drive the highway a lot. And I constantly ask St.Francis and the appropriate angels to watch over and when necessary ask for and release the spirits of animals killed in the road. To be healed and there spirits to be lifted up and to join there families in the meadows in the heavens.

    • Lisa Rosser on June 2, 2021 at 2:08 pm

      Thanks for your comment Alan, that’s a wonderful thing to do, to pray for their transition to be smooth. Great idea.

    • Chris on July 9, 2021 at 5:11 am

      Beautiful. Thank you for caring, Alan. I heard that St. Francis lived to about 250 years old

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