The Magic of Healing
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The Magic of Healing – Heal yourself and others with these ancient and modern healing techniques
By Richard Lawrence
- USD $12.95
- GBP £9.99
Spiritual healing is not the gift of the few – but something we can all learn and practice. In this book you will learn simple techniques for contact healing, distance healing, self-healing and world healing – based on the principles of natural universal energy – also known as ch’i, ki, or prana flowing through the chakras.
This book is also available in Portuguese.
Softback; 232 pages.
Recommended both to the beginner and to experienced healers.
The Magic of Healing, Published in 2004
From the Back Cover:
Healing is a way of transferring natural energies and is an ability we all have within us. We only need to practise the techniques described in this book to bring about remarkable results.
Spiritual healing taps into the life force we all possess. Whenever you lay your hands on another person with good intent you are performing a kind of healing. In The Magic of Healing, Richard Lawrence, widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and spiritual development, presents a comprehensive guide to how anyone can tap into their innate powers to bring about natural and spiritual healing.
He presents a healing technique devised by his personal teacher, the late master of yoga Dr George King, that is simple to learn, safe to use and has no side effects.
From Pages 90 – 91:
Performing the technique
Step One: The Practice of the Presence
The First step in the King Technique is a most beautiful practice called The Practice of the Presence. I have been performing it regularly for 30years and regard it as one of the most spiritual exercises I have ever learned. It can be as important as food and drink – sometimes more. It cleanses the aura from all kinds of mental and even physical pollution, which you may have encountered along the way, often through no fault of your own but because of the vibrations you have had to absorb from places and people. I you don’t believe me, travel regularly on the London Underground!
In the Practice of the Presence you will use visualization to invoke three energies: white light which represents the universal life-forces flowing through the universe; a golden sphere, which represents your higher self and your unlimited potential; and the Violet Flame, which is real, protective transmuting power associated with The Mother Earth.
This mystical practice should be thoroughly learned, practised and used before your healing session begins and at the end of your healing session, because it will, as well as raising your consciousness, help to clean any contamination from your own aura which has contamination been picked up from the treatment of the patient. If you do the Violet Flame part correctly, you will become so impregnated with this power that you can transmute conditions, which you have taken from your patient, by the application of the main healing technique.
From Page 144:
… ALL healers, whether they are in the best of health or whether they need a treatment or not can benefit themselves by this simple self-Healing technique … the better you can perform this technique for your own benefit, the better you will be able to give Healing to others.
The beauty of self-healing is that, while you are healing yourself, you are at the same time enhancing your healing abilities. What a perfect way to get better! Whenever you give healing to yourself or to others you are simultaneously evolving.
One of the results is that you will start to get intuitive impressions in the process.