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How Dr. George King changed the Cosmic Plan

Throughout our history on Earth, great beings from other planets in this Solar System, known as Avatars, have allowed a part of their consciousness to be born here as one of us, in order to help us towards Enlightenment.

Different Avatars have exemplified different qualities, and each has breathed different energies into the consciousness of humanity as part of a greater plan.

For example, the Lord Buddha brought peace, compassion and personal spiritual discipline. The Master Jesus brought love, humility and self-sacrifice. Moses demonstrated faith in God – and obedience. And there have been many others too.

What qualities did Master of Yoga Dr. George King bring to Earth? And how did he change the Cosmic Plan for the evolution and enlightenment of humanity on Earth?

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze, talk about some of the changes introduced by Dr. King – and the way that he did it. Don’t miss:

– How Dr. King changed spirituality on Earth
– What Dr. King could have done to be more popular – and what he did instead
– What makes Operation Prayer Power such a powerful global healing tool
– How you can make a closer connection with your chosen spiritual master
– And more!

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).


About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.

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  1. scott lucchese on October 22, 2021 at 8:42 am

    Great show. I was introduced to Dr George King in I believe in Dec 2020. It was through an interview you did on Conscious Evolution with Joe Martino and the topic was about UFOs. After that interview I immediately look up the Aetherius Society and ordered some of the materials to read. I am in Southern California so I contacted the LA society. I have been to the church a couple of times and just participated in pilgrimage to Mt Baldy. I have been practicing the breathing exercises, 12 blessing services, and mantras. I have read the 9 freedoms and several other books about Dr George King. Why I telling you this is you have convinced me to actually sign up to be a member. I never heard anyone talk about the importance of actually being a member like you have stated. Thank you. Maybe I will get to meet you if you come out LA.

  2. Richard Lawrence on October 23, 2021 at 8:26 am

    Thank you Scott. I am so pleased that you have decided to join as a Member. Membership of The Aetherius Society really does have a significance beyond the subscription and attendance benefits it offers. You become part of a group soul which extends through the realms and includes some wonderful, advanced souls on the highest of these as well as others on lower levels than this. Also you become part of all the Missions we perform whether or not you play an active role in them yet, because they were all entrusted to the Society which is comprised of our Members worldwide. This puts you in an entirely different and much more positive karmic position. I look forward to meeting you when I am next in LA which will hopefully be early next year. Blessings to you, Richard

    • Chrissie Blaze on October 23, 2021 at 10:13 am

      I’m so glad you listened to the show, Scott, and it is great to hear of your wise decision. This is a truly fantastic Spiritual path!
      Warm wishes and blessings,

  3. Sonia on October 24, 2021 at 8:18 pm

    Thank you all for amazing truth and taking your time to share with humanity and led us to the light ✨

    • Richard Lawrence on October 26, 2021 at 2:15 am

      We very much appreciate your comment Sonia – blessings, Richard

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