Blog/Podcast Archives: Chrissie Blaze

Sacred Mountains of Power

Mountains stand as silent sentinels, adorning our world with their majestic peaks. Through the ages, people have been awed by their beauty and have yearned to climb, as if called by an inner voice to conquer these heights. In modern times, a new type of…

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Earth Goddess: A New Ecology

Ecology is how living things interact with their environment. But one thing that is missing from mainstream ecology is how we interact with the Earth Goddess – upon whom we live – as a highly-evolved, conscious intelligence. In this show, co-host Chrissie Blaze, will be…

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Our Role in Divine Intervention

I am sure we have faith that our prayers are helping and healing people who are suffering. We believe that they are inspiring and protecting the brave aid workers: those who are working in difficult and dangerous situations to bring comfort, aid and healing to…

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The Master Jesus: His True Mission to Earth

Discover the real mystical nature of the great intelligence we know as the Master Jesus. Jesus was not the so-called “one and only son of God”, but was – and is – a highly evolved Spiritual Master who came to Earth from a higher vibratory…

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The Metaphysics of Presence

One thing we can all agree on is the extremely beautiful vibration presence in our Temples and other sanctified locations around the world. But that is just one of the many inspiring reasons to attend Services in person. Perhaps the most inspiring, and life-changing, is…

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The Cosmic Masters Appeal to Women

What do enlightened extraterrestrials think about the way that women have been treated on Earth throughout our history?What do they think about the essential role for women in our world today – and in the future?Find out in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live!Host…

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The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts – to do whatever they can for humanity on Earth. Tune in for personal insights…

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How to Help Bring Global Peace and Healing with Strategic Prayer

What Is Strategic Prayer? Strategic prayer is spiritual first aid. It is used in crisis situations, such as war, plane crashes, earthquakes, floods or riots to bring help, inspiration, and healing and to assist in relief efforts. If, for example, a war is pending somewhere…

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The Spiritual Energy Crisis (Podcast)

Spiritual energy is a real power that can raise global consciousness. The problem is that there are too few people using it in the correct way. And look at the result! Selfishness, greed, jealousy, violent anger, endless wars – all these things are the result…

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Earth Changes – The Big Picture

This summer, record monsoons overwhelmed parts of Pakistan, displacing millions of people. It is just one example in a long list of extreme weather and environmental conditions that are straining natural ecosystems and people around the world. It is clearly a time of change. How…

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Latest UFO News Around the World

The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?   The UFO conversation is becoming more and more mainstream, and governments in many countries are beginning to respond more openly.   In this…

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Memories of our Master

On January 23rd we celebrated the birthdate of Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919-1997). With this very special date in mind, this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a heartfelt tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. King.Host Chrissie Blaze interviews her husband Gary Blaze…

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How we can help the Mother Earth

With the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference just behind us, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Alyson Lawrence take a moment to reflect on a deeper aspect of our relationship with the planet Earth.In The Aetherius Society, we believe that the Earth is a being; a…

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The Lesson Of Gotha

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This past week we celebrated Gotha Day, in honor of three great interplanetary beings, now living on Earth, who play a vital role in our spiritual evolution. Thousands of light-years from Earth, closer to the center of the Galaxy,…

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Out of Darkness, into Light – The Amazing Astrology of February 11th, 2021

If your world feels out of balance at this time, you may find the answer in the quote attributed to Hermes Trismegistus: “As above, so below….” Whatever happens to us on Earth, to some degree or other, reflects the Divine plan of evolution working through…

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Can you know a Master you’ve never met?

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. It is an awesome privilege to have been in the presence of a genuine Spiritual Master. But what if you never had that opportunity – can you know a Master you’ve never met? Master of Yoga Dr. George King…

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Politics and Cosmic Spirituality

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Chrissie Blaze talks to Brian Keneipp – Executive Secretary of the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in Los Angeles. They talk about why and how to remain focused on our inner…

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The Twelve Blessings – New Age teachings of the Master Jesus

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The Twelve Blessings is a profoundly mystical, practical way that you can make a difference using that energy which we all so desperately need: the power of Love. The Twelve Blessings can not only empower you when you use…

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Behind the scenes of the Biography – the companion website

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Discover more about the life of Master of Yoga Dr George King with a guided tour of the biography companion website –! In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Brian…

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What is God and why should we care?

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The essence of us all, and of everything in creation, is Divine – a spark of God. We all come from the Divine source – and we will all eventually return to this source. This Divine source is known…

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Spiritual Master in the Aquarian Age

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The transition from one astrological age to another can be a tumultuous period. New influences begin to shape the evolution of humanity. Perhaps you can also feel this sea change taking place… Some 2,000 years ago the great Master…

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Faith and The Power of Affirmation

Some people find it difficult to have faith in themselves, in external things, or even in a higher power. These people may pride themselves on being realists. While realism is a good thing, this word may be used to hide a fear of reaching beyond…

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Love, the bringer of peace

What Love Is Love is the secret elixir of life. This truth is engraved on the Sphinx, it is in the caves of the Anchorites near Mount Sinai and, on the great rock near Deir, Petraea, we are told: “The Torch of life is fed…

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The World without Flying Saucers? Lifeless!

In this show, host Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her research over many years on the topic of UFOs – a number of which really are extraterrestrial spacecraft!

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Mars – The Red Planet

In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, many decades ago about the planet Mars.

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The Invisible World Of Nature Spirits

In this show, host Chrissie Blaze interviews special guest, Alyson Lawrence on this fascinating topic. Alyson has had many incredible first-hand experiences with the Nature Spirits since childhood and she will discuss these on the show, as well as share how everyone can commune with…

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Blessed Are They Who Heal

The Twelve Blessings are a series of profound spiritual revelations channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Jesus. This podcast is a discussion of the 6th Blessing by Gary Blaze & Chrissie Blaze, both of whom were close followers…

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The Ascended Masters

For aeons there have been tales of mysterious masters, cut off from the mass of humanity, with great powers and immortal bodies. Such masters include Count Saint Germain, Swami Vivekananda and the Lord Maitreya. Discover the secret world of these compassionate, enlightened beings – and…

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The Mother Earth

The Mother Earth is a living, breathing, thinking intelligence – vastly wiser, greater and more important than all of mankind put together. And yet, in her immense compassion, she sacrifices her own evolution to allow us to gain experience upon her holy back.

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