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A Biography Of A Biography

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

We are overjoyed to be launching the much-anticipated biography of Master of Yoga Dr George King this weekend: The King Who Came To Earth.

Dr King was an enigma even to his closest staff and disciples, and went to great lengths to conceal his true cosmic stature.

Now, for the first time ever to the public, the biography of Dr King begins to peel back the many layers of Dr King’s persona to reveal more of his interplanetary identity than ever before.

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Staff Member Darren Ball interviews bestselling author Richard Lawrence and his co-author Brian Keneipp, who started work on the book together in 2013.

Richard and Brian offer listeners a glimpse behind the scenes into the unexpected and inspiring journey they had writing the biography – and even share some of the profound revelations that are made in the book – revelations that will surprise and move even people who have been Members for many years.

Don’t miss:

  • The lengths to which Dr King went to conceal his true cosmic stature
  • Insights into Dr King’s relationship with the Mother Earth
  • The authors’ journey to discover just who, and how significant, Dr King really was
  • The inspired collaboration between Richard and Brian, which finally resulted in the biography we have today

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  1. Marian Louise Schroedl on August 25, 2019 at 6:54 pm

    Thank you so much for this commentary and I can barely wait to get a copy of this wonderful biography of Dr. King.

  2. Paul Smith on August 27, 2019 at 4:29 pm

    Just checked out the new website and thought that this was truly fantastic. Absolutely amazing how this was put together. Those that done this should be rightfully proud. Will purchase the book as soon as payday arrives!

  3. Allan Jaggard on August 28, 2019 at 3:33 am

    The most anticipated book in my life will be delivered to me directly tomorrow evening August 29th. Thankyou to the Authors Richard Lawrence & Brian Keneipp the dedicated disciples of Dr. George King for bringing this Biography into manifestation. God Bless You Both!

  4. Lawrence Knight jr on August 28, 2019 at 11:16 am

    Thank you brother Ryan, Lawrence and the other gentleman. I hope to continue Dr. kings operation

  5. Paul Smith on August 28, 2019 at 4:47 pm

    I have a question!

    Do we understand that the Mystic Pilgrimage conducted by Dr George Kind was in the UK only or was this more extensive than we might, at first, assume?

    Did it incorporate America? We know that this aspect of His mission was destined to be conducted in that region of Earth. Did He explore the implications and reasons behind this?

    Did it even incorporate the other parts of this Solar System? We know that Dr King mentioned in YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE! that when He visited the Moon He understood, in that state of super-conscious projection, the subtle fluctuations of the colourful Lunar magnetic tides which held, for Him, ‘a sight of pure fascination.’ It seems that He was already versed in Lunar Magnetic dynamics when operating in that higher aspect. Was this realisation specific to the Moon itself or to Moons in general? Then, of course, He visited the most Holy Valley of the Sun upon Venus were He had a very significant contact with the Temple there. Did Dr King return to this Valley as part of His pilgrimage? Did He return to Gotha to understand the significance of his part in that region of space? We already know Mars was very significant to Dr King and it was not by chance that His commander-in-chief was, and is, Mars Sector 6. Was this explored as part of the pilgrimage? We might think of other places too, such as Saturn.

    Any thoughts and insight on this would be quite interesting.

  6. Richard Lawrence on August 29, 2019 at 4:13 am

    Thank you Marian. It’s available now! Blessings, Richard and Brian

  7. Richard Lawrence on August 29, 2019 at 4:15 am

    Hi Paul. Yes the website was overseen by Brian with a superb team and looks amazing. Hope you enjoy the book. With blessings, Richard

  8. Richard Lawrence on August 29, 2019 at 4:17 am

    Very good to hear from you Allan. It was our honour to co-author such a holy work. With blessings, Richard and Brian

  9. Richard Lawrence on August 29, 2019 at 4:19 am

    Thank you Lawrence. Yes we all have a mammoth but wonderful task ahead to continue Dr King’s legacy. With blessings, Richard

  10. Richard Lawrence on August 29, 2019 at 4:30 am

    Interesting questions Paul, as I have come to expect from you! The Mystical Pilgrimage was conducted in the UK in 1978 because it had to do with Dr King’s childhood over here as you will read in the biography. Hence it did not extend to the USA. In terms of interplanetary regions, these were not explored as part of this mystical pilgrimage, though you make some fascinating points. For most of his mission, I would say that Dr King was dealing with the nature of his fourth aspect existence which is something we explore in depth in the biography. In fact I would say that no biography of any avatar has covered the significance and limitation of this condition in such a way before.

  11. Paul Smith on August 30, 2019 at 5:40 am

    Thanks Richard that explains it. The book should arrive in the next day or so. I couldn’t wait!

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