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Behind the scenes of the Biography – the companion website

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

Discover more about the life of Master of Yoga Dr George King with a guided tour of the biography companion website –!

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Brian Keneipp. Brian is a co-author of The King Who Came To Earth – the recently released biography of Dr King, and the inspiration for the companion website.

Together Chrissie and Brian lead an interactive walkthrough of the website to help you to discover hidden gems – unique extracts, photos and video footage that will give you a richer appreciation of Dr King and help you to make a closer connection with this great spiritual master.

Remember, even though you may never physically meet a master, you can still choose to follow them and their teachings. If you do so, their strength, guidance and illumination will transform your life.

In this show Chrissie and Brian explore:

  • Some of the most memorable and outstanding extracts you can listen to
  • An even better experience – using the website and the eBook together
  • Making the website a part of your everyday life for inspiration and upliftment
  • Priceless anecdotes from Brian’s time by the side of the Master

We hope you are inspired by this podcast.

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