Blog/Podcast Archives: God and the meaning of life

#129 – How To Find Your People On The Spiritual Path

Loneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be difficult to break away from “normal”…

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#108 – Not Your Average Take On “God” (Spiritual – Not Religious)

 Atheists believe God does not exist. Agnostics believe that nothing is known, or can be known, of the existence or nature of God. And fanatics insist that they are the only ones who know who or what God really is – and that everyone else…

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The Living Galaxy Changes Everything

The Galaxy is a living being. “It lives, It breathes, It thinks, It feels pain, It meditates, in the same way as does the Logos of a Planet.” – Mars Sector 6 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie…

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#97 – What’s Your Destiny? Awaken Your Higher Chakras And Attune With Your Soul

 If we want to find true happiness – to really feel like we’re doing what we’re meant to be doing – we need to realize our destiny. So, what is YOUR destiny? And what can you do to realize it? Check out this week’s…

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#94 – Spiritual Truth: Freedom From Materialism

 This week’s topic is something very close to my heart. And if you’re reading this, probably close to yours too. In a world that is hypnotised by the “unreal” – consumerism, materialism, etc – it is the only thing that really matters in the…

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#93 – You Are Not Here To Suffer (Spiritual Insights To Soothe Your Soul)

 When we’re faced with suffering it can be hard to understand why.Why me?Why this?Why now?The truth is not just helpful but even liberating.It can help us all not only to endure the trials of life with a completely different perspective, but even to turn…

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How to escape the matrix

If you would burn up your lower Karmic aspects, you would serve. If you would, at this very moment, begin to build tomorrow’s temple upon the sure foundations of today’s right action, you would serve. If you would be free from the materialistic prison cunningly…

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There’s no excuse for atheism!

Do you think that Jesus is the one and only son of God? Do you believe in eternal hell? I don’t believe these things, but that doesn’t make me an atheist. And if you don’t believe these things, that doesn’t make you an atheist either….

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One in Three and Three in THAT

Three In a cosmic transmission delivered through the mediumship of Dr. George King on March 17th, 1956, the Master Jesus prayed for humanity to be:  One in Three and Three in THAT.  This concept is referenced in the triangular symbol of God’s manifestation as wisdom,…

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We live in God’s Home – so let’s be happy!

The phrase “God’s home” has intrigued me for many years. The only time, to the best of my knowledge, we see it in the Cosmic Teachings is in the Transmission ‘Gotha Speaks To Earth’ given on October 15th, 1966. Here is the phrase in context:…

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What is God and why should we care?

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The essence of us all, and of everything in creation, is Divine – a spark of God. We all come from the Divine source – and we will all eventually return to this source. This Divine source is known…

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Unmodified Peace

  The word peace is used around the world thousands of times every day, with many different meanings. Ultimately it means an end to war upon this planet and harmony among all the peoples of the world. But as Mars Sector 6 questioned in his…

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Unmodified Peace

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This is a time of year when we tend to think about peace. Amidst the busyness of the holiday period, there is nevertheless a wonderful magic in the air – a certain peace we can all feel if we…

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All Change

A couple of years ago I was sitting in a tube-train at Earl’s Court station in London. I was dozing, as I often do on trains, to be awoken abruptly by a loud announcement over the tannoy. The announcement was two simple words: “ALL CHANGE!”…

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Interview: Is God an Alien?

When people hear that intelligent life exists on other planets in this solar system, and even that we believe that Jesus is from Venus, understandably it raises all sorts of questions and doubts, especially in the light of data from NASA’s recent missions. How could intelligent life possibly…

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Jupiter 92 – How to overcome spiritual aloneness – a three-point plan

This blogpost is the first in a series which will analyze the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great extraterrestrial Master known simply to us as Jupiter 92. Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane…

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Real Success

It was a warm, sunny, cloudless August afternoon in the most elite part of Hollywood, California. The place? The Bel Air Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. The playground of the ‘smart’ people and the meeting place of who’s who in Society. Amidst the palm-decked, lush gardens…

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Service – Oneness – Joy

Does spirituality bring joy into our lives? Should we prioritize our own happiness? Why do some spiritual people seem unhappy, and materialistic people seem happy? What is the relationship between oneness and joy? Why does the spiritual path sometimes seem to cause unhappiness? How can karma bring joy into our lives?

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The truth about Jesus

In this special podcast in celebration of the true birth date of the Master Jesus – March 15th – Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze reveal the fascinating truth about Jesus’ life, his real mission to Earth and his teachings. Thanks to Dr. George King, a…

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A Prophecy – The Next Master Is Coming

At present extraterrestrial visitations of Earth tend to be shrouded in secrecy. This will change: an interplanetary Master will land openly for all to see, and then help mankind create a new world of peace and enlightenment.

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