Love & Mantra
The natural energy of Creation in its primary form is Love. This all-pervasive energy has many different frequencies but each can be traced back to its source, which is God.
Nothing positive or constructive in life can be achieved without Love in one form or another. In fact, we have been told by the Master Jesus that “there is not a problem upon our world that cannot be solved by Love Itself in its purity.”
Love is at the basis of all our work in The Aetherius Society and defines the path of King Yoga.
One of the primary ways we can attain this Love energy is through the repetition of Mantra. This yogic science is also a foundation of our Spiritual practice. Mantra has the ability to heighten all our senses, enabling us to bring on the higher states of meditation.
In this service we focus on Love as described by the Cosmic Masters and explained by Dr. George King. You will also be initiated into a sacred mantra with valuable instruction about this ancient science, as described by Dr. King – a Master of Yoga within whom the mantra lives.
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Presented By
Rev. Paul Nugent
Paul Nugent is a Priest and since 2001 an International Director of The Aetherius Society having joined the Society in England in 1986. He was a personal assistant to Dr. George King during the latter years of his life. Active in interfaith, Paul is also an Emeriti Board Member of the Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.
Rev. Oscar Léon
Oscar Leon is a native-born Peruvian, raised in northern California. After spending most of his youth in search of a greater meaning to life, and later a path of service to the world, he found The Aetherius Society and joined as a Member in 2005. He graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Mathematics.
Prayer Sheet
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