Rise – peace meditations with music (CD)


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Rise – peace meditations with music – CD (also available as an audio download)

Discover a world of peace, inspiration and spiritual energy to revitalise every aspect of your life. Experience the soothing and uplifting combination of words written and spoken by Richard Lawrence together with music composed and played by Kevin Kendle – to raise your consciousness and empower your soul. Whether you need to be energised or motivated, or simply want to relax – these meditations will introduce a new paradigm of inner harmony into your heart, mind, and whole being.

1. Still (5:51)
2. Breathe (6:20)
3. Light (7:22)
4. Energise (7:45)
5. Flame (7:14)
6. Love (6:48)
7. Pray (6:58)
8. Divine (6:59)
9. Karma (10:21)
10. Cosmic (6:46)

Running time: 73 mins

Listen to Track 4 – Energise

Richard Lawrence is a world-renowned meditation expert. An award-winning international bestselling author, he has frequently appeared on TV and radio internationally, and featured in numerous magazines and newspapers. Inspired, motivational and insightful, he has been described in Kindred Spirit as one “of the biggest talents in MBS”.

Kevin Kendle is a highly acclaimed musician from the UK who has gained a reputation for producing consistently high quality music. Outstanding production, attention to detail and crystal clear sound are trademark features of his work, inspiring some to rate him as one of the finest keyboard artists recording today.