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Blessed Is The Great Being Known As The Galaxy

The Twelve Blessings are a series of profound spiritual revelations channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Jesus. This podcast is a discussion of the 10th Blessing by Brian Keneipp & Paul Nugent, both of whom were close followers of Dr. King and have studied and practiced The Twelve Blessings for many years. Below is a series of extracts from Dr. King’s own lecture on this Blessing.

[The Galaxy’s] children are all the suns, all the worlds, all the solar systems and all the lifestreams on all the suns, all the worlds and in all the solar systems. These are its children. Its children – a part of its body. This is a part of its great job. It’s taking its rightful place in creation so that God may evolve into God.

Realise that it does exist. Realise that you exist within its wondrous body. …Don’t mix realization up with knowledge. …They’re two very, very different things. …We all have great powers, great god-given powers, but we don’t use them. Why? Because we know we’ve got them but they’re just knowledge to us. To realize a thing is to be able to use it correctly in every way. …you people who are tied up in spiritual work in these days, you’ve got an awful big job to do as many of you fully realize. …it’s essential for you to keep this spiritual optimism and you’ll do your job.

You are passengers on one of the most fantastic space ships ever conceived. …[We] talk about a galaxy with millions and millions of stars and hundreds of solar systems being a Being! …as a gigantic space craft, a vehicle which we’re all travelling back to that source – gradually. Some of us go the wrong way for a time but even those must go back to the source. Other than that the great plan will not work. And the great plan of the Absolute will work. The space people know this beyond all shadow of all doubt. …They know that man will evolve. ALL men. The worst…will evolve and become mighty shining gods. …Not whether or not mankind will reach his source. He will. It’s in the divine plan that he will and nothing can ever alter this.

…The atoms which make that glass will become part of the body of God. …They are part of the body of God now, but I mean in its highly evolved state, in its highest state. …Nothing can stop it. …But – it’s when! This is the important part. The space people looking down on Earth and thinking…look at all the pain, look at all the suffering those people are bringing on themselves when they need not have it. …It’s not whether man will. It’s when he will.

Image credit: “Milky Way Panorama” – ESO / S. Brunier

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  1. Pat Timmermans on May 31, 2017 at 5:44 pm

    “Once being in the Presence of Jesus…this is when Pure Love is sensed deep within Our Essence & Truth lives in Its’ Sovereignty…✨💖”

  2. Cory Stuteville on December 27, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    Amazing. My favorite blessing. This was a good show.
    The Galaxy is the Lord of Creation and trillions of lifestreams are in motion at different stages…

  3. Jack Stafford on November 28, 2019 at 6:54 am

    Wonderful show. Such great presenters. God Bless the Galaxy

  4. Ibrahim tanyi Mbu on July 21, 2020 at 10:17 am

    The tenth Blessing was wonderful thanks very much to the Aetherius Society ‘

    • Darren Ball on July 21, 2020 at 3:49 pm

      Great to hear from you Ibrahim!

  5. Ebenezer Ayivor on July 17, 2021 at 10:00 am

    Thank you His Eminence Dr George King
    Thank you Aetherius Society!
    Wow Wow Wow!
    Very happy I listened to this podcast!
    Feels like I was present when this blessing was being given.
    ‘Fantastic indeed is Truth’
    Now I don’t have time for anything else. PHEW!

    • Darren Ball on July 17, 2021 at 12:09 pm

      Hi Ebenezer! It is totally life-changing isn’t it! Stay inspired and stay in touch. Best, Darren

  6. Elaine Pedreira on December 5, 2024 at 10:54 pm

    Thank you both, the magnificent Brian Keneipp and Paul Nugent.

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