The Great White Brotherhood – The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth (CD)
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The Great White Brotherhood – The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth – CD (also available on Aetherius Cloud)
A lecture by Dr. George King
The Great White Brotherhood, also known as “The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth” is the most advanced mystical order on Earth. It consists of Ascended Masters – and certain other very advanced individuals – who work, largely behind the scenes, to help uplift and protect humanity. They are both male and female, and of numerous different ethnicities – the terms “white” and “brotherhood” having nothing to do with either race or gender. These Masters work generally from various mountain retreats around the world – including USA, Egypt, the Andes, Scotland, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and the Himalayas. Two of the best-known Members of this holy order are Count Saint Germain and the Lord Maitreya.
Running time: 1 hour 27 mins