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Our Role in Divine Intervention

I am sure we have faith that our prayers are helping and healing people who are suffering. We believe that they are inspiring and protecting the brave aid workers: those who are working in difficult and dangerous situations to bring comfort, aid and healing to those who are suffering.

There is, however, another aspect to our prayer and healing work that it is good to remember. That is the karmic manipulation that takes place when we offer our heartfelt prayers for peace, or perform The Twelve Blessings. When we do this, we are not just improving our own karmic pattern but the entire karmic pattern of humanity.

You may ask, “But what difference does this make to those who are suffering?” Our Master, Dr. George King (1919-1997), the brilliant Master of Karma Yoga that he is, has explained to us over the years in many lectures and addresses that this then allows Divine Intervention to take place.

This means that everything we do of a truly spiritual nature and every act of service we perform helps the Masters help us. Unlike us, they work within the all-pervasive Law of Karma. When our karmic pattern improves these ones are then allowed, in effect, by the Lords of Karma, to do more for us.

Without this intervention, we would have been lost because of the negative karmic pattern of mankind – and we only have to look honestly at the world to see the truth of that. The more negative karma we create on our beautiful Earth, through wars, starvation, greed and ignorance, the more we virtually tie the hands of the Masters, whether they are the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Cosmic Masters. We know from our incredible cosmic teachings that they want to do as much as they possibly can to help us but it is up to us to give them the karmic license to do so. The responsibility lies in our hands.

The Precious Gift of Time

Fortunately for us, the Spiritual Master Dr. George King addressed the negative karmic pattern of humanity through his timely and outstanding invention of the Cosmic Missions which have bought us time. He bought us precious time to dream, and time to indulge our likes and dislikes but, far more importantly, he gave us time to act, to serve and to pray. How wisely we use this time is up to us. We created negative world karma and now we must create as much positive world karma as we can to help each other – and to help the Great Ones in their work.

And these are the truly Great Ones who are on and around our world. Not the politicians with all their false promises and lust for power; not the false teachers who are leading us away from Truth; not the orthodox clergy who do not even teach vital fundamental concepts such as karma and reincarnation. And certainly not the movie stars and sports personalities that many people seem to worship! Not these ones that tragically so many people look up to but the truly Great Ones who, for the most part, humanity is completely ignorant of.

It is these Great Ones who are, in one way, awaiting our actions – because their hands are tied – because of us!

The good news is that we can change world karma, and in The Aetherius Society we do know how. We support our remarkable Society; we support the Cosmic Missions; we give service; we pray passionately to help our suffering world.

What more can we do?

Despite the fact that I have been on this amazing spiritual path for over 50 years, I was thinking about this recently and do you know what I felt? The great weight of this responsibility. It weighed so heavily on me that I felt very sad, with a feeling of desperation that I couldn’t do more; that what I did was nowhere near enough looking at the state of our world. But the deeper I thought in this way, I began to feel something else, something coming from deep inside me – like a voice reminding me that of all the places on Earth, here I was a Member, a Staff Member of The Aetherius Society.

Of all the places I could be on Earth, I was here with this opportunity to not only raise my hands in prayer to help those who need help but also in some small way to allow the great Masters to do more because of my puny efforts. Like you, I have this amazing spiritual opportunity to help this intervention to take place! My emotional response was immediate and acute: I felt so humbled by this realization and yet joyful and even elated.

Once we are aware of something, once we bring something to consciousness, it is so much more powerful, I’m sure you agree. For me it was a deepening of a realization and that, although our efforts may seem puny to us, because we are living on planet Earth, in the right place at the right time and because many of us reading this are a part of the Master Cog that is The Aetherius Society, we are able to help far more than we know.

Let us always remember this intervention that, through our efforts, we humans on this physical plane of Earth can play a small but crucial part in. It is a Divine opportunity for us all to help Ones far greater than us to do more, and if we think about it, because of their greatness — I feel that is what they would want most.

As our Master so succinctly put it:

If you take one step towards the working out of the Cosmic Plan, the beings behind this plan will take two steps towards you.

Great Acts of Divine Intervention in These Days

In The Aetherius Society, thanks to our Master, Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, great acts of Divine Intervention have taken place over these past decades. These include the magnificent victories of the Six Adepts and the mighty Cosmic Missions, Operation Sunbeam, The Saturn Mission, Operation Space Power, Operation Prayer Power, and more. I would, however, like to refer to one specific act of Intervention that took place at a very dangerous time in our world.

This was reported in the Cosmic Transmission, Watch this Year, delivered by the Master Aetherius through Dr. George King on December 22, 1962. In this he refers to the importance of our efforts during the Cuban Missile Crisis which took place two months before this transmission was delivered in October 1962. This crisis was a direct confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, with a real threat of nuclear war which could have become a global war, and we are all very aware of the dangers of this.

Some of you reading this may remember that time very vividly. My husband, Gary, was a boy in school in the United States at the time and he told me that in schools, the children were taught that, if there was a nuclear attack, they should dive under their desks. They would have to practice doing this on a regular basis as the teacher, in Gary’s words, “looked terrified“.

Looking back at that time, it was indeed terrifying. The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when the two superpowers, led by Presidents John F. Kennedy and Nikolai Kruschev, came very close to nuclear conflict. You may wonder what actually happened to prevent it.

Reports were that it was due to diplomacy, restraint and luck that it was finally agreed by President Kruschev that they would remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the United States promising not to invade Cuba which they had been planning to do.

However, what worldwide news did not report was that other forces were also involved. These far more powerful forces – the Three Adepts – enabled nuclear war and all the terrors of that to be averted.

In this transmission by the Master Aetherius, he spoke about Divine Intervention and how it can only be allowed within the very strict governing Law of Karma. He made this very interesting observation when he said:

The action of the Three Adepts to nullify the Cuban crisis was allowed because many spiritually minded people, from all over Terra [Earth], had released great power and love through both prayer and practical service to others. Now I call upon you of pure heart, to release as much power through prayer and through service to others, through the right teachings in every way, so that a great reserve of this energy may be built up around your Earth.

The Spiritual Sparks

The years we are living in now are some of the most important years in our long history but also some of the most dangerous years. Let’s think of all our prayers as helping to build up this reserve around our planet.

Our Master reminded us in his address Divine Intervention of May 23, 1971:

The Adepts have done the great things for you, but They have not done all of the spiritual work that has been done by any means. There are spiritual sparks throughout this Earth, throughout the race of humanoids on this planet, who have been working in their different and respective ways in order to hold some kind of a balance. And this balance, to a certain extent, has been held, up to today.

It is good to think about the sacrifice of these spiritual sparks as our Master calls them. These spiritual sparks have been working in different ways to hold some type of balance. We may speculate that these are Interplanetary Masters but we do not know who they are. We do know that every truly spiritual prayer from our heart in some ways helps these ones to hold this balance.

These spiritual sparks are people living on Earth who need not live here because they are evolved far above this. They are here working on our behalf in great sacrifice in order to teach us, protect us and probably even bearing karma for us.

I think it is very good for us to have this firmly in our consciousness so that we feel the reality of these ones who are more real than any of us. It is good for us to realize that in some small way we can cooperate with them through our spiritual work.

The Delicate Balance of Karma

This leads to another point. We owe these Ones so very much and should never take their intervention for granted.

In his address Give Praise and Thankfulness to God for the Cosmic Masters, delivered on November 26, 1964, Dr. King explained that the Master Aetherius gave us an idea of what the world would be like if Interplanetary Forces did not take very decided action on our behalf. He informed us that if only one Adept is taken from Earth this in itself causes an emergency.

Dr. King added to this that if any Adept of great note moves from one country to another, this causes a partial state of emergency on Earth. As a comparison he explains that if you were to remove an Adept from a more advanced planet like Venus or Mars, it wouldn’t make any difference but on our backward planet, it certainly does.

Our Master also said that no Adept of any note would dream of moving from one country to another without permission from higher authority.

That’s an interesting thought. We may feel that we have every right to do whatever we want and never have to answer to anyone, rarely thinking of the impact of our actions on others, and yet the truth is the more advanced we become, the more we have to answer to those even higher in status!

Our Master said that this is:

Something that people haven’t had the realization of before. I think the first great realization of this tremendous truth was given when the Master Babaji evacuated Earth. People were dumbfounded that such a cosmic movement should be necessary because one individual had left this planet. This one individual made all the difference, and the karmic scales are balanced as finely as that, by the way. To say that mankind is sitting on the edge of a volcano is to put it very mildly. But, also, this volcano is being controlled, to some extent, by higher forces.

Give Thanks for Divine Intervention

All of these thoughts about the Great Ones must, I believe, lead us to not only give thanks for all the things we have in our lives; all the blessings we have compared to so many in this world, but also to give constant thanks to these Great Ones for the Divine Intervention. This is happening now, at this time, and is of great benefit for the whole of the human race.

We can never think too much about the higher forces who are looking after our welfare. We can never give these too much praise because without these the world would be a much worse place. These ones are softening the blow.

The reason I also like to remember the difference our efforts make – that we are in a small way helping the Great Ones to hold that balance – the reason is not so that I feel great in anyway, because in comparison – well, let’s just say there is no comparison – but the reason for me is to feel a very humble but sacred connection with these truly Great Ones. Every time I think of this, I feel a slight deepening of this beautiful and most holy connection.

Also, because I think generally we think too much about the evil on our Earth caused by the dark forces. It is right in front of us and always on the news, so it’s difficult not to think about it, and sometimes it may cause us to doubt.

Instead let us remember the forces of light and know that eventually they will win. Eventually Light always overcomes darkness. I think it is good we keep this vision in front of us and the more we offer our thanks to these ones, the more real this vision will be.

I could not end this reflection without thinking about another type of intervention that took place on our world. That was on that magical day of January 23, 1919 when the great Spiritual Master Dr. George King was introduced into the life cycle of this planet.

This was a Divine Intervention that required a sacrifice beyond our true imaginings: to be born on a far lesser planet and to willingly subdue his tremendous powers in order to be able to live and work among us backward humans. And yet even so, he still shone among men and Masters alike, transforming, raising, inspiring, transmuting, and for this we are truly grateful. I and many others – and you too if you wish to take this incredible step towards this Master – are able to call ourselves followers of this Great One – this Avatar.

I would like to close by thanking the Great Lords of Karma for allowing this Divine Intervention. Let us send our love to them.

Our Master explained in his lecture on ‘The Ninth Blessing’ delivered on March 11, 1959, that:

The best way to visualize them [the Lords of Karma] is as a great blinding light out there somewhere. You needn’t draw a picture of them in your mind. You cannot draw a picture of them in your mind. Just send out this power from your heart, and love from your heart, and say a prayer. If you like: “Dear God, I direct this towards the Lords of Karma so that they can help all mankind.


About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author: Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in The Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.

All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.

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  1. Jack on June 26, 2024 at 8:48 am

    Thank you so much for this Chrissie. It certainly makes you think about becoming a staff member and tugs at the strings of my conscience!

  2. DeLores Cook on June 26, 2024 at 11:27 am

    Thank you for this important subject.
    The Blogs give the opportunity to stop and ponder points of the message.
    With love and gratitude.

    • Chrissie Blaze on June 27, 2024 at 7:19 am

      Thank you very much for your post, DeLores. We are so glad you find the Blogs helpful.

  3. Chrissie Blaze on June 26, 2024 at 11:37 am

    Thank you, Jack . I hope you do become a Staff Member at some point! It is the best decision I have ever made and one which I truly love every single day. It gets even better over time and I highly recommend it!

  4. Helen Jennings on June 27, 2024 at 2:47 am

    Hi Chrissie, thank you so much for this, it is at the same time humbling and deeply uplifting.

  5. Chrissie Blaze on June 27, 2024 at 8:39 am

    Thank you for your post, Helen. I appreciate your comments and agree that it is all very humbling and yet it is also so inspiring and empowering. How fortunate we are!


  6. Lilita Boden. on July 3, 2024 at 7:22 pm

    Thank you very much, Chrissie, for letting us know how very important The Aetherius Society is to the whole of humanity.
    It is the Master Cog, which gradually will be revealed to the whole world in the near future.

  7. Chrissie Blaze on July 4, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    Hi Lolita:
    Thank you very much for your comment. It looks s greatly appreciated.


  8. Chrissie Blaze on July 5, 2024 at 6:51 am

    Dear Lolita:

    Nice to hear from you and thank you very much for your post. Your comments are greatly appreciated.


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