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The Cosmic Masters Appeal to Women

What do enlightened extraterrestrials think about the way that women have been treated on Earth throughout our history?

What do they think about the essential role for women in our world today – and in the future?

Find out in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live!

Host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Alyson Lawrence to discuss two rousing appeals addressed directly to the women of the world by the Cosmic Masters.

65 years later these messages still ring true – and still point the way to a more peaceful and enlightened future.

About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.



About Alyson Lawrence

Alyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

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  1. Astrid Marie Norlen-Smith on August 24, 2023 at 3:15 pm


    • Chrissie Blaze on August 26, 2023 at 8:10 am

      Thank you, Marie!

  2. Vincent Adika on August 24, 2023 at 3:26 pm

    The undermining of womanhood started after the “fall ” of Atlantis when both sexes were seen and treated as equals.
    Written history over the last six to seven millenia has pushed womanhood into subservience out of the desire for power and control of all aspects of humanity.

    Having successfully captured religious, political, educational and societal consent by default throughout this period, the last century is a very short time period for any significant changes to be noticed in feminine interlocution with the masculine. However, the masculine is responding accordingly to the wisdom of feminine intuitive knowledge.

    Gaia is also supporting the feminine in this endeavour together with Cosmic Energy from all the Ascended Masters and other Galactic Beings. Nuclear war? Absolutely not! Any attempt by any human to start such an enterprise will be stopped by our senior brethrens. They have been watching and monitoring our governments on this issue since the 1950s and our governments are aware of that. Our evolution, individually and collectively are on course, being supported by various modalities of human and non-human origins. Well done and thank you ladies.

  3. Chrissie Blaze on August 26, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    Thank you, Vincent, for your interesting post. I agree that the Cosmic Masters are monitoring us as far as nuclear war is concerned. Of course, we all must do all we can to stop this horror from ever happening again.

  4. Dag on August 31, 2023 at 11:51 pm

    Beautiful to listen to. thank you.


  5. Andrew Elston on September 10, 2023 at 11:13 pm

    Interesting subjects arising, and I will and would like to give this a further listening to as I caught just some elements first time round…and I am further moved to observe that the concepts of Goddess and Divine Feminine are massive if at times under the surface sometimes in this New Age literature, just as in the past really…

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