Blog/Podcast Archives: Extraterrestrial life

Maldek – “The Lost Water World”

One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been searching for another planet in the region between Mars and Jupiter. According to calculations, there…

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UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a plot to conceal the truth from the masses is not a modern invention. Throughout history,…

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The Master Jesus: His True Mission to Earth

Discover the real mystical nature of the great intelligence we know as the Master Jesus. Jesus was not the so-called “one and only son of God”, but was – and is – a highly evolved Spiritual Master who came to Earth from a higher vibratory…

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AI & the True History of Humanity

What if, instead of going into the field of electronics and all its side branches, we had gone into the field of “spiritual-onics” if you like, or studied the universal life forces in their higher state—what would life be like on Earth today? Recently, we…

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#120 – Intelligent Life – In Our Solar System? (Discover Spiritual Aliens)

It’s fair to say that most scientists searching for extraterrestrial life are searching for life as we know it. There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life not as we know it – beyond our concept of biology. But there are still…

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Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens

One fascinating aspect of Oppenheimer’s life, omitted from the blockbuster movie, is his response to a prompt from alien representatives from higher planes of other planets in our solar system. On June 10, 1954, The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, printed an article under the…

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The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts – to do whatever they can for humanity on Earth. Tune in for personal insights…

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The Floating Temple of Light

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew of extraordinary operators. Tune in to discover more about this floating temple of light that…

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A tale of two worlds

  Planet Earth is irrevocably moving towards a great change, the long prophesied New Age. This change is going to affect all life on Earth – certainly on this physical plane – and humanity as a whole has a choice: 1) We either make the…

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Latest UFO News Around the World

The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?   The UFO conversation is becoming more and more mainstream, and governments in many countries are beginning to respond more openly.   In this…

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Jesus – The Master who revealed a pantheon of supergalactic proportions

On March 15th we celebrated the true birthdate of the Master Jesus.Often we focus on his life, including his plan and purpose for being on Earth, but in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Richard Lawrence and his guest Julian Rosser focus on…

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#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness

Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth…Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life throughout the Galaxy… millions upon million of worlds!This experience…

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The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 2)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze continue their exploration of the greatest event we have ever heard of in this Solar System!On December 28th, 1969, the Master Aetherius reported, through the yogic…

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#15 – The Sun Is The Most Spiritually Evolved Being In The Solar System

There are many spiritual traditions on Earth which have worshipped the Sun – and they have not been wrong in doing so. According to the Cosmic Masters, the Sun is the most holy being in our Solar System. Everything we eat, everything we drink, everything…

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Interplanetary Service

Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from other worlds are visiting us.  The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught…

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#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved?

The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn. In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time in history, we have been given a real insight into their true, Divine nature. In…

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The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 1)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. NASA touched down on Mars in February. China touched down earlier this month. Will they ever find signs of the advanced civilizations that exist there? In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze…

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Life on Mars

The Rover has landed! The search for life on Mars continues unabated. The Rover, named Perseverance, is the largest lander sent to the Red Planet by NASA to date and the first artificial craft to touch down since Curiosity in 2012. Since touchdown on February…

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The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection

With the passing of Prince Philip this month, many tributes have been made to his life of duty to the British crown. But there haven’t been many stories about his lesser-known interest in UFOs and aliens. One such story was first reported in 1997 in…

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Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race?

This Sunday, March 21st, a 3,000-ft wide asteroid will pass near to Earth. The asteroid is considered “potentially hazardous” by NASA, but all asteroids that come within 4.6 million miles of Earth are classed this way. The closest scientists believe it will get to Earth…

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The Lesson Of Gotha

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This past week we celebrated Gotha Day, in honor of three great interplanetary beings, now living on Earth, who play a vital role in our spiritual evolution. Thousands of light-years from Earth, closer to the center of the Galaxy,…

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What is extraterrestrial life really like?

If you believe in extraterrestrial life, you have probably gazed up at the stars and wondered: what is it really like? We hear stories about this race or that race that is supposedly visiting Earth – but what is true, and what is simply someone’s…

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Religion on other planets – insights by an alien intelligence

  Extraterrestrial beings have given countless messages to Earth. One particular contactee who received more communications than probably any other, is Dr. George King (1919-1997) – Master of Yoga and Founder of The Aetherius Society. Below in bold is an extract of a communication given…

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Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul

Whether you regard yourself as religious, spiritual, or neither – you can never really know yourself without “going within”. It is going within that is the true journey of the soul – to Reality itself. But what does “going within” really mean?

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Jupiter 92 – Let cosmic inspiration change your life!

  This blogpost is the second in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August…

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The Three Saviours Are Here!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This month, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the book The Three Saviours Are Here! by Dr. George King. In this book, The Master Jesus, channeled by Dr. King, gives a description in 1967 of three specially trained…

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Mars Sector 8 – A Glorious Cosmic Resource

In the latest show hosts Chrissie Blaze and Richard Lawrence talk about one of the most prolific cosmic communicators through Dr. George King: Mars Sector 8. Chrissie and Richard examine a number of amazing transmissions given by this enigmatic cosmic source, including a five-part approach…

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Mars – The Red Planet

In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, many decades ago about the planet Mars.

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Mars Sector 6, Lord of all He Surveys

Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth. The first – and quite possibly the only – medium he has ever spoken through is yoga master…

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Jesus is from Venus

In the Aetherius Society we do not believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God. We believe he is an advanced Master from the planet Venus. Not Venus as we know it – but a higher material plane of Venus which exists…

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