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One in Three and Three in THAT


In a cosmic transmission delivered through the mediumship of Dr. George King on March 17th, 1956, the Master Jesus prayed for humanity to be: 

One in Three and Three in THAT. 

This concept is referenced in the triangular symbol of God’s manifestation as wisdom, which was incorporated in The Aetherius Society symbol following a 65-hour meditation by Dr. King in St. Mawes in Cornwall the previous year. Its full meaning would be explained in staggering and ground-breaking depth later in the Nine Freedoms by Mars Sector 6 in 1961.

It must also be what the Master Aetherius was alluding to in a transmission delivered on August 28th, 1960, after he gave his closing invocation for humanity to know that God dwells silently within them all: 

May you be blessed in the name of the everlasting three principles.

It has nothing to do with the trinity which was invented hundreds of years after the Resurrection by the fathers of early Christianity to combine three beings in one divinity. This is a very unsatisfactory doctrine causing theological disputes to this day, yet it is interesting that a concept of God as one in three arose at all, even in this very limited form.

Thousands of years before the advent of Christianity, the Hindu religion had developed a trinity through the personalised forms of the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Like the gods of ancient Egypt and Greece, the Hindu deities suffered from myth and superstition fed by the distortion of humanising and even animalising influences. As a result, they were later given attributes such as rage, lust, jealousy and so on, until their representation was so corrupted that their behaviour is closer to that of crazed humans than divine beings.

Despite this, behind the Hindu trinity – more so than the Christian doctrine – lay a great truth. Brahma was depicted as the creator which is how religions have generally seen God. To be specific it was the sun which, according to the Master Jesus, is the God of the Bible and the Brahma of the Hindu scripts. All life in this solar system was created by the sun and exists because of it, so that was a logical deduction in those days.

Vishnu represented preservation and was linked to the avatars who have visited Earth through the ages. This energy, which is love in its highest form, is crucial to its precursor, creation.

Perhaps most unexpected is the depiction of the third member of this triumvirate, Shiva, as the destroyer. On face value, this seems negative until the abstract meaning behind these three personifications is understood.

In a lecture on May 30th, 1961, on the Seventh Freedom Dr. King said:

Now, the ancient interpretation of progression was….creation, preservation, transmigration….nobody knows who gave this to the ancient Brahmins because it existed before even the Brahmins existed.

These were the three expressions then, but no longer because Mars Sector 6 made his momentous declaration in the Seventh Freedom that the third one is now transmutation.

Previously, whatever stood in the way of transmigration back to divinity would have been destroyed by that force given the identity of Shiva. If all matter was surplus to requirements, such a force would be needed to remove it – even if that be through suppression.

But now we know that it’s not. All life, including all matter, must be transmuted just as all experience must be mastered not shunned and all energy has to be risen not rejected.

We no longer need to personalise these forces, but if we did Shiva might be re-characterised as service rather than destruction – service given even in the darkest places to bring the light of transmutation to all life.


Because of the Twelve Blessings, we now have a concept of divinity which exceeds even the holy sun. We have learnt, for the first time, that the galaxy is a living intelligence. But, as Dr. King revealed in his lecture on the Seventh Freedom, even such a being as this cannot go back directly as a galaxy to God because it has not transmuted all matter.

A key statement is made about the Supreme Lords of Creation in the Eleventh Blessing that the greater part of them is not in manifestation, which means that this part must be one with its divine source. We are also told that they are the realizers of the potential and the potential itself, which came before creation.

Very significantly the functionality of these Intelligences is work, epitomising service at so elevated a level that it defies our comprehension. Yet, “work” is the word used by the Master Jesus. If that isn’t enough to get us out of our recumbent positions – or even our meditation postures – then what is?

But there is an aspect of divinity even greater than the Supreme Lords of Creation, for they work “as The Seven – round The One”. In the Twelfth Blessing these Seven, clearly the number in which they have chosen to manifest, are described by the Master Jesus as the “hearts” of the Absolute. 

The One in the Centre – which it seems is even greater than them because they work around it – is described as the “brain” of the Absolute. This must be the nearest thing to God in manifestation.


Just as the Nine Freedoms alters and updates the teachings of the ancients in relation to the three forces which comprise divine evolution, so the Twelve Blessings expands the explanation given by the Rishis of old about God’s purpose.

This was originally described as the Outbreathing followed by the Inbreathing, sometimes given the names “manvantara” and “pralaya”. First came potential from which God saw fit to create manifestation – the Outbreathing. From this will come the return to God again free from manifestation – the Inbreathing.

In the Twelfth Blessing, a revelation is made which extends this. We are told that there is a stage which comes before potential described as “The Great Cause”. This was formed, as the Master Jesus instructs us, by the Absolute which was not at that stage even in a state of potential, never mind manifestation.

We could take the brain of the Absolute to be the manifested form of that which introduced The Great Cause, hence the Supreme Lords of Creation work around it. In a seminar delivered on January 31st, 1970, about the Initiation of the Solar System, Dr. King spoke about the Divine Creator which:

…has a form, a shape that we cannot even conceive. No good trying to talk about it. It’s no good even trying to think about it. It’s there, it exists. In what form? In what shape? Built out of what material? We have no idea and no conception, and neither have far greater people than us. And we will not have an idea or a conception of this – only in a fractional degree – not for millions and millions and billions of existences yet.

Nor can we realize the Great Cause at our stage of evolution. This, I believe, is what Mars Sector 6 refers to in the Seventh Freedom when he states that interplanetary masters begin to realize the “why of existence”.

Having said that, it may be that our enhanced understanding of divinity through these two sets of epoch-changing teachings, the Twelve Blessings and the Nine Freedoms, will provide the basis upon which such a realization might begin to dawn on those who inherit the New Age upon Earth.

We now know that this Great Cause is used by the Supreme Lords of Creation who are the Creators and Preservers of all manifestation. We also know that creation and preservation lead inexorably to the third force – the transmutation of all life, including all matter, up through every level back to its source.

These are concepts which take us further not only than any scripture of old, but even the revelations made by those who came before them. Gnani (wisdom), Raja (mind control) and Bhakti (devotion) are terrestrial yogas which are rightly respected and revered, but they are transformed by these cosmic teachings.

The highest and most important yoga now is Karma Yoga which is service which is work – if work is the way of the Supreme Lords of Creation, it has to be the way for all other life forms in manifestation which, somewhere in the lower reaches, includes us.

After all, we are all part of “The One Energy” which was described by a Lord of Saturn on November 23rd, 1957, as:

All in All and All in All That


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About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is an international, bestselling author of 11 books, Richard Lawrence has frequently appeared on TV and radio internationally, and featured in numerous magazines and newspapers. Richard is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters.

All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.

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  1. Jack Stafford on February 2, 2022 at 3:11 am

    Wow! Well there is a mental exercise… to imagine how Shiva would be represented if he transmuted things instead of transmigrated them! I’m sure he would be a lot nicer to look at

    • Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 5:32 am

      Amusing observation Jack but the representation of Shiva as the destroyer has to be understood in the context of the old teaching that basic thought and material life is maya or delusion which has to be eliminated before we are free from the wheel of rebirth and can discover nirvana. Now that teaching has been updated and enhanced with New Age wisdom we don’t really need a depiction of Shiva, whether nice or not, though it would be interesting!

  2. Allan Jaggard on February 2, 2022 at 4:55 am

    Wow! What a fantastic analysis of the Trinity and what it means. Great writing Richard! God Bless You!

    • Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 5:39 am

      Thanks so much Allan. The depth and consistency of our teachings continue to amaze me the more I study and contemplate upon them and I’m sure that’s true of many others who do so.

  3. Ayorinde Ajumobi on February 2, 2022 at 11:42 am

    I must conclude that this post is highly inspired.
    As a result,it is inspiring.
    It will alter the vibrations of your mind, if only you let it.

    I have myself been asked about “the holy trinity”, which appears to be fictional. I always refer to The Triangle of Creation-Preservation-Transmutation. in the Nine Freedoms.

    • Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 5:53 am

      Thank you Ayorinde. Yes, Mars Sector Six did say in the Seventh Freedom that our internal vibrations have been altered by these utterances as he called them, and I don’t think he said that specifically about any of the other outstanding revelations in the Nine Freedoms, though it may well apply to them also. He also stated that if we take this revelation into our heart a greater realization will dawn which, in a small way, I have found to be true.

  4. scott lucchese on February 2, 2022 at 12:37 pm

    WOW. has a form, a shape that we cannot even conceive. No good trying to talk about it. It’s no good even trying to think about it. It’s there, it exists. In what form? In what shape? Built out of what material? We have no idea and no conception, and neither have far greater people than us. And we will not have an idea or a conception of this – only in a fractional degree – not for millions and millions and billions of existences yet.
    Just this paragraph alone you could spend the rest of your life thinking about and still get nowhere. You guys did say “In this advanced post for serious metaphysical students” and you were not joking. Will be reading this post over and over. Perfect timing as I have been rereading the “The Nine Freedoms” this week. Thank You for this great work.

    • Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 6:04 am

      Thanks for your comment, Scott, you are so right. It is wonderful to have the teachings of Dr King and his explanation of the meanings behind the transmissions he received. He loved the philosophy of God, as he called it, it was his favourite subject. He understood it, he knew it and he was able to put it in language we can follow though as you say it will take more than a lifetime for us to really grasp.

  5. Leonor R. Cadete on February 2, 2022 at 5:05 pm

    «It has nothing to do with the trinity which was invented hundreds of years after the Resurrection by the fathers of early Christianity to combine three beings in one divinity. This is a very unsatisfactory doctrine causing theological disputes to this day, yet it is interesting that a concept of God as one in three arose at all, even in this very limited form.»

    «– service given even in the darkest places to bring the light of transmutation to all life.» – the moving excerpt, for me.

    «Very significantly the functionality of these Intelligences is work, epitomising service at so elevated a level that it defies our comprehension. Yet, “work” is the word used by the Master Jesus. If that isn’t enough to get us out of our recumbent positions – or even our meditation postures – then what is?» – where I really had to laugh.

    Thank you, once more.

    • Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 6:09 am

      Thank you Leonor. I must admit I was really taken by the fact that the Master Jesus used the word “work” to describe the function of the Supreme Lords of Creation. Another thing which occurred to me in the last few days is that the title Dr King chose for the book Realize Your Inner Potential could also be taken as a tiny tribute to these Ones who are described by the Master Jesus as “the Realisers of the Potential”!

      • Leonor R. Cadete on February 13, 2022 at 1:55 pm

        Thank you so very much, dear Richard, for sharing your brilliant insights with us. (…) If only we would all allow THEM to work their wonders… !

  6. Natalie on February 2, 2022 at 9:36 pm

    It’s interesting to note that the Lord Shiva and Kali are not just known as destroyers, but also those who transform, and symbolize endings and new beginnings. In their own way, there is already some symbolism of “work” or “service.” But I suppose the three Gods are all giving service of some kind, always. I did enjoy reading this and feel like it has expanded my consciousness a bit more. Thank you, thank you!

    • Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 6:21 am

      Thank you for that very good point Natalie. The Lord Shiva and Kali certainly are known as transformers and the concept of transformation is very important in traditional teachings, but transmutation takes it even further. Even in the Sixth Freedom, Mars Sector Six refers to Ascension leading to the mountain of transmigration, but in the Seventh this amazing revelation is made and I don’t think any of us would have really understood the enormous significance of it without Dr King’s explanation.

  7. Oluyomi Oduguwa on February 4, 2022 at 12:55 am

    Thanks Richard,
    Brilliant Exposition.

  8. Richard Lawrence on February 4, 2022 at 6:22 am

    Thanks so much Yomi.

  9. Sue Kaemena on February 5, 2022 at 3:01 am

    Thank you so much Richard for sharing these insights. Yet another philosophical feast which, like others, I shall be returning to again and again. With each layer of revelation to contemplate comes an ever increasing sense of incredulity that I personally have been granted the honour and privilege of access to such advanced teachings. I know I’m not alone in that!

    • Richard Lawrence on February 6, 2022 at 7:33 am

      Yes, Sue, I think we all sometimes share that incredulity, and the wonderful thing is that we have been granted the gift of recognition of these diamonds of truth among the many pebbles which are out there. They are multi-layered, as you say, as we uncover one layer, yet more comes to light – thanks for sharing your experience.

  10. Chrissie Blaze on February 5, 2022 at 11:15 am

    Thank you, Richard, for this brilliant exposition. I shall read this several times. I have always loved symbols and was particularly fascinated by two symbols from a young age: the triangle and the five-pointed star. I would spontaneously draw hundreds of them all over my school books (and even engraved them on my desk!) ! I later became interested in Alice Bailey and The Lucis Trust and their concept of triangles which I liked a lot but I was never comfortable with the Great Invocation and could never bring myself to ask to “seal the door where evil dwells”. It just felt wrong. Later, when I read The Nine Freedoms for the very first time, I remember, it was the triangle that affected me more than anything else at that point.The word Transmutation seemed to open something up within me. I didn’t know why but this new concept was so very liberating that it brought tears to my eyes. I knew it was Ultimate Truth. I knew I had found something I had been searching for. Now, you have added to this and helped me go a little deeper in my personal journey towards enlightenment through your wonderful Spiritual Freedom shows and now this fantastic Blog. Thank you, Richard.

    • Richard Lawrence on February 6, 2022 at 7:52 am

      Gosh Chrissie, how many experience such a mystical yearning at so young an age – a mark of the spiritual dynamo you were to become perhaps. Transmutation is the key for us all now as it must be for the masters themselves on this world and beyond. It sounds as though it registered with you immediately which again indicates your innate recognition of higher wisdom. Thanks for your input.

  11. Eric Waardenburg on February 9, 2022 at 11:50 pm

    Dear Richard – thank-you for this absolutely brilliant piece of inspired writing. I listened with interest to your Spiritual Freedom Shows #23, #24, #25 and more recently #30, and now this “composition”. I don’t think it would be wrong to describe this as the deepest metaphysical Truths that have been written about in the 21st century! Intuitively, I feel that this is most probably the greatest t lesson I will learn in this, my present incarnation.
    We are told that “Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment” – “Serve and be great – nay be everlasting” and many other wonderful aphorisms that encourage us to serve, but what we have here is the ultimate reason as to WHY service is so very important – it is essentially an act that creates transmutation, which will lead us back to the Source.
    I love the way you can synthesise the words of Mars Sector Six, and our Master, and make it so very understandable. That has been my experience of your Spiritual Freedom shows, and this blog.
    Could I kindly suggest that you republish this article in a Cosmic Voice – it really is that important.
    Blessings to you.

  12. Richard Lawrence on February 10, 2022 at 4:15 am

    Hi Eric, I must say that from my perspective it is so rewarding to get feedback like this, because you have clearly studied in depth what you are writing about. You are right, it is one thing to see service as the noble and worthy thing it is, and another to understand why it’s the only thing which makes sense in the light of the journey of transmutation of all back to all – THAT. Your thoughts are much appreciated – blessings to you too.

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