Blog/Podcast Archives: Mark Bennett

The most spiritual thing we can do

I think there is a great danger on the spiritual path of underestimating service. Even if we think service is important, even if we think that service is the most important thing we can do, there is still a temptation to think of it as…

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How To Escape The Matrix (Podcast)

A lot of people believe that the way to escape the matrix is to become rich. Is that really escaping the matrix? If it isn’t, then – what is? How do you really escape the matrix? In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host…

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How to escape the matrix

If you would burn up your lower Karmic aspects, you would serve. If you would, at this very moment, begin to build tomorrow’s temple upon the sure foundations of today’s right action, you would serve. If you would be free from the materialistic prison cunningly…

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There’s no excuse for atheism!

Do you think that Jesus is the one and only son of God? Do you believe in eternal hell? I don’t believe these things, but that doesn’t make me an atheist. And if you don’t believe these things, that doesn’t make you an atheist either….

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What’s the point in going to Church?

Good question! And, for many, the question is also the answer, in the sense that there is no answer, or at least not a good enough answer to motivate them into actually going. For certain others – it isn’t even a question. Religion plays no…

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Pride and Priorities – feel good about doing good!

What makes you feel proud of yourself? Before answering this question, let’s look at the following very illuminating statement about pride made by Dr. George King in 1965 in a lecture entitled ‘The Coming Year’: …we should feel doubly honored – all of us –…

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Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe to help bring about peace, freedom and healing in Ukraine

Recent events in Ukraine have many of us in shock – and horror. If ever there were a time to turn to a higher power – surely it is now. In my late twenties I was privileged to co-author the book Prayer Energy (Cico Books…

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We live in God’s Home – so let’s be happy!

The phrase “God’s home” has intrigued me for many years. The only time, to the best of my knowledge, we see it in the Cosmic Teachings is in the Transmission ‘Gotha Speaks To Earth’ given on October 15th, 1966. Here is the phrase in context:…

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Personal experience of The Twelve Blessings

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. When you start to practice The Twelve Blessings with an open heart and mind, you will discover an amazing power which will change your life. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, guest host Mark Bennett and his…

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The Mind of a Planet – A few thoughts

Our Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, in his address entitled ‘If I could choose’, given on May 26th, 1968, made the following outstanding revelation: The Earth herself could state, this morning, before you leave this church, “I’m going to start again. I want a new…

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What is extraterrestrial life really like?

If you believe in extraterrestrial life, you have probably gazed up at the stars and wondered: what is it really like? We hear stories about this race or that race that is supposedly visiting Earth – but what is true, and what is simply someone’s…

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My King Yoga Experience – Your King Yoga Experience

A quest begins … When I was growing up I was very interested in spirituality, religion and the meaning of life. I quickly became indifferent to the puzzled looks and concerned mutterings of people around me, including classmates of course, and sometimes even teachers, who…

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Could I do better if I had been born someone else?

“I must point out that it is easy to make excuses and say, ‘If I had been born so-and-so, I could have done better’, but this is not so, it is the foolish talk of a child. Each and every one of you can, in…

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Religion on other planets – insights by an alien intelligence

  Extraterrestrial beings have given countless messages to Earth. One particular contactee who received more communications than probably any other, is Dr. George King (1919-1997) – Master of Yoga and Founder of The Aetherius Society. Below in bold is an extract of a communication given…

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All Change

A couple of years ago I was sitting in a tube-train at Earl’s Court station in London. I was dozing, as I often do on trains, to be awoken abruptly by a loud announcement over the tannoy. The announcement was two simple words: “ALL CHANGE!”…

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King Yoga Breathing – The Imitation of God

Breathing out and breathing in We breathe automatically – without thinking. It is an action governed by the subconscious. When we perform yoga breathing, we are taking this action from the realms of the subconscious to the conscious. We make ourselves consciously aware that we…

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KING YOGA – the greatest karmic force for your own personal development!

Raising consciousness through spiritual self-development When you read a spiritual book, and allow its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, you change. Your vibration becomes that little bit higher. Your knowledge is that little bit greater – which, if you let it, will permeate your…

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Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul

Whether you regard yourself as religious, spiritual, or neither – you can never really know yourself without “going within”. It is going within that is the true journey of the soul – to Reality itself. But what does “going within” really mean?

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Jupiter 92 – Master your karma and be free!

This blogpost is the third in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962)….

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Jupiter 92 – Let cosmic inspiration change your life!

  This blogpost is the second in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August…

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Jupiter 92 – How to overcome spiritual aloneness – a three-point plan

This blogpost is the first in a series which will analyze the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great extraterrestrial Master known simply to us as Jupiter 92. Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane…

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How balanced is too balanced?

Being balanced is a big theme in the culture of wellbeing, lifestyle and self-help. We know we should be balanced, and that being unbalanced is bad – but what does being balanced actually mean? Normal ideas of balance “Balance” means different things to different people,…

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How detached is too detached?

  Stress, worry, expectations and ambitions are part of everyday life, and over time they take their toll – physically, mentally and emotionally. They are not necessarily bad things, but that doesn’t make them any the less wearing on the heart, mind and body. However…

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Service – Oneness – Joy

Does spirituality bring joy into our lives? Should we prioritize our own happiness? Why do some spiritual people seem unhappy, and materialistic people seem happy? What is the relationship between oneness and joy? Why does the spiritual path sometimes seem to cause unhappiness? How can karma bring joy into our lives?

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Is kindness enough?

What really is kindness – and is kindness enough to change the world? If you google “kindness” you will see the definition: “friendly, generous, considerate.” When I hear the word “kind,” I picture the smiling face of an honest person – let’s call him Bob…

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The Higher Self – your own personal superhero

Three little pigs lost in the forest – a parable Once upon a time there were three little pigs – Bob, Patrick and Arthur. They were walking through a big forest and somehow they got separated. They had never been away from the farm before,…

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The Only True Democracy…

In these uncertain times of political change, let us reflect on the stirring words of the Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 given through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King on August 28th, 1960: A vast number of the inhabitants of Terra have allowed themselves…

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Spiritual energy sent by extraterrestrial intelligences to help people in North Korea

Our extraterrestrial neighbors – known as “Cosmic Masters” in deference to their advanced level of evolution – have always been very definite in warning of the dangers of nuclear experimentation. This is not just for the sake of peace and stability, but due to implications…

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What does being “spiritual” really mean?

I just googled the word “spiritual” and got 145,000,000 results – so clearly a lot of people are talking about it one way or another. What are they saying? What image of a person springs to mind if someone says “that guy is really spiritual”?…

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