Blog/Podcast Archives: The Spiritual Freedom Show

#89 – Richard’s Spiritual Awakening (Personal Story)

What got you into spirituality? I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person. It just isn’t enough. Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make…

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#88 – Psychic Mediumship: The Truth About MOST Channelled Messages

There are lots of people who claim to be in telepathic contact with the Master Jesus or another advanced Master a higher plane of existence. The vast majority of these claims are false. The key is to be able to pick out the true from…

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#87 – You Can Prove Psychic Powers To Yourself

This week Richard and I talk about psychic powers. For some people, psychic powers sound like magic or wishful thinking, and they have a hard time accepting that things like clairvoyance or mediumship actually exist. The best way to find out is to experience them…

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#86 – Pacifism Is Not Enough: A Spiritual Approach To End The Russia-Ukraine War

We said we’d have a surprise for you this week and here it is! The Spiritual Freedom Show is now on video – as well as audio! Our mission is the same as ever – to answer your spiritual questions with the outstanding cosmic teachings…

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#85 – Why I Turned To Spirituality (with Bipin Patel)

When Bipin Patel first came across The Nine Freedoms he was deeply dissatisfied with the life that he was leading – in spite of all of his worldly achievements. This week he talks about the first steps he took to begin to manifest greater bravery,…

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#84 – What It Was Like Following A Spiritual Master (with Paul Nugent)

A true spiritual Master is a living embodiment of Divine truth. They have found the way to God-realization – and help others to do the same, especially their most devoted disciples. In the West, some people may balk at the devotion and obedience of disciples,…

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#83 – What It Means To Make Sacrifices On Your Spiritual Journey (with Mark Bennett)

Real love – what is it? It is certainly not the sickly sentimentality or brutish possessiveness that are erroneously often called “love”. In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 describes love as something vastly more than either of those things: sacrifice. This week Mark Bennett…

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#82 – Rid Yourself Of Fear (with Alyson Lawrence)

Fear holds us back from so many things in life. Most importantly, it holds us back from manifesting our own Divine potential: psychic abilities, spiritual healing powers, wisdom and more. This week Alyson Lawrence talks about overcoming fear and conditioning. As we dispel fear we…

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#81 – Experience Selfless Love (with Livia Patel)

The Nine Freedoms contains teachings that you can apply in your everyday life to help you conquer fear, love others unconditionally, and race towards enlightenment. This week Livia Patel talks about how the Second Freedom – Love – changed her outlook and her life. Make…

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#80 – HARD Lessons Learned In Choosing A Spiritual Teacher (with Tanya Solberg)

Choosing a spiritual teacher is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. But how do you know whether a teacher is the real thing? And what do you do if you realize you’ve made a bad choice? This week…

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#79 – Spiritual Insights Into Dreams (with Alyson Lawrence)

Dreams are not just the ramblings of our unconscious minds, or random electrical discharges, as some scientists may claim. Sleep is a state of astral projection from the physical body. Most people don’t remember these experiences, but sometimes you can. This week Alyson Lawrence talks…

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#78 – A Key To Developing Your Psychic Powers (with Vivien Gibson)

The New Year is a good time to think about new habits. This week Vivien Gibson reflects on building a strong foundation for your spiritual practice. An essential key to all forms of self-development is control, and therefore it is vital to have good powers…

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#77 – How To Manifest Spiritual Bravery (with Mark Bennett)

On behalf of the team at the Spiritual Freedom Show I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year! If there is anything that will help us in the year ahead, bravery is surely on that list. Bravery is not just a necessary step…

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#76 – Remember What You Really Are When You Feel Spiritually Lost (with Darren Ball)

On behalf of the team here at The Spiritual Freedom Show, I’d like to wish all of you celebrating at this time a very happy Christmas! We definitely do have something special in store for you in today’s show – whether you celebrate Christmas or…

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#75 – Leaving The Religion/Spiritual Path You Were Born Into (with Bonnie Watson)

Just because we are born into a particular religion doesn’t mean we can’t question it or even choose to follow another path instead – one that we believe leads to truth. This week Bonnie Watson shares part of her own spiritual journey – growing up…

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#74 – Why Spiritual Ancients Worshipped The Sun (with Noémi Bates)

We depend on our Sun for absolutely everything in our lives. This week, Noémi Bates shares a moment in her life when this truth came home to her more than ever before! Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence and guests to discover the wisdom of…

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#73 – Why I Chose To Follow My Spiritual Master (with Mark Bennett)

Nowadays there are loads of people claiming to be wise gurus, space contactees, spiritual teachers, enlightened masters, and so on.And they all seem to be saying much the same thing:That we need more peace and love in the world.That’s all well and good but anyone…

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#72 – Happiness or Spiritual Joy – What Do You REALLY want? (with Darren Ball)

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is said to have made a distinction between two different types of happiness, only one of which can bring you real joy.This week, I share a little bit about the spiritual joy I have found in my life to help…

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#71 – Why I Felt Called To Spiritual Service (with Simon Thode)

In the past, yogis usually tried to focus exclusively on their own personal enlightenment – free from the distractions and problems of others.It may have been a good idea hundreds of years ago, but not today.Today, there simply isn’t time to focus on our own inner peace…

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#70 – How I Learned To Overcome My Fears (with Chrissie Blaze)

Fear can imprison us in so many aspects of our lives… Perhaps worst of all, fear can prevent us from pursuing our spiritual destiny, if we allow it to do so. It takes bravery to go against the flow of ordinary existence on Earth and…

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#69 – Gain Control Of Your Mind So You Can Harness Your Psychic Powers (with Lisa Rosser)

Anyone can learn to gain greater control of their conscious mind – and reap the benefits in their spiritual practice, and in their day-to-day life too. This week, Lisa Rosser shares the personal transformation she experienced using one of the simple practices taught by Master…

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#68 – The Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do (with Mark Bennett)

What is “being spiritual” really all about, anyway? Finding our own inner peace? Or living with greater compassion? This week, Mark Bennett reflects on the most spiritual thing any of us can do. It’s deep. And even if you think you know the answer… …have…

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#67 – Why I Chose The Spiritual Life (with Paul Nugent)

An advanced soul needs more than short-lived happiness or material fulfilment.They need purpose.This week, Paul Nugent reflects on a crossroads in his own life.What path are you taking?Career ambition? Or a life devoted to spirituality – most of all, service to others? Join international bestselling author…

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#66 – Why I Believe In Spiritual Aliens (with Darren Ball)

Are we really alone in the universe? Or is the universe in actual fact teeming with intelligent life? And if it is, where are all these aliens? In this week’s podcast, I reflect on intelligent extraterrestrial life. Not just in distant star systems millions of…

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#65 – Why It Matters To Be Brave (with Julian Rosser)

Thank you for tuning in to the Spiritual Freedom Show! We’d love your feedback on our new format, which now includes a special guest on the show each week to share some of their own insights and experiences that can inspire you in your journey…

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#64 – Personal Stories Of Spiritual Service (with Gino Scialdone)

We’ve been changing things up on the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we are inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for personal insights, reflections and experiences…

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#63 – What Saturn Taught Me About Our Destiny (with Lisa Rosser)

We’ve been making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for insights, observations and personal…

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#62 – How To REALLY Escape The Matrix – And Find Spiritual Freedom (with Mark Bennett)

We’re making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who is doing their best to live their life according to the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Tune in every Saturday to…

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#61 – The Missing Ingredient In Every Religion On Earth

In 1961, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was giving a lecture on The Nine Freedoms when he said this:“That is why every religion will fail, and that’s a prophecy… It must completely fail, because of that one major thing it’s lacking—it’s missed out. It…

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#60 – A Secret Of Spiritual Detachment

In spiritual teachings from around the world we are told to detach from various things on the path to Enlightenment, like materialism, ego, etc. In this week’s episode: In The Nine Freedoms, specifically the Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness – we are told one of…

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