Blog/Podcast Archives: Dr George King
The Voice Of The King: Part 2 of 2
A rare divine intervention took place in 1919, a cosmic avatar with highly specialized skills, named George King, came to Earth to help humanity through a critical period in human history. He literally saved us from many global catastrophes! Using his unique mediumship, Dr King also expertly channeled hundreds of vital transmissions from spiritual masters…
The Voice Of The King: Part 1 of 2
A rare divine intervention took place in 1919, a cosmic avatar with highly specialized skills, named George King, came to Earth to help humanity through a critical period in human history. He literally saved us from many global catastrophes! Using his unique mediumship, Dr King also expertly channeled over 600 vital transmissions from spiritual masters…
#144 – Have you got time to go within? (3 tips for juggling spirituality and daily life)
We can all feel overwhelmed at times by a hectic schedule and lots of responsibilities, BUT it’s so important to make time to nourish our soul. In this episode, we show you some ways of doing this. Don’t miss: – Three practical ways you can make time to go within when you’re juggling spirituality and…
Chakras – The Second Most Valuable Thing In All Of Existence: Part 1.
This remarkable statement by Dr. George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. In this Part 1 episode, Richard and Chrissie will explore what it means to life at a macrocosmic level, as well as to us all as individuals at a microcosmic level. Drawing on unprecedented revelations made by Dr….
#127 – How To Make A Connection With A Real Spiritual Master (Lessons From A Disciple)
The relationship between Master and disciple is not like teacher and pupil at school.It is a form of magic.A metaphysical link is formed, through which the disciple can advance by the very presence of the Master.Even if the Master is not physically present, if you are truly dedicated to that Master and their teaching, their…
#126 – What Is A Genuine Spiritual Master Really Like? (Insights From A Disciple)
What is a genuine spiritual master really like? Richard spent more than 20 years working very closely with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – a man of extraordinary spiritual powers and wisdom. In this week’s show, Richard shares some of his own insights and personal stories from his time with Dr. King – offering…
Aetherius Society Membership – the opportunity of our lives
Over the years we’ve received thousands of questions about Membership in The Aetherius Society. What difference does it make? Why does it matter? Is it the right step for you? In terms of your spiritual advancement, and our future on Earth, there are considerable karmic and metaphysical reasons for taking the step to become a…
Memories of our Master
On January 23rd we celebrated the birthdate of Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919-1997). With this very special date in mind, this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a heartfelt tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. King.Host Chrissie Blaze interviews her husband Gary Blaze about his personal experiences with Dr. King, shining a light on…
Being a disciple – from Christianity to King Yoga
Discipleship is by no means a concept limited to the twelve disciples of the Bible or even the Christian tradition as a whole. It is a calling common throughout many spiritual traditions on Earth, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and of course King Yoga – the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society. In this month’s episode of…
How we can help the Mother Earth
With the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference just behind us, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Alyson Lawrence take a moment to reflect on a deeper aspect of our relationship with the planet Earth.In The Aetherius Society, we believe that the Earth is a being; a living, breathing Goddess – millions of lives more spiritually evolved…
How Dr. George King changed the Cosmic Plan
Throughout our history on Earth, great beings from other planets in this Solar System, known as Avatars, have allowed a part of their consciousness to be born here as one of us, in order to help us towards Enlightenment. Different Avatars have exemplified different qualities, and each has breathed different energies into the consciousness of…
Spiritual Determination
“Life is difficult but not impossible. I don’t think that any man is given a problem to solve unless it is known that he can solve that problem providing he uses courage and determination and has faith in his own abilities, his higher abilities and probably, sometimes even, in the abilities of others. I don’t…
New Morning – A New Year’s Poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King
Happy New Year! In this post we wanted to share with you a New Year’s poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King, as well as his own commentary on its true meaning. This poem can be interpreted as a very concise manual for how to live i.e. what we each can do to…
When Dr. King realized he came from another world
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Like the Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha and other great Avatars throughout history, Master of Yoga Dr. George King also came from another world. Sadly, in most cases, we simply do not really know very much about the lives of these Avatars. For example, what was it like for…
Behind the scenes of the Biography – the companion website
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Discover more about the life of Master of Yoga Dr George King with a guided tour of the biography companion website –! In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Brian Keneipp. Brian is a co-author of The King Who Came…
A Disciple Remembers: 40 Years As Executive Secretary
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing to follow a master is good, but choosing to serve him or her and their mission, even in a small way, is better – and more important to the world as a whole. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, staff member Darren Ball interviews Richard Lawrence…
A Biography Of A Biography
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. We are overjoyed to be launching the much-anticipated biography of Master of Yoga Dr George King this weekend: The King Who Came To Earth. Dr King was an enigma even to his closest staff and disciples, and went to great lengths to conceal his true cosmic stature. Now, for…
What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?
One of life’s oldest riddles is “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?” It might be easier to answer “What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?” To the latter of these questions I would have to say neither faith nor spiritual experience take precedent over the other but rather a suspension of disbelief. In…
Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization
Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have never had before to help others and attain enlightenment. This is the path we now call King Yoga. As part of these celebrations we have…
Spiritual Balance
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. If you asked most people what it means to be balanced, they might tell you it’s about “me” time… Less stress and more time away from it all. It certainly sounds appealing.
From Séance to Science – How Dr King transformed mediumship
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many wonderful sacred texts around the world, but what we don’t have in most cases is: the voice. What would the authoritative metaphysical treatise of The Nine Freedoms be – without the commanding and powerful tone of Mars Sector 6, who spoke through Master of Yoga Dr…
Mediumship – Séance or Science?
Most mediums are pretty vague about what exactly they do. They use a type of psychic condition, be it light or deep, and receive through some method, a message. This comes from an intelligence who is not physically incarnate and who might be good, bad or, very often, indifferent. Sometimes the communication will be delivered…
Interview: Message from Mars Sector 6
This podcast originally appeared on Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the meaning of life? What is Enlightenment? Can I become enlightened? The Nine Freedoms answer all of these questions – and more. The Nine Freedoms are a series of Cosmic Transmissions that reveal the secrets to mastering the…
World service through King Yoga
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many ways of giving service to others – spiritual and material, and all of them are important.But as spiritual workers we each have to look for the way in which we think we can make the greatest possible difference to the world as a whole. In The Aetherius Society we believe that…
Real Success
It was a warm, sunny, cloudless August afternoon in the most elite part of Hollywood, California. The place? The Bel Air Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. The playground of the ‘smart’ people and the meeting place of who’s who in Society. Amidst the palm-decked, lush gardens of this, the most elegant of resorts, strolled exquisitely groomed…
King Yoga
This post is based on an address given by Rt. Rev. Richard Lawrence on 7th August 2016 at The Aetherius Temple in London to launch the concept of King Yoga to the world on behalf of The Aetherius Society. On January 23rd 1919 a Cosmic Avatar was born upon Earth. On May 8th 1954 he…
Mars Sector 6, Lord of all He Surveys
Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth. The first – and quite possibly the only – medium he has ever spoken through is yoga master Dr. George King (1919-1997).
“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 1
This is part 1 in our 5 part series of podcasts entitled: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. King. There are many great spiritual paths – each of them unique. These podcasts are an introduction to…