Blog/Podcast Archives: God

#148 – How to lead a life of greater satisfaction (modern study endorses ancient yoga teaching)

How would you rate your quality of life? If you’re looking for ways to make it better, ancient yoga teaching has some priceless answers…! In this episode you’ll discover: – The surprising revelation that one University study made about the connection between religious beliefs and life satisfaction – What happens when you accept spiritual truth…


#145 – How to make the best of the most difficult situations in life

Friedrich Nietzsche is credited with saying: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” One of the hardest things in life is finding meaning in the most difficult experiences that we face. In this episode we talk about karma, reincarnation, and how experience can lead us to enlightenment. Don’t miss: –…


#134 – Experiencing Timelessness (Inspiration for Spiritual Seekers)

When we dumb down profound wisdom, we dumb down our perception of our Divine potential. Whereas when we study and realize profound truth, we realize our Divine potential more deeply. This week’s episode is about going deeper into the true meaning of things – to what is really meant by “meditation”, “enlightenment” and even the…


#133 – A Deeper Understanding of Evolution & Spiritual Awakening (Part 2)

This week we continue with the second instalment of our two-part show about spiritual evolution! Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even…


#132 – A Deeper Understanding of Evolution & Spiritual Awakening (Part 1)

Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even highlight various shortcomings. The search is on for a more profound understanding of why we…


#129 – How To Find Your People On The Spiritual Path

Loneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be difficult to break away from “normal” life to follow our own inner prompting towards spirituality, is…


#128 – Truth Is.

Many people talk about “their truth” as if there is no such thing as the truth.But the truth will be the truth whether we believe it or not, like it or not, etc.And a love for the truth is essential if we wish to find truth, including the highest truths about what we are – of our Real Selves – and…


#122 – How To Pray To “God” For Help (A Proven Spiritual Technique)

There are a lot of misconceptions and hangups that people can have about prayer – because of the way it is conventionally portrayed and performed by certain mainstream religions. In King Yoga prayer is about energy. It is based on ancient yogic wisdom including an understanding of prana, chakras, visualization, and universal love! This week’s…


The Living Galaxy Changes Everything

The Galaxy is a living being. “It lives, It breathes, It thinks, It feels pain, It meditates, in the same way as does the Logos of a Planet.” – Mars Sector 6 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze explore the awe-inspiring revelations made in The Twelve Blessings…


#83 – What It Means To Make Sacrifices On Your Spiritual Journey (with Mark Bennett)

Real love – what is it? It is certainly not the sickly sentimentality or brutish possessiveness that are erroneously often called “love”. In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 describes love as something vastly more than either of those things: sacrifice. This week Mark Bennett talks about what this means, and even shares a thought…


The most spiritual thing we can do

I think there is a great danger on the spiritual path of underestimating service. Even if we think service is important, even if we think that service is the most important thing we can do, there is still a temptation to think of it as a chore. As the grunt work. As something we have…


#68 – The Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do (with Mark Bennett)

What is “being spiritual” really all about, anyway? Finding our own inner peace? Or living with greater compassion? This week, Mark Bennett reflects on the most spiritual thing any of us can do. It’s deep. And even if you think you know the answer… …have you ever stopped to ask “why”? Join international bestselling author…


There’s no excuse for atheism!

Do you think that Jesus is the one and only son of God? Do you believe in eternal hell? I don’t believe these things, but that doesn’t make me an atheist. And if you don’t believe these things, that doesn’t make you an atheist either. In fact, my own Spiritual Teacher, Dr. George King –…


One in Three and Three in THAT

Three In a cosmic transmission delivered through the mediumship of Dr. George King on March 17th, 1956, the Master Jesus prayed for humanity to be:  One in Three and Three in THAT.  This concept is referenced in the triangular symbol of God’s manifestation as wisdom, which was incorporated in The Aetherius Society symbol following a…


We live in God’s Home – so let’s be happy!

The phrase “God’s home” has intrigued me for many years. The only time, to the best of my knowledge, we see it in the Cosmic Teachings is in the Transmission ‘Gotha Speaks To Earth’ given on October 15th, 1966. Here is the phrase in context: Thousands of years ago we traveled the lanes through the…


What is God and why should we care?

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The essence of us all, and of everything in creation, is Divine – a spark of God. We all come from the Divine source – and we will all eventually return to this source. This Divine source is known by many names but in essence it is simply all…


Know Yourself

A true spiritual path is not about rejecting logic. It is about understanding what the universe really is – and who you really are – through logic, and also through intuition and sense perception. On November 28th 1954 the Master Aetherius gave to us a stirring spiritual message, through the trance mediumship of Master of…


Unmodified Peace

  The word peace is used around the world thousands of times every day, with many different meanings. Ultimately it means an end to war upon this planet and harmony among all the peoples of the world. But as Mars Sector 6 questioned in his wonderful transmission ‘Heaven on Earth’ through our Master on December…


Unconditional Surrender to God

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this episode, Richard Lawrence invites his wife, Alyson, onto the show to continue with the sixth and final instalment in the keys to the current King Yoga series: unconditional surrender to God…!This is without a doubt the highest and most advanced of the keys in this series, and Dr….


All Change

A couple of years ago I was sitting in a tube-train at Earl’s Court station in London. I was dozing, as I often do on trains, to be awoken abruptly by a loud announcement over the tannoy. The announcement was two simple words: “ALL CHANGE!” As I was waking up, suddenly I felt a strange…


King Yoga Breathing – The Imitation of God

Breathing out and breathing in We breathe automatically – without thinking. It is an action governed by the subconscious. When we perform yoga breathing, we are taking this action from the realms of the subconscious to the conscious. We make ourselves consciously aware that we are breathing, and then control the way we do this….


Interview: Is God an Alien?

When people hear that intelligent life exists on other planets in this solar system, and even that we believe that Jesus is from Venus, understandably it raises all sorts of questions and doubts, especially in the light of data from NASA’s recent missions. How could intelligent life possibly exist there? How could ANY life exist there? The surface…


Jupiter 92 – How to overcome spiritual aloneness – a three-point plan

This blogpost is the first in a series which will analyze the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great extraterrestrial Master known simply to us as Jupiter 92. Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of existence, therefore it is not detectable by terrestrial science…


A 5-Point Guide to Transmuting Fear by Mars Sector 8

One of the most regular communicators through Dr. George King as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel was that all-knowing source: Mars Sector 8 – General Information. There was a very close link, possibly a bond, between Dr. King and this source who ranks extremely highly in our cosmic pantheon as a unique and absolutely essential giver…


New Year Reflections on a New Age Meditation

In 2015, Brian Keneipp and I made a pilgrimage to the picturesque town of St Mawes on the south coast of Cornwall. It was some 60 years earlier that Dr. George King had stayed here for a historic purpose when he devised The Aetherius Society Symbol. Later he wrote, referring to the ancient Sanskrit symbol…


Blessed Is The Absolute

The Twelve Blessings are a series of profound spiritual revelations channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Jesus. This podcast is a discussion of the 12th Blessing by Richard Lawrence & Brian Keneipp, both of whom were close followers of Dr. King and have studied and practiced The Twelve…


The Twelve Blessings – The Absolute (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)

What is God? God is all. The essence of each and every one of us – no matter how good or bad we are – is Divine. Realization of that Divinity is what life is all about. This beautiful Blessing explains God as the Absolute – the very pinnacle of our conception of what God…