Blog/Podcast Archives: Truth

Chakras – The Second Most Valuable Thing In All Of Existence: Part 1.

This remarkable statement by Dr. George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. In this Part 1 episode, Richard and Chrissie will explore what it means to life at a macrocosmic level, as well as to us all as individuals at a microcosmic level. Drawing on unprecedented revelations made by Dr….


#142 – How to break free from deep state conditioning (advice for spiritual seekers)

The deep state does not want you to wake up. It does not want you to find your purpose and it does not want you to discover your spiritual potential. In this episode we show you how to break free! Don’t miss: – the sinister truth that goes deeper than the deep state – the…


#128 – Truth Is.

Many people talk about “their truth” as if there is no such thing as the truth.But the truth will be the truth whether we believe it or not, like it or not, etc.And a love for the truth is essential if we wish to find truth, including the highest truths about what we are – of our Real Selves – and…


#125 – UFOs: Spiritual Aliens Or Government Black Ops?

In spite of credible whistleblowers coming forward, and decades of earlier disclosure, there are still a lot of people who believe that genuine UFO sightings are evidence of secret government programs rather than extraterrestrial life. But can anyone really claim that the UFO phenomenon is anything new? Join me and Richard for a discussion about…


#124 – A Spiritual Teardown Of “Sin” (Myth-busting Orthodox Religion)

“Sin” is one of those loaded words. It calls to mind images of fanatical churchmen preaching fire and brimstone to their cowering congregations. No surprise that a lot of the dogma about sin is plain wrong. Eternal hell and damnation, seven deadly sins, absolution etc. So is there any truth in it at all? What do…


#121 – The Truth Behind The Global Conspiracy (Key To Your Spiritual Awakening)

There are lots of people who talk about a sinister, power-hungry elite controlling our governments from behind the scenes. But there is no one, that I know of, who is talking about who these people really are – or where they are operating from. Part of our mission on The Spiritual Freedom Show is to arm seekers…


#94 – Spiritual Truth: Freedom From Materialism

 This week’s topic is something very close to my heart. And if you’re reading this, probably close to yours too. In a world that is hypnotised by the “unreal” – consumerism, materialism, etc – it is the only thing that really matters in the end. Truth. Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual…


#93 – You Are Not Here To Suffer (Spiritual Insights To Soothe Your Soul)

 When we’re faced with suffering it can be hard to understand why.Why me?Why this?Why now?The truth is not just helpful but even liberating.It can help us all not only to endure the trials of life with a completely different perspective, but even to turn that adversity we face into an advantage – for ourselves…


#92 – Jesus And Other Spiritual People From Other Planets

 Lots of people identify as “starseeds” – souls from other planets who have incarnated here on Earth to help humanity in some way. But how many, if any, of them really are from other planets? Tune in this week to discover more about what people from other planets are really like – and how…


#91 – Easter, Spiritual Aliens and Karma (Mind-Blowing Revelations About Jesus)

 What if I told you that the Master Jesus was from another planet? That the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO? That Jesus’s main mission to Earth was to die – and that he arranged his own death at that time to avert an imminent catastrophe on Earth? Don’t miss this week’s in-depth discussion…


#90 – Who’s Your Spirit Guide? (Getting Help On The Spiritual Path)

 This week’s episode is about spirit guides!Even if you aren’t aware of yours, it doesn’t mean they’re not there and it doesn’t mean they’re not inspiring you.Richard has had many contacts with people living on higher realms, and in this episode he shares insights from his wealth of experience as a psychic reader, medium…


#89 – Richard’s Spiritual Awakening (Personal Story)

What got you into spirituality? I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person. It just isn’t enough. Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make a difference inspire us to look deeper into what life…


#62 – How To REALLY Escape The Matrix – And Find Spiritual Freedom (with Mark Bennett)

We’re making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who is doing their best to live their life according to the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Tune in every Saturday to catch some of their own insights, observations and personal experiences…


#61 – The Missing Ingredient In Every Religion On Earth

In 1961, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was giving a lecture on The Nine Freedoms when he said this:“That is why every religion will fail, and that’s a prophecy… It must completely fail, because of that one major thing it’s lacking—it’s missed out. It will fail as it is, and it must be changed,…


#60 – A Secret Of Spiritual Detachment

In spiritual teachings from around the world we are told to detach from various things on the path to Enlightenment, like materialism, ego, etc. In this week’s episode: In The Nine Freedoms, specifically the Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness – we are told one of the greatest secrets of detachment and true Adeptship. ***Join international…


#59 – What A Spiritual Master Knew About Ascension

The next step after Cosmic Consciousness is Ascension.Most people talking about Ascension simply have no idea what they are talking about. Most of all, they vastly underestimate what an incredible realization of your Divine potential it is – and what we need to do to achieve it.Ascension is achieved when you have mastered all the…


#58 – Can You Attain Cosmic Consciousness In This Life?

Cosmic Consciousness is a state in which you experience the greatest state of oneness achievable by mortals on Earth – a state in which time is virtually non-existent. It is “the real beginning of Freedom” – and a step we will all take on our journey to Ascension.Achievable though it is, Cosmic Consciousness is a rare and…


#57 – How To Attain Cosmic Consciousness

Cosmic Consciousness is the highest state of consciousness we can experience on Earth – a state in which you experience your oneness with the Cosmos…! This state is not only possible, it is also our destiny. Mars Sector 6 tells us Cosmic Consciousness“is not some vague thing which just happens, it is made to happen.”…


#56 – The Lords Of The Sun

Every atom, every amoeba, every rock, every plant, and every animal throughout the universe is conscious to one degree or another. Even planets and stars – like our Earth and the Sun of our Solar System – are living entities in their own right. The greatest beings in the Solar System, with the exception of the planets and the Sun Itself,…


#55 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 2)

The other planets in our Solar System are teeming with intelligent life. Millions of years more spiritually evolved than us, these civilizations live on higher planes of existence that our science cannot yet detect. No planetary civilization in this system is more advanced than the civilization on Saturn. The Perfects of Saturn, as they are…


#54 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 1)

On Saturn and other planets in our Solar System there are civilizations millions of years more advanced than ours that live on higher levels of physical existence. This existence is something our science cannot yet detect but one day it will.The Beings on Saturn are, as far as we are concerned, not just Gods, but…


#53 – The Spiritual Powers Of The Ascended Masters

An Ascended Master is someone with colossal physical, mental, psychic and spiritual powers we cannot begin to imagine… and yet they are real people, from Earth!They are no longer limited to the cycle of reincarnation on Earth – they are free from the wheel of rebirth.In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given to…


#52 – What The Ascended Masters Do To Help Spirituality On Earth

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said:“The measure of greatness is the degree in which the man can evolve everything he comes into contact with.”Mars Sector 6 describes the people approaching Ascension as “a virtual flame in the darkness…. A flame all transmuting, all vibrant, all living, all light.”In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given…


#51 – The Spiritual Experience Of God Realization

Ascension is a goal we will all achieve.It is up to us how long we take to get there.In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given to us by Mars Sector 6 – Ascension.In this week’s episode: Imagine if God were no longer just an idea to you, or even just a belief, but something that…


#50 – How To Attain Ascension (NOT what you think)

Ascension is the destiny of all of us on Earth.But there are no shortcuts to this goal. Ascension is not something anyone can teach you in a weekend course, or that you can pay for.Ascension is freedom from the wheel of rebirth; the point at which you are ready to graduate from this classroom of experience…


#49 – Guided Contemplation: Enlightenment Is Simplicity

This week is about three words which say it all…!Enlightenment is simplicity.In this week’s episode: Tune in and follow along with a guided contemplation led by Richard using this timeless aphorism given to us by Mars Sector 6. ***Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms and what you can do to apply it…


#48 – When You Will Ascend (And What To Do About It Now)

Ascension is mastery over all experience on Earth.Reaching Ascension is the pinnacle of human achievement. It takes many lives of conscious, sustained effort – and yet it is the destiny of every single one of us.The key is experience. Experience gives us the opportunity to learn and grow into better, wiser people; to overcome our challenges…


#47 – What Is The Purpose Of Free Will? (Spiritual Insights)

The more we evolve spiritually, the nearer we get to God and the more we experience true, lasting freedom.To do this we have to give up our petty free will. What does that mean?In this week’s episode: Discover more about the difference between freedom and free will, and the awesome spiritual destiny that awaits us all! ***Join…


#46 – What Is Spiritual Service?

Is it better to help other people in physical ways or spiritual ways?What is spiritual service to others, and why does it matter?How does helping others change your karma – and change the karma of the world?In this week’s episode: Discover more about the three levels of service – physical, spiritual and karmic! ***Join international bestselling…


#45 – Does Faith Have A Role In Overcoming Fear (Insights From A Spiritual Alien)

Last year, Scientific American published a report which showed that in the previous year, American mental health sank to its lowest point in recorded history. It also reported that the only group which saw improvements in mental health over the same period were people who attended religious services, at least weekly, virtually or in person.In this week’s episode: Discover…