Blog/Podcast Archives: Saturn

#66 – Why I Believe In Spiritual Aliens (with Darren Ball)

Are we really alone in the universe? Or is the universe in actual fact teeming with intelligent life? And if it is, where are all these aliens? In this week’s podcast, I reflect on intelligent extraterrestrial life. Not just in distant star systems millions of light years away. But much closer to home. On higher…


#55 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 2)

The other planets in our Solar System are teeming with intelligent life. Millions of years more spiritually evolved than us, these civilizations live on higher planes of existence that our science cannot yet detect. No planetary civilization in this system is more advanced than the civilization on Saturn. The Perfects of Saturn, as they are…


#54 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 1)

On Saturn and other planets in our Solar System there are civilizations millions of years more advanced than ours that live on higher levels of physical existence. This existence is something our science cannot yet detect but one day it will.The Beings on Saturn are, as far as we are concerned, not just Gods, but…


#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness

Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth…Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life throughout the Galaxy… millions upon million of worlds!This experience of Galactic Consciousness is just one of the essential experiences…


#20 – A Secret Of True Spiritual Greatness

What would you consider the hallmark of a great spiritual person?Wisdom? Compassion? Humility? Spiritual Powers?When the Master Aetherius described the greatest Master on the surface of the planet – the Lord Babaji – the word he chose was: active.In this day and age, being active in service is a measure of true greatness.One way that this is…


Interplanetary Service

Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from other worlds are visiting us.  The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught that beings from other worlds have been visiting us for…


#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved?

The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn. In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time in history, we have been given a real insight into their true, Divine nature. In their example is the key to attuning ourselves with the…


Unmodified Peace

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This is a time of year when we tend to think about peace. Amidst the busyness of the holiday period, there is nevertheless a wonderful magic in the air – a certain peace we can all feel if we try to tune in to it. Of course, we can…


The Eighth Freedom Will Be Saturnian Existence

The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Eighth Freedom between two close followers of Dr. King, who have studied The…


Cosmic Master Class 5 – The Divine Perfection of Saturn

Aetherius Radio Live focuses on the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters. In this show, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the elevating and beautiful Transmissions delivered by the Lords of Saturn through the outstanding Mediumship of Dr. George King. This is an essential message for us all – prepare…


The Eighth Freedom – Saturnian Existence (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)

The most spiritually advanced planet in this Solar System is Saturn. The great masters of Saturn, who exist on a higher vibratory plane invisible to mere mortals such as us, work ceaselessly for the good of all life in the Solar System.