Blog/Podcast Archives: Posts
Religion on other planets – insights by an alien intelligence
Extraterrestrial beings have given countless messages to Earth. One particular contactee who received more communications than probably any other, is Dr. George King (1919-1997) – Master of Yoga and Founder of The Aetherius Society. Below in bold is an extract of a communication given on January 29th 1955 by the Master Aetherius – a…
Unconditional Surrender to God
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this episode, Richard Lawrence invites his wife, Alyson, onto the show to continue with the sixth and final instalment in the keys to the current King Yoga series: unconditional surrender to God…!This is without a doubt the highest and most advanced of the keys in this series, and Dr….
All Change
A couple of years ago I was sitting in a tube-train at Earl’s Court station in London. I was dozing, as I often do on trains, to be awoken abruptly by a loud announcement over the tannoy. The announcement was two simple words: “ALL CHANGE!” As I was waking up, suddenly I felt a strange…
King Yoga Breathing – The Imitation of God
Breathing out and breathing in We breathe automatically – without thinking. It is an action governed by the subconscious. When we perform yoga breathing, we are taking this action from the realms of the subconscious to the conscious. We make ourselves consciously aware that we are breathing, and then control the way we do this….
KING YOGA – the greatest karmic force for your own personal development!
Raising consciousness through spiritual self-development When you read a spiritual book, and allow its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, you change. Your vibration becomes that little bit higher. Your knowledge is that little bit greater – which, if you let it, will permeate your whole thought pattern. You will be that bit better informed…
The Gift of Recognition
The Master Jesus gave many of his greatest teachings in the form of parables. According to St. Matthew’s gospel (13:13) he did this “because they seeing see not.” He considered it necessary to illustrate his life-changing wisdom through stories in order for his audience to recognise its profound meaning. As Secretary of the European…
Spiritual solutions to global disasters
How often have you felt a sense of helplessness when news of a global disaster reaches you? An inner despair that hundreds or possibly thousands of people could suffer death, disability or homelessness and there’s nothing we can do to prevent it? There would be something wrong with us if we never felt like this….
Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul
Whether you regard yourself as religious, spiritual, or neither – you can never really know yourself without “going within”. It is going within that is the true journey of the soul – to Reality itself. But what does “going within” really mean?
Jupiter 92 – Master your karma and be free!
This blogpost is the third in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962). Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of…
Jupiter 92 – Let cosmic inspiration change your life!
This blogpost is the second in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962). Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane…
Jupiter 92 – How to overcome spiritual aloneness – a three-point plan
This blogpost is the first in a series which will analyze the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great extraterrestrial Master known simply to us as Jupiter 92. Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of existence, therefore it is not detectable by terrestrial science…
Love, the bringer of peace
What Love Is Love is the secret elixir of life. This truth is engraved on the Sphinx, it is in the caves of the Anchorites near Mount Sinai and, on the great rock near Deir, Petraea, we are told: “The Torch of life is fed by the oil of Love.” In I Corinthians 13:13 we…
Real Success
It was a warm, sunny, cloudless August afternoon in the most elite part of Hollywood, California. The place? The Bel Air Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. The playground of the ‘smart’ people and the meeting place of who’s who in Society. Amidst the palm-decked, lush gardens of this, the most elegant of resorts, strolled exquisitely groomed…
How balanced is too balanced?
Being balanced is a big theme in the culture of wellbeing, lifestyle and self-help. We know we should be balanced, and that being unbalanced is bad – but what does being balanced actually mean? Normal ideas of balance “Balance” means different things to different people, and we are fed a constant stream of suggested answers…
The Timeless Path to Freedom
The ancient Greek historian, Thucydides, declared that “the secret to happiness is freedom…” and many of us might agree with that. The freedom to do and act as we choose when we choose and with whom we choose is probably high on everyone’s idea of happiness.
But Thucydides, esteemed for his intellect and judgment, went on to say: “…and the secret to freedom is courage.”
So what was Thucydides possibly thinking? One likely answer can be found in The Nine Freedoms, a spiritual teaching delivered by the cosmic orator Mars Sector 6…
How detached is too detached?
Stress, worry, expectations and ambitions are part of everyday life, and over time they take their toll – physically, mentally and emotionally. They are not necessarily bad things, but that doesn’t make them any the less wearing on the heart, mind and body. However impractical or improbable it may be, haven’t you ever dreamt…
Service – Oneness – Joy
Does spirituality bring joy into our lives? Should we prioritize our own happiness? Why do some spiritual people seem unhappy, and materialistic people seem happy? What is the relationship between oneness and joy? Why does the spiritual path sometimes seem to cause unhappiness? How can karma bring joy into our lives?
A 5-Point Guide to Transmuting Fear by Mars Sector 8
One of the most regular communicators through Dr. George King as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel was that all-knowing source: Mars Sector 8 – General Information. There was a very close link, possibly a bond, between Dr. King and this source who ranks extremely highly in our cosmic pantheon as a unique and absolutely essential giver…
Is kindness enough?
What really is kindness – and is kindness enough to change the world? If you google “kindness” you will see the definition: “friendly, generous, considerate.” When I hear the word “kind,” I picture the smiling face of an honest person – let’s call him Bob – perhaps putting some change into a charity collection box,…
The Higher Self – your own personal superhero
Three little pigs lost in the forest – a parable Once upon a time there were three little pigs – Bob, Patrick and Arthur. They were walking through a big forest and somehow they got separated. They had never been away from the farm before, and knew nothing about what to expect. Before long Bob…
Change Is In The Air
Over 200 Spiritual workers from many different Faiths gather in service on Mount Baldy in Southern California for the World Peace Pilgrimage – now in its 8th consecutive year. Change is in the air. 2016 has brought two significant and controversial political changes. Brexit in the U.K., and now a Trump victory in America. Both…
The Only True Democracy…
In these uncertain times of political change, let us reflect on the stirring words of the Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 given through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King on August 28th, 1960: A vast number of the inhabitants of Terra have allowed themselves to become the pawns of communism. Another great number have…
A day to reflect on the Karmic Gods
Today is the second most important date in The Aetherius Society calendar because we commemorate what we call the eviction of the alien. This day in 1965 saw a key moment in the Alien Mission which was performed by those Cosmic Beings known simply to us as the Adepts. On September 23rd, 1967 in a…
Spiritual energy sent by extraterrestrial intelligences to help people in North Korea
Our extraterrestrial neighbors – known as “Cosmic Masters” in deference to their advanced level of evolution – have always been very definite in warning of the dangers of nuclear experimentation. This is not just for the sake of peace and stability, but due to implications regarding public health and the environment as well, in ways…
King Yoga
This post is based on an address given by Rt. Rev. Richard Lawrence on 7th August 2016 at The Aetherius Temple in London to launch the concept of King Yoga to the world on behalf of The Aetherius Society. On January 23rd 1919 a Cosmic Avatar was born upon Earth. On May 8th 1954 he…
What does being “spiritual” really mean?
I just googled the word “spiritual” and got 145,000,000 results – so clearly a lot of people are talking about it one way or another. What are they saying? What image of a person springs to mind if someone says “that guy is really spiritual”? What kind of lifestyle, priorities and values might such a…
Service in a spiritual push
There are four periods per year known as “Spiritual Pushes” – each about a month long – during which a large spacecraft, known as “Satellite Number 3”, is in orbit of Earth. This satellite is under the command of an extraterrestrial master known as Mars Sector 6 – who is one of the most…
Jesus is from Venus
In the Aetherius Society we do not believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God. We believe he is an advanced Master from the planet Venus. Not Venus as we know it – but a higher material plane of Venus which exists at a different frequency of vibration. Find out more about…
New Year Reflections on a New Age Meditation
In 2015, Brian Keneipp and I made a pilgrimage to the picturesque town of St Mawes on the south coast of Cornwall. It was some 60 years earlier that Dr. George King had stayed here for a historic purpose when he devised The Aetherius Society Symbol. Later he wrote, referring to the ancient Sanskrit symbol…
“Beyond a shadow of a doubt”
During a TV interview in England in the 1970s, Dr. George King made the following statement about the teachings he had received from the Cosmic Masters: From the philosophical content alone, they are pretty fantastic – so they did come from somewhere. Either they came from my mind or they came from another source. If…
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