Blog/Podcast Archives: Richard Lawrence
#102 – What Is Spiritual Enlightenment Really Like? (Richard’s Personal Experience)
A lot of people claim to be enlightened.These claims are rarely ever true.But this is a conversation with someone who has actually experienced an enlightened state in which they knew God.Tune in for a discussion with Richard about his experience and the lessons we…
More >>50 Years of Operation Prayer Power
We are now just days away from our historic pilgrimage to Holdstone Down, where we will be celebrating 50 years since the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power – a completely unique world healing mission designed by Master of Yoga Dr. George King.In this month’s episode…
More >>#101 – What Does “Being Spiritual” REALLY Mean?
In one word – what does spirituality mean to you? What is “being spiritual” really about? Is it about truth? A greater awareness of oneness? Inner peace? Come and join us for the discussion on the 101st episode of the show! *** Join international…
More >>#100 – How To Be Spiritual When You Have A Job/Family/Responsibilities (Survival Guide)
It’s not easy living in our materialistic world and striving for spiritual enlightenment.But “in the world” is where we need to be in order to serve and help as many people as possible.The challenge is to change the world for the better rather than…
More >>#99 – Do You Remember Your Past Lives? (Exploring Psychic Powers)
We have all lived through countless incarnations on Earth! Who were you in a past life? What are the lessons you need to learn in this life? And how could your experiences in a past life help you now? Check out this week’s episode…
More >>#98 – Science & Spirituality: How You Can Combine Both To Change The World
Are true science and true religion really so different? They both strive to understand the nature of the universe. They both try to express these unchangeable truths. And, ideally, they both try to apply these truths to bring about the greatest benefit to all….
More >>#97 – What’s Your Destiny? Awaken Your Higher Chakras And Attune With Your Soul
If we want to find true happiness – to really feel like we’re doing what we’re meant to be doing – we need to realize our destiny. So, what is YOUR destiny? And what can you do to realize it? Check out this week’s…
More >>#96 – Inner Peace Or World Peace? Why It Matters To Your Spiritual Awakening
Is changing ourselves the best way to change the world? Should we focus on our own inner peace? And let world peace take care of itself? Or is there a need to play a more direct – more active – role in helping others…
More >>#94 – Spiritual Truth: Freedom From Materialism
This week’s topic is something very close to my heart. And if you’re reading this, probably close to yours too. In a world that is hypnotised by the “unreal” – consumerism, materialism, etc – it is the only thing that really matters in the…
More >>#93 – You Are Not Here To Suffer (Spiritual Insights To Soothe Your Soul)
When we’re faced with suffering it can be hard to understand why.Why me?Why this?Why now?The truth is not just helpful but even liberating.It can help us all not only to endure the trials of life with a completely different perspective, but even to turn…
More >>#92 – Jesus And Other Spiritual People From Other Planets
Lots of people identify as “starseeds” – souls from other planets who have incarnated here on Earth to help humanity in some way. But how many, if any, of them really are from other planets? Tune in this week to discover more about what…
More >>#91 – Easter, Spiritual Aliens and Karma (Mind-Blowing Revelations About Jesus)
What if I told you that the Master Jesus was from another planet? That the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO? That Jesus’s main mission to Earth was to die – and that he arranged his own death at that time to avert an…
More >>#90 – Who’s Your Spirit Guide? (Getting Help On The Spiritual Path)
This week’s episode is about spirit guides!Even if you aren’t aware of yours, it doesn’t mean they’re not there and it doesn’t mean they’re not inspiring you.Richard has had many contacts with people living on higher realms, and in this episode he shares insights…
More >>#89 – Richard’s Spiritual Awakening (Personal Story)
What got you into spirituality? I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person. It just isn’t enough. Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make…
More >>Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 3)
Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of wealth, and pleasures we experience through the senses. It is an illusion fuelled by fear and doubt to enslave us all. The good news is that we can rise above…
More >>#88 – Psychic Mediumship: The Truth About MOST Channelled Messages
There are lots of people who claim to be in telepathic contact with the Master Jesus or another advanced Master a higher plane of existence. The vast majority of these claims are false. The key is to be able to pick out the true from…
More >>#87 – You Can Prove Psychic Powers To Yourself
This week Richard and I talk about psychic powers. For some people, psychic powers sound like magic or wishful thinking, and they have a hard time accepting that things like clairvoyance or mediumship actually exist. The best way to find out is to experience them…
More >>#86 – Pacifism Is Not Enough: A Spiritual Approach To End The Russia-Ukraine War
We said we’d have a surprise for you this week and here it is! The Spiritual Freedom Show is now on video – as well as audio! Our mission is the same as ever – to answer your spiritual questions with the outstanding cosmic teachings…
More >>#85 – Why I Turned To Spirituality (with Bipin Patel)
When Bipin Patel first came across The Nine Freedoms he was deeply dissatisfied with the life that he was leading – in spite of all of his worldly achievements. This week he talks about the first steps he took to begin to manifest greater bravery,…
More >>Knowing God through King Yoga
This month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a very special show featuring a recording made earlier this month by Richard Lawrence. It includes a series of extracts, exactly as he wrote them, from what Richard calls his ‘Kundalini Diaries’. He started the diaries on…
More >>#84 – What It Was Like Following A Spiritual Master (with Paul Nugent)
A true spiritual Master is a living embodiment of Divine truth. They have found the way to God-realization – and help others to do the same, especially their most devoted disciples. In the West, some people may balk at the devotion and obedience of disciples,…
More >>#83 – What It Means To Make Sacrifices On Your Spiritual Journey (with Mark Bennett)
Real love – what is it? It is certainly not the sickly sentimentality or brutish possessiveness that are erroneously often called “love”. In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 describes love as something vastly more than either of those things: sacrifice. This week Mark Bennett…
More >>#82 – Rid Yourself Of Fear (with Alyson Lawrence)
Fear holds us back from so many things in life. Most importantly, it holds us back from manifesting our own Divine potential: psychic abilities, spiritual healing powers, wisdom and more. This week Alyson Lawrence talks about overcoming fear and conditioning. As we dispel fear we…
More >>#81 – Experience Selfless Love (with Livia Patel)
The Nine Freedoms contains teachings that you can apply in your everyday life to help you conquer fear, love others unconditionally, and race towards enlightenment. This week Livia Patel talks about how the Second Freedom – Love – changed her outlook and her life. Make…
More >>#80 – HARD Lessons Learned In Choosing A Spiritual Teacher (with Tanya Solberg)
Choosing a spiritual teacher is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. But how do you know whether a teacher is the real thing? And what do you do if you realize you’ve made a bad choice? This week…
More >>#79 – Spiritual Insights Into Dreams (with Alyson Lawrence)
Dreams are not just the ramblings of our unconscious minds, or random electrical discharges, as some scientists may claim. Sleep is a state of astral projection from the physical body. Most people don’t remember these experiences, but sometimes you can. This week Alyson Lawrence talks…
More >>#78 – A Key To Developing Your Psychic Powers (with Vivien Gibson)
The New Year is a good time to think about new habits. This week Vivien Gibson reflects on building a strong foundation for your spiritual practice. An essential key to all forms of self-development is control, and therefore it is vital to have good powers…
More >>#77 – How To Manifest Spiritual Bravery (with Mark Bennett)
On behalf of the team at the Spiritual Freedom Show I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year! If there is anything that will help us in the year ahead, bravery is surely on that list. Bravery is not just a necessary step…
More >>#76 – Remember What You Really Are When You Feel Spiritually Lost (with Darren Ball)
On behalf of the team here at The Spiritual Freedom Show, I’d like to wish all of you celebrating at this time a very happy Christmas! We definitely do have something special in store for you in today’s show – whether you celebrate Christmas or…
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