Psychic Self-Defense (CD)


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Psychic Self-Defense – CD (also available on Aetherius Cloud)

A lecture by Dr. George King

Dr. George King was one of the world’s foremost authorities on psychic self-defense. In this lecture he explores the whole question of astral interference and puts it into a global perspective. He leaves us in no doubt, however, that the most common cause of so-called interference is our own negative thought and action. Nonetheless, at times there are genuine cases of psychic attack, and in this practical masterclass Dr. King initiates you into powerful techniques to counter basic interference – teaching you how to recognise an attack if it comes, how to protect yourself in advance, and what to do to defend yourself. With this CD, you will receive a booklet with five diagrams to illustrate these practices, some of which originated in the highest mystery schools of Tibet.

Running time: 1 hour 52 mins (2 CDs)