Blog/Podcast Archives: Aetherius Society

New Morning – A New Year’s Poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Happy New Year! In this post we wanted to share with you a New Year’s poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King, as well as his own commentary on its true meaning. This poem can be interpreted as a very concise manual for…

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The true spirit of Christmas

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Christmas is just around the corner – and even though we don’t believe it is the true birth date of the Master Jesus, in The Aetherius Society we very much still celebrate what Christmas stands for: the coming to…

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Go forward into light!

  Through service, not sympathy, we will go forward into light! This post is based on a series of extracts from a profound spiritual message given to us by the Master Aetherius on April 7th, 1960, through the trance mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr…

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The Twelve Blessings on a Holy Mountain and the Lord’s Declaration

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. November 23rd 2018 marks the 60th Anniversary of the giving of The Lord’s Declaration – a prophecy about the coming of the Next Master to Earth! 2018 is also the 60th anniversary of two other world-changing events: – The…

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Religion is the answer!

Religion of the future will be free from lies and dogma. It will teach people in simple, understandable language about the unchangeable laws of God. It will teach people how to be still and seek the God within. And, it will teach people what they…

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King Yoga – The path of personal development

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Everybody will one day achieve enlightenment. It is simply a question of when. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in a million years.

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The Knighthood and Consecration of His Eminence Sir George King

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. “I thus initiate you as Grand Knight Templar of the Inner Sanctum of the Holy Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.” Thus spoke the Lord Buddha to Master of Yoga Dr George King on December 5th 1978 in…

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Interview: Why choose a spiritual path

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing a spiritual path to follow is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision you will ever make. And it’s by no means an easy decision. This is not something we’re taught at school, or…

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Know Yourself

A true spiritual path is not about rejecting logic. It is about understanding what the universe really is – and who you really are – through logic, and also through intuition and sense perception. On November 28th 1954 the Master Aetherius gave to us a…

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Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization

Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have never had before to help others and attain enlightenment. This is the path we now…

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Spiritual Balance

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be balanced, they might tell you it’s about “me” time… Less stress and more time away from it all. It certainly sounds appealing.

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What is love?

In King Yoga we say that a true spiritual path is not just a theory – it is a way of life that can change the world. If there is anything that will change the world, it is love! Not the love we typically experience,…

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By the side of a living Spiritual Master

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be spiritual, they may well tell you it’s about peace… But Master of Yoga Dr George King had a completely different approach. He was dynamic, intense and driven in his…

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Say it with feeling

In King Yoga, we say that a true spiritual path does not require blind belief – all it requires is that you experience its truth for yourself. Prayer is the transmission of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is a real force. It is not a fantasy…

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Interview: The Spirituality of Aliens

This show originally appeared on The Collective Evolution Podcast The spiritual implications of the extraterrestrial phenomenon are becoming more and more mainstream everyday. Even the message of helping others and the need for us to change and take responsibility for our own destiny are becoming…

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How to pray

In King Yoga we say that the spiritual path is not about hoping to God for random miracles. Instead, it is about your ability to make miracles happen! Prayer is one of the many ways in King Yoga that we can all help to create…

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From Séance to Science – How Dr King transformed mediumship

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many wonderful sacred texts around the world, but what we don’t have in most cases is: the voice. What would the authoritative metaphysical treatise of The Nine Freedoms be – without the commanding and powerful tone of…

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An Advanced Path for Ordinary People

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Master of Yoga Dr. George King took the most advanced truths, some ancient, some unprecedented on Earth, and expressed them in simple, direct language. The spiritual practices are powerful and balanced – suitable for both the beginner and advanced…

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UFOs are here to stay!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. A recent spate of UFO sightings between December last year and January this year reported in various newspapers, including this video footage from The Independent, has sparked a flurry of interest again in UFOs. Are they real? Where are…

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Interview: Message from Mars Sector 6

This podcast originally appeared on Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the meaning of life? What is Enlightenment? Can I become enlightened? The Nine Freedoms answer all of these questions – and more. The Nine Freedoms are a series…

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What to pray for?

The answer to this question might seem obvious to some people – “For whatever I want!” They would be wrong. As my wife, Alyson, puts it: “You can get what you want, but do you want what you get?” We should not pray for whatever…

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The King Yoga Experience

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. King Yoga is what we call the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society, given by and through Master…

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Unmodified Peace

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This is a time of year when we tend to think about peace. Amidst the busyness of the holiday period, there is nevertheless a wonderful magic in the air – a certain peace we can all feel if we…

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The true spirit of Christmas

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! To help nourish the soul during this festive season, we have selected the following inspiring extracts from the balanced wisdom of Dr George King – talking about how to make the very best…

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Unconditional Surrender to God

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this episode, Richard Lawrence invites his wife, Alyson, onto the show to continue with the sixth and final instalment in the keys to the current King Yoga series: unconditional surrender to God…!This is without a doubt the highest and…

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Become a fighter for spirituality!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze begin this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live with a short tribute to the late Lady Monique King, who passed away on September 29th. Lady Monique was an outstanding individual. She devoted her…

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Manipulating karma

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Karma is key to your journey to God-realization. You have complete control over your own karma – and you can change your negative karma into positive karma in a single second! Karma is one of the great secrets of…

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Interview: Is God an Alien?

When people hear that intelligent life exists on other planets in this solar system, and even that we believe that Jesus is from Venus, understandably it raises all sorts of questions and doubts, especially in the light of data from NASA’s recent missions. How could intelligent life possibly…

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Spiritual solutions to global disasters

How often have you felt a sense of helplessness when news of a global disaster reaches you? An inner despair that hundreds or possibly thousands of people could suffer death, disability or homelessness and there’s nothing we can do to prevent it? There would be…

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World service through King Yoga

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many ways of giving service to others – spiritual and material, and all of them are important.But as spiritual workers we each have to look for the way in which we think we can make the greatest possible difference to the…

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