Blog/Podcast Archives: Spiritual Path

#129 – How To Find Your People On The Spiritual Path

Loneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be difficult to break away from “normal” life to follow our own inner prompting towards spirituality, is…


#89 – Richard’s Spiritual Awakening (Personal Story)

What got you into spirituality? I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person. It just isn’t enough. Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make a difference inspire us to look deeper into what life…


#82 – Rid Yourself Of Fear (with Alyson Lawrence)

Fear holds us back from so many things in life. Most importantly, it holds us back from manifesting our own Divine potential: psychic abilities, spiritual healing powers, wisdom and more. This week Alyson Lawrence talks about overcoming fear and conditioning. As we dispel fear we begin to finally experience freedom, and can better tune in…


#81 – Experience Selfless Love (with Livia Patel)

The Nine Freedoms contains teachings that you can apply in your everyday life to help you conquer fear, love others unconditionally, and race towards enlightenment. This week Livia Patel talks about how the Second Freedom – Love – changed her outlook and her life. Make love a part of your life now! Join international bestselling…


#80 – HARD Lessons Learned In Choosing A Spiritual Teacher (with Tanya Solberg)

Choosing a spiritual teacher is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. But how do you know whether a teacher is the real thing? And what do you do if you realize you’ve made a bad choice? This week Tanya Solberg shares a difficult lesson from her own life…


#78 – A Key To Developing Your Psychic Powers (with Vivien Gibson)

The New Year is a good time to think about new habits. This week Vivien Gibson reflects on building a strong foundation for your spiritual practice. An essential key to all forms of self-development is control, and therefore it is vital to have good powers of concentration. Tune in to discover more about what you…


#77 – How To Manifest Spiritual Bravery (with Mark Bennett)

On behalf of the team at the Spiritual Freedom Show I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year! If there is anything that will help us in the year ahead, bravery is surely on that list. Bravery is not just a necessary step we have to take in order to become spiritual. It…


#76 – Remember What You Really Are When You Feel Spiritually Lost (with Darren Ball)

On behalf of the team here at The Spiritual Freedom Show, I’d like to wish all of you celebrating at this time a very happy Christmas! We definitely do have something special in store for you in today’s show – whether you celebrate Christmas or not – so don’t miss it! The holiday period gives…


#75 – Leaving The Religion/Spiritual Path You Were Born Into (with Bonnie Watson)

Just because we are born into a particular religion doesn’t mean we can’t question it or even choose to follow another path instead – one that we believe leads to truth. This week Bonnie Watson shares part of her own spiritual journey – growing up with a Protestant Church background and searching for answers. Join…


How to escape the matrix

If you would burn up your lower Karmic aspects, you would serve. If you would, at this very moment, begin to build tomorrow’s temple upon the sure foundations of today’s right action, you would serve. If you would be free from the materialistic prison cunningly devised to enslave you, you would serve. If you would…


#73 – Why I Chose To Follow My Spiritual Master (with Mark Bennett)

Nowadays there are loads of people claiming to be wise gurus, space contactees, spiritual teachers, enlightened masters, and so on.And they all seem to be saying much the same thing:That we need more peace and love in the world.That’s all well and good but anyone can say that.It doesn’t mean that they’re really wise people…


#67 – Why I Chose The Spiritual Life (with Paul Nugent)

An advanced soul needs more than short-lived happiness or material fulfilment.They need purpose.This week, Paul Nugent reflects on a crossroads in his own life.What path are you taking?Career ambition? Or a life devoted to spirituality – most of all, service to others? Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence and guests to discover the wisdom of The…


#7 – How To Choose Your Spiritual Path

In our search for truth we all have difficult choices to make, like which guru, and which path, will guide us to enlightenment. There are a number of different true paths to the Divine, but there are also a number of false claims and dead-end roads, but, if we learn to use our powers of…


Discipleship for this age

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. You don’t need to be in the physical, living presence of a Spiritual Master to benefit from their teaching. But you do need to make the effort to study and apply their teaching for yourself if you want to learn anything. A Master is the living embodiment of Divine…


Spiritual Optimism

“Evil is made up of lies and pessimistic dwellings.” So said the great Karmic Lord Mars Sector 6. From a young age, we’re taught not to lie. There’s still a lot of lying out there, but nevertheless it is usually almost universally frowned upon to lie. It can be difficult to tell if someone else…


What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?

One of life’s oldest riddles is “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?” It might be easier to answer “What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?” To the latter of these questions I would have to say neither faith nor spiritual experience take precedent over the other but rather a suspension of disbelief. In…


King Yoga – The path of personal development

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Everybody will one day achieve enlightenment. It is simply a question of when. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in a million years.


The Three Habits of the Spiritually Successful

A horse suddenly came galloping quickly down the road. It seemed as though the man on it had somewhere important to go. Another man who was standing alongside the road shouted: “Where are you going?” To which the man on the horse replied: “I don’t know! Ask the horse!” Have you ever had a habit…


Interview: Why choose a spiritual path

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing a spiritual path to follow is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision you will ever make. And it’s by no means an easy decision. This is not something we’re taught at school, or something that most parents ever sit down with their children…


Spiritual Balance

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be balanced, they might tell you it’s about “me” time… Less stress and more time away from it all. It certainly sounds appealing.


By the side of a living Spiritual Master

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be spiritual, they may well tell you it’s about peace… But Master of Yoga Dr George King had a completely different approach. He was dynamic, intense and driven in his tireless work for humanity. And, in fact, this intense, practical…


Ready or not – you are now

Many centuries ago a phrase of ancient truth was coined: when the pupil is ready the teacher appears. Master of Yoga Dr George King commented on this in a personal development class in 1966: The teacher has to, by law, take the next step with those pupils who are ready, and if he cannot do…


My King Yoga Experience – Your King Yoga Experience

A quest begins … When I was growing up I was very interested in spirituality, religion and the meaning of life. I quickly became indifferent to the puzzled looks and concerned mutterings of people around me, including classmates of course, and sometimes even teachers, who couldn’t understand why I cared. In fact, in some cases…


All Change

A couple of years ago I was sitting in a tube-train at Earl’s Court station in London. I was dozing, as I often do on trains, to be awoken abruptly by a loud announcement over the tannoy. The announcement was two simple words: “ALL CHANGE!” As I was waking up, suddenly I felt a strange…


Become a fighter for spirituality!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze begin this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live with a short tribute to the late Lady Monique King, who passed away on September 29th. Lady Monique was an outstanding individual. She devoted her life with single-minded determination to her husband, Master of Yoga…


KING YOGA – the greatest karmic force for your own personal development!

Raising consciousness through spiritual self-development When you read a spiritual book, and allow its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, you change. Your vibration becomes that little bit higher. Your knowledge is that little bit greater – which, if you let it, will permeate your whole thought pattern. You will be that bit better informed…


The Gift of Recognition

  The Master Jesus gave many of his greatest teachings in the form of parables. According to St. Matthew’s gospel (13:13) he did this “because they seeing see not.” He considered it necessary to illustrate his life-changing wisdom through stories in order for his audience to recognise its profound meaning. As Secretary of the European…


King Yoga – The Yoga of spiritual development and service

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Master of Yoga Dr. George King was an extraordinary inspiration to all those around him. He was a man that wanted the very best for everybody. He didn’t just want people to be good, he wanted them to be great. And he was not exclusive – he was all…


How balanced is too balanced?

Being balanced is a big theme in the culture of wellbeing, lifestyle and self-help. We know we should be balanced, and that being unbalanced is bad – but what does being balanced actually mean? Normal ideas of balance “Balance” means different things to different people, and we are fed a constant stream of suggested answers…


How detached is too detached?

  Stress, worry, expectations and ambitions are part of everyday life, and over time they take their toll – physically, mentally and emotionally. They are not necessarily bad things, but that doesn’t make them any the less wearing on the heart, mind and body. However impractical or improbable it may be, haven’t you ever dreamt…