Blog/Podcast Archives: Spiritual practices

#149 – How to avoid burnout after a spiritual awakening (essential listening for spiritual workers)

This episode is essential listening for spiritual workers – people who are at risk of burning out unless they take action to keep that inner flame alive. In this episode you’ll discover: – What spiritual burnout really means – and the good news about what it doesn’t mean – Some of the priceless lessons Richard…


#144 – Have you got time to go within? (3 tips for juggling spirituality and daily life)

We can all feel overwhelmed at times by a hectic schedule and lots of responsibilities, BUT it’s so important to make time to nourish our soul. In this episode, we show you some ways of doing this. Don’t miss: – Three practical ways you can make time to go within when you’re juggling spirituality and…


#143 – Three spiritual keys to inner peace

In this show Richard and I talk about three keys to inner peace given in 1958 – by the Master Jesus. Don’t miss: – Simple practices to attain a deeper state of stillness – How the chakras are related to inner peace – The inspiring life and words of a legendary Chinese Master whose timeless…


#139 – A Simple Way To Experience Peace (Hint: Chakras)

You can feel a deep sense of peace – we all have this potential. It can sometimes only take a couple of minutes after – or even during – a particularly busy or stressful day to drastically change your state of mind. There are lots of different techniques that people teach but many lack that crucial connection…


#137 – How To Deal with People You Find Difficult (Using Psychic Powers)

We all have to deal with people we find difficult at times – whether it’s an argument at home, a challenging situation at work, or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people or work around them. But there is a better way you can try. In this…


#69 – Gain Control Of Your Mind So You Can Harness Your Psychic Powers (with Lisa Rosser)

Anyone can learn to gain greater control of their conscious mind – and reap the benefits in their spiritual practice, and in their day-to-day life too. This week, Lisa Rosser shares the personal transformation she experienced using one of the simple practices taught by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. Don’t focus on what you…


#6 – Two Keys To Overcoming Fear Forever On The Spiritual Path

Whatever problems we might face in life, it’s not fear that’s going to help us deal with them – it’s enlightenment. When faced with a potentially dangerous situation, we need to recognize the risks and act responsibly, but not live in fear. Once we recognize a fear, we can start to rid ourselves of it….


Go forward into light!

  Through service, not sympathy, we will go forward into light! This post is based on a series of extracts from a profound spiritual message given to us by the Master Aetherius on April 7th, 1960, through the trance mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr George King. In these extracts we are told that there…


King Yoga – The path of personal development

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Everybody will one day achieve enlightenment. It is simply a question of when. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in a million years.


The King Yoga Experience

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. King Yoga is what we call the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society, given by and through Master of Yoga Dr George King. King Yoga is threefold: service…


King Yoga Breathing – The Imitation of God

Breathing out and breathing in We breathe automatically – without thinking. It is an action governed by the subconscious. When we perform yoga breathing, we are taking this action from the realms of the subconscious to the conscious. We make ourselves consciously aware that we are breathing, and then control the way we do this….


KING YOGA – the greatest karmic force for your own personal development!

Raising consciousness through spiritual self-development When you read a spiritual book, and allow its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, you change. Your vibration becomes that little bit higher. Your knowledge is that little bit greater – which, if you let it, will permeate your whole thought pattern. You will be that bit better informed…


Jupiter 92 – Worship the God-Spark in the Temple of the Soul

Whether you regard yourself as religious, spiritual, or neither – you can never really know yourself without “going within”. It is going within that is the true journey of the soul – to Reality itself. But what does “going within” really mean?


Jupiter 92 – Master your karma and be free!

This blogpost is the third in a series which analyzes the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great Cosmic Master known simply to us as “Jupiter 92”, as published in Cosmic Voice Issue No. 26 (July-August 1962). Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of…


King Yoga – The Yoga of spiritual development and service

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Master of Yoga Dr. George King was an extraordinary inspiration to all those around him. He was a man that wanted the very best for everybody. He didn’t just want people to be good, he wanted them to be great. And he was not exclusive – he was all…


Jupiter 92 – How to overcome spiritual aloneness – a three-point plan

This blogpost is the first in a series which will analyze the outstandingly beautiful Transmission given through Dr. George King on February 2nd, 1962, by a great extraterrestrial Master known simply to us as Jupiter 92. Civilization on Jupiter exists at a higher material plane of existence, therefore it is not detectable by terrestrial science…


King Yoga – The Path of The Aetherius Society

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The New Age will bring a bright new dawn of global peace and enlightenment. But humanity is not yet ready for this. There is work to be done – inside and out. The New Age will have to be built by brave, hardworking people who have a great love…


Realize Your Inner Potential through King Yoga (Podcast)

Could anyone really strive to realize their oneness with all life and not try to help all life at the same time? It won’t work – not now, in fact not ever. The path to enlightenment is through Service. And it is this path of Service which is key to saving the world at this…



Meditation is essential for positive personal and global transformation. At its most basic level it provides essential relaxation, clarity and detachment – at its highest point it is enlightenment itself, giving the practitioner an unprecedented realization of the oneness of all life – and even of oneness with the Divine Source itself.