Extraterrestrial life Archives - The Aetherius Society https://www.aetherius.org/tas-extraterrestrial-life/ Thu, 10 Oct 2024 18:55:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 The Aetherius Society is an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences. In great compassion, these beings recognize the extent of suffering on Earth and have made countless sacrifices in their mission to help us to create a better world. The Society was founded in the mid-1950s by an Englishman named George King shortly after he was contacted in London by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius”. The main body of the Society’s teachings consists of the wisdom given through the mediumship of Dr King by the Master Aetherius and other advanced intelligences from this world and beyond. The single greatest aspect of the Society’s teachings is the importance of selfless service to others. This podcast will provide an insight into some of the teachings given through Dr King. Extraterrestrial life Archives - The Aetherius Society false episodic Extraterrestrial life Archives - The Aetherius Society julian@aetherius.org podcast Spreading the teachings of the Cosmic Masters Extraterrestrial life Archives - The Aetherius Society https://www.aetherius.org/wp-content/uploads/International-iTunes-Cover-Art-1400x1400px.png https://www.aetherius.org/podcasts/ TV-G 146318253 Maldek – “The Lost Water World” https://www.aetherius.org/maldek-the-lost-water-world/ https://www.aetherius.org/maldek-the-lost-water-world/#comments Mon, 22 Jul 2024 12:04:22 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=43094 One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been…

Maldek – “The Lost Water World”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been searching for another planet in the region between Mars and Jupiter. According to calculations, there should be a planet in the exact location of the asteroid belt. Bode’s Law is a formulaic calculation which determines the spacing of the planets in our and any other solar system. This was first determined by Johann Elert Bode and Johann Daniel Titius in the 18th century and became known as Bode’s Law.

Map of the asteroid belt.

Extending outwards from the Sun, each planet should be approximately twice the distance from the Sun as the previous planet. This theory has stood the test of time as the distance of the largest of the asteroids, Ceres, was discovered and thought at that time to simply be a small planetoid. The distance of the planet Uranus was correctly calculated. However this law was later modified as Neptune did not fit into this model and the discrepancies in calculating the distance of the outer planets were corrected.

Theories abound as to how the asteroid belt came into being. Scientists generally believe that it is a “proto-planet” which never had enough mass to form into a proper planet since the dawn of the Solar System and prevented from coalescing into a proper planetary mass by the gravitational influence of Jupiter. It has subsequently been confirmed that this could not have been the case as the distance between the asteroid belt and Jupiter is too great to exert such an influence. This is known as the “Roche Limit” and the asteroid belt is well outside of this. The Roche Limit of Jupiter is approximately 44,000 miles. The distance between the asteroid belt and Jupiter is 242 million miles. The planetary mass of Jupiter can therefore be excluded as an influential factor.

Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun, in this Solar System, primarily found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The combined mass of all the asteroids would only amount to one thousandth the mass of Earth which is the equivalent of one third of the mass of the moon. The composition of the asteroids in the asteroid belt can be classified as three main types:

~ The “chondrite” types, consisting of clay and silicate rocks, known as the “C” types.
~ The “stony” types, made up of silicate materials and nickel/iron, “S” types.
~ The purely metallic nickel/iron “M” types.

All these are consistent with the makeup of Earth-like planets and would only form under intense pressure and heat, not in the environment of outer space. The other fact to consider is that planets are not known to explode by themselves. The only thing that could cause the complete destruction and disintegration of a planet would be either a collision with another planetary body, a comet or the result of a chain reaction exerted upon it.

The truth of this mystery lies in the origins of the human race. One of the important revelations given through The Aetherius Society is the existence, more than 18 million years ago, of a beautiful, green, fertile planet which orbited between Mars and Jupiter. This was the original home of humanity before we destroyed it in a thermo-nuclear holocaust. Dr George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society, gave an account of this in his introduction to The Nine Freedoms and references to this terrible catastrophe are made in various Cosmic Transmissions from such Interplanetary Beings as Mars Sector 6 and The Master Aetherius.

In 2020, NASA sent a probe, OSIRIS-REx, to the asteroid “Bennu” to retrieve some rock samples and bring them back to Earth for analysis in order to give us greater insights into the origins of the Solar System. Bennu is an asteroid that is believed to have broken away from the main asteroid belt sometime in the past and forms part of the Apollo group of near-Earth asteroids that follow a different orbit around the Sun. They are termed “Near-Earth Asteroids” because they swoop past the planets and there is the possibility of a collision with our planet in the next century.

The findings, published in The Scientific American on March 28th this year, were completely unexpected and will turn the original, long-held concepts on their heads! They indicate that the asteroid Bennu was a fragment of “an ancient ocean world” with evidence of the building blocks of life. The makeup of the sediments in the sample also indicate that Bennu was the product of a world with continental margins, in other words tectonic plates, similar to Earth. The researchers are scratching their heads as to how this “planet” ended up as the millions of fragments we now know as the asteroid belt. One hypothesis is some cataclysmic collision which reduced the planet to rubble. The water ice particles traced on comets do not have the chemical fingerprints of water on Earth. However, the traces of water on Bennu and some other meteorites are a close match to our planet’s oceans.

However, there are still unanswered questions. We are told, in The Aetherius Society, on Cosmic Authority, that the population of that green and fertile world waged war against each other. Their scientists had developed nuclear weapons, the like of which we have not seen on Earth, and completely destroyed the planet. Radioactive debris would have blown across the Solar System along with the lighter elements of a planetary body and attached itself to some of the other planets. This left the heavier elements which constitute the solid core of a rocky planet. These are the remnants which make up the asteroid belt.

There are some strange anomalies that have been discovered which cannot be explained away. There is an abnormally high amount of a rare gas, xenon 129, that has been detected in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter and Mars. There are also areas of abnormally high radioactivity on the surface of Mars which is not detected in the deeper layers of the crust.

Mars & Jupiter – not to scale.

Natural Xenon comprises a mixture of several isotopes in varying percentages, from Xenon 118 to Xenon 144. Xenon 129 is the product of radioactive iodine 129, with a half-life of some 17 million years – not that far removed from the date of the nuclear holocaust of Maldek over 18 million years ago! There is also an abnormally high amount of xenon 129 in a large number of stony meteorites from the asteroid belt which find their way to Earth. The anomalous amount of now extinct radioactive isotopes detected in these meteorites point to a huge nuclear event at some time in the past. Xenon 129 is a by-product of nuclear fission and not a naturally occurring element. High amounts of this gas have been detected in Earth’s atmosphere since 1945 when there was prolific nuclear experimentation going on all over the world until the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed in 1968 by the USA, the UK, the Soviet Union and 59 other states.

Xenon does occur naturally in the Sun but is relatively rare and this again does not explain the high amount of Xenon 129 in Jupiter’s atmosphere which is 2.6 times higher, along with the radioactive areas on the surface and in the atmosphere of Mars.

There is a school of thought in some scientific circles that there was a nuclear event on Mars itself which at least is a more open-minded opinion. Plasma scientist Dr. John Brandenburg from the University of Southern Oregon and senior propulsion scientist at Orbital Technologies Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin, claims the high concentration of Xenon 129 in Mars’s atmosphere and the concentration of uranium and thorium on its surface was detected by NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft and could not have occurred naturally. This could only have come from a nuclear explosion.

The pieces of the jigsaw are all there but have not yet been put together. After the horrific destruction of Maldek which ended all life, the radioactive debris would have hit the nearest planetary bodies to it, namely Mars and Jupiter. This would explain the anomalous amount of radioactivity on Mars – which is closer to the orbit of the asteroid belt – and the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Assuming Mars was more closely aligned with Maldek at the time of its destruction, it would have been severely impacted.

In the 1950s, the closest we came to producing a nuclear weapon that could potentially destroy our planet was the lithium bomb, named Castle Bravo, on March 1st 1954 in the Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific. It left a crater 6,510 feet across and 250 feet deep. It formed a fireball 4.5 miles across in the space of one second and was one thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The scientists involved in the development of this terrifying weapon miscalculated its yield which was much greater than anticipated. It was the most dangerous nuclear device ever exploded, at that time, and was never tested again.

Castle Bravo test.

We live even today under the shadow of nuclear threats. It is not surprising that the first important cosmic message Dr. King received, referred to as the Command, came a couple of months after the Castle Bravo test, when you consider our past history.

Not only did we destroy Maldek, but we destroyed the ancient civilisation of Lemuria and Atlantis through nuclear war. We are under observation by the Cosmic Masters and the time had come to intervene as much as they were allowed to by Karmic Law. We have been informed that implosion devices were released by mother-ships or scout patrol craft into the atmosphere of Earth which absorbed the excess radioactivity by the process of magnetic attraction. These could later be destroyed along with all the radioactivity. Without this intervention, our world would have been much more toxic and polluted when you consider the amount of radioactivity that had been released into our atmosphere.

In fact, on April 4th, 1958, the great Cosmic Intelligence known to us as Mars Sector 6, made the following statement:

“For you, Terra (Earth), have already released enough radioactivity to kill all life upon your planet, had we not many times in the past intervened”.

Let us hope that the collective memory in the subconscious of the group soul of humanity will stop us from ever repeating the worst cosmic crime we could ever commit, namely destroying a planet, and instead go forwards into a new age of spirituality where there are greater beings than us waiting to help us on a true galactic journey.

Learn more


NOTE: The top image: an artists depiction of their idea of an alien world – this is not an accurate depiction of the planet Maldek.


About the author
Alyson LawrenceAlyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

Maldek – “The Lost Water World”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/maldek-the-lost-water-world/feed/ 2 43094
UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” https://www.aetherius.org/ufos-and-platos-allegory-of-the-cave/ https://www.aetherius.org/ufos-and-platos-allegory-of-the-cave/#comments Thu, 18 Jul 2024 21:01:51 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=43083 Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a…

UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a plot to conceal the truth from the masses is not a modern invention.

Throughout history, truth has been hidden or altered. In some cases by accident, but often there has been a malicious intent. Truth has been systematically replaced by a false “reality” – perhaps no more so than in the case of UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Before we relate this ancient allegory to the UFO conspiracy, here’s a quick summary.

The Allegory of the Cave

In brief, Plato’s allegory involves a small group of people imprisoned in chains in a cave. They cannot see out of the cave. Objects are held in front of a fire behind them which casts shadows on the wall for them to see. These shadows are the only things the prisoners can see and they become their world. They have no knowledge of anything outside of this existence.

One day, one of the prisoners escapes the cave. Upon leaving, he is initially blinded by the outside light but then gradually adjusts to it and the reality of life outside the cave.

He returns to the cave to tell the other prisoners about it but they reject him, saying that he has gone mad because his eyes are no longer adapted to the darkness and he is talking of a strange reality they cannot understand.

It is a remarkably insightful allegory. Even the use of darkness and light is spot on. Perhaps the only shortcoming is that it is often regarded as a philosophical concept for intellectual stimulation, rather than a commentary on how society really works.

The most stunning aspect of this allegory is how accurately it reflects the so-called reality that surrounds us. We are the prisoners of this reality – all of us are, to some degree or another.

The Allegory and the UFO Conspiracy

The UFO conspiracy and Plato’s allegory differ but the basic premise is the same and it has been used successfully to control the discussion about UFOs.

In the UFO conspiracy:

  • The prisoners are the masses of humanity. They are bound not by physical chains but by mental chains. The weapon of fear holds them in a tight grip. Conditioned to fear standing out from the crowd, they obediently follow the messaging and obey their conditioning.
  • The shadows on the wall that the prisoners watch are cast not by fire but by the mass media. The lie they push is resoundingly clear – UFOs are not real, and intelligent alien life has not contacted Earth. Through news, movies, streaming, books, pop music and so many other channels, we are programmed – conditioned to believe that the very idea of intelligent life outside of Earth is ridiculous. A myriad of reasons are given, but it starts by saying that the people reporting sightings are deluded. If more effort is required then more elaborate lies are created. Where necessary, they bring in paid “experts” to professionally debunk with even more outrageous lies.
  • The media are controlled by “the Silence Group,” the shadowy forces manipulating world events, operating out of sight for the most part. Their tentacles reach into the depths of power. Politicians, the media and big business are the tools they wield to get their way. Their grip is tight.

But despite the attempt to suppress it, the truth is out there!

The grip of the Silence Group is not absolute. There are cracks in their system. They cannot silence every voice.

They certainly did not silence the founder of The Aetherius Society, Master of yoga Dr. George King. Here is an extract from his editorial in a 1956 issue of Cosmic Voice:

Refuse to allow yourself to become a piece of drift-wood on the tides of materialistic progression. CALL A HALT NOW, this very moment. Make up your mind before you read another word. And prepare to smile in superior tolerance at your persecutors — the self-styled “practical” individuals who refuse to believe anything except what they find convenient to recognize for their own ends. It is very interesting indeed that these same materialists entertain reports such as they were given about conditions on the summit of Mount Everest — reports vouched for by only TWO earth-men — and in the next breath deny the obvious authenticity of the statements of DOZENS who have come into contact with Beings from other Planets.

Please note that more witnesses have vouched for meeting Visitors from Outer Space just lately than have been to the North or South Poles. Yet, strangely enough, the alleged practical individuals will readily believe the few explorers when they speak of Polar conditions.

Another paradox is that scientists of today are teaching the scientists of tomorrow theories which exclude the possibility of contacts with Beings from other Planets, and such theories are being accepted as the opinion of the majority. Readers are warned — this is only part of the scientific conditioning.

You can examine the facts for yourselves, with intelligent and open-minded care; consider them in your mind and accept them, if they be reasonable. Do not be guided by the opinions of the majority, just because they are the opinions of the majority. Start to think for yourselves — now!

It is a great comfort that our Friends from the other Planets are different from those who would limit our freedom of thought. I thank God for that difference! Let us be guided by such Beings.

Dr. King himself certainly was guided by them. In fact, he dedicated his life to cooperating with them in whatever way he could.

His extraterrestrial contacts revealed that the most advanced spacecraft in our skies are visitors from other planets. Sometimes referred to as “Cosmic Masters”, they have visited Earth throughout our history, sometimes living among us. Some of the best known of these are Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Patanjali, Lao Tzu and Ramakrishna.

They came for a very definite purpose — to help humanity.

From their perspective, virtually the whole human race is stuck inside Plato’s cave, blindly accepting the shadows on the cave wall as the truth. The Cosmic Masters want to help us break free from this illusory world pushed upon us by the manipulators behind the scenes and escape the cave.

In 1957, a Cosmic Master referred to as Mars Sector 6 gave a message through the yogic mediumship of Dr. King:

You have been conditioned. All of you have been specially prepared, by the few who would turn you outside of yourselves — the few foolhardy, dark manipulators, behind the scenes of your World. You have been specially prepared in order to become but clay in the hands of a few scheming plotters.

Break Away. Break Away. Break Away.

LET IN THE LIGHT — then the plotters will themselves run fast, for the Light, when it shines upon them, sets fire to their schemes.

The Spacecraft Sending Light To Earth

The teachings given by the Cosmic Masters are profound and enlightening. But they have done more than educate us about the reality outside the cave, they are offering us a key to escaping the cave.

They have provided an immense source of spiritual energy, or spiritual light, in the form of “Satellite Number 3.”

This colossal, invisible spacecraft is controlled by Mars Sector 6 and comes into orbit of Earth four times per year, for about a month each time. The dates of these orbits are fixed into the future.

While it is in many ways a horrific thought that we have been controlled by a few evil schemers throughout the centuries, the Cosmic Masters bring a message of great hope.

We are sparks of God!

The Cosmic Masters can see our Divinity and they want to help us break out of our conditioned mindsets and realize this for ourselves. Satellite Number 3 is a part of their plan to help make this happen.

Any truly spiritual actions taken while it is in orbit are massively potentized.

But we need to take action.

We need to cooperate with Satellite Number 3.

Here are some words about this from Mars Sector 6:

During this time, Satellite No. 3 is in orbit of Terra [Earth], we will orbit about 1,550 miles from your surface. We will be undetectable by Earth instruments for reasons you have already been informed. During this time, we will radiate Energy of a high vibratory nature unto all those individuals and groups upon Terra, who will use this Energy for the benefit of their brothers.

In no wise may this Energy be used to better personal position. In no wise may this energy be used to improve materialistic gain or possession. It may only be used for that nature which right thinking Terrestrial man may truthfully claim as being fully spiritual. The characteristics of this Energy are such that it may not be incorrectly involved by the dark forces among you. It may only be used by those, who are in some way traveling upon the path of selfless Service.

Use this Energy for the benefit of your brothers. Automatically, you too become a beneficiary. For, in this way, you evoke the Law of Karma in its most positive phase to work on your behalf.

All you need to do to access the energy offered by Satellite Number 3 is to raise your hands in unselfish prayer for others. And there’s no better time to start than now!

Learn more

Header image: Wikimedia

About the author
Julian Rosser is a Priest and a Director of The Aetherius Society based in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for The Aetherius Society at its European Headquarters in London and prior to that was on the volunteer staff at the New Zealand Branch. He is a regular blogger, presenter and author of One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/ufos-and-platos-allegory-of-the-cave/feed/ 4 43083
The Master Jesus: His True Mission to Earth https://www.aetherius.org/the-master-jesus-his-true-mission-to-earth/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-master-jesus-his-true-mission-to-earth/#comments Wed, 20 Dec 2023 08:01:18 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=41674 Discover the real mystical nature of the great intelligence we know as the Master Jesus. Jesus was not the so-called “one and only son of God”, but was – and…

The Master Jesus: His True Mission to Earth
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Discover the real mystical nature of the great intelligence we know as the Master Jesus.

Jesus was not the so-called “one and only son of God”, but was – and is – a highly evolved Spiritual Master who came to Earth from a higher vibratory plane of another planet, as did Buddha, Sri Krishna, Confucius and other Divine teachers throughout the ages.

His teaching 2,000 years ago was the way to God through love and service. His modern teaching for the New Age, as given through the unique mediumship of Dr. George King, adds a consciousness-shifting vision of the cosmos and our place within it.

He has stripped away the dogma that has crept into so-called Christianity, and teaches us how we can find enlightenment and truly help humanity to evolve – the most important thing any of us can do.

Discover more about the unique Avatar of Divine Love – The Master Jesus in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live!

Host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Alyson Lawrence to discuss the unique role The Master Jesus played in the Divine plan for the spiritual awakening of humanity.


About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.





About Alyson Lawrence

Alyson Lawrence

Alyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.


The Master Jesus: His True Mission to Earth
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-master-jesus-his-true-mission-to-earth/feed/ 1 Discover the real mystical nature of the great intelligence we know as the Master Jesus. Jesus was not the so-called “one and only son of God”, but was – and… Discover the real mystical nature of the great intelligence we know as the Master Jesus. Jesus was not the so-called “one and only son of God”, but was – and… Chrissie Blaze full false 58:25 41674
AI & the True History of Humanity https://www.aetherius.org/artificial-intelligence-and-the-true-history-of-humanity/ https://www.aetherius.org/artificial-intelligence-and-the-true-history-of-humanity/#comments Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:26:38 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=41614 What if, instead of going into the field of electronics and all its side branches, we had gone into the field of “spiritual-onics” if you like, or studied the universal…

AI & the True History of Humanity
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


What if, instead of going into the field of electronics and all its side branches, we had gone into the field of “spiritual-onics” if you like, or studied the universal life forces in their higher state—what would life be like on Earth today?

Recently, we have seen an explosion of interest in artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

While it has a myriad of potential benefits, some worry about the rise of this new technology: how will we be able to discern truth from AI generated material? Will it create a new age of misinformation? Will it get out of control and attack humans?

But when we look back at the true history of the human race, a stranger concern arises.

This concern isn’t about the technology itself going awry. It is about how we – the human race – respond to it. It is about the implications for our spiritual evolution.

What if it becomes so good, it does virtually everything for us?

Today, we have the benefit of technology to perform many of our mundane tasks. Perhaps one day we could have AI robots that would carry out more and more of our mundane tasks, to the point that there is very little for us to do ourselves.

If all our menial tasks were fulfilled, what would we do?

On the surface, this hardly sounds like something to be concerned about. Perhaps it even sounds like a dream scenario. But a study of our true history shows how it could be problematic.

Before Earth, the human race resided on another planet in this Solar System. Maldek was a green and beautiful planet. The inhabitants – the human race – were much more advanced than we are today. They had greater technology and had created robots that took care of most of the basic tasks. This meant that the population didn’t really have much to do. They became a lazy, lackadaisical race of people, content to while away their lives in the sun.

But not all. There were some who sought power. And because the majority were so lackadaisical, those seeking power were able to find it. They advanced their militaristic technology and created a weapon so powerful, it could destroy their entire planet. And they did!

The whole race of people were murdered and, even worse, so was the planet itself. Now all that remains of it is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The people of Maldek were gradually reincarnated upon Earth where we repeated virtually the same scenario: gradually evolving and building up an advanced civilization, known as Lemuria, only to destroy it through nuclear war.

Once again, the human race had to go back to the beginning and evolve. Almost unbelievably, after having gradually built up a new civilization – Atlantis – we again destroyed ourselves through nuclear war. Thankfully, in the cases of Lemuria and Altantis, at least the planet itself – the Mother Earth – was not killed.

Today, once again, we have rebuilt our civilization. We have advanced our technology, but neglected our spirituality.

Once again, we are standing on the precipice, with the nuclear “sword of Damocles” hanging over our collective heads.

If we want to avoid going down the same route we have taken before, how do we use AI and other new technologies more productively?

Perhaps this isn’t really the most important question we should be asking ourselves.

A far greater question would be: how do we use spiritual energy productively?

Our technology has greatly advanced over the last couple of centuries. But what about our spirituality? The majority of people are still stuck with very basic ideas about God and religion – whether believers or non-believers.

Not only that, we still haven’t learned the basics of life: to demonstrate love and compassion for one other. Our civilization is still fraught with violence, hatred and war.

To create a brighter future, far removed from our dark past, we must turn our attention to our spiritual development. We must learn to love one another. If we can open our hearts and bring forth this love, then no technology we create will ever be our master. We will infuse it with our love and only create that which is in all ways helpful.

Here’s a glimpse of the future if our civilization spent its energies in a more spiritual direction, from an address given by Master of yoga Dr. George King in 1967:

If mankind had spent as much effort on the control and transmission and internal use of spiritual energies as he has on perfecting flight, for instance, war would—and talk and thought of war—would be so alien to the natures of the people now existing on Earth that if such a thought dawned on anyone they would immediately—without having to be asked or ordered—they would immediately go for a complete analysis to assure themselves their brain was not turning down wrong channels.

If the control and use of what we call universal life forces had been really studied as, for instance, has the motorcar, today we would on this Earth be able—with permission—to detach ourselves from the human body and visit Africa, the North Pole, the South Pole, or even the moon. We would know far more about the stars and the planets than ever we know today. We would have vehicles which we could use, which makes the fastest jet airplane look like a child’s toy—and a backward child’s toy as well.

If we had thrown as much effort into the study and control and use of the natural forces which bombard this Earth for 24 hours per day, as we have in perfecting the atom bomb, there is no end—your imagination can be let freely roam before you can come to an end of what would be our capabilities today. All sickness would be gone. People would be able to live, I would estimate, three to four hundred years in the same physical body and still look young. The physical body regenerating itself from the energies which are available, which could be concentrated, which could be directed.

No disease of course. Naturally, of course, no poverty. Ignorance would gradually be dispelled because of the concentration of forces which activate and vibrate the cells of the brain. So we would not have some people capable of writing books on philosophy and others incapable of reading two simple words. There would not be this division in the human race. It would all be brought up onto a higher level.

Listen to the full audio of Dr. King’s address on Aetherius Cloud.

Imagine a world where even having a thought of war would make you want to get yourself checked out in case you were unwell – that is certainly a future I would like to live in! And that is the future we can build for ourselves.

How can we start in this direction? By being of service to others. This is the crux of the message of the Cosmic Masters – advanced intelligences from other planets who spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. King.

They tell us that service to others is the key to our individual and collective evolution.

Giving spiritual service to others is within the reach of each and every one of us. It’s something we all can, and should, do. Even if we have never helped anyone before, we can start today and create a brighter future for ourselves and others.

Find out more

About the author
Julian Rosser is a Priest and a Director of The Aetherius Society based in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for The Aetherius Society at its European Headquarters in London and prior to that was on the volunteer staff at the New Zealand Branch. He is a regular blogger, presenter and author of One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

AI & the True History of Humanity
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/artificial-intelligence-and-the-true-history-of-humanity/feed/ 2 41614
#120 – Intelligent Life – In Our Solar System? (Discover Spiritual Aliens) https://www.aetherius.org/120-intelligent-life-in-our-solar-system/ https://www.aetherius.org/120-intelligent-life-in-our-solar-system/#comments Sat, 28 Oct 2023 07:01:59 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=41398 It’s fair to say that most scientists searching for extraterrestrial life are searching for life as we know it. There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life…

#120 – Intelligent Life – In Our Solar System? (Discover Spiritual Aliens)
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


It’s fair to say that most scientists searching for extraterrestrial life are searching for life as we know it.

There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life not as we know it – beyond our concept of biology.

But there are still no scientists, that we know of, who are approaching the truth about advanced extraterrestrial life – which exists even in our Solar System.

How is life possible on Mars, Venus, or Saturn?

And what does it reveal about the nature of the Universe?

Tune in to this week’s episode for a discussion with UFO expert and spiritual teacher Richard Lawrence about life beyond Earth.


Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio shows around the world and is the author of 11 books including Contacts With The Gods From Space and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – his spiritual master.

Do you have a spiritual question, a story or an experience you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at spiritualfreedom@richardlawrence.co.uk.

Join us on a journey through the profound spiritual truth of The Nine Freedoms designed to help you develop your intuition, find and follow your life purpose and make a difference in the world. Nourish your soul with simple spiritual practices and timeless wisdom, and open the door to lasting inner peace, true fulfilment and ultimately – enlightenment. Discover more about The Nine Freedoms.

#120 – Intelligent Life – In Our Solar System? (Discover Spiritual Aliens)
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/120-intelligent-life-in-our-solar-system/feed/ 2 41398
Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens https://www.aetherius.org/oppenheimers-response-to-a-prompt-from-aliens/ https://www.aetherius.org/oppenheimers-response-to-a-prompt-from-aliens/#comments Fri, 28 Jul 2023 17:16:21 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=40186 One fascinating aspect of Oppenheimer’s life, omitted from the blockbuster movie, is his response to a prompt from alien representatives from higher planes of other planets in our solar system.…

Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


One fascinating aspect of Oppenheimer’s life, omitted from the blockbuster movie, is his response to a prompt from alien representatives from higher planes of other planets in our solar system.

On June 10, 1954, The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, printed an article under the heading ‘Atom particle find excites U.S. physicists’ about a particle detected by scientists at the University of Chicago, which stated:

A photographic record has been obtained of an atomic particle, apparently from outer space, which it is estimated moved at a speed and energy of ten thousand billion volts…

Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the atomic scientist recently held to be a security risk by the Atomic Energy Commission, said that this was the physics problem to which he now intended to devote his time. ‘It is trying to tell us something if we could read and understand it. Just what the particle is and what force it possesses nobody knows. When we understand what it is we will understand a lot more about the nature of physics.’

The particle tore through a pack of photographic plates carried in a high-altitude balloon over Texas, reportedly like a bullet through a pack of cards. The article continued:

Physicists speculate that the particle is something that nuclear scientists have been asking [about] for years, an anti-proton. This is the opposite to a proton, the core of a hydrogen atom…

In tearing through the film pack it is thought the anti-proton struck a proton and both were annihilated. For scientists the implication is that somewhere in the universe there exists a means of annihilating or converting into energy all the various kinds of matter known on earth.

The story gets really interesting when we find out how this particle got there.

A month prior to this newspaper report, Dr. George King, a Master of yoga living in England, had been contacted by an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence from a higher material plane of the planet Venus, known as Aetherius. This was Dr. King’s first such contact, but it was the beginning of over 40 years of communication with interplanetary beings from both inside our solar system and beyond.

During a channeling session shortly after this news report was published, the Master Aetherius was asked about the discovery of this antiproton and how it got there. There was presumably a hope that the Master Aetherius would be able to give insights into its origins.

The Master Aetherius responded:

we did arrange to bring about this bombardment by an atomic particle, the like of which cannot be found upon this Earth of yours.

We did this in order to give certain of your physicists a lead, so that this lead would help them to evolve, not only mathematical calculations, but also a philosophy superior to that which they hold at the present moment. We feel that certain of the physicists will know and recognise the fact that this particle cannot have been just floating about by chance, that in the beginning it must have been broken away from a molecular and atomic structure, because it is an anti-proton—a part of a particular kind of very fine matter not found in that way on Terra*.

*Note: ‘Terra’ is their word for the Earth.

From You Are Responsible by Dr. George King

So this particle was not there by chance. It was extraterrestrial beings who sent this particle through the photographic plates, and they did so explicitly so that scientists would have something to think about.

It would seem that Oppenheimer began to realize the significance of this antiproton, and therefore to regard it as an important facet of science that he wanted to understand. By deciding to dedicate his time to understanding its implications, he appears to have responded to this extraterrestrial prompting as they had hoped – presumably without his being even remotely aware of the existence of the extraterrestrials in question.

But this isn’t the only aspect of where the worlds of Oppenheimer and aliens may partially intersect.

Oppenheimer is, of course, most well known as the lead scientist in the Manhattan project that produced the atomic bombs detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945.

When the extraterrestrial beings, or Cosmic Masters as he referred to them, first began speaking through Dr. King in the 1950s, one of the key themes of their messages was that humanity needed to move away from atomic experimentation. They taught that the destructive effects of these murder weapons were much greater than we realized, affecting creation on seven octaves of manifestation, not just the octave our science is currently able to detect.

They were also worried about us taking the development of these weapons even further, to the point that we could destroy ourselves. They had, after all, already seen us do this. The human race has previously brought about the destruction of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria through atomic war. And even worse still, the destruction of Maldek, the planet which we lived upon before Earth. All that remains of Maldek now is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Oppenheimer’s leadership of the development of the atomic bomb and his later investigation of this antiproton are two aspects of his life that are poles apart.

On the one hand, he has led humanity in the development of a weapon that is expressly at odds with the wishes of the advanced extraterrestrial beings in our solar system. Yet on the other hand, he has later led humanity in a positive way, by following their prompting to investigate the antiproton.

This is a story of the possibility of redemption. We all make mistakes in life but no matter how bad they are, we all have the chance to change and take a better direction. There is no such thing as eternal damnation; there is always the opportunity to begin to make amends.

In a way, this story is a microcosm of the story of the entire human race. Even though there were individuals at the helm, driving us towards our past mistakes, they were ultimately the mistakes of the human race as a whole and we all bear a certain amount of responsibility for them. These mistakes can’t be easily or quickly corrected, but we have to begin somewhere. We aren’t all scientists of Oppenheimer’s standing, but we can still all help the world in our own way.

We are still in a war of sorts today. Not like the Second World War of Oppenheimer’s time, although there is plenty of that kind of war going on now too. But more so, we are still in a war of love against hate. Love will win, it will ultimately always prevail. But we can help expedite that victory through spiritual action. We can pray. We can radiate love from our hearts to help heal and uplift; to raise consciousness and inspire humanity to move in a better direction.

To close, here is another extract from the Master Aetherius, also from You Are Responsible, about the need for spiritual optimism, regardless of the challenges we face:

You are not alone in your struggles—you have never been alone in your struggles for Spiritual supremacy. We have been aware, for centuries, of the tremendous battle now raging on Terra—a battle between basic materialism on the one hand, and Spirituality and enlightenment on the other hand.

Now, when some of you regard the apparent surface chaos of your Planet, you are apt to be despondent. Cast this despondency to the winds, for it is a useless garment—it could never keep you warm because the winds of doubt could blow through its coarse weave and you would freeze.

Discard your despondency!

Have courage, hope and faith that your most honourable aspiration will be fulfilled by a greater magic than any other magic—the magic that is brought about by the power within you.

About the author
Julian RosserJulian Rosser is a Priest and a Director of The Aetherius Society based in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for The Aetherius Society at its European Headquarters in London and prior to that was on the volunteer staff at the New Zealand Branch. He is a regular blogger, presenter and author of One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/oppenheimers-response-to-a-prompt-from-aliens/feed/ 16 40186
The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth https://www.aetherius.org/the-cosmic-adepts-around-earth/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-cosmic-adepts-around-earth/#comments Mon, 22 May 2023 07:01:22 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=39800 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts…

The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts – to do whatever they can for humanity on Earth.

Tune in for personal insights from Brian which help bring the unique Mental Transmissions recorded by our Master to life, and give us an intimate look at the interaction between our Master and these Cosmic Adepts.

About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie BlazeChrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.





About Brian Keneipp

Brian Keneipp is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the American Headquarters and a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches. Brian spent more than 10 years by the side of Dr. George King as his personal aide. He is the author of Operation Earth Light – A Glimpse into the World of the Ascended Masters, and the co-editor of Cosmic Voice (a journal of The Aetherius Society). He is also the co-author of The King Who Came To Earth – the recently released biography of Dr. King.


The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-cosmic-adepts-around-earth/feed/ 2 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts… In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts… Chrissie Blaze full false 1:02:09 39800
The Floating Temple of Light https://www.aetherius.org/the-floating-temple-of-light/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-floating-temple-of-light/#comments Wed, 19 Apr 2023 17:57:35 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=39589 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew…

The Floating Temple of Light
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew of extraordinary operators.

Tune in to discover more about this floating temple of light that is now in orbit of Earth awaiting every single moment of our spiritual action!

About Alyson Lawrence

Alyson LawrenceAlyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.





About Brian Keneipp

Brian Keneipp is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the American Headquarters and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. Brian spent more than 10 years by the side of Dr. George King as his personal aide. He is the author of Operation Earth Light – A Glimpse into the World of the Ascended Masters, and the co-editor of Cosmic Voice (a journal of The Aetherius Society). He is also the co-author of The King Who Came To Earth – the recently released biography of Dr. King.


The Floating Temple of Light
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-floating-temple-of-light/feed/ 1 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew… In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew… Alyson Lawrence full false 1:00:37 39589
A tale of two worlds https://www.aetherius.org/a-tale-of-two-worlds/ https://www.aetherius.org/a-tale-of-two-worlds/#comments Wed, 23 Nov 2022 09:06:01 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=38405   Planet Earth is irrevocably moving towards a great change, the long prophesied New Age. This change is going to affect all life on Earth – certainly on this physical…

A tale of two worlds
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


A tale of two worlds

Planet Earth is irrevocably moving towards a great change, the long prophesied New Age. This change is going to affect all life on Earth – certainly on this physical plane – and humanity as a whole has a choice:

1) We either make the necessary changes to our lifestyle and embrace spirituality which will alter our vibratory rate


2) Carry on as we are and, in the course of time, our planet will become uninhabitable for us as we will not be able to sustain the atmospheric changes which will gradually take place, leaving the surface of Earth open to higher cosmic ray bombardment.

We are undoubtedly at the 11th hour of our existence on Earth but our position is not hopeless. All life throughout the universe will progress through evolution and the lessons that come to all of us are the results of our past thoughts and actions. This is referred to as karma, and a number of people are starting to understand the significance of this great Law which pervades the whole of manifestation.

Every planet in our Solar System is inhabited on higher levels of existence. The civilizations that inhabit these other planets have evolved beyond the limitations of humankind on this physical plane and lead a peaceful, spiritual existence, helping other more backward races to evolve. They look with sadness at the behaviour of the human race but they are limited in the extent that they are able to help us. They will not force us to change our ways because that would constitute a breach of the Karmic Law and they can therefore only help us in more subtle ways.

They have sent their emissaries over the centuries, to incarnate amongst the people they want to teach and there are accounts throughout our history that suggest very strongly that the great spiritual teachers of certain new religious movements of their day were not of this world. 

Coming to the present age, the UFO phenomenon is being given ever more recognition by governments around the world, yet alien beings do not openly land their craft on Earth for all to witness. Contrary to the alarmist publicity put out by certain government agencies, the fact that these craft do not land openly could be seen to suggest that they are not hostile or a threat to our security.

We are definitely under observation from otherworldly beings and this is part of the great plan of evolution towards the Source from whence we came. Their strategy is to get us to change from within and open up our consciousness to higher truth. In many respects, our civilization has advanced, particularly in the 20th century, and, according to numerous polls, most people can accept the concept of alien life. Indeed, nothing in creation is an accident of nature, and, in fact, the universe is teeming with life at different stages of evolution.

The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr. George King with him bearing the responsibility of being the principal contactee for the Cosmic Masters, as they are referred to, and this has been their primary chosen method of communication, rather than landing en masse. These communications, which spanned over 43 years, are referred to as Cosmic Transmissions and Mental Transmissions.

The Cosmic Masters see our world and all its subtle planes and are concerned by the preponderance of negative energy that is circulating through the mindbelt. This is drawn upon by people, who for the most part are completely unaware of the impact it has on their day-to-day thinking. What is needed is an injection of spiritual energy that would affect people in a positive way and help to open up their minds towards higher consciousness. 

The Cosmic Masters came up with a plan to bring a satellite into orbit of our world on a regular basis, which is referred to as Satellite No.3. This giant spacecraft, over a mile long, is able to target individuals who perform a spiritual act, an act of service, and enhance the karmic potency of such an unselfish act by a factor of three thousand.

The history of the human race is very dark. We have destroyed two advanced civilizations on this planet: Atlantis and, previous to that, Lemuria. Even worse than that, we have destroyed an entire planet, referred to as Maldek, and all that is left of that is the asteroid belt. All these terrible catastrophes were the result of nuclear war.

Satellite No.3 does not only operate in our Solar System. It travels across the Galaxy, helping worlds similar to ours, with an outpouring of spiritual energy to help them advance and turn away from war and selfishness. The first contact of Dr. King, referred to in our teaching as the Master Aetherius, gave us the example of another planetary race in another part of the Milky Way which was helped by Satellite No.3.

The Master Aetherius delivered a message on August 25th, 1956, appealing to us to tune in to the emanations radiated from Satellite No.3 which is under the command of a great intelligence referred to as Mars Sector 6. This help was offered to humanity in the spirit of friendship which would help to bring about a spiritual reorientation. In this message, the Master Aetherius refers to the help offered to another planet in the Milky Way at a similar level of evolution to us, facing similar problems. The Master Aetherius explains the situation and the outcome:

There was another one in the Milky Way that was almost as near to total destruction, but they listened to our frequent hammering upon the doors of their conscience. They opened these doors and examined themselves and they tuned into the self-same emanations which will be offered to you from August 30th onwards; and in less than fifty years they had changed the whole of conditions upon their Planet. These things are true. I have not come millions of miles to tell you a lot of rubbish. They are true and the time will come when they will be proven to all of you, despite your present beliefs, or because of them.

If other Planets can do it, so can you. The average intelligence of the particular Planet of which I am talking, that saved itself from destruction, was no higher than the average intelligence of your people – in fact you people are far more artistic than were these particular entities, and yet they did it. They have no poverty today such as you have upon Terra. They do not need prisons such as you seem to need, or think you need, upon Terra. They do not need to pay official state murderers called “executioners” such as you people have to pay upon Terra, nor do they have to waste money keeping great armies. Why? Because they tuned into the self-same power offered to you. Try it for yourselves and you will agree with me. I know you will.

There is the example of a world similar to ours in many ways that heeded the advice given to them by wiser and greater beings than them and their civilization changed in the light of greater reason, and, within a very short time, they brought about a miraculous change upon their planet. We are not asked to do anything that is beyond our capability. We have to start looking at ourselves as one planetary race instead of disparate groups of people at loggerheads with each other. We have to learn to take responsibility for our actions and realize that there will be consequences. If the whole of humanity started to understand the Law of Karma, we could leave behind us the dark days of cruelty and ignorance and go forwards to a new era of spirituality and real freedom. We have to break away from centuries of conditioning and open our minds to new and exciting possibilities.

A year after the Transmission in 1956, a question and answer session took place through Dr. King, whilst in samadhic trance, between the Master Aetherius and a live audience in London, England. Members of the audience were invited to ask questions. One of the questions posed related to the plan of reorganization that took place on the planet that accepted the help offered by the Cosmic Masters. The Master Aetherius replied as follows:

We did impregnate this planet and we did make many approaches to them. And they did listen to us, you see. And when we asked them to turn back to the teachings of their own Holy Masters, they began to do this. There was a great religious revival. All art and music was recognized as being an expression of the – I mean right art and right music of course; not this horrible, warped old stuff, but all right art and music – was regarded as being an expression of the super-consciousness and eventually they discovered the connection between pure religion, pure art and pure music and science and philosophy. Do you see?

And there came about very, very quickly, really, a great reorientation of thought because the people, as a whole, were so fed-up with their present – apparently unfair systems, that they dropped them. Do you see? And with the sudden rise of consciousness, such a request – if you wish to call it – was transmitted by them to the adepts who were directing our intervening operations that we had to virtually meet their demands. They knocked upon the door and we had to open it for them, don’t you see. So we taught them, then, how to amalgamate all these so-called sciences and form one great spiritual science, which might be termed by Terra as occultism or metaphysics, or something like that. Do you see? Philosophy, religion, even their economic system they transcribed and translated into a system of universal service. So did they reach a certain stage quickly.

Now, when we landed, because of their frequent requests, they virtually did travel through the heavens quite quickly in the matter of but a short space of time. Do you see? They did accept us. And not only did they do this theoretically, they did it practically as well. Do you see?

The Master Aetherius comments on the fact that the human race is far more artistic than this particular race of people, but nevertheless they used the arts as an expression of their higher consciousness which helped to revolutionize their whole civilization. In cultures around the world art, music and philosophy have inspired people towards Divinity. You only have to look at the great masterpieces and musical compositions that are aspects of the greatest part of human achievement. This shows that such a transformation is possible. It is not beyond our reach. Our terrestrial civilization has a long history of near success followed by failure. For millions of years we have allowed ourselves to be in the iron grip of the dark forces that populate the lower astral realms and have spread their evil influence to the physical plane. We have to break away from this vice-like grip and reach out to the cosmos and higher truth.

In fact the great Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 stated in a Cosmic Transmission in 1960 that in a certain respect we have the greatest opportunity ever offered to any life-streams in the whole Solar System since its inception. He stated:

For man upon Terra has fallen so low that the climb back could be far more glorious than any yet accomplished since the inception of this Solar System…. Mankind could, if he used his skill correctly, bring about total terrestrial disarmament and employ the present wasted energies in constructive channels so that great fertilization of his rich Earth would dispel starvation from the surface of Terra forever!

These great beings watch over us and help us as much as they can within the restraints of the Karmic Law. However they cannot make the journey for us. We have to do it ourselves.

What a glorious future awaits us if we, as a planetary race, can come together as one, put aside our differences and rise up to a new dawn for our world…!

About the author
Alyson Lawrence
Alyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

A tale of two worlds
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/a-tale-of-two-worlds/feed/ 12 38405
Latest UFO News Around the World https://www.aetherius.org/latest-ufo-news-around-the-world/ https://www.aetherius.org/latest-ufo-news-around-the-world/#comments Thu, 21 Jul 2022 20:46:53 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=37723 The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?   The UFO conversation is becoming more and more…

Latest UFO News Around the World
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

UFO News

The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?
The UFO conversation is becoming more and more mainstream, and governments in many countries are beginning to respond more openly.
In this podcast, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Julian Rosser talk about UFO news from around the world, and even ways that you can work with extraterrestrials to help raise global consciousness.
— What are governments doing to investigate UFOs more seriously?
— Are UFOs extraterrestrial? How do we know they aren’t American/Russian/Chinese?
— Why are extraterrestrials visiting Earth? Are they a threat to us? Or are they our salvation?
Don’t miss it!

About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie BlazeChrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.



About Julian Rosser

Julian RosserJulian Rosser is a Priest-Elect and full-time staff team member at the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in Los Angeles. He was a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcast series, and is the author of numerous blogs on UFOs and cosmic metaphysics.

Latest UFO News Around the World
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/latest-ufo-news-around-the-world/feed/ 15 The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?   The UFO conversation is becoming more and more… The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?   The UFO conversation is becoming more and more… Chrissie Blaze full false 57:56 37723
Jesus – The Master who revealed a pantheon of supergalactic proportions https://www.aetherius.org/jesus-the-master-who-revealed-a-pantheon-of-supergalactic-proportions/ https://www.aetherius.org/jesus-the-master-who-revealed-a-pantheon-of-supergalactic-proportions/#comments Fri, 18 Mar 2022 11:27:31 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=36871 On March 15th we celebrated the true birthdate of the Master Jesus.Often we focus on his life, including his plan and purpose for being on Earth, but in this month’s…

Jesus – The Master who revealed a pantheon of supergalactic proportions
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Pantheon of Supergalactic Proportions

On March 15th we celebrated the true birthdate of the Master Jesus.

Often we focus on his life, including his plan and purpose for being on Earth, but in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Richard Lawrence and his guest Julian Rosser focus on the Master Jesus as a teacher – a cosmic teacher.

In a series of teachings called ‘The Twelve Blessings’, the Master Jesus revealed to Earth some of the most advanced teachings ever given about the most elevated beings in the Universe.

This awesome pantheon includes certain Gods we didn’t even know existed before ‘The Twelve Blessings’.

In this advanced podcast for serious and experienced metaphysical students, Richard explores this pantheon of beings so great as to be almost beyond belief…

While we cannot truly comprehend or appreciate the true nature of these elevated intelligences, we can all still strive to better absorb these enormous concepts into our brains and even our hearts. When we do, we will raise our consciousness and take another step towards lasting cosmic freedom!

About Richard Lawrence

Richard LawrenceRichard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potentialboth of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).


About Julian Rosser

Julian RosserJulian Rosser is a Priest-Elect and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He was a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcast series, and is the author of numerous blogs on cosmic metaphysics.


Jesus – The Master who revealed a pantheon of supergalactic proportions
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/jesus-the-master-who-revealed-a-pantheon-of-supergalactic-proportions/feed/ 2 On March 15th we celebrated the true birthdate of the Master Jesus.Often we focus on his life, including his plan and purpose for being on Earth, but in this month’s… On March 15th we celebrated the true birthdate of the Master Jesus.Often we focus on his life, including his plan and purpose for being on Earth, but in this month’s… Richard Lawrence full false 1:00:49 36871
#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness https://www.aetherius.org/22-galactic-initiation-galactic-consciousness/ https://www.aetherius.org/22-galactic-initiation-galactic-consciousness/#comments Sat, 06 Nov 2021 16:30:54 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=35513 Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth…Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which…

#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

#22 The Spiritual Freedom Show_1200627 (5)

Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth…

Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life throughout the Galaxy… millions upon million of worlds!

This experience of Galactic Consciousness is just one of the essential experiences necessary before one of the Perfects of Saturn is ready to enter the next classroom of experience in our Solar System  the Sun.

The Saturnians are millions of years more advanced than us, and, because of this, live on a higher level of material existence – as yet undetectable to us.

The Perfects, as they are known, are the most elevated Masters on Saturn. They are responsible for the evolution of all planetary life in our Solar System.

Advanced as they are, even they have more to learn in their journey back to God. So, what can we take from this? And how can we apply it in our own life?

In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard Lawrence talks about the next step after fully experiencing the life-cycles of Saturn, and how you can avoid one of the most difficult traps on the spiritual path.

Don’t miss:
– What is Galactic Consciousness?
– What Initiations does a Saturnian experience becoming part of the Sun?
– A “Moment of Truth” from Bipin Patel – his mystical experience at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro – a holy mountain charged with spiritual energy

– Join Livia Patel in sending your love and gratitude to the Mighty Sun!

Write to us! Do you have a question, a story or an experience that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at spiritualfreedom@richardlawrence.co.uk

Join us on a journey through the profound spiritual truth of The Nine Freedoms designed to help you develop your intuition, find and follow your life purpose and make a difference in the world. Nourish your soul with simple spiritual practices and timeless wisdom, and open the door to lasting inner peace, true fulfilment and ultimately – enlightenment. Discover more about The Nine Freedoms.


#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/22-galactic-initiation-galactic-consciousness/feed/ 6 35513
The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 2) https://www.aetherius.org/the-initiation-of-the-solar-system-part-2/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-initiation-of-the-solar-system-part-2/#comments Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:00:06 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=35089 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze continue their exploration of the greatest event we have ever…

The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 2)
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Initiation of the Solar System (Part 2)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze continue their exploration of the greatest event we have ever heard of in this Solar System!

On December 28th, 1969, the Master Aetherius reported, through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King, that unimaginably vast quantities of spiritual energies had been sent to all of the other planets in this Solar System.

Follow along again with the rest of the Transmission as Richard and Chrissie discuss the vast cosmic jigsaw puzzle leading up to and beyond the Initiation of the Solar System.

What did this mind-blowing initiation mean for life on other planets? What can the example of the Cosmic Masters teach us about the journey to Enlightenment?

Leave us a comment below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).


About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.

The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 2)
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-initiation-of-the-solar-system-part-2/feed/ 5 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze continue their exploration of the greatest event we have ever… As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze continue their exploration of the greatest event we have ever… Richard Lawrence full false 1:00:41 35089
#15 – The Sun Is The Most Spiritually Evolved Being In The Solar System https://www.aetherius.org/15-what-is-total-freedom/ https://www.aetherius.org/15-what-is-total-freedom/#comments Sat, 17 Jul 2021 13:00:10 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=34668 There are many spiritual traditions on Earth which have worshipped the Sun – and they have not been wrong in doing so. According to the Cosmic Masters, the Sun is…

#15 – The Sun Is The Most Spiritually Evolved Being In The Solar System
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

What is total freedom?

There are many spiritual traditions on Earth which have worshipped the Sun – and they have not been wrong in doing so.

According to the Cosmic Masters, the Sun is the most holy being in our Solar System.

Everything we eat, everything we drink, everything we touch is solidified sunlight; the power and energy of those beings who make up the radiations of the Sun. When we feel the rays of the Sun upon our face, those rays have come from them. These beings are known as the Solar Lords. And we only exist because of them!

In the ninth – and final – Freedom, Mars Sector 6 describes Solar Existence as total freedom. He also tells us why this is so.

Catch episode #15 of The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence as he explores how the example set by these sacred beings can inspire our own everyday thought and action, right now, here on Earth.

Don’t miss:

  • The difference between freewill and freedom
  • The key to total freedom
  • A Moment of Truth from Nikki Perrott who spent much of her childhood delving into her mother’s library of mystic teachings before hearing a recording of the voice of Mars Sector 6 for the first time at 16…!
  • Join in with Noémi Bates who leads a simple, potent practice you can use to cultivate your positive thinking habits and enjoy greater wellbeing

Write to us! Do you have a question, a story or an experience that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at spiritualfreedom@richardlawrence.co.uk

Join us on a journey through the profound spiritual truth of The Nine Freedoms designed to help you develop your intuition, find and follow your life purpose and make a difference in the world. Nourish your soul with simple spiritual practices and timeless wisdom, and open the door to lasting inner peace, true fulfilment and ultimately – enlightenment. Discover more about The Nine Freedoms.

#15 – The Sun Is The Most Spiritually Evolved Being In The Solar System
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/15-what-is-total-freedom/feed/ 4 34668
Interplanetary Service https://www.aetherius.org/interplanetary-service/ https://www.aetherius.org/interplanetary-service/#comments Fri, 25 Jun 2021 21:45:09 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=34662 Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from…

Interplanetary Service
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from other worlds are visiting us. 

The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught that beings from other worlds have been visiting us for thousands of years. In fact, some of them have even allowed a part of their consciousness to be born among us. These Avatars who have come in the past include Sri Krishna from Saturn, the Master Jesus and the Lord Buddha from Venus, and St. Peter from Mars.

In fact most planets in this Solar System are inhabited, but not at this frequency of vibration; the advanced civilizations of our planetary neighbors exist on higher planes, as yet undetectable by terrestrial science – but nevertheless completely physical and very real in every sense. 

As well as being born among us, these advanced spiritual beings visit us in other ways as well – one of which is in spacecraft, hence a number of the countless UFO sightings reported are in fact vessels from other planets.

But these beings do not need to come to our planet to help us, they can do this from their home planets as well. 


We are told in The Nine Freedoms that the inhabitants of Mars are an advanced race, and that they are the engineers and builders of the Solar System. Further to this, in Life on the Planets, Mars Sector 6 tells us that: 

“Mars is the industrial Planet of the Solar System. At least 75% – as you would call it – of all Interplanetary vehicles, are manufactured upon the Planet Mars.” 

So when we see UFOs in our skies, if they are in fact extraterrestrial craft, and if the visitors are from this System, it is likely that these vehicles were built on Mars. 

These vehicles are given freely to other planets in this Solar System. In fact, any planet can ask for thousands of vehicles and, once ready, these great fleets can be sent to their new planets by remote control. It is important to note that every single one of these vehicles is only ever used for peaceful purposes. These purposes, as far as worlds like ours are concerned at least, are, we are told by Mars Sector 6 “observation, screening and protecting other less evolved Planets, such as Terra.” “Terra” is the word they use for Earth.


The inhabitants of Venus are so highly evolved that certain of their Masters are able to have direct communication with the Logos or Cosmic Entity of Venus itself. 

Venusians live on and below the surface of the planet. They have built two Temples specifically to radiate energy out from the Logos. One of these Temples is in the center of the planet, and the other on the surface in order to form a magnetic line from the Logos of Venus to the surface. This is so that they can radiate its power throughout the Solar System, so that all the people who need this power can use it. 

Venus also has large healing centers for anyone who needs any kind of help. The Master Aetherius, a Venusian, says that:

“…some of your terrestrial Adepts, travel to these Centers when they enter the profound Silence, known as the deeper states of Meditation. Here they learn and are illuminated, before they return to their physical bodies upon Terra, so that they, in turn, can teach the people of your Earth.”

The Master Aetherius tells us that they are helping us as much as they are karmically able to. 


Jupiter is the main reception planet for the Solar System. The cosmic intelligence referred to as Jupiter Sector 92 describes some of the ways they help other races:

“Many vessels from other inhabited places in the Milky Way do land and sometimes the people stay with us for some time in order to have the benefit of sensitization brought about by the regular and direct impregnation by our music, perfume and color energies.”

Jupiterians are able to “observe both sides of the light spectrum” so they are able to see thousands more shades of color than we are. 

They also are able to manipulate magnetic energies so they are transformed into sound which creates beautiful music that they can radiate to other life-streams in this Solar System. The Jupiterians are also able to see the colors made by these sound energies. 

The beings from Jupiter radiate their beautiful music, color and perfume to other life-streams on inhabited worlds, including Earth, so that they may also raise their consciousness.  

“We will in future, more than we have done in the past, turn our attention to Earth, so that much inspiration of the people of Earth may be brought about by the Transmission from our temples of these music and perfume energies and they – if ready, will be risen up, as a result of this absorption.”

– Jupiter Sector 92


Saturn is the most evolved planet in our Solar System and it is home to the Twelve Perfects of Saturn. Primary Life Cycle Saturnians are so advanced they are able to divide their consciousness such that they can inhabit up to 1,860 positions in the space-time continuum, and some of the Perfects can go even further than this.

The Perfects live in a great temple on Saturn. 

“From their Mighty Souls pour forth the rays of inspiration – out into every life-stream in the Solar System, so that it may be impregnated with these mighty rays…The Perfects – or the Most Ancient Ones – desire only to help the basic life-streams to express in full the Divine Spark of that Thing you call God – which is within.” 

– Mars Sector 6

These great beings are helping every person on Earth in this way. Sending us inspiration, to raise our consciousness. 

Life on Earth is vastly less evolved than these advanced beings on the other planets in our Solar System. Inhabitants of these other planets work together, even with the Logos of their Planet, to uplift each other, visitors and other life forms in any way they can. 

So here we Terrestrials are quibbling about whether or not UFOs exist, and whether they’re extraterrestrial, and these beings are quietly working to help us, asking nothing in return. 


About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a staff member and Programme Administrator at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

Interplanetary Service
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https://www.aetherius.org/interplanetary-service/feed/ 7 34662
#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved? https://www.aetherius.org/13-11-steps-to-saturnian-existence/ https://www.aetherius.org/13-11-steps-to-saturnian-existence/#comments Sat, 19 Jun 2021 13:00:22 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=34548 The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn. In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time…

#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

11 Steps to Saturnian Existence

The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn.

In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time in history, we have been given a real insight into their true, Divine nature.

In their example is the key to attuning ourselves with the more spiritually advanced civilizations on higher planes of other planets, which are invisible to our basic senses and technology. The more we attune ourselves with these interplanetary beings by drawing on this wisdom and applying it in our own lives, the more we will help ourselves to advance.

In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard Lawrence explores 11 steps we will all take in our journey towards Saturnian Existence, which, believe it or not, is our spiritual destiny:

  • Dedication beyond all description
  • Dispensation of true love
  • Controlled thought, controlled action, controlled inaction
  • Raising the kundalini fully upward
  • Cosmic Consciousness
  • Conscious Ascension
  • And more!

Don’t miss our regular features including:

  • An inspiring story shared by Allan Jaggard, co-founder of the Toronto Group of The Aetherius Society, with lessons from his own voyage of discovery with ‘The Nine Freedoms’
  • Join in with Chrissie Blaze to discover more about manifesting your unique spiritual destiny, with a prayer you can use to help you find your soul purpose

Write to us! Do you have a question, a story or an experience that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at spiritualfreedom@richardlawrence.co.uk

Join us on a journey through the profound spiritual truth of The Nine Freedoms designed to help you develop your intuition, find and follow your life purpose and make a difference in the world. Nourish your soul with simple spiritual practices and timeless wisdom, and open the door to lasting inner peace, true fulfilment and ultimately – enlightenment. Discover more about The Nine Freedoms.


#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/13-11-steps-to-saturnian-existence/feed/ 10 34548
The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 1) https://www.aetherius.org/the-initiation-of-the-solar-system-part-1/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-initiation-of-the-solar-system-part-1/#comments Thu, 27 May 2021 19:40:34 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=34466 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. NASA touched down on Mars in February. China touched down earlier this month. Will they ever find signs of the advanced civilizations that exist…

The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 1)
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The Initiation of the Solar System

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

NASA touched down on Mars in February. China touched down earlier this month. Will they ever find signs of the advanced civilizations that exist there?

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze explore the greatest event we have ever heard of in this Solar System!

On December 28th, 1969, the Master Aetherius reported, through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King, that unimaginably vast quantities of spiritual energies had been sent to all of the other planets in this Solar System.

Follow along with the Transmission as Richard and Chrissie piece together the vast cosmic jigsaw puzzle leading up to and beyond the Initiation of the Solar System: a Supreme Council Meeting on Saturn, The Primary Initiation of Earth, the Eviction of the Alien, the invasion of this Galaxy, Operation Karmalight, and more!

What did this mind-blowing Initiation mean for life on other planets? What were the implications for us on Earth? What did it mean for space exploration?

Leave us a comment below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).


About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.

The Initiation of the Solar System (Part 1)
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-initiation-of-the-solar-system-part-1/feed/ 9 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. NASA touched down on Mars in February. China touched down earlier this month. Will they ever find signs of the advanced civilizations that exist… As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. NASA touched down on Mars in February. China touched down earlier this month. Will they ever find signs of the advanced civilizations that exist… Richard Lawrence full false 1:05:18 34466
Life on Mars https://www.aetherius.org/life-on-mars/ https://www.aetherius.org/life-on-mars/#comments Mon, 26 Apr 2021 22:41:36 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=34144 The Rover has landed! The search for life on Mars continues unabated. The Rover, named Perseverance, is the largest lander sent to the Red Planet by NASA to date and…

Life on Mars
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Life on Mars

The Rover has landed!

The search for life on Mars continues unabated. The Rover, named Perseverance, is the largest lander sent to the Red Planet by NASA to date and the first artificial craft to touch down since Curiosity in 2012. Since touchdown on February 18th, 2021, images have been sent back to Earth with the usual desert-like features we have seen in the past. The purpose of this new exploration is to extract soil samples which will then be retrieved by a future craft and brought back to Earth, provided of course that the technology has advanced sufficiently to allow a return journey which is scheduled for 2031. Perseverance is then going to launch its helicopter, Ingenuity, which is designed to give a bird’s eye view of the Martian landscape in April. The search, of course, is for evidence of ancient microbial life because as far as NASA is concerned, Mars is now a dead Planet, although it might have supported life millions of years ago.

But are they telling the truth? Has there in fact been a massive cover-up designed to keep humanity in the dark about life on Mars? When Dr. George King received the series of Cosmic Transmissions on March 18th, 1957, entitled ‘Life on the Planets,’ a very different picture was given indeed – a Solar System teeming with advanced, intelligent lifestreams.

Revelations about Life on Mars

The great communicator, Mars Sector 6 gave very definite information regarding life on Mars – revelations that Mars was far from being a “dead” Planet. In 1957, there were no Mars rovers, landers or orbiters. The first successful “fly-by” was launched by NASA in November 1964 and the first lander to send back data was Viking 1, which reached its destination on June 19th, 1976 – a ten-month journey from Earth. Meanwhile the Soviet Union was also launching its own space programme and was seemingly far more open about its findings.

What did Mars Sector 6 tell us?

  • There is vegetation on the physical plane
  • There is more oxygen in the atmosphere than our instrumentation would suggest
  • There are cities beneath the surface and on the surface of Mars

Vegetation on the physical plane

We are told that the surface temperature of Mars is so cold (-140° C) that the ice formed is carbon dioxide, which freezes at -78.5° C. Carbon dioxide has no liquid state, unlike water, which means that as carbon dioxide ice melts, it evaporates immediately. The temperature on the Martian surface has to be warm enough to support vegetation which would suggest that the ice detected on Mars must be water ice, not carbon dioxide.

Mars Sector 6 refers to the so-called canals on Mars as being vegetation strips, indicating that they were on the physical plane. They were observed by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli and others towards the end of the 19th century.

The famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke commented on photos sent back from the Mars Global Surveyor in 2001, showing what appeared to be trees and bushes on Mars. He stated: “Something is actually moving and changing with the seasons that suggests, at least vegetation.” NASA has calculated that, based on the height at which the images were taken, the “objects” would actually span one kilometer in width. They were explained away as carbon dioxide water spouts.

Oxygen in the atmosphere

Seasonal changes have been observed in Hubble photos of areas that show a greenish tinge in the Spring and Summer. NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected fluctuations in the Martian atmosphere of increasing and decreasing oxygen levels. During the Spring and Summer seasons they rise by some 30% and recede again during the Autumn and Winter and this varies from year to year.

Cities beneath the surface and on the surface

The most mysterious and yet startling revelation by Mars Sector 6 has caused quite a stir in the scientific community – the fact that there are cities beneath the surface and on the surface of Mars. In 1988, the Soviet Government released photos taken by their probe Phobos II of what appeared to be an underground city the size of Los Angeles. The images were taken with an infrared spectrometer. Similar images would later be taken with the Mars Odyssey in 2002 with the Themis imaging camera, which operated on nine levels of infrared wavelengths. When the area known as Cydonia was photographed using that imaging system, it revealed a huge underground cityscape similar to the Russian photos of 1988.

Several images of what looks like a city on the surface have also emerged. Needless to say, there was only silence from official sources. It is thanks to committed researchers who have poured over hundreds of images from the Mars Global Surveyor, the Mars Odyssey and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that they have been made available to the public. Other structures on the surface of Mars, such as pyramids and other artefacts such as the now iconic “Face” are surely not of natural origin. These have been endless topics of discussion and are widely available in book form and social media, as have been revealed in numerous documentaries and publications. All this suggests a physical contact with terrestrial civilisation at some time in our history. Many ancient cultures refer to Gods who came down from the sky.

Advanced civilizations in our Solar System

We are just starting to reach up into the cosmos and the vastness of the universe. It is worth remembering that only a few hundred years ago people thought the Earth was flat. There is a danger of looking at the existence of life through the perspective of one level, or dimension alone. The mysteries of life are starting to be revealed to us. We live in a multi-dimensional universe teeming with life, with the great Mind behind all of creation. There is the process of evolution which affects every form of life, from the greatest super-sun down to the tiniest microbial life-form.

Every Planet in our Solar System is populated with more advanced civilisations and they are not limited to the physical plane upon which we live. They live on the higher realms of existence but have the technology and evolutionary capacity to move more freely between the realms. This has been made easier by an important event which took place in 1969. This was a great cosmic move which vibrated all life-forms onto a higher level of existence. This did not include basic life on Earth, including the human race, due to our lowly evolutionary status. You only have to look at our aggressive, war-like behaviour and disrespect for life on our own world.

Before this great evolutionary move, this cosmic initiation, the Martian civilisation was more active on the physical plane and had more open contact with previous civilisations on Earth, such as Atlantis, and the even earlier civilisation of Lemuria. The vegetation on Mars and the underground cities may still be visible but the Martians themselves do not need to live on a more basic plane of existence. Unlike some new theories that are being aired, the Martian civilisation has not died out – in fact the very reverse.

Their chosen method of communication was through the mediumship of Dr. George King as their way of relaying important information in these days. Amazing revelations were made that all life throughout the universe is subject to the Law of Karma and the more advanced planetary civilisations in our Solar System obey this to the letter. There is so much help and education that could be given to us but our karmic position is so bad that they are limited in what they can do. They wait and watch and hope that we will wake up to this greater reality. The Solar System could be regarded as one family with the inhabitants of Mother Earth at the bottom of the class – wayward, delinquent children.

Intervention is given in a very subtle way. They will not land openly among us but their presence has been observed in the many UFO sightings that governments are having to acknowledge. They are obviously friendly. If they have the technology to get here in the first place, they could easily have wiped us out by now if their intentions were belligerent. They are waiting for us to change our outlook. There is an Interplanetary Confederation which consists of representatives from this Solar System and those visiting from beyond.

Are we ready for the truth?

We must embrace this exciting new reality. Israel’s former head of the Defence Ministry’s Space Directorate, Haim Eshed, made a startling revelation at the end of last year. He stated unequivocally that there is an underground base in the depths of Mars and that “earthlings,” as he called them, have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a Galactic Federation. He added that the American Government certainly knows about this! Needless to say, attempts are being made to ridicule his claims. NASA’s stated aim is the continued search for extraterrestrial life but claiming not to have found it yet. That search will prove successful when we show that we are ready.

We have to show that we are ready. We have to stop killing each other, cease religious and racial persecution and live by the rules and spiritual truths set out in certain religious texts, many of which had extraterrestrial origins and especially the teachings delivered through Dr. George King. Only then will our planetary neighbors land openly among us and bring a new dawn to our world, long prophesied by the seers of old.


About the author
Alyson Lawrence
Rt. Rev. Alyson Lawrence is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

Life on Mars
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/life-on-mars/feed/ 11 34144
The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection https://www.aetherius.org/the-royal-extraterrestrial-connection/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-royal-extraterrestrial-connection/#comments Sat, 17 Apr 2021 23:05:13 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=34084 With the passing of Prince Philip this month, many tributes have been made to his life of duty to the British crown. But there haven’t been many stories about his…

The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Royal Extraterrestrial Connection_text

With the passing of Prince Philip this month, many tributes have been made to his life of duty to the British crown. But there haven’t been many stories about his lesser-known interest in UFOs and aliens.

One such story was first reported in 1997 in an article written by international bestselling author of UFOs and the extraterrestrial message, Richard Lawrence. Richard phoned and interviewed Prince Philip’s assistant, the late Sir Peter Horsley, who was residing in the Bahamas at the time.

Sir Peter related the story of his secret meeting with an alien in Chelsea, London, in 1954 – a meeting which had a profound effect upon him at a spiritual level and which he remained silent about until he retired decades later.

Sir Peter said the alien referred to himself as Mr. Janus and requested a meeting with Prince Philip. He appeared to be able to read Sir Peter’s mind and asked him about the UFO research he was undertaking for the Prince. He spoke about many things and his message aligned with the messages being received by Dr. George King, founder of The Aetherius Society, the world’s oldest international UFO organization. Dr. King was also contacted by extraterrestrial intelligences, known as Cosmic Masters, in the same year, and maintained communication with them throughout the remainder of his life. Interestingly, Sir Peter’s book came out in 1997, just a few months after Dr. King passed on.

It makes you wonder: What if Mr. Janus was an extraterrestrial, and what if Prince Philip had met him and spoken of his meeting to the world?

Below is an extract from Richard’s book UFOs and the extraterrestrial message (CICO Books) which provides more detail on the meeting:

At least one high-placed British official in the 1950s had an experience of direct contact with what he believed could have been an alien being. The late Sir Peter Horsley was a member of the Royal Household who later became an Air Marshal and was knighted for his services. Only in later life was he willing to disclose his secret encounter, which he did in his memoirs, Sounds From Another Room. I was able to speak with him about it on the telephone just before the book was published. He was abroad at the time. As a result of this conversation I was among the first to reveal the full story of Sir Peter’s extraordinary encounter with an alien being. It appeared on the front page of the Sun on August 26 1997 and in several other newspapers. What I find of particular interest is not so much the physical conditions in which the incident occurred, as the spiritual significance of what Sir Peter discovered.

Sir Peter Horsley was, at the time, equerry to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. One of his tasks was quietly to investigate credible UFO reports and keep Prince Philip informed of his findings. In fulfilling this duty, he spoke with high-ranking officials, including the Commander-in-Chief of Fighter Command at Stanmore, Air Marshal Sir Thomas Pike, who was later to become Chief of the Air Staff. Far from debunking the matter, which would have been in keeping with the public position of the government, Sir Thomas admitted to Sir Peter that he was concerned about UFO reports. He confirmed that reports were being examined in both Fighter Command and the Ministry of Defence, and that the United States defense authorities were also concerned. One of the many sightings Sir Peter investigated was an object said by Air Force personnel to be traveling at a thousand miles per hour. It is easy to see why, privately, they were taking UFOs very seriously indeed, despite the official stance.

Sir Peter’s fascinating encounter with what he took to be an alien visitor occurred in 1954, after he was introduced to a General Martin by the quaintly titled Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State, who was himself a retired Air Chief Marshal, Sir Arthur Barratt. General Martin arranged for Sir Peter to meet a lady, a Mrs Markham, at her apartment in Smith Street in Chelsea, a fashionable part of London. There, in a poorly lit room, he was introduced to Mr Janus, who sat in a deep chair by a not very warm fire, and who claimed to be from another world. Mr Janus asked Sir Peter about his UFO research, informing him with an unusual directness that he would like to meet Prince Philip. Before Sir Peter could respond fully with his concerns about security and so on in arranging such a meeting, Mr Janus responded to these thoughts in what could best be described as a telepathic manner. He demonstrated throughout the encounter what Sir Peter felt was an extraordinary ability to read his thoughts before Sir Peter could express them verbally.

Mr Janus proceeded to provide further background to his request. He spoke of a time when humanity would be able to explore the solar system and beyond; of traveling at the speed of light and even faster than this; of the possibility of gaining mastery over death; of robot and computer-controlled spaceships; and of discovering fields of gravity and anti-gravity where objects could travel across space and even other universes with different space and time formulae. These concepts are not unfamiliar to us now—they are the stuff of modern science as well as science fiction—but they were far removed from the science of 1954.

Mr Janus went on to discuss what he considered to be more important than the science of space travel—namely, the spirit of man and the universal designer. He spoke of belief in God as being age-old and inherent in even the most primitive people from opposite ends of the Earth. He made the key point that if space travel was conducted for the motive of material gain, it would achieve nothing, but if it was conducted for spiritual reasons, it would lead to a deeper understanding of God. He spoke of a golden age in the future when, providing humanity survives, the greatest advances would be in the development of the mind.

He talked of life throughout the universe, much of it more advanced than our own, and asserted that the humanoid form was not peculiar to the human race. He spoke of races who had overcome the urge to kill and fight wars, and had instead come to love all life, especially humanoid life. They had developed the power of will, and advanced sufficiently to be able to dispense with their physical bodies altogether. They were capable of integrating into the one great universal intelligence, which seems to be akin to the Buddhist concept of nirvana. He spoke of the creator, and the importance of prayer and collective willpower as the essential links to this source. Significantly, he said that these views do not contradict any of the great religious books and that there are many different paths to the same destination. This spiritual approach, he said, is the valid motivating principle behind space travel.

He claimed that the number of visitors who come to Earth from space is a tiny fraction of those who exist. They come to learn about a primitive and hostile race. Most of the vehicles, he said, are robot-controlled space probes, but some of them are manned. He answered the question of why they don’t land openly by pointing to the damage done by some of our explorers visiting more primitive cultures. He basically said, though not in these words, that the world was not ready for such a landing. He went on to describe how specific contacts have been made, with great care, through history, and said that this would continue. Finally, he spoke of the visitors’ mental abilities, extrasensory powers, and ability to operate in different dimensions.

Sir Peter wrote down his recollections of this meeting immediately after it happened, so we can take it as being an accurate account of what he experienced that day. He reported it to his superiors, but was in two minds about informing the security authorities, whose reaction to such a claim was unpredictable. He wondered whether these security concerns had been “picked up” by Mr Janus, who became mysteriously uncontactable. General Martin became distant and Mrs Markham went away in a hurry, leaving no sign of life in her apartment. Sir Peter never saw any of them again. However, he was, he says, changed by the experience at a profound spiritual level. He saw God in a new light as being a universal and not just a biblical figure, as he had before. He described how he had discovered a much greater intellectual peace as a result of this encounter with the powerful and hypnotic Mr Janus. It is strange to think that while Sir Peter’s memoirs containing his account of this extraordinary encounter are, to the best of my knowledge, now out of print, books that focus on the personal and romantic lives of historical figures are readily available, with new ones being commissioned all the time. In a way, that says it all about priorities in our world—and some people wonder why UFOs don’t land openly on Earth for all to see!

In the article in the Sun on this encounter, I was quoted as saying, “It must have taken courage finally to admit to this contact.” Yes it must, but it would have taken far greater courage to admit it openly forty-three years earlier, when it happened.


About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He hosted the  Mystic FM podcast.

The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection
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Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race? https://www.aetherius.org/asteroid-approaching-earth-the-remains-of-a-planet-destroyed-by-the-human-race/ https://www.aetherius.org/asteroid-approaching-earth-the-remains-of-a-planet-destroyed-by-the-human-race/#comments Fri, 19 Mar 2021 19:50:43 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=33822 This Sunday, March 21st, a 3,000-ft wide asteroid will pass near to Earth. The asteroid is considered “potentially hazardous” by NASA, but all asteroids that come within 4.6 million miles…

Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

This Sunday, March 21st, a 3,000-ft wide asteroid will pass near to Earth. The asteroid is considered “potentially hazardous” by NASA, but all asteroids that come within 4.6 million miles of Earth are classed this way. The closest scientists believe it will get to Earth is still more than five times as far away as the Moon.

Most asteroids, meteors and meteorites come from the asteroid belt – but what is the asteroid belt and where did it come from? The answer, as given by Dr. George King and the extraterrestrial intelligences who communicated through him, is quite a shocking one.

Where does the asteroid belt originate?

While some scientists suggest the asteroid belt is a “disrupted planet” that never fully formed, other scientists believe it is the remains of another planet, or planets, that previously existed. For example, a 2018 study from the University of Florida concluded:

…at least 85 percent of 200,000 asteroids in the inner asteroid belt — the main source of Earth’s meteorites — originate from five or six ancient minor planets. The other 15 percent may also trace their origins to the same group of primordial bodies…

Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology analyzed the data from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft that went into orbit of the two largest asteroids in the belt, Ceres and Vesta. In 2020 they described Ceres as being a “relict ocean world” and said there may be reservoirs of salt water still in existence on it today, leading National Geographic magazine to describe Ceres as “geologically alive.” Water is, of course, a key factor for sustaining “life as we know it.”

These recent examples show scientific research is beginning to align with what Master of Yoga Dr. George King said in the 1950s. In his book published in 1961, The Nine Freedoms, he describes in detail how there used to be another planet in our Solar System known as Maldek. This planet was about the same size as Earth and orbited the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, the same position that the asteroid belt now occupies.

How did a planet turn into millions of asteroids?

Dr. George King received many messages from cosmic intelligences – advanced extraterrestrial beings from other worlds – throughout his lifetime.

To understand the origin of the asteroid belt we need to turn to a cosmic being who spoke through Dr. King known as Mars Sector 6 

In 1957, Mars Sector 6 gave a message calling for people to rise up and demonstrate against the atomic bomb testing that the American, Soviet and British governments were undertaking at the time.

The reason these cosmic beings were concerned was that the human race has a history of atomic bomb experimentation long before the events of the twentieth century.

Prior to our civilization on Earth, the human race lived upon another planet, Maldek. 

Here is an excerpt from the message from Mars Sector 6 in which he addresses the fate of the planet Maldek:

Picture the asteroid belt. Thousands of pieces of cold rock spinning through space; spinning through space, lifeless, devoid of atmosphere, a broken world; where, a few thousand years ago, there blossomed a green Planet. There blossomed a Planet teeming with life. Life which had likes and dislikes, hopes and ambitions. Life which dreamed of a better future. Life which pro-created itself. Life which knew happiness and sadness. Male and female joined as one and worked as one. Then came the younger ones from this. Until the few grew dissatisfied with their knowledge and began to explore those fields of science which they were not fully prepared to investigate. A great weapon was made for Peace. This weapon, made for Peace, eventually destroyed all life upon the Planet. Some of your Holy Works refer to this Planet as—Maldek. 

A WEAPON MADE FOR PEACE! Some of you upon Terra are the re-incarnated life-streams of the people who perished upon Maldek. Some of the Dark Ones among you are those who destroyed Maldek. It seems that even time has not taught these so much.

Like the Mother Earth, Maldek was a living being, not just a lump of rock, but an advanced cosmic intelligence. So as well as destroying our own civilization on Maldek, the human race murdered a living entity – the planet itself. The asteroid belt is now all that remains of Maldek. 

This wasn’t the only example of this in our history either. We repeated the mistake of Maldek when we destroyed the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis through atomic experimentation, although thankfully we didn’t manage to destroy an entire planet on those occasions.

The nuclear threat is still real today

This week The Guardian reported on a leaked document that shows the UK government is ending 30 years of gradual nuclear disarmament. Even just last year they were still adopting their policy of gradually reducing the number of weapons they have. But the leaked document shows they are intending to increase the cap on their Trident nuclear warhead stockpile by more than 40%.

This is a backward step and a worrying move, but, even with this increase, the UK’s stockpile is still dwarfed by the vast stockpiles of weapons belonging to the US and Russia. Even so, each of the UK’s warheads still in existence is more powerful than the bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. 

An alien appeal for peace

One of the key themes of the many messages from the cosmic beings in contact with Dr. King in the 1950s was the need for us to cease atomic experimentation. These messages included specific appeals to the British government to cease its Christmas Island atomic bomb tests. These appeals were printed and sent to the British Prime Minister and Members of Parliament at the time, but the tests still went ahead. 

In 1956 the Master Aetherius, a cosmic intelligence living on the higher levels of vibration on Venus, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King and made the following appeal:

Your military leaders have never improved the world; your conquerors or dictators have never improved the world. The only improvements—if you can call them that—which have been done upon Terra [i.e. Earth], especially just lately, have been done by the individual who works collectively for the good of his brother. All your Masters have told you that it is important—it is the most important thing—to love your neighbour as yourself. It is not right to hate yourself; neither is it right to hate your neighbour, for virtually when you hate yourself, you hate your Creator, for you are a part of that Creator as well as a part of His Creation. So is your neighbour.

There are many people upon Terra—I have heard them—who say, ‘I hate so-and-so’ and ‘I hate such-and-such a thing.’ What are they doing? They are hating God.

Of course, they are. Never use the word. It is a foul one and its meaning is dark indeed.

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and you will see what hate is. Terrible! Do not let it happen again, for if it does the fault lines existing within the screen of your frail little Earth will open and indeed great calamity will befall you.

Is it not worth working for the peace of the world? Surely it is worth all your efforts.

Find out more

The full story of Maldek, Lemuria and Atlantis can be found in Dr. King’s book The Nine Freedoms 

Read an adapted extract of the story

The full text of the message from Mars Sector 6 can be found in Dr. King’s booklet Wisdom Of The Planets

The full text of the message from The Master Aetherius can be found in Cosmic Voice Volume 2

Masthead image: The dwarf planet Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt. The map overlaid at right gives scientists hints about Ceres’ internal structure from gravity measurements.



About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He hosted the  Mystic FM podcast.

Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race?
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The Lesson Of Gotha https://www.aetherius.org/the-lesson-of-gotha/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-lesson-of-gotha/#comments Thu, 18 Feb 2021 20:22:28 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=33603 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This past week we celebrated Gotha Day, in honor of three great interplanetary beings, now living on Earth, who play a vital role in…

The Lesson Of Gotha
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The Lesson of Gotha

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

This past week we celebrated Gotha Day, in honor of three great interplanetary beings, now living on Earth, who play a vital role in our spiritual evolution.

Thousands of light-years from Earth, closer to the center of the Galaxy, is a planetary system known as “Gotha”. This system is inhabited by a race of advanced extraterrestrials vastly more spiritually evolved than we are.

And yet, advanced as they are, they too still had a timeless lesson to learn.

Theirs is a dramatic story of intergalactic warfare and spiritual salvation, spanning many centuries, which ultimately even included us on Earth!

In this month’s in-depth episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze invites on to the show Alyson Lawrence, an International Director of The Aetherius Society and Bishop in the Aetherius Churches, to share the story of this exemplary interplanetary race of beings and the experiences that shaped the devotion they have to selfless service today.

Tune in and discover more about the Gotha Masters and the vital lesson their story can teach us. Don’t miss:

  • A history of Gotha, including their culture, their technology and their intergalactic expeditions
  • A physical description Dr. King gave of these beings when one of them visited him on Earth
  • Why the Gotha Masters approached the Three Adepts for help
  • The vital lesson that the Gotha people were taught
  • A brief summary of Operation Sunbeam and the critical role that the Gotha Masters play in making this Mission possible
For more information you can check out these areas on our website: 

About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained priest in the Aetherius Churches and a member of The Ecclesiastical Synod.


About Alyson Lawrence

Alyson LawrenceAlyson Lawrence is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

The Lesson Of Gotha
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https://www.aetherius.org/the-lesson-of-gotha/feed/ 3 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This past week we celebrated Gotha Day, in honor of three great interplanetary beings, now living on Earth, who play a vital role in… As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This past week we celebrated Gotha Day, in honor of three great interplanetary beings, now living on Earth, who play a vital role in… Chrissie Blaze full false 1:02:06 33603
What is extraterrestrial life really like? https://www.aetherius.org/what-is-extraterrestrial-life-really-like/ https://www.aetherius.org/what-is-extraterrestrial-life-really-like/#comments Tue, 24 Apr 2018 21:11:34 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=17617 If you believe in extraterrestrial life, you have probably gazed up at the stars and wondered: what is it really like? We hear stories about this race or that race…

What is extraterrestrial life really like?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


If you believe in extraterrestrial life, you have probably gazed up at the stars and wondered: what is it really like? We hear stories about this race or that race that is supposedly visiting Earth – but what is true, and what is simply someone’s vivid imagination?

However vivid someone’s imagination may be, it cannot compare to the unlimited imagination of the Creative Source that brought it all into being in the beginning. What are we really, after all, but figments of the Creator’s imagination, floating in its infinite sea of mind – one day to return to the macro-cosmic bliss of fully-conscious oneness … ?!

Even some creatures in the seas of our own planet defy explanation – strange beyond the realms of what scientists have believed to be even possible – never mind thought might actually exist right under our very noses.

The question: “What is extraterrestrial life really like?” is as big as the cosmos itself, but its vastness should not dissuade us from wondering – from believing – and from being inspired by the amazing universe in which we are so lucky to live.

In this post, I will share with you some thoughts about these words (in bold) spoken by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius” – or “The Master Aetherius” – in deference to his great wisdom. In this communication to Earth, he was speaking through the trance mediumship of Dr George King (1919-1997), in London in 1954 – in answer to a two-part question:

“Can you give us a little about the comparative chemistry of the physical bodies used on Venus? Is there any comparison with our chemistry of carbon compounds, for instance?”

“It is rather complicated because a lot of us exist in subtle states and when we come to this Planet, or to Mars, or any other World, we build for ourselves a body to live on that Planet.”

These simple words tell us a great deal about life on other planets – and explain how life ‘not as we know it’ is possible.

When you read the question, which talks about life on Venus, your internal incredulity monitor may have triggered an alarm of doubt in your thinking process. According to many so-called scientifically-minded people, we “know” that life does not exist on Venus – at least certainly not intelligent life, because environmental conditions are too hostile there.

First of all, we do not know anything about life beyond Earth (officially at least) – therefore we are in no position whatsoever to judge what conditions are too hostile for it. There may even be sentient intelligences who can survive in the barren coldness of space itself. In fact, there are indeed such beings – planets and stars, even galaxies, are in fact living beings, who reside in the apparent emptiness of ever-moving creation. But that’s another topic for another time … !

Secondly, when it comes to life beyond Earth – in fact even some life on Earth – what you see is not necessarily what you get.

We exist on one plane of existence – at one frequency of vibration. And most of us have absolutely no awareness of any other plane of existence. At least not until we die, when a part of us leaves this plane and moves to a different one. This after-death plane is still physical, and still part of this Earth, but it is physical at a different frequency of vibration.

Such planes also exist on other planets. The plane or planes inhabited on Venus have environmental conditions completely different from what we can see on Venus.

What does the Master Aetherius mean by “a lot of us exist in subtle states” ?  This refers to an intelligence existing as energy, rather than in a dense physical form like us.

There are in fact descriptions of extraterrestrial intelligences looking like large ovoids of light. Such beings are still “physical”, in the wider sense of the meaning of the word, but in a more “subtle” way. This is a very much more advanced state of existence than we are currently capable of on Earth, obviously. Even a spiritual Master on Earth, even on a higher physical plane between incarnations, could not take the form of a large ovoid of light like that of at least some of our planetary neighbors. Nevertheless there will come a time, perhaps in thousands or even millions of years, when we too will evolve to that level where we can do this.

The Master Aetherius goes on to say that they can build themselves a body adapted to whatever planet they are visiting. This building process is not some ghastly Frankenstein-like abomination against nature – quite the reverse. They create such a body purely out of their own energy structure, by the power of their own thought. This is obviously an outstanding feat – utterly impossible to us on Earth – but again, one day, we will evolve such that we too have this kind of extraordinary ability.

This not only means that they can survive in the environmental conditions of the planet they are visiting, but it must also facilitate friendly communication with the inhabitants, especially those at the lower levels of evolution, like us. Wouldn’t you find it easier, for example, to talk to someone who looked human, rather than trying to communicate with an ovoid of light?

“If the people of that particular Planet have twenty-seven legs, as some people have in the Milky Way, then we can build a body with these twenty-seven legs.”

This gives us a little taste of the multifarious variety existent even in our own galaxy – never mind beyond! It may sound fanciful to imagine a being with 27 legs – but we have creatures with more legs than that even on Earth. The only difference is that on Earth such beings are not “people”; they are not sentient beings like us.

But why shouldn’t they be sentient on another planet? The more we analyze it logically, rather than emotionally, the more plausible the idea becomes.

“If carbon is the basic cellular property, we can use this by drawing it out of the atmosphere and blending it in such a way as to form a cellular structure, in harmony with environmental conditions prevalent upon the particular Planet we are visiting. On the other hand, we can use a silicon base; certain plants have a silicon base. There are few people on Venus who use bodies of a coarser matter and these only when necessary—yet we are physical beings.”

This is a very important aspect of understanding life beyond Earth – particularly for those of us who embrace the spiritual approach to ufology. The inhabitants of Venus are extremely advanced – literally millions of years ahead of us. And not just scientifically, but spiritually as well. In fact, they are so advanced that science and spirituality are the same to them – both are the study and application of Truth. And yet, we are reminded here that they are physical – they are not nebulous “spirits” – they are real beings with real bodies.

“It is not possible for me to give English names, for the constituents of the molecules of the subtle bodies, because you have no words to describe them.”

This reinforces in our minds the fact that these beings are physical. Even though this physicality is on a higher energy plane it is still made of “molecules” – though how similar such molecules are to those that constitute our own bodies, we have no idea.

“So tenuous are these bodies, that it would be like giving a name to the molecules of your Soul, as it were.”

This illustrates the fascinating way that extraterrestrial intelligences understand the continuum of physicality from the ordinary physical world that we know on Earth, right through to the physical existence of the soul – on a high energy plane. The soul is not some weird, magical, supernatural thing – but a “physical” part of us. Not physical like our arms and legs, obviously, but physical in the sense that it really does exist, and is comprised of smaller elements referred to, perhaps quite liberally here, as “molecules”.  Such a thing could be measured, analyzed, helped or hindered – just like any other part of us. It’s simply that the vibration of this aspect of our being is so elevated as to be beyond our current instrumentation and conventional scientific understanding.

“It would be impossible to do that, unless you had a language like certain of the Planets with 25,000 symbols in the alphabet. That language is never written.”

This seems almost like a joke – and yet it is absolutely true. Beings from other planets do sometimes demonstrate a sense of humor, but a Venusian would never do so to the detriment of our understanding. If such a being makes a statement like this – it is a fact.

Advanced beings on other worlds do not need to use spoken language to communicate in the way that we do. They are advanced enough to have complete telepathic rapport with one another. Perhaps some of this, on some planets, is done through symbology – thought pictures, to put it very simply (and probably rather inadequately). Such symbols may perhaps not be limited simply to a visual form, but have a sound attached to them, perhaps even a scent or other things we cannot even imagine.

Why would it not be written? Maybe because writing is totally unnecessary for the beings who use this language. Writing is primarily a way of spreading information or recording information. These beings may have perfect memories, and be able to telepathically transmit whatever they wish to whomever they wish – and perhaps even to the entire planet at once. Such a world would have no need for writing.

* * *

These words of the Master Aetherius are far deeper than they first appear. They are like portals to a whole different approach to understanding life in the galaxy – a vista of hitherto uncontemplated possibilities, that make our own world seem tiny by comparison.

And yet it is not to make us feel limited, or inferior, that we are told these things by the Master Aetherius.

It is the exact opposite in fact – it is to inspire us to think beyond the confines of our own world; to encourage us to aspire to rejoin the great interplanetary family of which we are in fact already a part.

Now we are like the prodigal son – but we too will one day look upwards, and return to the fold – and our lives will no longer be life as we know it – but cosmic life – and cosmic freedom … !

* * *


You Are Responsible! – Dr George King

UFOs and The Extraterrestrial Message – Richard Lawrence

About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

What is extraterrestrial life really like?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/what-is-extraterrestrial-life-really-like/feed/ 21 17617
Religion on other planets – insights by an alien intelligence https://www.aetherius.org/religion-planets-insights-alien-intelligence/ https://www.aetherius.org/religion-planets-insights-alien-intelligence/#comments Mon, 04 Dec 2017 01:19:26 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=16746   Extraterrestrial beings have given countless messages to Earth. One particular contactee who received more communications than probably any other, is Dr. George King (1919-1997) – Master of Yoga and…

Religion on other planets – insights by an alien intelligence
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Religion on other planets_title


Extraterrestrial beings have given countless messages to Earth. One particular contactee who received more communications than probably any other, is Dr. George King (1919-1997) – Master of Yoga and Founder of The Aetherius Society.

Below in bold is an extract of a communication given on January 29th 1955 by the Master Aetherius – a being from a higher material plane of the planet Venus; not this physical plane. This highly advanced spiritual intelligence spoke through Dr. King while in a samadhic trance state.

In italics is commentary by Mark Bennett – an International Director of The Aetherius Society, and a Minister in the Aetherius Churches.

The Master Aetherius speaks:

I will say a word about our religion.

Yes, alien intelligences do have religion!

But the religion referred to here by the Master Aetherius is a world away from much of the religion practiced upon Earth. Theirs is not a religion of dogmas, petty rules and contradictions. Their religion is one of pure, unadulterated spirituality, as he goes on to describe.

It is simplicity.

Their religion is – “simplicity”.

What is simplicity?

If something is simple – it can be understood; it is self-evident; all its different components fit into one harmonious whole.

Compare this to our religions – where often the theology is complexity compounded by complexity, such complexity an effort to explain logically that which is illogical – and hence can never be self-evident; and all this creates a mishmash of competing elements, each incongruous with the other.

The Masters on the higher planes of Venus have vastly superior technology to our own – and yet their lives are simple. Simple in the sense that they do not concern themselves with anything that does not really matter. Their whole existence is about following and applying the Divine Laws of the universe – in service, and to further enlighten themselves and their world, to this end.

We believe in one God, all is one …

This is not the “one God” in the sense of some religions on Earth – who regard theirs as the one and only God and everyone else’s God as being false.

The God that they worship on Venus is literally ALL. The whole of creation is ONE – and this whole is God, and yet God is even more than this, because God is also the creator of this whole, and exists as greater than this whole even now after creation – for It is above all time and all space. It is the potential and the perfect essence within all things. And yet it is also all things in the literal sense – but it has wrapped these things up in and as matter, and so forth.

… although one part may disturb another part and the resultant disturbance causes an appearance of disunity.

Note that: “appearance” of disunity. All things are one all the time. But, to us – the lower aspects of the One God – there seems to be disunity. This is a paradox, in that the appearance is ‘real’, and yet at the same time, in essence this appearance is just that – an appearance – not timeless reality.

If you think about it you will see that it is because of the unity of the whole system that one part can disturb another part. The fact that if you steal of your brother, that ritual affects a man in China, we accepted many years ago and we have based the whole of our philosophy, our religion, upon this definite law of oneness.

If one person does something bad, it affects everything else to some degree – albeit perhaps only minutely. It lowers the vibration, and affects the karma of the whole world. On a positive note, every time we do something good – something spiritual – something unselfish – it raises the vibration and improves world karma.

An analogy for this would be a cell in the human body. Any diseased cell will to some degree compromise the overall health of that individual – and any really healthy cell will improve the health of the whole person.

That is why, don’t you see, we must be interested in your little Bikini tea parties.

The Master Aetherius is referring to the numerous atomic bomb tests performed near the Bikini Islands in the 1950s. The effects of such “tea parties” have far more implications than Earth scientists are currently aware of.

You not only affect your own system but you are definitely beyond any doubt affecting ours as well. The whole planetary system, my friends, is one family linked together with very strong magnetic links, which has come from a common womb, that of the Sun, one family that feels strongly for the rest of its relations. So our religion takes this into account, this oneness, this simplicity.

Our foolishness and wickedness with regard to nuclear weaponry affects not only us – all of us upon Earth – but also affects our planetary neighbors.

Very few know what it means “Be still and know that I Am God”, and yet although it is a very simple statement, it is one of the greatest in the Interplanetary System.

Believe it or not, “Be still and know that I am God” appears in the Bible, in Psalm 46. But the meaning ascribed to it by the Cosmic Masters is far deeper than what might appear to be its meaning in the Bible.

In short, it means that through the stillness (physical and mental) of deep meditation we begin to realize our oneness with God. This is a paradox – in that God, as the totality of creation, is all movement – and yet, as unmanifest Divinity, is indeed total stillness.

So when I say our religion is simple, I do not mean that the young people would find it simple, I mean that it is religion or a belief that recognizes reality is unchangeability …

“Young people” here refers to those less advanced in terms of spiritual awareness.

That which changes is not true reality, in its deepest sense. Reality cannot change – it simply is. The only thing that cannot change is God itself. Therefore God is the one reality.

… your own worthy Masters say just the same thing. We are trying to make you realize that your own Masters on Terra have told you the way, but you have strayed from that way.

“Terra” is a Latin word meaning Earth, often used in this way by the Cosmic Masters.

There are of course great spiritual Masters who are Earth people – just like you and me, except that unlike you and me they have worked extremely hard for countless lives in spiritual ways, and thereby achieved their Mastery.

All my talk has been said before, hundreds of times, on your very world. There is not anything new. If there were one thing new it would mean the Absolute had not put that thing there in the beginning, that is why there can be nothing new. There can be a modern presentation, but that modern presentation is just a 1955 label for something trillions of years old. The Ancient Wisdom was written in the beginning by the Hand of the Absolute Architect of the palatial system.

Since God is the creator of all things – all things come from the “mind” of God as it existed in the timelessness before the universe began. Therefore nothing is truly new – it was all thought into being ‘prior to’ the inception of time – as potential.

Everything ever to exist in creation moves from this state of potential into manifestation, just as God planned it in the beginning.

Our religion is not anything new but what yours should be; our education is not anything new, but what yours should be; our political system is not anything new, but what yours should be.

Our religion, education and political systems are all fundamentally flawed. With little exception, all three exclude the one most important point of all – that God is within and God is all. These systems on Venus are the very opposite of ours – and, as a result, are extremely successful!

Our belief in an Absolute Architect, an Absolute Creator, thinking into being certain laws which are immutable, these are the things we study first …

What an amazing concept!

The “laws which are immutable” – be they ‘physical’ like gravity, or more ‘spiritual’ such as reincarnation – were all thought into being by God. And yet they are what God is – for they, like God, are immutable, i.e. unchangeable. They are, in short, what God made itself to be.

…secondly we apply these laws to our political system and our educational system.

Imagine politics being the result of a true understanding of the Divine Laws of the universe!

We do not try to get the laws to fit in with our preconceived ideas of what things should be, we make our systems fit the law.

On Earth, all too often we invent religious laws – we even invent the absurd concept of a petty, vengeful, human-like “God”. We then wonder why our prayers so often seem unanswered, and our prophecies unfulfilled.

When you do that, you will become luminous in the heavens, you will immediately go one step further upwards, you will immediately be showered by Flying Saucers and Mother Ships, call them what you like, who will come from planets to walk your Earth. But they will not come in great numbers like that until you have gone forward to make your present system subservient to the Law of God.

Unlike false religion – which relies on ‘blind faith’ because it doesn’t work and isn’t true, if we actually applied the true Divine Laws to our personal daily lives and to our global systems of politics, education and religion, we would see results – immediately! But only if enough people made this fundamental positive change.

One result of living and acting in accordance with the natural laws of the universe would be the mass-landing of spacecraft from other planets – and interaction with highly advanced compassionate extraterrestrial intelligences. What a wonderful, amazing, awesome thought!

It seems very strange that thousands of years ago most of the beings upon Terra did that, and then started the great system of involution, the great drop into sin, and now you are starting on the way back, a way back that will be hard, a way back that will be difficult.

In the days of Lemuria, and, to a lesser extent, in the days of Atlantis, mankind upon Earth did achieve a relatively advanced level of culture – technologically and spiritually; much more advanced than today, in fact.

With the nuclear destruction (by mankind) of both these civilizations, however, we have gone backwards – involving rather than evolving. However, no being in creation is ever beyond redemption. We can all make the effort to learn from the mistakes of our past, and move forwards towards enlightenment. Ultimately, enlightenment – even salvation – is not for the chosen few – but for all. It is simply the case that the more we work in spiritual ways, the more quickly this will be achieved.

Our journey through evolution will not be easy. Nothing truly worthwhile ever is – and this is the most worthwhile thing of all!

It will be very easy for some of you to say, “that fellow was talking about things that Mr So and So should do something about but not myself.” I am talking to you in this way because all of you can do something about these things.

People often feel powerless – or perhaps use so-called powerlessness as an excuse. However, God does not expect anything from anyone that is impossible for them. We can all make the effort to help ourselves and one another – and the whole planet – to become “luminous in the heavens”, as the Master Aetherius put it.

If you will raise your consciousness a little bit, you will raise the consciousness of the whole world a little bit. A grave responsibility lies upon the shoulders of all of you; you can reject it or act upon it.

It is a grave responsibility to know that we can really make a difference to the future of our whole world – a difference that to some degree even impacts life on other planets! But it is also a fantastic opportunity – an opportunity to help write the glorious ending to this tumultuous chapter in the cosmic history of mankind!

This is our opportunity to help build a new, and better, world!

* * *

Mark BennettAbout the author 

Mark Bennett is an International Director of The Aetherius Society and co-author of the award-winning title Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels and Prayer Energy. www.markinfo.co.uk



This extract by the Master Aetherius, as well as numerous others, is published in the book UFOs and the extraterrestrial message – A spiritual insight into UFOs and cosmic transmissions – by award-winning international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe.

The extract from the Master Aetherius is copyright The Aetherius Society, taken from the book UFOs and the extraterrestrial message – A spiritual insight into UFOs and cosmic transmissions, which is copyright, Richard Lawrence.

Religion on other planets – insights by an alien intelligence
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/religion-planets-insights-alien-intelligence/feed/ 17 16746
Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul https://www.aetherius.org/worship-the-god-spark-in-the-temple-of-the-soul/ https://www.aetherius.org/worship-the-god-spark-in-the-temple-of-the-soul/#comments Mon, 31 Jul 2017 20:51:47 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=16266 Whether you regard yourself as religious, spiritual, or neither - you can never really know yourself without “going within”. It is going within that is the true journey of the soul – to Reality itself. But what does “going within” really mean?

Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul


Whether you regard yourself as religious, spiritual, or neither – you can never really know yourself without “going within”. It is going within that is the true journey of the soul – to Reality itself.

But what does “going within” really mean?

In the following simple words, given by a great Master from another planet,  this question is answered:

If you would attend a temple, then attend the temple within. Bathe yourself in the lasting Fire of your highest aspirations and come out as an inspired one. Yet inspired into Spiritual activity rather than theoretical lethargy. 

“The World is yours, the Universe is yours, the Cosmos is yours, but only when the Spark speaks through you to all, about all, in all. Note it, be revived by it, be inspired by it, be risen by it, and come upwards, oh children of Earth. Rise upwards, oh children, of Earth, and express the greatness in your souls, express the lasting Divinity of your higher selves. 

“Rise, oh Earth, into glory.” 

– Jupiter 92, speaking through Dr. George King in 1962

The Temple within

If we are to truly worship God, we have to go within. If we do not go within, we cannot have more than a basic conception of what God really is – and we cannot worship what we do not know.

The more we know God, the more and better we can truly worship God. (Note 1)

Earlier in this same Transmission, Jupiter 92 told us:

“Upon the temple of your very soul is placed even now great inspiration which could lift you upwards and away from your present dilemmas.” (Note 2)

Now, the temple we are being told to attend is the temple of the soul. This is where the soul worships God.

The soul worships God by causing us to evolve. As we evolve, we become conscious of higher mind – conscious of that which is closer to God. We will then live and act in the light of this consciousness – in service.

It would be easy to misread “If you would attend a temple, then attend the temple within” as an excuse not to go to church, or temple, or wherever, and just stay at home. That is not what is meant here at all. What is meant here is that unless we go within to develop an awareness of the God-Spark, there is no point in us going to any temple or any church or anywhere else, because it will be meaningless.

And yet – with an awareness of what God really is – even on a relatively basic, conventional level – attendance of a church or temple can be a glorious spiritual expression of love, devotion and goodness.

In other words, attending the “temple within”, gives meaning to attending any other temple – i.e. gives meaning to our spiritual path.

We do not need to be intelligent, or even wise, or anything else, to take a first step towards God-knowledge. All we need is the spiritual desire to have “some small glimpse” of our Real Selves – of God – “even though but dimly seen” (Note 3).

This “glimpse” of our Selves – of the God-Spark within – will inspire us to attend the best possible temple that we can – and, as a general principle, the greater the glimpse, the greater the temple we will choose. Greater in terms of truth – not magnificence of the architecture.

In short: attending the “temple within” will enable us to choose the best temple outside of ourselves, i.e. the best spiritual path for us, and to follow it in the best way we can.

So this line is not saying: stay at home and don’t go to any temples. It is saying: if you want the privilege of learning higher truths and worshipping in a great temple – then you must go within. If you don’t, you won’t know what temple to choose, and you won’t know what you are doing there.

The right kind of temple will then help you “attend the temple within” more deeply, which will then help you in your worship in the actual temple – and so on, in a positive spiral of spiritual evolution – within, and also in terms of action.

How do we attend the Temple within?

Even just a few quiet moments of thought about God, about the Self, about the Cosmos, about goodness, about compassion, about helping the world as a whole – will be a start. This is a start many people on Earth never make. And look at the result! War, ignorance, violence, thievery, greed etc.

Even so-called religious people, in some cases, may never look within. They may pray. They may even make long pilgrimages. But do they ever really think – deeply – within themselves about the truth of it all? For one thing, anyone who truly goes within – even just a little bit – could not murder in the name of God; nor could such a person lead a life of wealth and luxury without worrying about all the suffering in the world. And yet such things happen every single day.

Remember from Part 3 in this series – we will only evolve if our actions are governed by our Higher Aspect (i.e. Higher Self). For our Higher Aspect to consciously govern our actions, we have to go within – to “attend the temple within”.

Taking it a step further than just a few moments’ thought here and there, we can perform spiritual practices such as those taught in Realize Your Inner Potential – including yoga breathing specifically designed to put us in touch with our Higher Aspect. We can also contemplate on the wisdom given to us by the Masters, such as this very Transmission from Jupiter.

Bathing in Spiritual Fire

We are told to bathe ourselves in the “lasting Fire” of our “highest aspirations”.

Fire burns. Just like the Light in the first sentence of the Transmission. This Fire is that Light, but the word “Fire” conveys something in motion, something which is very much alive and very active – something which brings about a dramatic change of state – which brings about transmutation.

And yet – there is a paradox here: this Fire is “lasting”, and yet nothing active, nothing moving, can be truly lasting. Why? Because only God itself is truly lasting, and God is still, because God is all motion, and therefore above motion. Motion is but one of the seven dimensions of creation – thus anything in motion is below the state of pure unmanifest Divinity.

Why is this paradox there? Because the fact that it is “lasting” conveys the fact that this “Fire” comes straight from the God-Spark. Again, we can say that it is virtually where man’s mind – and the God-Spark within man – meet each other; where that which is manifest and impermanent is changed by that which is unmanifest and everlasting.

“Our highest aspirations” – what a beautiful phrase! Let’s think about this for a moment. Let’s ponder our aspirations. Unless you are a saint, you will have some aspirations that are not very good really – a faster car to make your friends jealous; a promotion at work in order to impress your girlfriend; a prettier wife than your brother’s wife… etc. Such things are pretty much the norm on Earth.

But what of our higher aspirations? The desire to be a better person – kinder, wiser, more disciplined, more self-sacrificing, purer, stronger, braver etc. All spiritual people have such aspirations. If you do not have any such aspirations, you are not spiritual. This is the better part of us. This is an aspect of the Light which is “not ruled by passion, nor made a tool of foolish desire”, as we learnt at the start of the Transmission. This is the soul-urge.

Now let us actually visualize this in a very real way. Imagine yourself encased and imbued with flames of Light – coming from God itself; from the God-Spark within you. Imagine this gentle, yet powerful, Fire filling every aspect of your being, even your physical body. And see these flames as having a kind of “personality” – and that “personality” is your own highest aspirations.

These flames are made from the very essence of your own most spiritual desires. This is the part of you that celebrates its Divinity and is now literally alight with the joy of this knowledge. You are now on fire with the ecstasy of longing for consciousness of God.

Feel it – enjoy it – be changed by it… And the foolishness of the lower mind, will fall like ashes, from this, the temple of the soul – and the angelic being of our true potential will be all that remains!

Having had such an experience, we then detach from it – not to forget it, not at all. Quite the reverse: to let it inspire us into service. Then, in time, we will do this again, even better, and come out of this state even more inspired, and be of greater service; this is not inspiration for its own sake – this is inspiration for “Spiritual activity”.

The silent God-Spark speaks at last…!

“The World is yours, the Universe is yours, the Cosmos is yours…”

We are given these three promises. They sound almost absurd. And yet they are true, provided that the “Spark speaks” through us “to all, about all, in all.”

The Spark is the Spark of God within us. How many times have we been told that God “dwells silently” within us? Even in the very same issue of Cosmic Voice as that in which this Transmission was published, in the series of Transmissions entitled ‘Be Not Limited’, The Master Aetherius says:

“May this power fall upon the heads of all those upon the Earth this very moment, so that they may know, that God dwells silently within them all!”

And yet, here in this message from Jupiter 92, we are told what will happen when God is no longer silent – but speaks.

Animals do not speak – at least not in the same way that we do; animals are not self-aware like we are. We speak because we are self-aware; we are conscious of our own existence – we can think “I am”, whereas an animal thinks only “it is”.

When God speaks, it is not the voice of normal terrestrial consciousness – but of our super-consciousness, or even supra-consciousness. In a nutshell, this is awareness not that “it is”, or even that “I am”, but that “I AM THAT” – i.e. “I am God”.

Speech is sound. The whole of creation is encapsulated as the great Holy Word (too holy to even include in this post). When the Spark speaks – when God speaks – it says this great Holy Word, which is the whole of manifestation – which is ALL.

Speech is an action. Action is motion and therefore can only take place within manifestation since it is one of the seven dimensions of creation. The God-Spark is above manifestation – is unmanifest. And yet, here it is acting within creation. Again we have the paradox of where unmanifest Divinity and Divinity manifest as creation – meet.

This has to happen “through” us. In other words, we have to be conscious of it. We have to be conscious of something that is above our current state of consciousness – i.e. we have to be conscious of the super-consciousness and ultimately supra-consciousness.

This Spark speaks through us “to all”. Let’s just visualize that for a moment.

The God-Spark within us is perfect and unlimited in essence; it is the very nature of freedom. This is our potential which exists outside of time. But, paradoxically, it has been silent up to this point – isolated; alone; grossly limited; gagged; denied freedom of speech – imprisoned by our own ignorance. And now, suddenly, in this glorious burst of illumination – it is free. It is in communion with all the billions of billions of billions of other God-Sparks – which are one. It is linked to everything in creation that is God – which is everything. It is no longer bound by the conscious mind of man – but freed by the conscious mind of man, which has freed it by becoming superconscious and supraconscious, and man has thereby also freed himself – for man is God.

Imagine a tiger released from a cage to run free in the grasslands of its natural habitat. What a moving scene this would be! But, fantastic though this is, it is nothing compared to the freedom experienced when the God-Spark is realized and released, by consciousness, into the infinitude of creation – one with its Father, the Creator; limitlessly expansive in its natural habitat, which is all of manifestation. The prison of the body, and the basic mind – at this point are nothing but the memory of a tiny cage; a memory which makes it all the more ecstatically blissful in its current freedom.

It speaks “about all” – because it is all. It is all knowledge. The “Godness” within you, is the same Godness as within all things – whether it be an electron, a galaxy, a murderer or a saint. (Note 4)

It speaks “in all”, because it is in all. In its pure form, it is the essence within all things.

The World is yours, the Universe is yours, the Cosmos is yours

When the Spark speaks through us in this way, the world is ours. This is the key to all knowledge, all power, all wisdom. Not only at this point are we God (we were God all along) – but now we know we are God. It is this realization which makes us virtually omnipotent. Psychic powers which may seem miraculous to us now will become normal to us. And wisdom – the depth of which we cannot yet conceive – will be what will make us the great Masters that then we will be.

We are not even limited to the confines of a single world – for we are told that the universe is ours. And more even than this, we are told that the cosmos is ours. The cosmos is not just the universe – but the principles governing the universe. According to google it is “the universe seen as a well-ordered whole”. That makes it even greater than the universe itself. The universe is time and space etc. – but the cosmos is the very mind of God that makes the universe what it is. This is the degree of awareness we gain in the higher states. Not just “knowledge of things” – but oneness with the very mind of our own dear Father – the Creator – our Real Self!

Be revived

We are told to note this, be revived by it, be inspired by it, be risen by it, and come upwards.

The point I would like to focus on here is – being “revived”. “To revive” means “to bring life back to”. As we discussed in the second of this series of posts about this Transmission from Jupiter, “prana is life”. Prana, when directed by will, realizes potential. Here we are being told to realize that potential again.

Let’s not forget that in Atlantis, and even more so in Lemuria, and even more so on Maldek, we were less limited beings than we now are. Mankind has fallen. It is not simply that we are slow, and have not kept up with our older and wiser interplanetary neighbours; we have actually failed and fallen (Note 5). Now it is time to get back on the horse and be what we once were – but this time, stay on the horse all the way through the journey of life, galloping to God-realization.

According to google, “revive” also means “restore to consciousness”, which is interesting, because consciousness is the key to realization of our potential. We are here being urged to use this wisdom to regain that more elevated consciousness which once we had – albeit thousands or even millions of years ago.

Another meaning of “revive” is of course simply to “give new strength or energy to”. Jupiter 92 is virtually imploring us, in the most positive possible way, to use this wisdom and be “risen”.


It is not so much what we are now that counts – but what we do now.

If we follow the three-pronged path of King Yoga – service, wisdom, and self-development – described at the start of this Transmission by Jupiter 92 as reaching “outwards, upwards and yet more subtly inwards” – then we will attain the great state of inspiration and oneness that this Master describes.

We will hear the Spark speak… at last!

We will listen, as, after millennia of silence, the very voice of God resounds within our souls, and we will be free – for we will finally be our Real Selves…!

* * *

This blogpost is the fourth in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962).

Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of existence, therefore it is not yet detectable by terrestrial science. This, however, certainly does not mean that it does not exist! The spiritual profundity of this Transmission is more than enough to prove to any true spiritual seeker that life does indeed exist on Jupiter. Physical evidence can sometimes be faked, but wisdom never can!

* * *

Note 1: Compare these words of Dr. George King in his address ‘The Men who won Operation Karmalight for you’:

“I don’t know what it is with these people, that kept them so balanced, so straight, unless it’s the love of God through realization. I think it has to be something like that. It has to be something above the norm, and the love of God through realization is above the norm because very few people have it. They say they love God but they don’t really realize what God is, to the extent that the Adepts must realize what God is and that’s why their true love, TRUE LOVE, TRUE LOVE, TRUE LOVE, not the thing you call love, but TRUE LOVE, must be so much greater than the capabilities of a terrestrial; because it’s borne out of realization, out of a knowledge of God, A KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, A KNOWLEDGE OF GOD – and it must have been this.”

Note 2: See Part 2 – ‘Let Cosmic Inspiration Change Your Life’ for more insights into the “temple of the soul”.

Note 3: As described by the Master Jesus in the prayer after the Fourth of The Twelve Blessings.

Note 4: “Godness” – The Master Aetherius in ‘Prepare Ye Oh Men’:

“Somewhere down the line, someone helped you. They told you what to do in order to enhance that great realization of Godness within you.”

Note 5: For the true, secret history of mankind, study the Introduction to The Nine Freedoms.

About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Jupiter 92 – Let cosmic inspiration change your life! https://www.aetherius.org/the-key-to-accessing-inspiration/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-key-to-accessing-inspiration/#comments Wed, 21 Jun 2017 15:52:40 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=16146   This blogpost is the second in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known…

Jupiter 92 – Let cosmic inspiration change your life!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

let cosmic inspiration change your life


This blogpost is the second in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962).

Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of existence, therefore it is not detectable by terrestrial science – this, however, certainly does not mean that it does not exist!

In this post we will look at the next nine sentences of this great Transmission, which talk about inspiration:

For centuries we have impregnated your World with our different essences. The essence of music we have sent upon you. The essence of colour we have laid at your feet. The essence of sound, of Love, of inspiration, these we have sent unto you. The essence of subtle beneficence, we have sent, but alas, too few have reached and grasped this from the very living ethers around them and taken this essence of inspirational culture to their very souls. Nay, they have eaten of the fruits of Earth without appreciating the greatness which was still small, yet all resounding. We have impregnated you with these essences, quite freely, save for an inward searching on your part, a lack of selfishness on your part, an urge to rise upwards on your part and this their only cost. Upon the temple of your very soul is placed even now great inspiration which could lift you upwards and away from your present dilemmas. Reach out the hand of your conscious mind and accept the fruits of super-consciousness and mentally digest them and life will become different for you.


The first sentence reveals that the Cosmic Masters have been sending us “different essences” for centuries. In very simple terms these “essences” are different forms of inspiration.

When studying the teachings, I find it very helpful to use a dictionary. English is my first language, and the Cosmic Masters almost invariably use simple, accessible vocabulary. However, often we think we know what a word means, and we do – but only up to a point. Looking a word up for a precise definition can sometimes be surprisingly illuminating.

According to Google, this is the definition of “essence”:

1) The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.

2) An extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter and used for flavouring or scent.

So these “essences” could be regarded as the quality that determines what these things actually are.

1) Music

The first “essence” mentioned is music. The essence of music is that mysterious thing that makes music – music. It is not necessarily a particular song, or composition, they are sending us – it is something deeper, something closer to the Divine Essence. Remember that in meditation upon a particular thing you can know why that thing exists – its significance to creation – in other words, virtually its relationship to God. All the more so on an advanced planet like Jupiter where they begin to know even the “why” of creation itself, never mind a particular aspect of it. It is almost as though rather than sending us music, they are sending us the inspirational wisdom of why music exists as the key to what makes music – music. (Note 1)

Looking at Google’s second definition is also revealing. This “essence” that they are sending us is like a concentrate. They are not sending us fully-formed works of music, like dictation through the cosmic ethers. They are, as it were, sending us concentrated magic powder for music, which is useless on its own, but when mixed with the water of our own efforts, produces the Divine nectar of musical harmony.

2) Colour

The essence of colour, he says, has been laid at our feet. That’s how simple it is to access. It is not being sold to us for money; it has not been hidden, or made difficult to get at – it’s right there! But it will never be any use to us at our feet, unless we have the awareness and humility to kneel down and pick it up it.

3) Sound

Sound is listed as distinct from music. Mantra – sacred sound – for example, may have a tonal aspect to it, but it could not be described as music – and yet it has a tremendous inspirational power.

4) Love

Mars Sector 6 has stated in the Second Freedom that:

LOVE is not possession.

It is not the emotionalism rife on Earth – sickly-sweet one minute, and violently hostile the next. If we wish to think of this all-pervading energy in terms of a feeling at all, it can be thought of as the desire for the very best for all life; all life – not just the people that you know and like.

Mozart said of love: “True genius without heart is a thing of nought – for not great understanding alone, not intelligence alone, nor both together, make genius. Love! Love! Love! That is the soul of genius.” That Mozart was a genius, is indisputable. Personally, I would also cite him as someone who definitely did make use of the essence of music sent by Jupiter, not that I imagine he would have known he was doing this.

One of the greatest definitions of love ever given to Earth was given by Mars Sector 6 in the Second Freedom in five simple words:

LOVE is sacrifice – real sacrifice.

Love is something powerful, something selfless, something liberating – and all these qualities are encapsulated in the concept of sacrifice. This is the “One Energy” of the cosmos. The whole of manifestation is, in a sense, the Divine sacrifice made by God, in becoming manifestation.

5) Inspiration

Next we see “inspiration” as its own separate entity. Perhaps this refers to more direct spiritual inspiration, rather than inspiration through art or feeling. Perhaps a more “jnana yoga” (the yoga of wisdom) approach, rather than “bhakti yoga” (the yoga of devotion) approach.

Mars Sector 6 stresses the importance of inspiration in the following pronouncement he made in the Fourth Freedom that, in its truest sense, meditation is only possible when the aspirant can take the step of:

…the transmutation of mental energies upon the plane of inspiration, called high Intuition.

Inspiration is not just a nice feeling, or having an idea, it is absolutely integral to the very nature of wisdom.

6) Subtle beneficence

“Beneficence” means doing good for others.

You could say there are three ways of helping people. One is to help them with whatever they want, even if it’s bad – like buying a bottle of vodka for an alcoholic. This kind of “help” is in fact not helpful at all, quite the reverse. Therefore it is not real beneficence.

Then there’s the “nice” kind of help. For example, helping your friend to move house. Nothing wrong with that at all, but even this, I don’t think is what is meant here by “beneficence”, because the beneficence Jupiter 92 is referring to is qualified as being “subtle”. Moving house is not subtle!

This word “subtle” appeared earlier in the Transmission as an adverb, and in the previous blogpost (How to overcome spiritual aloneness) I explained this as relating to something above manifestation – something beyond all forms of physicality – i.e. the God-spark within us all. The beneficence that Jupiter 92 is referring to, I believe, is only that help or charity that actually helps people to come closer to the realization of this God-Spark.

There are many ways to do this – including by manifesting the essences as previously mentioned. Prayer for example – as an expression of love – can do tremendous good in this regard. But even physical forms of service can achieve this too. For example, if you give people medical care, and help them to prolong their active lives, you are giving them more experience on this plane of existence before they pass on. How they use this experience is up to them – but they might, thanks to your care – use their extra years to help others, advance themselves and better prepare for their next life. In other words, they can, if they use this opportunity wisely, get to the realization of the God-Spark more quickly.

The Tragedy

The Master continues:

… but alas, too few have reached and grasped this from the very living ethers around them…

There is a note of tragedy in this. We have, as a planetary race, by and large, wasted the essence of subtle beneficence. Not only is it “few” who have used it, but, much more alarmingly: “too few”. Let us not forget that the Spiritual Energy Crisis on Earth really is a crisis. This is a dire situation which could lead to far worse global catastrophes than we have yet witnessed.

Manifestation of this “subtle beneficence” will serve to alleviate this crisis. If everyone on Earth did this – the crisis would no longer exist.

It is noteworthy that this one comes at the end of the list, as if, in this case, perhaps saving the best for last. You get the feeling that this is, in a sense, the essence of essences. After all, you cannot have great music, for example, without, somewhere inside you, the feeling of subtle beneficence. It simply is not possible. Even love has to be put into active manifestation through service, and service is what subtle beneficence really is.

These essences are not just “nice things” to make life a bit more interesting or pleasant – they are powerful tools for global transformation and terrestrial salvation, with simple goodness at their core.

Living Ethers

“Ethers” – this a word we hear a lot in spiritual circles, and all-too-seldom do we really understand what it means. One reason for this is that it is used in different ways to mean very different things. One way it is sometimes used is to describe another realm – e.g. “the etheric realms”. But here I think it is referring to ether in a different sense.

Dr. King has brilliantly explained ether in metaphorical terms as the cloth upon which all the diamonds that we know as manifestation are sewn. He goes on to say that ether is the thing that contains all these things, and yet has the potential of all things.

What brings potential into active manifestation? Prana, which Dr. King explains as follows:

Without Prana, there could be no motion of any kind and all Cosmic manifestation would fade into its original state of dark, motionless potential; for Prana is the energy which brings forth the realization of the original possibilities into numerous phases of activated manifestation which constitute the whole of Cosmic Creation… Prana is LIFE.

Realize Your Inner Potential, reproduced from Contact Your Higher Self through Yoga

Prana is that energy which realizes potential. When we do deep-breathing for example, we are consciously taking in extra prana, to realize our inner potential and contact our Higher Selves.

The ethers referred to here are “living”. I think this implies that they have somehow had life breathed into them by the Cosmic Masters to make the potential of subtle beneficence more accessible. Etheric potential exists everywhere, all the time. But the Masters of Jupiter have breathed life into the ethers of Earth in such a way as to make the potential of these essences easier for us to realize.

Forgive the banality of the analogy, but it is a bit like this: if the ethers were food, then the Cosmic Masters have already cooked the meal for us, all we have to do now is warm it up. This means we have to find it; once we have found it and warmed it up, we can then eat it and digest it. (cf. analogy of digesting later in the Transmission)

Prana is life – the ethers here are living, therefore prana must have been breathed into them. We now need to add more prana – more effort, in this case – to bring this essence into full manifestation. This is described as “reaching and grasping” – two actions. One is extending the hand, the other is seizing it in our hand. I think this means that we have to not only heighten our consciousness sufficiently to reach this essence, but to grasp it – i.e. understand it.

Essence of inspirational culture

Subtle beneficence is described as “this essence of inspirational culture”. What a beautiful phrase – what a beautiful concept!

It is subtle beneficence, i.e. service, that is the very essence of a culture that is truly inspired. If a culture is inspired, then service will quickly become its essence. If a culture has service as its essence, it will quickly become inspired. This positive cycle goes on and on ad infinitum: the more inspired you are, the more you will serve; the more you serve, the more inspired you will become, and so on. Consider these words of Mars Sector 6 in the Third Freedom, which shed tremendous light on the relationship between service and inspiration:

Serve – and the mighty Power of Kundalini will rise in natural, unforced fashion and open the Chakra jewels in your higher bodies, in will pour inspiration and you will be standing on the verge of the Initiation into Adeptship.

What is inspiration? In its true spiritual sense, it is higher mind. Another way of looking at it is as controlled imagination – in a spiritual direction. It is thoughts which are of a vibration closer than normal thoughts to the “pure unadulterated” Light radiated by the God Spark within. Its motive is love, and its result is service. As our Master put it in a talk on this subject:

The most inspired people are those people who have the greatest feeling for others.


The other planets in this Solar System are the perfect exemplars of inspirational culture. We are now being helped by our interplanetary neighbors to manifest such a culture on this Earth.

The soul

This essence of subtle beneficence, this essence of inspirational culture, should be taken to our “very souls”.

Let’s recap.

  1. Jupiter has sent energy to this world.
  2. This energy has brought the ethers of this world to life such that certain inspiration is more accessible. This means we can get the inspiration more easily.
  3. When we use our lives (i.e. apply prana) to get this inspiration, we will be successful in this.
  4. We do this by raising our consciousness to “reach” this higher mind.
  5. We then need to “grasp” it – i.e. understand it.
  6. We then need to take it to the soul.

What is the soul?

The soul is the will of the God-Spark within, exerted through the mind, over prana (i.e. life). (Note 2)

As such it is virtually the bridge between conscious man and unmanifest Divinity. It is the key to the great mystery of how the God-Spark within all things, which is above all forms of physicality and manifestation, exerts an influence over the ordinary mind of man. 

So we take this ”essence” – which is, in itself, higher mind, but outside of ourselves, and we apply it to the higher mind (i.e. the soul) within us. It is a bit like feeding the soul; or to put it better – empowering the soul; i.e. empowering the will of the God-Spark over the conscious mind. (Note 3

The Greatness

Terrestrials, we are told, have “eaten the fruits of the Earth”, i.e. made use of the Earth’s physical resources, without appreciating “the greatness”. “The greatness” here, I believe, is the God-Spark.

The God-Spark is “small” in that it does not actually occupy physical space at all. As such it is the smallest thing that exists, because nothing else that actually exists occupies no physical space whatsoever.

And yet it is “all resounding” – another paradox in this Transmission. The God-Spark is small – and yet all resounding, i.e. all sound; it is everything; it is the ultimate distance, area and mass.

The cost

We are told that we have been impregnated with these essences “quite freely”. But that there is a price to pay. It is not that the Cosmic Masters want any repayment, though we are in their karmic debt; the price to pay is simply one of our effort, and is three-fold:

  1. An inward searching
  2. A lack of selfishness
  3. An urge to rise upwards

These three are very reminiscent of the opening sentence of this Transmission, though the order is different. These things, which we should be doing anyway, are described as the “only cost” of these wonderful “essences” – this great inspiration. (See previous post: How to overcome spiritual aloneness)

The Temple of the Soul

We are told that great inspiration has been placed upon the temple of our very souls. What is a temple? It is a place to worship God. How does the soul worship God? It worships God by making higher mind part of our conscious awareness; by making the higher things in life – things which are closer to the God-Spark – making these things known to us consciously. The Masters of Jupiter have made this higher mind more accessible to us as we do this, to help us to do this more and better.

This will lift us “upwards” – the third time the Master uses this word. In other words, the conscious acceptance of higher mind – of inspiration – will raise our whole being in terms of vibration and consciousness. It will also make us ever more able to access ever higher forms of mind.

But there is a promise too – and a very appealing one! That is, that this will also take us away from our “present dilemmas”. Is there anyone reading this with no present dilemmas? Is there anyone reading this who would not be glad to rise above these dilemmas? I know I would be absolutely delighted to rise above all my present dilemmas! (Note 4)

The key to accessing inspiration

Strangely, for all these great things to happen one very basic thing is absolutely essential. And that is for the “hand” of our conscious mind to “reach out” and “accept the fruits of super-consciousness and mentally digest them…” In other words, we – you and me – in our ordinary limited mental state have to determine that we want a higher state of consciousness, and we have to work to get it, and then we have to accept it when we do get it. Easier said than done!

But, however difficult it may seem to us now, we are given the promise that if we do this, then “life will become different” for us.

Again, I ask you – is there anyone reading this who would not like life to be different in any way…?!


Note 1: Mars Sector 6 tells us in the Seventh Freedom that when someone becomes a Cosmic Master, he/she:

“…begins to be a knower; begins to realize the ‘why’ of existence.”

Note 2: A beautiful analogy of how the soul relates to the God-Spark, the mind and prana is explained by Dr. King in Realize Your Inner Potential, reproduced from Contact Your Higher Self through Yoga.

Note 3: An explanation of the subconscious, conscious and super-conscious aspects of mind is given in Dr. King’s lecture ‘Man’s Mind’.

Note 4: Compare these words about transcending “worldly difficulties” delivered by Mars Sector 6 in the Transmission ‘Heaven on Earth’ given in 1956, published in Cosmic Voice Volume 30 Winter 2009/2010, available on request:

“…you will be able to transcend your worldly difficulties with faith, which is born – which is some living, existing thing – out of the visions of Reality.”

About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

Jupiter 92 – Let cosmic inspiration change your life!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-key-to-accessing-inspiration/feed/ 3 16146
The Three Saviours Are Here! https://www.aetherius.org/the-three-saviours-are-here/ https://www.aetherius.org/the-three-saviours-are-here/#comments Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:40:10 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=15681 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This month, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the book The Three Saviours Are Here! by Dr. George King. In this book, The…

The Three Saviours Are Here!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The Three Saviours Are Here!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

This month, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the book The Three Saviours Are Here! by Dr. George King.

In this book, The Master Jesus, channeled by Dr. King, gives a description in 1967 of three specially trained Interplanetary Adepts who were living on the physical plane of Earth.

These Adepts were to fight and transmute some of the worst centers of evil on the lower astral realms that mankind had nurtured and fed through their negative thoughts and actions for aeons.

These battles were collectively known as “Operation Karmalight”.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

The Three Saviours Are Here!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/the-three-saviours-are-here/feed/ 6 As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This month, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the book The Three Saviours Are Here! by Dr. George King. In this book, The… As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This month, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the book The Three Saviours Are Here! by Dr. George King. In this book, The… Aetherius Society full false 1:00:43 15681
Mars Sector 8 – A Glorious Cosmic Resource https://www.aetherius.org/mars-sector-8-glorious-cosmic-resource/ https://www.aetherius.org/mars-sector-8-glorious-cosmic-resource/#respond Wed, 28 Dec 2016 15:11:52 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=15373 In the latest show hosts Chrissie Blaze and Richard Lawrence talk about one of the most prolific cosmic communicators through Dr. George King: Mars Sector 8. Chrissie and Richard examine…

Mars Sector 8 – A Glorious Cosmic Resource
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Mars Sector 8 - A Glorious Cosmic Resource

In the latest show hosts Chrissie Blaze and Richard Lawrence talk about one of the most prolific cosmic communicators through Dr. George King: Mars Sector 8.

Chrissie and Richard examine a number of amazing transmissions given by this enigmatic cosmic source, including a five-part approach to dispelling fear from your life that he gave in a Christmas message in 1961.

Bestselling authors Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze were both close disciples of yoga master and contactee Dr. George King (1919-1997), founder of The Aetherius Society.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

Mars Sector 8 – A Glorious Cosmic Resource
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/mars-sector-8-glorious-cosmic-resource/feed/ 0 In the latest show hosts Chrissie Blaze and Richard Lawrence talk about one of the most prolific cosmic communicators through Dr. George King: Mars Sector 8. Chrissie and Richard examine… In the latest show hosts Chrissie Blaze and Richard Lawrence talk about one of the most prolific cosmic communicators through Dr. George King: Mars Sector 8. Chrissie and Richard examine… Aetherius Society full false 1:00:49 15373
Mars – The Red Planet https://www.aetherius.org/mars-red-planet/ https://www.aetherius.org/mars-red-planet/#comments Tue, 21 Jun 2016 15:55:32 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=15420 In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual…

Mars – The Red Planet
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, many decades ago about the planet Mars.

Both Alyson and Chrissie were close students of Dr. King for over twenty years, and continue to support his global mission. Chrissie, from her astrological background, will explain why we are in a significant Mars period now until the end of June, and why it is significant that Alyson’s extensive research is brought to light now.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

Mars – The Red Planet
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https://www.aetherius.org/mars-red-planet/feed/ 2 In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual… In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual… Chrissie Blaze full false 58:10 15420
Mars Sector 6, Lord of all He Surveys https://www.aetherius.org/mars-sector-6-lord-of-all-he-surveys/ https://www.aetherius.org/mars-sector-6-lord-of-all-he-surveys/#comments Fri, 06 May 2016 06:48:08 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=14308 Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth. The first –…

Mars Sector 6, Lord of all He Surveys
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Mars Sector 6, Lord of all He Surveys

Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth. The first – and quite possibly the only – medium he has ever spoken through is yoga master Dr. George King (1919-1997).

In this month’s podcast international bestselling author Richard Lawrence invites Mark Bennett, co-author of Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, onto the show.

This episode gives us a deeper appreciation of Mars Sector 6 – the great and mighty, even enigmatic, God-like being who is in charge of Satellite Number 3, a spacecraft he brings into orbit of Earth to radiate spiritual energy to all those working in selfless service to others.

This spacecraft is in orbit of Earth at this very moment (April 18th – May 23rd)! What better time to appreciate this great Master than now?

Don’t miss it!

We hope you are inspired by this series of podcasts. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

Mars Sector 6, Lord of all He Surveys
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https://www.aetherius.org/mars-sector-6-lord-of-all-he-surveys/feed/ 7 Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth. The first –… Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth. The first –… Richard Lawrence full false 1:00:23 14308
Jesus is from Venus https://www.aetherius.org/jesus-is-from-venus/ https://www.aetherius.org/jesus-is-from-venus/#comments Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:45:53 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=14087 In the Aetherius Society we do not believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God. We believe he is an advanced Master from the planet Venus. Not…

Jesus is from Venus
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Jesus is from Venus

In the Aetherius Society we do not believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God.

We believe he is an advanced Master from the planet Venus. Not Venus as we know it – but a higher material plane of Venus which exists at a different frequency of vibration.

Find out more about the amazing truth of the Master Jesus’s true extraterrestrial origins in this short video.

For hundreds of years, millions of people around the world have believed that Jesus was the one and only son of God.

In fact, this has become so familiar to people that no one even thinks it’s strange, even if they disagree with it. Whereas if somebody says that they believe that Jesus comes from another planet it seems like a crazy thing to say.

My name is Mark Bennett. I am an international director of The Aetherius Society and a minister in the Aetherius Churches, and I am proud to say that I believe that Jesus was, and is, an extraterrestrial intelligence from a higher material plane of the planet Venus.

When Jesus was born, some 2,000 years ago, there was a star seen in the heavens. Or rather, there wasn’t a star seen, there was in fact an extraterrestrial spacecraft from the planet Saturn. Again, this may seem utterly extraordinary, but it makes far more sense than the idea that a star could pinpoint a single stable.

If a star were hovering over a stable the whole of Earth would be destroyed. Whereas, an extraterrestrial spacecraft easily could hover over a stable and identify exactly where these wise men were meant to be going.

When Jesus was born he was obviously an outstanding individual right from the word go. However, he was in the limitation of a terrestrial body, with a terrestrial brain, so he had to work to gain his so-called miraculous powers, and he did this by practicing the higher forms of yoga.

Yoga is not just about toning up the body and finding some degree of relaxation within our minds. Yoga, in essence, is about attaining enlightenment, and on the way to attaining enlightenment the practitioner of yoga will gain certain powers.

In Jesus’ case, one power he did have was the ability to walk on water. This is not supernatural per se, as we understand the term supernatural. It’s rather a higher form of nature which science, as we know it, does not yet understand.

Life does exist on other planets in this solar system. And not only is this life intelligent but it is actually far more intelligent than we are on earth. And it’s certainly far more spiritual than we are on earth.

In fact, they are so much more advanced than us that they don’t even exist at the same frequency of vibration that we do here. So if a NASA spacecraft were to fly to Venus tomorrow, and have a look around, chances are they would find no trace whatsoever of Venusian culture because they would be looking at the wrong frequency.

There will come a time when science on this planet is able to detect intelligent life on other planets in this system. But that day is probably a long way off.

We revere the Master Jesus as a karmic saviour and a great teacher but we do not believe that he was the one and only Son of God. We do not believe that God would have just one son, and we do not believe that we, on Earth, are unique in having extraterrestrial intervention to help us through our evolution.

Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

Image credit: John Lemieux. Changes have been made.

Jesus is from Venus
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https://www.aetherius.org/jesus-is-from-venus/feed/ 44 14087
A timeless spiritual lesson https://www.aetherius.org/a-timeless-spiritual-lesson/ https://www.aetherius.org/a-timeless-spiritual-lesson/#comments Fri, 19 Feb 2016 19:39:09 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=13921 Truth sometimes really is stranger than fiction. And even the best science fiction pales in comparison to the TRUE story of the Masters from Gotha. 36,000 light years from Earth…

A timeless spiritual lesson
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

A timeless spiritual lesson

Truth sometimes really is stranger than fiction. And even the best science fiction pales in comparison to the TRUE story of the Masters from Gotha.

36,000 light years from Earth in another part of the galaxy is an extremely enlightened race of beings, thousands of years in advance of our own culture and technology. Their planetary system is known as Gotha; its exact location is unknown. Three of these alien intelligences are living on Earth today helping mankind.

In this special podcast Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze, both disciples of Master of Yoga and medium Dr. George King, discuss the Gotha story and its profound implications in terms of our understanding of the much-debated spiritual dilemma between self-defence and total pacifism.

Don’t miss it!

A timeless spiritual lesson
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/a-timeless-spiritual-lesson/feed/ 2 Truth sometimes really is stranger than fiction. And even the best science fiction pales in comparison to the TRUE story of the Masters from Gotha. 36,000 light years from Earth… Truth sometimes really is stranger than fiction. And even the best science fiction pales in comparison to the TRUE story of the Masters from Gotha. 36,000 light years from Earth… Richard Lawrence full false 59:08 13921
Avatars and Gods that have come to Earth https://www.aetherius.org/avatars-gods-come-earth/ https://www.aetherius.org/avatars-gods-come-earth/#respond Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:18:46 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=15412 Drawing upon the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters, Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss those great beings from other planets in…

Avatars and Gods that have come to Earth
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Drawing upon the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters, Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss those great beings from other planets in this Solar System, known as Avatars, who have come to Earth in order to help mankind to the realization of his Divinity throughout the ages.

Bestselling authors Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze were both close disciples of yoga master and expert trance medium Dr. George King (1919-1997), founder of The Aetherius Society.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

Avatars and Gods that have come to Earth
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/avatars-gods-come-earth/feed/ 0 Drawing upon the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters, Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss those great beings from other planets in… Drawing upon the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters, Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss those great beings from other planets in… Richard Lawrence full false 57:20 15412
Cosmic Master Class 2 – The Six Adepts – Heroes Of Our Age https://www.aetherius.org/cosmic-master-class-2-six-adepts-heroes-age/ https://www.aetherius.org/cosmic-master-class-2-six-adepts-heroes-age/#respond Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:12:12 +0000 https://www.aetherius.org/?p=15410 The Six Adepts are six extraterrestrial masters who chose to come to Earth in order to help humanity. They have done this in countless different ways, and without their sacrifices…

Cosmic Master Class 2 – The Six Adepts – Heroes Of Our Age
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


The Six Adepts are six extraterrestrial masters who chose to come to Earth in order to help humanity. They have done this in countless different ways, and without their sacrifices on our behalf, life on Earth would be completely unrecognisable, since mankind would have been taken over or destroyed by the “dark forces” or even alien invasion.

Hosted by bestselling authors Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze who were both close disciples of yoga master and expert trance medium Dr. George King (1919-1997), founder of The Aetherius Society.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

Cosmic Master Class 2 – The Six Adepts – Heroes Of Our Age
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

https://www.aetherius.org/cosmic-master-class-2-six-adepts-heroes-age/feed/ 0 The Six Adepts are six extraterrestrial masters who chose to come to Earth in order to help humanity. They have done this in countless different ways, and without their sacrifices… The Six Adepts are six extraterrestrial masters who chose to come to Earth in order to help humanity. They have done this in countless different ways, and without their sacrifices… Richard Lawrence full false 58:09 15410