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A Disciple Remembers: 40 Years As Executive Secretary

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

Choosing to follow a master is good, but choosing to serve him or her and their mission, even in a small way, is better – and more important to the world as a whole.

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, staff member Darren Ball interviews Richard Lawrence about his 40 years as Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe, as well as Africa and Asia, which we mark today (September 22nd)! It is a unique and outstanding example of service to others.

Richard shares some important lessons in discipleship. We can learn from his experience serving his master, Dr. George King, in this role. These are lessons that every one of us can think about and apply on our own journey to enlightenment.

Don’t miss:

  • The three stages of discipleship
  • How to progress beyond a theoretical devotion to your chosen master
  • The meaning of “Agni Yoga” and how Dr. King applied this to help his staff
  • How Dr. King taught people responsibility and discipline – essential characteristics of any disciple
  • Priceless stories about Dr. King that reveal what he was really like

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Find out more about Dr. King

Together, these offer you a further opportunity to make your own connection with this great spiritual master.

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the co-author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and the co-editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).

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  1. John Eccles on September 22, 2019 at 8:38 am

    Congratulations, Richard. Enjoyable and illuminating interview. I look forward to reading the biography.

  2. Deborah Perry on September 22, 2019 at 11:01 am

    Thank you for sharing this insight with the world, it was very interesting. Congratulations Richard on serving for 40 years. I too look forward to reading the biography.

    I visited the Aetherius Society in London on one occasion whilst living there and received a very warm welcome. It was a celebratory occasion and I joined one of the prayer ceremonies in 2011. I had begun to receive telepathic communications from an ‘external source’ and was trying to find other groups who had similar experiences.

    I admire the work you all to for our planet Earth. I wish you had a society in the South West of England.

    I too have the honour of working with ‘enlightened beings’ and I must say they have many teachings to offer in healing our planet as a whole.

  3. Laura Shapiro, Toronto, Canada on September 22, 2019 at 5:43 pm

    Brilliant interview Richard! I particularly liked how you compared the stages of being a disciple of the Master, ‘follow, love, help’ to the first three Freedoms, ‘Bravery, Love, Service’…such an insightful realization. I learned a lot from this interview and thank you for sharing some of your experiences being Secretary of the European Headquarters for 40 years, which is an incredible accomplishment, congratulations Richard!

  4. Richard Lawrence on September 23, 2019 at 1:41 am

    Thank you John – much appreciated, Richard

  5. Richard Lawrence on September 23, 2019 at 1:48 am

    Thank you Deborah. I am pleased to say that we do have Groups in Bristol and Torquay and representatives in Trebetherick in Cornwall, all of whom would be pleased to hear from you. Contact details are on the Society’s website. You will always be welcome at our Headquarters in London – with blessings, Richard

  6. Richard Lawrence on September 23, 2019 at 7:52 am

    Thanks so much Laura. It’s not always easy to talk about such things because, speaking for myself, it makes one realise how much more one could and should have done. But the path of the disciple is a universal one we can all follow whatever our personal contact with the Master might be. You have demonstrated this in your life and I’m glad my experiences helped. Blessings, Richard

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