
What are they?

In The Aetherius Society we mark certain important spiritual events throughout the year with commemoration services.

These inspiring services generally include mystic visualization, prayer, mantra, readings of words of wisdom – and often the playing of recordings of communications channeled through Dr. George King while he was in a trance state of meditation known as samadhi. Some commemorations may also include a video presentation, or an address given by one of our Ministers, Priests or Bishops. 

After the Service there is usually a toast to celebrate the event, and an opportunity to meet and talk with other spiritually-minded people on the path.

When are they?

Please check the upcoming dates and times for your local center.

We suggest that you arrive at least 15 minutes if you are attending for the first time.

What to expect during these Services?

Mystic visualizations

Charge, uplift and inspire yourself and others with these simple, potent practices.

Dynamic Prayer

Send out spiritual energy in thankfulness to the Cosmic Masters.


Chant sacred sounds to raise your consciousness and to honor the event being commemorated.

Profound wisdom

Listen to the teachings of the Cosmic Masters and Dr. King, including actual audio recordings of Masters who spoke through Dr. King while he was in a trance state of meditation known as samadhi

Unique revelations

Discover more about the Cosmic Missions and achievements of Dr. King and the Six Adepts.

Participation is completely free and open to spiritual seekers of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds. Please note that the Commemoration on July 8th is for Members only.

Prayer is one of the most important practices in Aetherius Society teachings; it is a way of invoking and sending out spiritual energy in order to help yourself and others. 

If you are not familiar with the prayers we use during these Services, we have prayer sheets on hand for anyone to use. Alternatively, you may wish to just focus on the experience and allow the energy to flow through you. Either way, if you come with an open heart and mind, it can be a powerful spiritual experience. 

In The Aetherius Society we also use mantras. Mantra is the chanting of sacred sounds.

If you have not been initiated into the mantras or the mudras (hand positions) we use during our Services, we request that you remain silent and just allow the energy to flow through you. The mantra initiation CD/audio download is available here. Once you have listened to the initiation given by Dr. King, you will be able to join in with the chanting of these sacred sounds when you attend.

In this 72-minute recording, Master of Yoga Dr. George King will initiate you into no less than eleven mantras of great power and beauty.

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