Special online Services during a Spiritual Push

What are they?

We broadcast special online Services of The Twelve Blessings every weekday during the first week of each Spiritual Push in honor of Satellite Number 3.

What is a Spiritual Push?

There are four periods each year known as “Spiritual Pushes.” Each of these is about a month long. 

During a Spiritual Push an extraterrestrial spacecraft, known as “Satellite Number 3,” comes into orbit of Earth. This spacecraft is under the command of a Cosmic Master known as Mars Sector 6 – who is one of the most advanced Masters in the Solar System.

During these periods, spiritual energy is sent by Satellite Number 3 to anyone working in an unselfish way to help others. This energy helps to raise the consciousness of people on Earth and create positive karma. 

In fact, a Spiritual Push is your best opportunity to help transform our world; the energy from Satellite Number 3 makes every selfless act of service 3000 times more potent in terms of its karmic benefit to the world as a whole. It also enhances your own personal spiritual practices.

Can anyone use this spiritual energy?

You do not have to be in any way spiritually advanced to use this energy. Neither does it matter what religion you are, what gender you are, what race you are, what country you live in, how old you are, whether you are a saint or the worst sinner.

To access this energy, all that matters is that you do a good deed for a genuinely unselfish reason.

In fact, you don’t even have to believe in Satellite Number 3 – but it does help if you do. The more we cultivate an inner awareness of the presence of this great temple of light in orbit of our world, the more we will be able to feel a sense of gratitude for the work being done on our behalf by the Cosmic Masters.

This appreciation will motivate us and enhance our ability to make the best possible use of this unique opportunity to help others.

Special online Services during the first week of the Spiritual Push

These special online Services will bring together spiritually-minded people in many different countries from around the world at the same time. 

Doing the practice at the same time as others is even more powerful than doing it alone, so we invite you to tune in to as many of the live online Services during this period as you can.

The more people who tune in together, the greater good we can do together for the world! You can be an even greater part of it by helping to share these services with others and spread the important truth of the existence of the Third Satellite and its invaluable work for humanity. 

When are they?

These Services are usually held on weekdays at 8 pm British Time/12 noon Pacific Time/3 pm Eastern Time, and on the Saturday at 5:30 pm Pacific Time, and the Sunday at 5:30 pm British Time.

Please check the online Service schedule for the upcoming calendar of Services.

How to tune in

Please visit the Twelve Blessings website to tune in to these online services. Alternatively, you can download the Mixlr app for iOS and Android, and search for "twelve_blessings".

Listen to one of our previous broadcasts

It's free

Participation is completely free and open to spiritual seekers of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds.

What to expect during the Service

Simple guided practices

Follow along with simple mystic visualizations and breathing exercises, which will help to inspire and uplift you, and make you a better channel for spiritual energy.

The practice of The Twelve Blessings

Send out spiritual energy for peace, and to specific areas of the world in need which have been affected by war, natural catastrophes, etc.

Readings from The Twelve Blessings

Listen to the words of the Master Jesus from The Twelve Blessings, which reveal profound spiritual truths.

Each service is about 30 minutes long. 

We use a very simple service format that is easy to join in with even if it is your first time tuning in. 

Prayer is one of the most important practices in Aetherius Society teachings; it is a way of invoking and sending out spiritual energy in order to help yourself and others. 

If you are not familiar with the prayers we use during these Services and you’d like a copy of the free prayer sheet, subscribe here and we’ll send it to you by email, together with our introductory series of spiritual wisdom from The Twelve Blessings.

Alternatively, you may wish to remain silent and just focus on the experience and allow the energy to flow through you. Either way, if you participate with an open heart and mind, it can be a powerful spiritual experience.

What are people saying about the special online Spiritual Push Services?

Hi, just wanted to tell you that the service you took for the victims of Hurricane Dorian was really powerful! Thanks for the wonderful service!

– Kay, USA

24 Countries - WOW! My friend Darlene in Idaho tuned in today. She was moved.

– Marian, USA

Hello wonderful team, I had the privileged honour to join in with the Twelve Blessings services this week both from Germany and Mexico... I love to practice the Twelve Blessings every single day of my life between one and four times...

– Lothar, Germany