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The truth about Jesus

In this special podcast in celebration of the true birth date of the Master Jesus – March 15th – Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze reveal the fascinating truth about Jesus’ life, his real mission to Earth and his teachings.

Thanks to Dr. George King, a yogic medium through whom Jesus spoke on numerous occasions, you will hear examples of his outstanding courage and brilliant mind, as well as the tremendous love and wisdom he has made accessible in The Twelve Blessings. This modern spiritual teaching and practice, which was given in 1958, gives an enhanced cosmic spirituality to us all as we enter the New Age.

Don’t miss it!

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  1. Paul Smith on July 10, 2018 at 6:30 am

    What exactly did the Master Aetherius mean when He said, ”I do hope that some of you will soon be able to know the correct name and form of this Individual”

    • Darren on July 22, 2018 at 2:53 pm

      Hi Paul, do you have the reference for this Transmission?

  2. RADHA KRISHNA &SUBHADRA TANTHANAPALLY on September 2, 2019 at 6:21 am

    It is very interesting group who believes in extra terrestrial intelligence and Jesus as a Savior and Messiah.
    And also I have the feeling Dr George King was a chosen one too.

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