Blog/Podcast Archives: Enlightenment
#18 – The Psychic And Intuitive Roadmap To Spiritual Enlightenment
Enlightenment is much harder to attain than many people realize, but also much greater than any of us can really imagine… It is a state far deeper, and more mystical, than basic peace of mind. It is true peace. In the Fourth Freedom, Mars Sector…
More >>#17 – The Physical And Mental Roadmap To Spiritual Enlightenment
Enlightenment is where we’re all headed, it’s just a question of when!Much more than a vague, wishy-washy state of so-called peace, Enlightenment is the intense realization that God is all – which is true peace.Like anything worth attaining in life, Enlightenment is not something that…
More >>#15 – The Sun Is The Most Spiritually Evolved Being In The Solar System
There are many spiritual traditions on Earth which have worshipped the Sun – and they have not been wrong in doing so. According to the Cosmic Masters, the Sun is the most holy being in our Solar System. Everything we eat, everything we drink, everything…
More >>#14 – Three Ways To Make Fear Non-Existent In Your Life
Bravery is essential at every stage of our spiritual evolution. The more we advance, the more we are tested, and the more we can continue to advance.In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard Lawrence takes us back to the First Freedom to focus…
More >>#11 – What Happens After You Get To Ascension?
After we have reached Ascension – the final initiation for all of us on Earth – we are free from the wheel of rebirth. But what’s next…?! In this episode of the Spiritual Freedom Show, Mars Sector 6 gives us a glimpse – for the…
More >>#10 – What Are The Ascended Masters Really Like?
For centuries people believed that Nirvana was the ultimate state; the final destination; a complete amalgamation with the Divine Source. But, in the Sixth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 reveals to us a completely new vista of spiritual evolution. He gives us a glimpse into the…
More >>#5 – A Glimpse Into The World Of The Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters on Earth are not just serving us – they are saving us! Without their presence, civilisation as we know it could not continue. It’s a bold claim; it’s a big claim, but Master of Yoga Dr. George King was adamant: if they…
More >>#3 – Why We Face Spiritual Tests In Life
If I asked you what you thought the first step on the ladder to enlightenment was, what would you say? Compassion? Kindness? Humility? Mars Sector 6 tells us–unambiguously–that the first step on the ladder is Bravery. Without it, to paraphrase another great Master, we will…
More >>Spiritual Determination
“Life is difficult but not impossible. I don’t think that any man is given a problem to solve unless it is known that he can solve that problem providing he uses courage and determination and has faith in his own abilities, his higher abilities and…
More >>Politics and Cosmic Spirituality
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Chrissie Blaze talks to Brian Keneipp – Executive Secretary of the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in Los Angeles. They talk about why and how to remain focused on our inner…
More >>Living The Spiritual Approach Will Change Everything
Have you considered whether the coronavirus pandemic is yet another outward reminder, to us all, that the way we have been living our lives is not really working? What if there are lessons in all this that could help us move forward? If so, what…
More >>Spiritual Optimism
“Evil is made up of lies and pessimistic dwellings.” So said the great Karmic Lord Mars Sector 6. From a young age, we’re taught not to lie. There’s still a lot of lying out there, but nevertheless it is usually almost universally frowned upon to…
More >>The true spirit of Christmas
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Christmas is just around the corner – and even though we don’t believe it is the true birth date of the Master Jesus, in The Aetherius Society we very much still celebrate what Christmas stands for: the coming to…
More >>Religion is the answer!
Religion of the future will be free from lies and dogma. It will teach people in simple, understandable language about the unchangeable laws of God. It will teach people how to be still and seek the God within. And, it will teach people what they…
More >>The Three Habits of the Spiritually Successful
A horse suddenly came galloping quickly down the road. It seemed as though the man on it had somewhere important to go. Another man who was standing alongside the road shouted: “Where are you going?” To which the man on the horse replied: “I don’t…
More >>Interview: Why choose a spiritual path
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing a spiritual path to follow is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision you will ever make. And it’s by no means an easy decision. This is not something we’re taught at school, or…
More >>Know Yourself
A true spiritual path is not about rejecting logic. It is about understanding what the universe really is – and who you really are – through logic, and also through intuition and sense perception. On November 28th 1954 the Master Aetherius gave to us a…
More >>Spiritual Balance
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be balanced, they might tell you it’s about “me” time… Less stress and more time away from it all. It certainly sounds appealing.
More >>Interview: Message from Mars Sector 6
This podcast originally appeared on Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the meaning of life? What is Enlightenment? Can I become enlightened? The Nine Freedoms answer all of these questions – and more. The Nine Freedoms are a series…
More >>Could I do better if I had been born someone else?
“I must point out that it is easy to make excuses and say, ‘If I had been born so-and-so, I could have done better’, but this is not so, it is the foolish talk of a child. Each and every one of you can, in…
More >>King Yoga Breathing – The Imitation of God
Breathing out and breathing in We breathe automatically – without thinking. It is an action governed by the subconscious. When we perform yoga breathing, we are taking this action from the realms of the subconscious to the conscious. We make ourselves consciously aware that we…
More >>Jupiter 92 – Master your karma and be free!
This blogpost is the third in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962)….
More >>How balanced is too balanced?
Being balanced is a big theme in the culture of wellbeing, lifestyle and self-help. We know we should be balanced, and that being unbalanced is bad – but what does being balanced actually mean? Normal ideas of balance “Balance” means different things to different people,…
More >>The Timeless Path to Freedom
The ancient Greek historian, Thucydides, declared that “the secret to happiness is freedom…” and many of us might agree with that. The freedom to do and act as we choose when we choose and with whom we choose is probably high on everyone’s idea of happiness.
But Thucydides, esteemed for his intellect and judgment, went on to say: “…and the secret to freedom is courage.”
So what was Thucydides possibly thinking? One likely answer can be found in The Nine Freedoms, a spiritual teaching delivered by the cosmic orator Mars Sector 6…
More >>How detached is too detached?
Stress, worry, expectations and ambitions are part of everyday life, and over time they take their toll – physically, mentally and emotionally. They are not necessarily bad things, but that doesn’t make them any the less wearing on the heart, mind and body. However…
More >>A 5-Point Guide to Transmuting Fear by Mars Sector 8
One of the most regular communicators through Dr. George King as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel was that all-knowing source: Mars Sector 8 – General Information. There was a very close link, possibly a bond, between Dr. King and this source who ranks extremely highly in…
More >>Change Is In The Air
Over 200 Spiritual workers from many different Faiths gather in service on Mount Baldy in Southern California for the World Peace Pilgrimage – now in its 8th consecutive year. Change is in the air. 2016 has brought two significant and controversial political changes. Brexit in…
More >>The Only True Democracy…
In these uncertain times of political change, let us reflect on the stirring words of the Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 given through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King on August 28th, 1960: A vast number of the inhabitants of Terra have allowed themselves…
More >>The Ninth Freedom Will Be Solar Existence
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Ninth Freedom between…
More >>The Eighth Freedom Will Be Saturnian Existence
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Eighth Freedom between…
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