Intelligent Alien Life Exists In Our Solar System!
With Julian Rosser
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Other planets in our Solar System are not only inhabited, they are teeming with life “not as we know it”. These advanced civilisations have guided and protected humanity throughout our history, and some of our greatest spiritual leaders – such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses and others – have in fact come from other worlds.
So advanced are these beings that in their natural state they have evolved beyond our physical plane of existence – existing at a higher frequency of vibration, as yet undetected by terrestrial science.
Explore the spiritual nature of alien beings in our Solar System through the wisdom of Master of yoga Dr George King, who was in regular communication with advanced extraterrestrial intelligences for over four decades, including beings from the higher planes of Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
Join in a guided cosmic meditation and hear a sample of their vitally important message for our world. Expand your consciousness with the timeless wisdom of the elevated spiritual Masters in this Solar System!
Presented by

Julian Rosser
Julian is a Minister and full time staff team member of The Aetherius Society in London. He has spent over a decade studying the channellings and teachings of Dr George King and hosted the Mystic FM podcast which explored these.
What is the King Yoga Experience?
The King Yoga Experience is for seekers of all backgrounds who wish to explore – and begin to experience for themselves – the life-changing spiritual path of King Yoga.
King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world.
You don’t just believe in King Yoga – you experience King Yoga. This is not a metaphor – it is literally true. Experience, more than any debate or philosophy, will prove to you that King Yoga works. All you need is an open mind and a truth-seeking heart.
Tune in to one of our King Yoga Experience events held around the world and explore the profound spirituality of Dr. George King, the Cosmic Masters and King Yoga.
- Simple guided practices to raise your consciousness
- Discover the wisdom of Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters
- Radiate spiritual energy for global healing