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Maldek – “The Lost Water World”
One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been searching for another planet in the region between Mars and Jupiter. According to calculations, there should be a planet in the exact location of the asteroid belt. Bode’s Law is a formulaic calculation which determines the spacing of the planets in our and any other solar system. This was first determined by Johann Elert Bode and Johann Daniel Titius in the 18th century and became known as Bode’s Law.
Map of the asteroid belt.
Extending outwards from the Sun, each planet should be approximately twice the distance from the Sun as the previous planet. This theory has stood the test of time as the distance of the largest of the asteroids, Ceres, was discovered and thought at that time to simply be a small planetoid. The distance of the planet Uranus was correctly calculated. However this law was later modified as Neptune did not fit into this model and the discrepancies in calculating the distance of the outer planets were corrected.
Theories abound as to how the asteroid belt came into being. Scientists generally believe that it is a “proto-planet” which never had enough mass to form into a proper planet since the dawn of the Solar System and prevented from coalescing into a proper planetary mass by the gravitational influence of Jupiter. It has subsequently been confirmed that this could not have been the case as the distance between the asteroid belt and Jupiter is too great to exert such an influence. This is known as the “Roche Limit” and the asteroid belt is well outside of this. The Roche Limit of Jupiter is approximately 44,000 miles. The distance between the asteroid belt and Jupiter is 242 million miles. The planetary mass of Jupiter can therefore be excluded as an influential factor.
Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun, in this Solar System, primarily found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
The combined mass of all the asteroids would only amount to one thousandth the mass of Earth which is the equivalent of one third of the mass of the moon. The composition of the asteroids in the asteroid belt can be classified as three main types:
~ The “chondrite” types, consisting of clay and silicate rocks, known as the “C” types.
~ The “stony” types, made up of silicate materials and nickel/iron, “S” types.
~ The purely metallic nickel/iron “M” types.
All these are consistent with the makeup of Earth-like planets and would only form under intense pressure and heat, not in the environment of outer space. The other fact to consider is that planets are not known to explode by themselves. The only thing that could cause the complete destruction and disintegration of a planet would be either a collision with another planetary body, a comet or the result of a chain reaction exerted upon it.
The truth of this mystery lies in the origins of the human race. One of the important revelations given through The Aetherius Society is the existence, more than 18 million years ago, of a beautiful, green, fertile planet which orbited between Mars and Jupiter. This was the original home of humanity before we destroyed it in a thermo-nuclear holocaust. Dr George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society, gave an account of this in his introduction to The Nine Freedoms and references to this terrible catastrophe are made in various Cosmic Transmissions from such Interplanetary Beings as Mars Sector 6 and The Master Aetherius.
In 2020, NASA sent a probe, OSIRIS-REx, to the asteroid “Bennu” to retrieve some rock samples and bring them back to Earth for analysis in order to give us greater insights into the origins of the Solar System. Bennu is an asteroid that is believed to have broken away from the main asteroid belt sometime in the past and forms part of the Apollo group of near-Earth asteroids that follow a different orbit around the Sun. They are termed “Near-Earth Asteroids” because they swoop past the planets and there is the possibility of a collision with our planet in the next century.
The findings, published in The Scientific American on March 28th this year, were completely unexpected and will turn the original, long-held concepts on their heads! They indicate that the asteroid Bennu was a fragment of “an ancient ocean world” with evidence of the building blocks of life. The makeup of the sediments in the sample also indicate that Bennu was the product of a world with continental margins, in other words tectonic plates, similar to Earth. The researchers are scratching their heads as to how this “planet” ended up as the millions of fragments we now know as the asteroid belt. One hypothesis is some cataclysmic collision which reduced the planet to rubble. The water ice particles traced on comets do not have the chemical fingerprints of water on Earth. However, the traces of water on Bennu and some other meteorites are a close match to our planet’s oceans.
However, there are still unanswered questions. We are told, in The Aetherius Society, on Cosmic Authority, that the population of that green and fertile world waged war against each other. Their scientists had developed nuclear weapons, the like of which we have not seen on Earth, and completely destroyed the planet. Radioactive debris would have blown across the Solar System along with the lighter elements of a planetary body and attached itself to some of the other planets. This left the heavier elements which constitute the solid core of a rocky planet. These are the remnants which make up the asteroid belt.
There are some strange anomalies that have been discovered which cannot be explained away. There is an abnormally high amount of a rare gas, xenon 129, that has been detected in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter and Mars. There are also areas of abnormally high radioactivity on the surface of Mars which is not detected in the deeper layers of the crust.
Mars & Jupiter – not to scale.
Natural Xenon comprises a mixture of several isotopes in varying percentages, from Xenon 118 to Xenon 144. Xenon 129 is the product of radioactive iodine 129, with a half-life of some 17 million years – not that far removed from the date of the nuclear holocaust of Maldek over 18 million years ago! There is also an abnormally high amount of xenon 129 in a large number of stony meteorites from the asteroid belt which find their way to Earth. The anomalous amount of now extinct radioactive isotopes detected in these meteorites point to a huge nuclear event at some time in the past. Xenon 129 is a by-product of nuclear fission and not a naturally occurring element. High amounts of this gas have been detected in Earth’s atmosphere since 1945 when there was prolific nuclear experimentation going on all over the world until the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed in 1968 by the USA, the UK, the Soviet Union and 59 other states.
Xenon does occur naturally in the Sun but is relatively rare and this again does not explain the high amount of Xenon 129 in Jupiter’s atmosphere which is 2.6 times higher, along with the radioactive areas on the surface and in the atmosphere of Mars.
There is a school of thought in some scientific circles that there was a nuclear event on Mars itself which at least is a more open-minded opinion. Plasma scientist Dr. John Brandenburg from the University of Southern Oregon and senior propulsion scientist at Orbital Technologies Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin, claims the high concentration of Xenon 129 in Mars’s atmosphere and the concentration of uranium and thorium on its surface was detected by NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft and could not have occurred naturally. This could only have come from a nuclear explosion.
The pieces of the jigsaw are all there but have not yet been put together. After the horrific destruction of Maldek which ended all life, the radioactive debris would have hit the nearest planetary bodies to it, namely Mars and Jupiter. This would explain the anomalous amount of radioactivity on Mars – which is closer to the orbit of the asteroid belt – and the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Assuming Mars was more closely aligned with Maldek at the time of its destruction, it would have been severely impacted.
In the 1950s, the closest we came to producing a nuclear weapon that could potentially destroy our planet was the lithium bomb, named Castle Bravo, on March 1st 1954 in the Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific. It left a crater 6,510 feet across and 250 feet deep. It formed a fireball 4.5 miles across in the space of one second and was one thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The scientists involved in the development of this terrifying weapon miscalculated its yield which was much greater than anticipated. It was the most dangerous nuclear device ever exploded, at that time, and was never tested again.
Castle Bravo test.
We live even today under the shadow of nuclear threats. It is not surprising that the first important cosmic message Dr. King received, referred to as the Command, came a couple of months after the Castle Bravo test, when you consider our past history.
Not only did we destroy Maldek, but we destroyed the ancient civilisation of Lemuria and Atlantis through nuclear war. We are under observation by the Cosmic Masters and the time had come to intervene as much as they were allowed to by Karmic Law. We have been informed that implosion devices were released by mother-ships or scout patrol craft into the atmosphere of Earth which absorbed the excess radioactivity by the process of magnetic attraction. These could later be destroyed along with all the radioactivity. Without this intervention, our world would have been much more toxic and polluted when you consider the amount of radioactivity that had been released into our atmosphere.
In fact, on April 4th, 1958, the great Cosmic Intelligence known to us as Mars Sector 6, made the following statement:
“For you, Terra (Earth), have already released enough radioactivity to kill all life upon your planet, had we not many times in the past intervened”.
Let us hope that the collective memory in the subconscious of the group soul of humanity will stop us from ever repeating the worst cosmic crime we could ever commit, namely destroying a planet, and instead go forwards into a new age of spirituality where there are greater beings than us waiting to help us on a true galactic journey.
Learn more
- Introduction to The Nine Freedoms book – which contains description of Maldek and what happened.
NOTE: The top image: an artists depiction of their idea of an alien world – this is not an accurate depiction of the planet Maldek.
About the author
Alyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.
All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.
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Wasn’t the Tsar bomb, exploded by the Soviet Union, even more powerful than the lithium bomb?
Where would we be without our invisible helpers? I shudder to think
All this karma-postponed… our debt is becoming huge!