Blog Archives - The Aetherius Society Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:57:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Aetherius Society is an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences. In great compassion, these beings recognize the extent of suffering on Earth and have made countless sacrifices in their mission to help us to create a better world. The Society was founded in the mid-1950s by an Englishman named George King shortly after he was contacted in London by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Aetherius”. The main body of the Society’s teachings consists of the wisdom given through the mediumship of Dr King by the Master Aetherius and other advanced intelligences from this world and beyond. The single greatest aspect of the Society’s teachings is the importance of selfless service to others. This podcast will provide an insight into some of the teachings given through Dr King. Blog Archives - The Aetherius Society false episodic Blog Archives - The Aetherius Society podcast Spreading the teachings of the Cosmic Masters Blog Archives - The Aetherius Society TV-G 146318253 Maldek – “The Lost Water World” Mon, 22 Jul 2024 12:04:22 +0000 One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been…

Maldek – “The Lost Water World”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been searching for another planet in the region between Mars and Jupiter. According to calculations, there should be a planet in the exact location of the asteroid belt. Bode’s Law is a formulaic calculation which determines the spacing of the planets in our and any other solar system. This was first determined by Johann Elert Bode and Johann Daniel Titius in the 18th century and became known as Bode’s Law.

Map of the asteroid belt.

Extending outwards from the Sun, each planet should be approximately twice the distance from the Sun as the previous planet. This theory has stood the test of time as the distance of the largest of the asteroids, Ceres, was discovered and thought at that time to simply be a small planetoid. The distance of the planet Uranus was correctly calculated. However this law was later modified as Neptune did not fit into this model and the discrepancies in calculating the distance of the outer planets were corrected.

Theories abound as to how the asteroid belt came into being. Scientists generally believe that it is a “proto-planet” which never had enough mass to form into a proper planet since the dawn of the Solar System and prevented from coalescing into a proper planetary mass by the gravitational influence of Jupiter. It has subsequently been confirmed that this could not have been the case as the distance between the asteroid belt and Jupiter is too great to exert such an influence. This is known as the “Roche Limit” and the asteroid belt is well outside of this. The Roche Limit of Jupiter is approximately 44,000 miles. The distance between the asteroid belt and Jupiter is 242 million miles. The planetary mass of Jupiter can therefore be excluded as an influential factor.

Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun, in this Solar System, primarily found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The combined mass of all the asteroids would only amount to one thousandth the mass of Earth which is the equivalent of one third of the mass of the moon. The composition of the asteroids in the asteroid belt can be classified as three main types:

~ The “chondrite” types, consisting of clay and silicate rocks, known as the “C” types.
~ The “stony” types, made up of silicate materials and nickel/iron, “S” types.
~ The purely metallic nickel/iron “M” types.

All these are consistent with the makeup of Earth-like planets and would only form under intense pressure and heat, not in the environment of outer space. The other fact to consider is that planets are not known to explode by themselves. The only thing that could cause the complete destruction and disintegration of a planet would be either a collision with another planetary body, a comet or the result of a chain reaction exerted upon it.

The truth of this mystery lies in the origins of the human race. One of the important revelations given through The Aetherius Society is the existence, more than 18 million years ago, of a beautiful, green, fertile planet which orbited between Mars and Jupiter. This was the original home of humanity before we destroyed it in a thermo-nuclear holocaust. Dr George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society, gave an account of this in his introduction to The Nine Freedoms and references to this terrible catastrophe are made in various Cosmic Transmissions from such Interplanetary Beings as Mars Sector 6 and The Master Aetherius.

In 2020, NASA sent a probe, OSIRIS-REx, to the asteroid “Bennu” to retrieve some rock samples and bring them back to Earth for analysis in order to give us greater insights into the origins of the Solar System. Bennu is an asteroid that is believed to have broken away from the main asteroid belt sometime in the past and forms part of the Apollo group of near-Earth asteroids that follow a different orbit around the Sun. They are termed “Near-Earth Asteroids” because they swoop past the planets and there is the possibility of a collision with our planet in the next century.

The findings, published in The Scientific American on March 28th this year, were completely unexpected and will turn the original, long-held concepts on their heads! They indicate that the asteroid Bennu was a fragment of “an ancient ocean world” with evidence of the building blocks of life. The makeup of the sediments in the sample also indicate that Bennu was the product of a world with continental margins, in other words tectonic plates, similar to Earth. The researchers are scratching their heads as to how this “planet” ended up as the millions of fragments we now know as the asteroid belt. One hypothesis is some cataclysmic collision which reduced the planet to rubble. The water ice particles traced on comets do not have the chemical fingerprints of water on Earth. However, the traces of water on Bennu and some other meteorites are a close match to our planet’s oceans.

However, there are still unanswered questions. We are told, in The Aetherius Society, on Cosmic Authority, that the population of that green and fertile world waged war against each other. Their scientists had developed nuclear weapons, the like of which we have not seen on Earth, and completely destroyed the planet. Radioactive debris would have blown across the Solar System along with the lighter elements of a planetary body and attached itself to some of the other planets. This left the heavier elements which constitute the solid core of a rocky planet. These are the remnants which make up the asteroid belt.

There are some strange anomalies that have been discovered which cannot be explained away. There is an abnormally high amount of a rare gas, xenon 129, that has been detected in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter and Mars. There are also areas of abnormally high radioactivity on the surface of Mars which is not detected in the deeper layers of the crust.

Mars & Jupiter – not to scale.

Natural Xenon comprises a mixture of several isotopes in varying percentages, from Xenon 118 to Xenon 144. Xenon 129 is the product of radioactive iodine 129, with a half-life of some 17 million years – not that far removed from the date of the nuclear holocaust of Maldek over 18 million years ago! There is also an abnormally high amount of xenon 129 in a large number of stony meteorites from the asteroid belt which find their way to Earth. The anomalous amount of now extinct radioactive isotopes detected in these meteorites point to a huge nuclear event at some time in the past. Xenon 129 is a by-product of nuclear fission and not a naturally occurring element. High amounts of this gas have been detected in Earth’s atmosphere since 1945 when there was prolific nuclear experimentation going on all over the world until the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed in 1968 by the USA, the UK, the Soviet Union and 59 other states.

Xenon does occur naturally in the Sun but is relatively rare and this again does not explain the high amount of Xenon 129 in Jupiter’s atmosphere which is 2.6 times higher, along with the radioactive areas on the surface and in the atmosphere of Mars.

There is a school of thought in some scientific circles that there was a nuclear event on Mars itself which at least is a more open-minded opinion. Plasma scientist Dr. John Brandenburg from the University of Southern Oregon and senior propulsion scientist at Orbital Technologies Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin, claims the high concentration of Xenon 129 in Mars’s atmosphere and the concentration of uranium and thorium on its surface was detected by NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft and could not have occurred naturally. This could only have come from a nuclear explosion.

The pieces of the jigsaw are all there but have not yet been put together. After the horrific destruction of Maldek which ended all life, the radioactive debris would have hit the nearest planetary bodies to it, namely Mars and Jupiter. This would explain the anomalous amount of radioactivity on Mars – which is closer to the orbit of the asteroid belt – and the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Assuming Mars was more closely aligned with Maldek at the time of its destruction, it would have been severely impacted.

In the 1950s, the closest we came to producing a nuclear weapon that could potentially destroy our planet was the lithium bomb, named Castle Bravo, on March 1st 1954 in the Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific. It left a crater 6,510 feet across and 250 feet deep. It formed a fireball 4.5 miles across in the space of one second and was one thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The scientists involved in the development of this terrifying weapon miscalculated its yield which was much greater than anticipated. It was the most dangerous nuclear device ever exploded, at that time, and was never tested again.

Castle Bravo test.

We live even today under the shadow of nuclear threats. It is not surprising that the first important cosmic message Dr. King received, referred to as the Command, came a couple of months after the Castle Bravo test, when you consider our past history.

Not only did we destroy Maldek, but we destroyed the ancient civilisation of Lemuria and Atlantis through nuclear war. We are under observation by the Cosmic Masters and the time had come to intervene as much as they were allowed to by Karmic Law. We have been informed that implosion devices were released by mother-ships or scout patrol craft into the atmosphere of Earth which absorbed the excess radioactivity by the process of magnetic attraction. These could later be destroyed along with all the radioactivity. Without this intervention, our world would have been much more toxic and polluted when you consider the amount of radioactivity that had been released into our atmosphere.

In fact, on April 4th, 1958, the great Cosmic Intelligence known to us as Mars Sector 6, made the following statement:

“For you, Terra (Earth), have already released enough radioactivity to kill all life upon your planet, had we not many times in the past intervened”.

Let us hope that the collective memory in the subconscious of the group soul of humanity will stop us from ever repeating the worst cosmic crime we could ever commit, namely destroying a planet, and instead go forwards into a new age of spirituality where there are greater beings than us waiting to help us on a true galactic journey.

Learn more


NOTE: The top image: an artists depiction of their idea of an alien world – this is not an accurate depiction of the planet Maldek.


About the author
Alyson LawrenceAlyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

Maldek – “The Lost Water World”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” Thu, 18 Jul 2024 21:01:51 +0000 Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a…

UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a plot to conceal the truth from the masses is not a modern invention.

Throughout history, truth has been hidden or altered. In some cases by accident, but often there has been a malicious intent. Truth has been systematically replaced by a false “reality” – perhaps no more so than in the case of UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Before we relate this ancient allegory to the UFO conspiracy, here’s a quick summary.

The Allegory of the Cave

In brief, Plato’s allegory involves a small group of people imprisoned in chains in a cave. They cannot see out of the cave. Objects are held in front of a fire behind them which casts shadows on the wall for them to see. These shadows are the only things the prisoners can see and they become their world. They have no knowledge of anything outside of this existence.

One day, one of the prisoners escapes the cave. Upon leaving, he is initially blinded by the outside light but then gradually adjusts to it and the reality of life outside the cave.

He returns to the cave to tell the other prisoners about it but they reject him, saying that he has gone mad because his eyes are no longer adapted to the darkness and he is talking of a strange reality they cannot understand.

It is a remarkably insightful allegory. Even the use of darkness and light is spot on. Perhaps the only shortcoming is that it is often regarded as a philosophical concept for intellectual stimulation, rather than a commentary on how society really works.

The most stunning aspect of this allegory is how accurately it reflects the so-called reality that surrounds us. We are the prisoners of this reality – all of us are, to some degree or another.

The Allegory and the UFO Conspiracy

The UFO conspiracy and Plato’s allegory differ but the basic premise is the same and it has been used successfully to control the discussion about UFOs.

In the UFO conspiracy:

  • The prisoners are the masses of humanity. They are bound not by physical chains but by mental chains. The weapon of fear holds them in a tight grip. Conditioned to fear standing out from the crowd, they obediently follow the messaging and obey their conditioning.
  • The shadows on the wall that the prisoners watch are cast not by fire but by the mass media. The lie they push is resoundingly clear – UFOs are not real, and intelligent alien life has not contacted Earth. Through news, movies, streaming, books, pop music and so many other channels, we are programmed – conditioned to believe that the very idea of intelligent life outside of Earth is ridiculous. A myriad of reasons are given, but it starts by saying that the people reporting sightings are deluded. If more effort is required then more elaborate lies are created. Where necessary, they bring in paid “experts” to professionally debunk with even more outrageous lies.
  • The media are controlled by “the Silence Group,” the shadowy forces manipulating world events, operating out of sight for the most part. Their tentacles reach into the depths of power. Politicians, the media and big business are the tools they wield to get their way. Their grip is tight.

But despite the attempt to suppress it, the truth is out there!

The grip of the Silence Group is not absolute. There are cracks in their system. They cannot silence every voice.

They certainly did not silence the founder of The Aetherius Society, Master of yoga Dr. George King. Here is an extract from his editorial in a 1956 issue of Cosmic Voice:

Refuse to allow yourself to become a piece of drift-wood on the tides of materialistic progression. CALL A HALT NOW, this very moment. Make up your mind before you read another word. And prepare to smile in superior tolerance at your persecutors — the self-styled “practical” individuals who refuse to believe anything except what they find convenient to recognize for their own ends. It is very interesting indeed that these same materialists entertain reports such as they were given about conditions on the summit of Mount Everest — reports vouched for by only TWO earth-men — and in the next breath deny the obvious authenticity of the statements of DOZENS who have come into contact with Beings from other Planets.

Please note that more witnesses have vouched for meeting Visitors from Outer Space just lately than have been to the North or South Poles. Yet, strangely enough, the alleged practical individuals will readily believe the few explorers when they speak of Polar conditions.

Another paradox is that scientists of today are teaching the scientists of tomorrow theories which exclude the possibility of contacts with Beings from other Planets, and such theories are being accepted as the opinion of the majority. Readers are warned — this is only part of the scientific conditioning.

You can examine the facts for yourselves, with intelligent and open-minded care; consider them in your mind and accept them, if they be reasonable. Do not be guided by the opinions of the majority, just because they are the opinions of the majority. Start to think for yourselves — now!

It is a great comfort that our Friends from the other Planets are different from those who would limit our freedom of thought. I thank God for that difference! Let us be guided by such Beings.

Dr. King himself certainly was guided by them. In fact, he dedicated his life to cooperating with them in whatever way he could.

His extraterrestrial contacts revealed that the most advanced spacecraft in our skies are visitors from other planets. Sometimes referred to as “Cosmic Masters”, they have visited Earth throughout our history, sometimes living among us. Some of the best known of these are Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Patanjali, Lao Tzu and Ramakrishna.

They came for a very definite purpose — to help humanity.

From their perspective, virtually the whole human race is stuck inside Plato’s cave, blindly accepting the shadows on the cave wall as the truth. The Cosmic Masters want to help us break free from this illusory world pushed upon us by the manipulators behind the scenes and escape the cave.

In 1957, a Cosmic Master referred to as Mars Sector 6 gave a message through the yogic mediumship of Dr. King:

You have been conditioned. All of you have been specially prepared, by the few who would turn you outside of yourselves — the few foolhardy, dark manipulators, behind the scenes of your World. You have been specially prepared in order to become but clay in the hands of a few scheming plotters.

Break Away. Break Away. Break Away.

LET IN THE LIGHT — then the plotters will themselves run fast, for the Light, when it shines upon them, sets fire to their schemes.

The Spacecraft Sending Light To Earth

The teachings given by the Cosmic Masters are profound and enlightening. But they have done more than educate us about the reality outside the cave, they are offering us a key to escaping the cave.

They have provided an immense source of spiritual energy, or spiritual light, in the form of “Satellite Number 3.”

This colossal, invisible spacecraft is controlled by Mars Sector 6 and comes into orbit of Earth four times per year, for about a month each time. The dates of these orbits are fixed into the future.

While it is in many ways a horrific thought that we have been controlled by a few evil schemers throughout the centuries, the Cosmic Masters bring a message of great hope.

We are sparks of God!

The Cosmic Masters can see our Divinity and they want to help us break out of our conditioned mindsets and realize this for ourselves. Satellite Number 3 is a part of their plan to help make this happen.

Any truly spiritual actions taken while it is in orbit are massively potentized.

But we need to take action.

We need to cooperate with Satellite Number 3.

Here are some words about this from Mars Sector 6:

During this time, Satellite No. 3 is in orbit of Terra [Earth], we will orbit about 1,550 miles from your surface. We will be undetectable by Earth instruments for reasons you have already been informed. During this time, we will radiate Energy of a high vibratory nature unto all those individuals and groups upon Terra, who will use this Energy for the benefit of their brothers.

In no wise may this Energy be used to better personal position. In no wise may this energy be used to improve materialistic gain or possession. It may only be used for that nature which right thinking Terrestrial man may truthfully claim as being fully spiritual. The characteristics of this Energy are such that it may not be incorrectly involved by the dark forces among you. It may only be used by those, who are in some way traveling upon the path of selfless Service.

Use this Energy for the benefit of your brothers. Automatically, you too become a beneficiary. For, in this way, you evoke the Law of Karma in its most positive phase to work on your behalf.

All you need to do to access the energy offered by Satellite Number 3 is to raise your hands in unselfish prayer for others. And there’s no better time to start than now!

Learn more

Header image: Wikimedia

About the author
Julian Rosser is a Priest and a Director of The Aetherius Society based in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for The Aetherius Society at its European Headquarters in London and prior to that was on the volunteer staff at the New Zealand Branch. He is a regular blogger, presenter and author of One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Our Role in Divine Intervention Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:01:19 +0000 I am sure we have faith that our prayers are helping and healing people who are suffering. We believe that they are inspiring and protecting the brave aid workers: those…

Our Role in Divine Intervention
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


I am sure we have faith that our prayers are helping and healing people who are suffering. We believe that they are inspiring and protecting the brave aid workers: those who are working in difficult and dangerous situations to bring comfort, aid and healing to those who are suffering.

There is, however, another aspect to our prayer and healing work that it is good to remember. That is the karmic manipulation that takes place when we offer our heartfelt prayers for peace, or perform The Twelve Blessings. When we do this, we are not just improving our own karmic pattern but the entire karmic pattern of humanity.

You may ask, “But what difference does this make to those who are suffering?” Our Master, Dr. George King (1919-1997), the brilliant Master of Karma Yoga that he is, has explained to us over the years in many lectures and addresses that this then allows Divine Intervention to take place.

This means that everything we do of a truly spiritual nature and every act of service we perform helps the Masters help us. Unlike us, they work within the all-pervasive Law of Karma. When our karmic pattern improves these ones are then allowed, in effect, by the Lords of Karma, to do more for us.

Without this intervention, we would have been lost because of the negative karmic pattern of mankind – and we only have to look honestly at the world to see the truth of that. The more negative karma we create on our beautiful Earth, through wars, starvation, greed and ignorance, the more we virtually tie the hands of the Masters, whether they are the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Cosmic Masters. We know from our incredible cosmic teachings that they want to do as much as they possibly can to help us but it is up to us to give them the karmic license to do so. The responsibility lies in our hands.

The Precious Gift of Time

Fortunately for us, the Spiritual Master Dr. George King addressed the negative karmic pattern of humanity through his timely and outstanding invention of the Cosmic Missions which have bought us time. He bought us precious time to dream, and time to indulge our likes and dislikes but, far more importantly, he gave us time to act, to serve and to pray. How wisely we use this time is up to us. We created negative world karma and now we must create as much positive world karma as we can to help each other – and to help the Great Ones in their work.

And these are the truly Great Ones who are on and around our world. Not the politicians with all their false promises and lust for power; not the false teachers who are leading us away from Truth; not the orthodox clergy who do not even teach vital fundamental concepts such as karma and reincarnation. And certainly not the movie stars and sports personalities that many people seem to worship! Not these ones that tragically so many people look up to but the truly Great Ones who, for the most part, humanity is completely ignorant of.

It is these Great Ones who are, in one way, awaiting our actions – because their hands are tied – because of us!

The good news is that we can change world karma, and in The Aetherius Society we do know how. We support our remarkable Society; we support the Cosmic Missions; we give service; we pray passionately to help our suffering world.

What more can we do?

Despite the fact that I have been on this amazing spiritual path for over 50 years, I was thinking about this recently and do you know what I felt? The great weight of this responsibility. It weighed so heavily on me that I felt very sad, with a feeling of desperation that I couldn’t do more; that what I did was nowhere near enough looking at the state of our world. But the deeper I thought in this way, I began to feel something else, something coming from deep inside me – like a voice reminding me that of all the places on Earth, here I was a Member, a Staff Member of The Aetherius Society.

Of all the places I could be on Earth, I was here with this opportunity to not only raise my hands in prayer to help those who need help but also in some small way to allow the great Masters to do more because of my puny efforts. Like you, I have this amazing spiritual opportunity to help this intervention to take place! My emotional response was immediate and acute: I felt so humbled by this realization and yet joyful and even elated.

Once we are aware of something, once we bring something to consciousness, it is so much more powerful, I’m sure you agree. For me it was a deepening of a realization and that, although our efforts may seem puny to us, because we are living on planet Earth, in the right place at the right time and because many of us reading this are a part of the Master Cog that is The Aetherius Society, we are able to help far more than we know.

Let us always remember this intervention that, through our efforts, we humans on this physical plane of Earth can play a small but crucial part in. It is a Divine opportunity for us all to help Ones far greater than us to do more, and if we think about it, because of their greatness — I feel that is what they would want most.

As our Master so succinctly put it:

If you take one step towards the working out of the Cosmic Plan, the beings behind this plan will take two steps towards you.

Great Acts of Divine Intervention in These Days

In The Aetherius Society, thanks to our Master, Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, great acts of Divine Intervention have taken place over these past decades. These include the magnificent victories of the Six Adepts and the mighty Cosmic Missions, Operation Sunbeam, The Saturn Mission, Operation Space Power, Operation Prayer Power, and more. I would, however, like to refer to one specific act of Intervention that took place at a very dangerous time in our world.

This was reported in the Cosmic Transmission, Watch this Year, delivered by the Master Aetherius through Dr. George King on December 22, 1962. In this he refers to the importance of our efforts during the Cuban Missile Crisis which took place two months before this transmission was delivered in October 1962. This crisis was a direct confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, with a real threat of nuclear war which could have become a global war, and we are all very aware of the dangers of this.

Some of you reading this may remember that time very vividly. My husband, Gary, was a boy in school in the United States at the time and he told me that in schools, the children were taught that, if there was a nuclear attack, they should dive under their desks. They would have to practice doing this on a regular basis as the teacher, in Gary’s words, “looked terrified“.

Looking back at that time, it was indeed terrifying. The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when the two superpowers, led by Presidents John F. Kennedy and Nikolai Kruschev, came very close to nuclear conflict. You may wonder what actually happened to prevent it.

Reports were that it was due to diplomacy, restraint and luck that it was finally agreed by President Kruschev that they would remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the United States promising not to invade Cuba which they had been planning to do.

However, what worldwide news did not report was that other forces were also involved. These far more powerful forces – the Three Adepts – enabled nuclear war and all the terrors of that to be averted.

In this transmission by the Master Aetherius, he spoke about Divine Intervention and how it can only be allowed within the very strict governing Law of Karma. He made this very interesting observation when he said:

The action of the Three Adepts to nullify the Cuban crisis was allowed because many spiritually minded people, from all over Terra [Earth], had released great power and love through both prayer and practical service to others. Now I call upon you of pure heart, to release as much power through prayer and through service to others, through the right teachings in every way, so that a great reserve of this energy may be built up around your Earth.

The Spiritual Sparks

The years we are living in now are some of the most important years in our long history but also some of the most dangerous years. Let’s think of all our prayers as helping to build up this reserve around our planet.

Our Master reminded us in his address Divine Intervention of May 23, 1971:

The Adepts have done the great things for you, but They have not done all of the spiritual work that has been done by any means. There are spiritual sparks throughout this Earth, throughout the race of humanoids on this planet, who have been working in their different and respective ways in order to hold some kind of a balance. And this balance, to a certain extent, has been held, up to today.

It is good to think about the sacrifice of these spiritual sparks as our Master calls them. These spiritual sparks have been working in different ways to hold some type of balance. We may speculate that these are Interplanetary Masters but we do not know who they are. We do know that every truly spiritual prayer from our heart in some ways helps these ones to hold this balance.

These spiritual sparks are people living on Earth who need not live here because they are evolved far above this. They are here working on our behalf in great sacrifice in order to teach us, protect us and probably even bearing karma for us.

I think it is very good for us to have this firmly in our consciousness so that we feel the reality of these ones who are more real than any of us. It is good for us to realize that in some small way we can cooperate with them through our spiritual work.

The Delicate Balance of Karma

This leads to another point. We owe these Ones so very much and should never take their intervention for granted.

In his address Give Praise and Thankfulness to God for the Cosmic Masters, delivered on November 26, 1964, Dr. King explained that the Master Aetherius gave us an idea of what the world would be like if Interplanetary Forces did not take very decided action on our behalf. He informed us that if only one Adept is taken from Earth this in itself causes an emergency.

Dr. King added to this that if any Adept of great note moves from one country to another, this causes a partial state of emergency on Earth. As a comparison he explains that if you were to remove an Adept from a more advanced planet like Venus or Mars, it wouldn’t make any difference but on our backward planet, it certainly does.

Our Master also said that no Adept of any note would dream of moving from one country to another without permission from higher authority.

That’s an interesting thought. We may feel that we have every right to do whatever we want and never have to answer to anyone, rarely thinking of the impact of our actions on others, and yet the truth is the more advanced we become, the more we have to answer to those even higher in status!

Our Master said that this is:

Something that people haven’t had the realization of before. I think the first great realization of this tremendous truth was given when the Master Babaji evacuated Earth. People were dumbfounded that such a cosmic movement should be necessary because one individual had left this planet. This one individual made all the difference, and the karmic scales are balanced as finely as that, by the way. To say that mankind is sitting on the edge of a volcano is to put it very mildly. But, also, this volcano is being controlled, to some extent, by higher forces.

Give Thanks for Divine Intervention

All of these thoughts about the Great Ones must, I believe, lead us to not only give thanks for all the things we have in our lives; all the blessings we have compared to so many in this world, but also to give constant thanks to these Great Ones for the Divine Intervention. This is happening now, at this time, and is of great benefit for the whole of the human race.

We can never think too much about the higher forces who are looking after our welfare. We can never give these too much praise because without these the world would be a much worse place. These ones are softening the blow.

The reason I also like to remember the difference our efforts make – that we are in a small way helping the Great Ones to hold that balance – the reason is not so that I feel great in anyway, because in comparison – well, let’s just say there is no comparison – but the reason for me is to feel a very humble but sacred connection with these truly Great Ones. Every time I think of this, I feel a slight deepening of this beautiful and most holy connection.

Also, because I think generally we think too much about the evil on our Earth caused by the dark forces. It is right in front of us and always on the news, so it’s difficult not to think about it, and sometimes it may cause us to doubt.

Instead let us remember the forces of light and know that eventually they will win. Eventually Light always overcomes darkness. I think it is good we keep this vision in front of us and the more we offer our thanks to these ones, the more real this vision will be.

I could not end this reflection without thinking about another type of intervention that took place on our world. That was on that magical day of January 23, 1919 when the great Spiritual Master Dr. George King was introduced into the life cycle of this planet.

This was a Divine Intervention that required a sacrifice beyond our true imaginings: to be born on a far lesser planet and to willingly subdue his tremendous powers in order to be able to live and work among us backward humans. And yet even so, he still shone among men and Masters alike, transforming, raising, inspiring, transmuting, and for this we are truly grateful. I and many others – and you too if you wish to take this incredible step towards this Master – are able to call ourselves followers of this Great One – this Avatar.

I would like to close by thanking the Great Lords of Karma for allowing this Divine Intervention. Let us send our love to them.

Our Master explained in his lecture on ‘The Ninth Blessing’ delivered on March 11, 1959, that:

The best way to visualize them [the Lords of Karma] is as a great blinding light out there somewhere. You needn’t draw a picture of them in your mind. You cannot draw a picture of them in your mind. Just send out this power from your heart, and love from your heart, and say a prayer. If you like: “Dear God, I direct this towards the Lords of Karma so that they can help all mankind.


About Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is a regular media guest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author: Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. Chrissie was a student of Dr. King for 25 years. She is also an ordained Priest in The Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod.

Our Role in Divine Intervention
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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AI & the True History of Humanity Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:26:38 +0000 What if, instead of going into the field of electronics and all its side branches, we had gone into the field of “spiritual-onics” if you like, or studied the universal…

AI & the True History of Humanity
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


What if, instead of going into the field of electronics and all its side branches, we had gone into the field of “spiritual-onics” if you like, or studied the universal life forces in their higher state—what would life be like on Earth today?

Recently, we have seen an explosion of interest in artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

While it has a myriad of potential benefits, some worry about the rise of this new technology: how will we be able to discern truth from AI generated material? Will it create a new age of misinformation? Will it get out of control and attack humans?

But when we look back at the true history of the human race, a stranger concern arises.

This concern isn’t about the technology itself going awry. It is about how we – the human race – respond to it. It is about the implications for our spiritual evolution.

What if it becomes so good, it does virtually everything for us?

Today, we have the benefit of technology to perform many of our mundane tasks. Perhaps one day we could have AI robots that would carry out more and more of our mundane tasks, to the point that there is very little for us to do ourselves.

If all our menial tasks were fulfilled, what would we do?

On the surface, this hardly sounds like something to be concerned about. Perhaps it even sounds like a dream scenario. But a study of our true history shows how it could be problematic.

Before Earth, the human race resided on another planet in this Solar System. Maldek was a green and beautiful planet. The inhabitants – the human race – were much more advanced than we are today. They had greater technology and had created robots that took care of most of the basic tasks. This meant that the population didn’t really have much to do. They became a lazy, lackadaisical race of people, content to while away their lives in the sun.

But not all. There were some who sought power. And because the majority were so lackadaisical, those seeking power were able to find it. They advanced their militaristic technology and created a weapon so powerful, it could destroy their entire planet. And they did!

The whole race of people were murdered and, even worse, so was the planet itself. Now all that remains of it is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The people of Maldek were gradually reincarnated upon Earth where we repeated virtually the same scenario: gradually evolving and building up an advanced civilization, known as Lemuria, only to destroy it through nuclear war.

Once again, the human race had to go back to the beginning and evolve. Almost unbelievably, after having gradually built up a new civilization – Atlantis – we again destroyed ourselves through nuclear war. Thankfully, in the cases of Lemuria and Altantis, at least the planet itself – the Mother Earth – was not killed.

Today, once again, we have rebuilt our civilization. We have advanced our technology, but neglected our spirituality.

Once again, we are standing on the precipice, with the nuclear “sword of Damocles” hanging over our collective heads.

If we want to avoid going down the same route we have taken before, how do we use AI and other new technologies more productively?

Perhaps this isn’t really the most important question we should be asking ourselves.

A far greater question would be: how do we use spiritual energy productively?

Our technology has greatly advanced over the last couple of centuries. But what about our spirituality? The majority of people are still stuck with very basic ideas about God and religion – whether believers or non-believers.

Not only that, we still haven’t learned the basics of life: to demonstrate love and compassion for one other. Our civilization is still fraught with violence, hatred and war.

To create a brighter future, far removed from our dark past, we must turn our attention to our spiritual development. We must learn to love one another. If we can open our hearts and bring forth this love, then no technology we create will ever be our master. We will infuse it with our love and only create that which is in all ways helpful.

Here’s a glimpse of the future if our civilization spent its energies in a more spiritual direction, from an address given by Master of yoga Dr. George King in 1967:

If mankind had spent as much effort on the control and transmission and internal use of spiritual energies as he has on perfecting flight, for instance, war would—and talk and thought of war—would be so alien to the natures of the people now existing on Earth that if such a thought dawned on anyone they would immediately—without having to be asked or ordered—they would immediately go for a complete analysis to assure themselves their brain was not turning down wrong channels.

If the control and use of what we call universal life forces had been really studied as, for instance, has the motorcar, today we would on this Earth be able—with permission—to detach ourselves from the human body and visit Africa, the North Pole, the South Pole, or even the moon. We would know far more about the stars and the planets than ever we know today. We would have vehicles which we could use, which makes the fastest jet airplane look like a child’s toy—and a backward child’s toy as well.

If we had thrown as much effort into the study and control and use of the natural forces which bombard this Earth for 24 hours per day, as we have in perfecting the atom bomb, there is no end—your imagination can be let freely roam before you can come to an end of what would be our capabilities today. All sickness would be gone. People would be able to live, I would estimate, three to four hundred years in the same physical body and still look young. The physical body regenerating itself from the energies which are available, which could be concentrated, which could be directed.

No disease of course. Naturally, of course, no poverty. Ignorance would gradually be dispelled because of the concentration of forces which activate and vibrate the cells of the brain. So we would not have some people capable of writing books on philosophy and others incapable of reading two simple words. There would not be this division in the human race. It would all be brought up onto a higher level.

Listen to the full audio of Dr. King’s address on Aetherius Cloud.

Imagine a world where even having a thought of war would make you want to get yourself checked out in case you were unwell – that is certainly a future I would like to live in! And that is the future we can build for ourselves.

How can we start in this direction? By being of service to others. This is the crux of the message of the Cosmic Masters – advanced intelligences from other planets who spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. King.

They tell us that service to others is the key to our individual and collective evolution.

Giving spiritual service to others is within the reach of each and every one of us. It’s something we all can, and should, do. Even if we have never helped anyone before, we can start today and create a brighter future for ourselves and others.

Find out more

About the author
Julian Rosser is a Priest and a Director of The Aetherius Society based in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for The Aetherius Society at its European Headquarters in London and prior to that was on the volunteer staff at the New Zealand Branch. He is a regular blogger, presenter and author of One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

AI & the True History of Humanity
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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A Cosmic Realization of the Purpose of Life – in One Word Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:01:40 +0000 At the age of 14, I woke up one morning with a question – what is the purpose of life? At the age of 18, that question was answered through…

A Cosmic Realization of the Purpose of Life – in One Word
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


At the age of 14, I woke up one morning with a question – what is the purpose of life?

At the age of 18, that question was answered through yoga philosophy and especially the teachings of Dr. George King and The Aetherius Society: to go back to God through spiritual practice with its main focus being service.

At the age of 70, I knew why.

Seated on the terrace of our room at a hotel in Tenerife in September 2023, I entered a state of cosmic realization. It took me about an hour to do so, as my wife, Alyson, sat nearby performing spiritual practices.

For the first time kundalini reached the highest psychic center, Brahma Chakra, though not in its entirety, rising through each center in turn, inducing trance, circumnavigating the mind, transcending thought and visualization processes, into the I Am.

I had been on this journey once before in January when Ajna awakened in violet hues, but that was as far as I traveled then. I knew God as man, animal, mountain, even as a pebble, on this realm, on other realms, but all of them upon this Earth. It was a state of terrestrial enlightenment – oneness with all life on this planet – but it was not yet cosmic.

And so I proceeded, and the following is an account of what transpired which I offer for your consideration.

Deep breath followed by restraint. At first involuntarily – Kevala Kumbhaka – then deliberately. Breath – hold – meditate. Awareness of the chakras – a tensing of the sphincter muscles – effort, pressure, intensity, more effort, but not force.

The solar plexus is activated, but this time, instead of detachment, allowance followed by effort to raise, purify, transmute. I notice greater bliss caused by the transmutation process or, as the yogis might have put it, “frying the seeds.”

The heart center is activated, momentary bliss, onwards, upwards. The throat center is energized, and then I seek trance. Last time I resisted it, now I want it, but it is not easy to bring about – my negative karma acts as a resistor.

Awed by the fact that Dr. King could enter full samadhi in just a couple of minutes, I so much want to be absorbed in a trance of oneness, albeit to a far lesser degree. But I also want the mystic fire of kundalini to move even higher to the very crown. Wishful thinking unless that wish becomes a reality.

The third eye – violet – strong – pulsing – but not my ultimate destination this time. Now, her tendrils reach even above the Christ center, to pierce Sahasrara – only to one degree but still to penetrate – a profusion of colors – the Golden Sun.

Here that misused, hackneyed saying, silence is golden, actually becomes true – a release from terrestrial bondage into the vastness of the cosmos. I know why this is sometimes called the thousand-petalled lotus – because a thousand represents infinity.

A sunbeam courses through space, across the oceans, through my being, traveling up the spine and into the crown center. I jerk, gulp and become still.

I enter oneness with God – the I am within us all – and now I am one with life in the cosmos.

First I am Mars.

Then for longer I am Venus. I appreciate my inhabitants, who feed my Flame and strive to express my essence, energizing and being consumed in my Flame. They are being made ready; they are constantly preparing for this.

As Saturn, I admire my inhabitants who want to do as their Lords, the Lords of the Sun, and become a part of me.

And as the Sun I emit a sound which causes all life to evolve. The energy from Earth, Her Flame, is the same energy as that I emit but in a different phase.

The energy I emit travels through every realm, is part of every realm, from the highest to the lowest and my sound reverberates beyond this solar system, raising and energizing. I momentarily know Mercury as a planet of change and Pluto as small but still grand.

And then I am the Galaxy Itself with a body which seems to be of a jelly-like substance, holding all in place and yet tenuous enough for movement to take place within it. Numerous craft form a tapestry of transit on multiple frequencies – a complex weave of moving luminous threads with one single purpose.

And there is only one purpose in only one word – evolution.

It’s the reason we exist. Interplanetary travelers make their journeys because of it. Planets and suns know it. It’s why the galaxy is in manifestation. Evolution – evolution for all life.

That’s why God involved Itself in matter because without involution there could be no evolution. What God wants is evolution. What the galaxy, the Sun and the planets want is evolution. One word – an often misunderstood word – from which all experience derives – the purpose of life.

And then back down to Earth with a sadness borne of disappointment. Because here most people don’t live to evolve, they live to find happiness whatever their idea of happiness may be. And even if they think they have found it, it’s only transient unless it’s the happiness derived from evolution.

Even bliss is not the goal, it is only an effect of the process – a wonderful sign that you are nearing your goal – but not the goal itself. And that must be where some gurus went wrong. They identified the process with the goal and got stuck along the way, misidentifying the blissful sensation with the oneness which is beyond all sensation or even mind. As a result, as Mars Sector 6 so brilliantly put it in the Sixth Freedom – the Power was still warm in those places.

Just as food can bring pleasure though its purpose is nourishment, and as air brings vitality though its purpose is preservation, evolution brings a deep joy which is eternal but not permanent. And therein lies a paradox which can only be resolved by evolution itself.

Yes, I know the answer now to the desperate question of my 14-year-old self, though I know it to only one degree of infinity.

I also know that I owe even that degree to my master, Dr. George King, for the sacred initiations he bestowed upon me and the opportunities he entrusted me with, which led me to this place.

The path he left of world salvation can also be our key to God realization.


About Richard Lawrence

Richard LawrenceRichard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potentialboth of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).

A Cosmic Realization of the Purpose of Life – in One Word
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens Fri, 28 Jul 2023 17:16:21 +0000 One fascinating aspect of Oppenheimer’s life, omitted from the blockbuster movie, is his response to a prompt from alien representatives from higher planes of other planets in our solar system.…

Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


One fascinating aspect of Oppenheimer’s life, omitted from the blockbuster movie, is his response to a prompt from alien representatives from higher planes of other planets in our solar system.

On June 10, 1954, The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, printed an article under the heading ‘Atom particle find excites U.S. physicists’ about a particle detected by scientists at the University of Chicago, which stated:

A photographic record has been obtained of an atomic particle, apparently from outer space, which it is estimated moved at a speed and energy of ten thousand billion volts…

Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the atomic scientist recently held to be a security risk by the Atomic Energy Commission, said that this was the physics problem to which he now intended to devote his time. ‘It is trying to tell us something if we could read and understand it. Just what the particle is and what force it possesses nobody knows. When we understand what it is we will understand a lot more about the nature of physics.’

The particle tore through a pack of photographic plates carried in a high-altitude balloon over Texas, reportedly like a bullet through a pack of cards. The article continued:

Physicists speculate that the particle is something that nuclear scientists have been asking [about] for years, an anti-proton. This is the opposite to a proton, the core of a hydrogen atom…

In tearing through the film pack it is thought the anti-proton struck a proton and both were annihilated. For scientists the implication is that somewhere in the universe there exists a means of annihilating or converting into energy all the various kinds of matter known on earth.

The story gets really interesting when we find out how this particle got there.

A month prior to this newspaper report, Dr. George King, a Master of yoga living in England, had been contacted by an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence from a higher material plane of the planet Venus, known as Aetherius. This was Dr. King’s first such contact, but it was the beginning of over 40 years of communication with interplanetary beings from both inside our solar system and beyond.

During a channeling session shortly after this news report was published, the Master Aetherius was asked about the discovery of this antiproton and how it got there. There was presumably a hope that the Master Aetherius would be able to give insights into its origins.

The Master Aetherius responded:

we did arrange to bring about this bombardment by an atomic particle, the like of which cannot be found upon this Earth of yours.

We did this in order to give certain of your physicists a lead, so that this lead would help them to evolve, not only mathematical calculations, but also a philosophy superior to that which they hold at the present moment. We feel that certain of the physicists will know and recognise the fact that this particle cannot have been just floating about by chance, that in the beginning it must have been broken away from a molecular and atomic structure, because it is an anti-proton—a part of a particular kind of very fine matter not found in that way on Terra*.

*Note: ‘Terra’ is their word for the Earth.

From You Are Responsible by Dr. George King

So this particle was not there by chance. It was extraterrestrial beings who sent this particle through the photographic plates, and they did so explicitly so that scientists would have something to think about.

It would seem that Oppenheimer began to realize the significance of this antiproton, and therefore to regard it as an important facet of science that he wanted to understand. By deciding to dedicate his time to understanding its implications, he appears to have responded to this extraterrestrial prompting as they had hoped – presumably without his being even remotely aware of the existence of the extraterrestrials in question.

But this isn’t the only aspect of where the worlds of Oppenheimer and aliens may partially intersect.

Oppenheimer is, of course, most well known as the lead scientist in the Manhattan project that produced the atomic bombs detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945.

When the extraterrestrial beings, or Cosmic Masters as he referred to them, first began speaking through Dr. King in the 1950s, one of the key themes of their messages was that humanity needed to move away from atomic experimentation. They taught that the destructive effects of these murder weapons were much greater than we realized, affecting creation on seven octaves of manifestation, not just the octave our science is currently able to detect.

They were also worried about us taking the development of these weapons even further, to the point that we could destroy ourselves. They had, after all, already seen us do this. The human race has previously brought about the destruction of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria through atomic war. And even worse still, the destruction of Maldek, the planet which we lived upon before Earth. All that remains of Maldek now is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Oppenheimer’s leadership of the development of the atomic bomb and his later investigation of this antiproton are two aspects of his life that are poles apart.

On the one hand, he has led humanity in the development of a weapon that is expressly at odds with the wishes of the advanced extraterrestrial beings in our solar system. Yet on the other hand, he has later led humanity in a positive way, by following their prompting to investigate the antiproton.

This is a story of the possibility of redemption. We all make mistakes in life but no matter how bad they are, we all have the chance to change and take a better direction. There is no such thing as eternal damnation; there is always the opportunity to begin to make amends.

In a way, this story is a microcosm of the story of the entire human race. Even though there were individuals at the helm, driving us towards our past mistakes, they were ultimately the mistakes of the human race as a whole and we all bear a certain amount of responsibility for them. These mistakes can’t be easily or quickly corrected, but we have to begin somewhere. We aren’t all scientists of Oppenheimer’s standing, but we can still all help the world in our own way.

We are still in a war of sorts today. Not like the Second World War of Oppenheimer’s time, although there is plenty of that kind of war going on now too. But more so, we are still in a war of love against hate. Love will win, it will ultimately always prevail. But we can help expedite that victory through spiritual action. We can pray. We can radiate love from our hearts to help heal and uplift; to raise consciousness and inspire humanity to move in a better direction.

To close, here is another extract from the Master Aetherius, also from You Are Responsible, about the need for spiritual optimism, regardless of the challenges we face:

You are not alone in your struggles—you have never been alone in your struggles for Spiritual supremacy. We have been aware, for centuries, of the tremendous battle now raging on Terra—a battle between basic materialism on the one hand, and Spirituality and enlightenment on the other hand.

Now, when some of you regard the apparent surface chaos of your Planet, you are apt to be despondent. Cast this despondency to the winds, for it is a useless garment—it could never keep you warm because the winds of doubt could blow through its coarse weave and you would freeze.

Discard your despondency!

Have courage, hope and faith that your most honourable aspiration will be fulfilled by a greater magic than any other magic—the magic that is brought about by the power within you.

About the author
Julian RosserJulian Rosser is a Priest and a Director of The Aetherius Society based in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for The Aetherius Society at its European Headquarters in London and prior to that was on the volunteer staff at the New Zealand Branch. He is a regular blogger, presenter and author of One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

Oppenheimer’s Response to a Prompt from Aliens
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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How to Help Bring Global Peace and Healing with Strategic Prayer Tue, 28 Feb 2023 20:34:08 +0000 What Is Strategic Prayer? Strategic prayer is spiritual first aid. It is used in crisis situations, such as war, plane crashes, earthquakes, floods or riots to bring help, inspiration, and…

How to Help Bring Global Peace and Healing with Strategic Prayer
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


What Is Strategic Prayer?

Strategic prayer is spiritual first aid. It is used in crisis situations, such as war, plane crashes, earthquakes, floods or riots to bring help, inspiration, and healing and to assist in relief efforts. If, for example, a war is pending somewhere in the world and peace talks are about to begin, you may feel inspired to send prayers to the peacemakers because the outcome may depend upon the decisions of these people.

Your reason for the prayer is not to make the peacemakers feel better; it is more important than that. You want them to act in accordance with their greater wisdom – their Higher Selves. You are not asking that they become happy and fulfilled; you are asking that they might have the clarity of mind or wisdom to make the right decisions, whatever they might be. Your prayers, if phrased correctly, will help them to do just that. You are then playing your part in keeping the peace. One person could make a key difference to the outcome!

We should never use prayers to change people’s minds in a specific way. The mission of prayer practitioners is to radiate love, to inspire, and to heal—not to judge or manipulate—and to leave the outcome to the great law of karma, or God.

Here is an example of prayer that can be said when nations are attempting to negotiate peace:

A Strategic Non-denominational Prayer for Peace Negotiations 

Oh Divine Creator and Preserver of All Life,

I humbly request that Your boundless Love, light, and healing

May flow now to all involved in the Peace Talks in [name the area].

I pray that they may be risen up to the Light, Love, and Wisdom

That dwells silently within them.

May Your Divine Power flow now

In a stream of Love to These Ones,

Filling, inspiring, and strengthening them at this time

So that they may know their nearness to Your great Heart.

Oh Wondrous God,

I request that the result of these Peace Talks

May be in accordance with Your Infinite Will.

In all humility, do I thank You

For listening to my prayer

And for allowing me to be a channel

For your everlasting Love.

May Your Will be forever done.

Strategic prayer is something you may not have thought about previously because the words strategy and prayer do not usually go together. However, by directing prayer intelligently and with intention to sensitive situations, you can help to bring about harmony and resolution.

Politics never has, and never will, bring lasting solutions because all types of outward changes are at best only temporary. For a lasting solution, we have to bring a spiritual change within ourselves and throughout the world via our prayers and spiritual actions. If enough people make this spiritual change then, by the great law of karma, lasting peace will be created.

You may be only one person, but there are eight billion of us compared with the handful of real leaders in our world. More than ever before, the ball is in our individual and collective courts. As the great Spiritual Master Dr. George King said: “The real energy crisis which exists upon our world is the spiritual energy crisis, and if this was solved, all other crises would cease to exist.”[1] Strategic prayer is a wonderful way to really make a positive difference.

Another example of the usefulness of strategic prayer is during a natural disaster, such as an earthquake. Pray for those who are injured, those who have lost loved ones, and for those involved in the relief efforts. Your prayers will help to inspire them and will give them greater strength and determination. Prayer energy can help on other levels as well, such as enabling food, water, and medicines to be distributed more easily. You can phrase your strategic prayers so that they help all the relief workers, from the administrators, to those driving the trucks, to the medics in the field. All of these people are essential to a smooth and effective relief effort, and your prayers can help the entire process.

Prayer energy enables things to flow more easily on a psychic and spiritual level. It works at the level of giving people extra strength and energy to do the work they have to do. It can inspire them to do more, uplift their spirits, motivate them, and heal them. Prayer works through people and with people.

Here is another prayer that can be said for victims of a natural disaster:

A Strategic Non-denominational Prayer for Victims of a Natural Disaster

Oh wondrous creator of all life,

May your Divine and infinite love

Flow now to all the victims of the earthquake in [name the area]

So that they may be comforted

And given the help, healing, and strength they need at this time.

Oh wondrous God,

May your divine light flow now to bring harmony to this area of Earth

To act as a healing balm at this time of great need.

May your wondrous power also flow to all those

Brave souls who are working in many ways

To bring aid and relief to this area.

May this power fill them with strength and love,

May it surround them with your divine protection

So that they may feel their nearness to You.

Oh that which is behind and within all Life,

I am indeed grateful for Your divine help

And I pray, in all humility,

That your will may be done.

There are many other types of strategic prayer that you can use, such as prayers for the environment, for the relief of famine and starvation, for peace when there is the threat of war, for victims of a plane crash, or in other instances of severe disasters.

A Strategic Prayer Exercise

  • Read the prayer you wish to use a couple of times until you understand what you are saying and feel comfortable with the words, or write your own prayer. Think about what the words mean and of the positive effect they will have, and feel compassion in your heart for those you are about to help.
  • When you are ready, seated or standing, raise your hands in the prayer mudra, with hands raised to about shoulder height, palms facing outwards. Keep your fingers and thumb together and be relaxed around your neck and shoulders.  Keep your feet flat on the floor and your spine straight (see photo below).
  • Using your imagination, visualize a brilliant white light coming down through space, entering your head and brain, coming down through your neck and shoulders, and flowing out through your heart chakra, which is a few inches in front of the physical body, and from the palms of your hands. Feel the wonderful, uplifting spiritual power flowing through you.
  • Say the prayer with as much feeling, love, and power as you can. Say it as if your life—and the lives of other people—depended upon it, as indeed they might. At the point in the prayer where you request that power flows through you to the focal point of your prayer, allow a pause during which you visualize a brilliant white light of love flowing from your heart and palm chakras.
  • Always make your visualizations positive. Do not visualize the pain and suffering you have heard about in the news, visualize the region being filled with white light – with people there being joyful, in perfect health and spiritually uplifted.
  • Afterwards, swipe your right-hand palm over your left-hand palm in the mudra of detachment.

The hand position for prayer as taught by Master of Yoga Dr. George King.


Rest assured that your prayers really help. You will never know exactly what good you have done, but know that you have transformed the world to some degree. You may have helped avert a war or helped to save the life of a child on the other side of the world.

In answer to a question Gary Blaze (my husband and co-author of the book, Power Prayer) was asked about prayer, he said this:

I firmly believe, and have had proved to me from practical experience, that we all can do something. All it takes is a heartfelt desire, a technique, and the will to learn and apply that technique. For example, a murderer sitting in a prison can, if he has the above, send healing to others. Granted, his abilities and results will improve with time and practice, but he can still help others now. As a healer, I know painfully and full well how limited I am as both a healer and as a person, and how much I have to learn, but if I wait until that day when I may be deemed ready, how many people would I have missed helping? The important thing is to start. What I’m trying to say is that I know you can help now, and become part of the solution.

Please join us in our regular online Twelve Blessings Services at to learn more about prayer, and about the prayers of The Twelve Blessings – the New Age Teachings of The Master Jesus, delivered through Dr. George King in 1958 as a spiritual teaching and powerful tool for this Age.

[1]Beyond Science’ article by Chrissie Blaze, edited by Dr. George King.

Chrissie Blaze

About the author
Chrissie Blaze has been a Member of The Aetherius Society since 1972 and was a close student of Dr George King for 25 years. She is an ordained Priest in The Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power.

How to Help Bring Global Peace and Healing with Strategic Prayer
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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From Orthodoxy to Mysticism – My Christian Journey Wed, 15 Feb 2023 08:01:45 +0000 Almost 40 years ago, in 1984, I was an orthodox Christian. I regularly attended St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, London, known to many people around the world as “the…

From Orthodoxy to Mysticism – My Christian Journey
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Mystic Journey

Almost 40 years ago, in 1984, I was an orthodox Christian. I regularly attended St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, London, known to many people around the world as “the parish church of England”.

I also gave of my services to the Scrub Club, a motley crew of pensioners plus a few lost souls who cleaned the church each Saturday evening. Given that the church was a home for many of London’s down-and-outs, it was little surprise, though highly amusing, when a friend once commented that it was “more like cleaning up after a football match” than dusting a few pews as he had expected.


Image: St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London

My search for Truth had been prompted a few years beforehand when my conscience told me that all was not right with the world. That led to my reading of the four Gospels, and that in turn gave way to my church attendance. I had found in Christ a man who clearly knew the Way, and the way in which we should all rightly live on Earth.

It was therefore something of a shock when I was introduced by a colleague from work to The Aetherius Society. The Society maintains that Christ, or “the Master Jesus,” originates from Venus and that he was an avatar like the Lord Buddha, Shri Krishna and others who had come to this world in order to teach and inspire mankind. Yet these beliefs were tame in comparison to their claim that Jesus had communicated through the founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King.

Two years later, in 1986, I became a Member of The Aetherius Society. The idea that Jesus was from Venus no longer disturbed me. I had always been open to more advanced life existing on other planets albeit upon higher levels of vibration than the physical level of Earth. Flying saucers and psychic mediums alone had done enough to convince me of both of these. Besides, the Bible itself records Jesus as saying “I am from the bright and morning star”, Venus; and “the Star of Bethlehem” makes far more sense as a spacecraft rather than a star hovering over a stable.

But it was this alleged contact between Dr. George King and the Master Jesus which intrigued me and, after sincere investigation, caused me to join The Aetherius Society. Dr. King, I was to learn, was no ordinary individual. Through the adoption of a “positive yogic Samadhic trance” following years of intensely disciplined training, he had been the channel for over 600 “Cosmic Transmissions” throughout the 1950s and ‘60s. These Transmissions were given by advanced Space Intelligences, mainly from Mars and Venus. Included amongst these Transmissions was a series of twelve delivered by the Master Jesus in London on consecutive Sunday mornings between July 27th and October 12th, 1958.

Dr. George King with an early edition of The Twelve Blessings

Image: Dr. George King with a first edition of “The Twelve Blessings”

This was not the first time Jesus had spoken in this way through Dr. George King. There had been previous occasions, very often in London’s famous Caxton Hall before audiences of several hundred. Such was the power released as these Transmissions were given that mass fainting was not uncommon. But “The Twelve Blessings”, delivered to a limited audience of 53, were unquestionably special even then. By the time they were over the focus of terrestrial religion could never be the same again. A new concept – a Cosmic Concept – had been given to humanity, and it had been given by Revelation as a Voice of God speaking through the exceptional abilities of a remarkable man.

So what are these Twelve Blessings? Many people have referred to them as a cosmic extension to the Sermon on the Mount. Now that humanity has reached a stage in our evolution where we are beginning to venture into space and, at the same time, gain a greater scientific understanding of the cosmos, it is necessary for us to spiritually develop ourselves. The ultimate Truth is that we, like the Master Jesus, are Divine Beings; and that we exist within an unlimited Universe of Oneness. We are far from being alone in this Universe. The Twelve Blessings present this immaculate philosophy in the most precise and beautiful way. They are teachings for humanity to grow into as we emerge into a whole New Age of greater cosmic awareness.

However, The Twelve Blessings are more than just a series of teachings. Even more importantly than this, they become – as they were intended – a deeply mystical spiritual practice.

Significantly, most of the Blessings were concluded by the Master Jesus with a prayer. Through the use of these prayers a stream of energy is sent out by the prayer to the focal point of each particular Blessing, for example “the Mother Earth” in the Seventh Blessing. By Karmic Law, energy is returned to the person praying from the focal point to which the initial energy was sent. This is one of the secrets behind the power of these wonderful Blessings. It is in this fashion that we may very potently avail ourselves of the spiritual energy necessary to gain enlightenment.

It was actually as a result of my own continued experience with this practice that led not only to my own acceptance of these teachings as coming from Jesus but also my membership of The Aetherius Society. Joining with Services of The Twelve Blessings held in the basement chapel where they had originally been given, I found that as I prayed with outstretched arms, (we have psychic centers in the palms of our hands able to transmit energy) my arms became like rods of steel with shafts of White Light extending out from them as the Blessings increased in potency towards the Twelfth Blessing. It was physically difficult to lower them. This repeated experience, coupling itself with the sheer beauty and profundity of the Blessings, enabled me to bring about a much deeper state of spiritual awareness than I had ever previously known.

It is this which is at the very core of The Twelve Blessings. The opportunity for each of us to heighten our own spiritual and cosmic awareness and in the process transmit great quantities of uplifting healing energy, unseen by the naked eye but most evident to the psychic, out to the world as a whole.

I encourage you to watch the video above and try it for yourself!


About the author
Rev. Paul Nugent is an International Director of The Aetherius Society having joined the Society in England in 1986. He was a personal assistant to Dr. George King during the latter years of his life. Active in interfaith, Paul is also an Emeritus Board Member of the Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.

From Orthodoxy to Mysticism – My Christian Journey
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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The most spiritual thing we can do Fri, 20 Jan 2023 08:01:17 +0000 I think there is a great danger on the spiritual path of underestimating service. Even if we think service is important, even if we think that service is the most…

The most spiritual thing we can do
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The most spiritual thing we can do

I think there is a great danger on the spiritual path of underestimating service.

Even if we think service is important, even if we think that service is the most important thing we can do, there is still a temptation to think of it as a chore. As the grunt work. As something we have to do because it is compassionate and good, but not the real top stuff, not the really profound stuff, not the great heights of spirituality really – but more just a means to an end.

A few years ago, but already after many years on the spiritual path, I began to realize how wrong this was.

Service is not just something we have to do – service is not even just the most spiritual thing we can do – it is also the most profound, the most mystical, the most deeply linked to our Divine nature.

We see a glimpse of this in these amazing words from Mars Sector 6 in the Third of The Nine Freedoms – ‘Service’:

Serve and be great! Nay – be Everlasting.

This is the kind of thing you hear, and you let it just wash over you. You get the basic idea of how wonderful service is and that’s it.

But let’s look at what is actually said.

“Serve and be great” – well that’s easy enough to grasp, on a basic level, at least, but what about Mars Sector 6 taking it up a notch – in fact up a very large notch – from “great” to “everlasting”.

This really does brilliantly take it out of the realms of the mundane. How overused is the word “great” in English?

For example – “one of the great actors of our generation” – when this absurd hyperbole applies to nothing more than some clown who is reasonably good at pretending to be someone else for our entertainment.

This is not greatness by any stretch of the imagination.

Or what about: “Fancy a sandwich?” “Yeah – that’d be great.”

We probably all do it – I certainly do – but when we stop and think about it we can see how silly it is.

So Mars Sector 6 here is taking service out of any conceivable danger of being underestimated, by rescuing it, as it were, from the word “great”, which, in our general conversational use of the word, we have demeaned and debased until it is almost worthless.

And he has done this by putting it on a level that is truly and unambiguously free of association with the ordinary, with the basic, with the everyday petty nonsense of the foolish lives of many of us much of the time.

What is everlasting? Actors are not everlasting. Sandwiches are not everlasting. Not even planets, solar systems or galaxies are everlasting.

So what is everlasting?

Only one thing.

Only one thing is everlasting.

And that is God – the Divine – the Creator – the One Source.

This and this alone is everlasting.

So if service makes us everlasting – then service makes us God.

God is all. Therefore we are already God. So, to be precise, service does not make us God, but service enables us to become conscious of being God. This is the meaning of Enlightenment – which is the next of The Nine Freedoms.

Service is God’s nature. To contemplate service is to contemplate the psychology of God. Why is service the greatest thing in creation? Why did God make manifestation in that way? Why did God express itself – as us – with this – with service – as the path back to knowledge of its own true self?

Here’s a quick thought – not necessarily a fact, just an idea – if God is all, then there is nothing outside of itself to serve.

Service is, as it were, the one thing it cannot do. How can you be of service if you are complete – perfection – with nothing outside of yourself that needs your help?

And so, God, by wrapping itself up in matter – as individual beings – be it a plant, an ant, a human or planet – is then able to serve other individual beings. It is as if God’s creation of the universe is, as it were, inspired by its desire to serve – which it can only do by limiting itself as individualized beings. It is by creating individualized selves, that it is able to express its selflessness – for it is only then, that there is anyone to be of service to.

This post is based on Mark Bennett’s contribution to the Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence. This episode was released on October 28th, 2022, and is entitled ‘The most spiritual thing we can do’. Subscribe to ‘The Spiritual Freedom Show‘.


About the author
Mark Bennett
Mark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.




The most spiritual thing we can do
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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How to escape the matrix Wed, 14 Dec 2022 08:01:23 +0000 If you would burn up your lower Karmic aspects, you would serve. If you would, at this very moment, begin to build tomorrow’s temple upon the sure foundations of today’s…

How to escape the matrix
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

how to escape the matrix

If you would burn up your lower Karmic aspects, you would serve.

If you would, at this very moment, begin to build tomorrow’s temple upon the sure foundations of today’s right action, you would serve.

If you would be free from the materialistic prison cunningly devised to enslave you, you would serve.

If you would be detached from your own petty worries, you would serve.

If you would enjoy better health, you would serve.

If you would prepare yourselves for the New World, you would serve.

Self-help is a massive industry – and a massive subject in the media. Here we have a being from another planet giving humanity facets of the ultimate self-help manifesto. Here we have the most important advice we could possibly be given to get out of our current problems, and to grow as individuals.

And the line that I’d really like to highlight here is this absolute gem:

If you would be free from the materialistic prison cunningly devised to enslave you, you would serve.

There’s a lot of talk on social media about “Leaving the Matrix”, about sinister control by an elite either in government, or controlling government from behind the scenes. There’s talk of how we are being brainwashed en masse, lied to, weakened etc.

Some of what is said is true, and some goes a bit far, and some doesn’t go far enough, but the real point I’d like to make is not the details of what the problem is – but what the solution is.

The problem is summed up by Mars Sector 6 as a “materialistic prison”. Obviously we are not physically in prison, so what is this prison? It is a mental prison. A prison of our own minds. If it is in our own minds, it means that we have accepted it. If we have accepted it, it means we can reject it.

How do we reject it?

One growing trend is to believe that escaping the matrix can be achieved through becoming wealthy – especially through becoming an unconventional – outside the box – businessman – and then leading this very appealing life of fast cars, private jets, beautiful women and so on.

This is not escaping the matrix, this is just being in a nicer part of the matrix – but actually more imprisoned than ever.

The way to escape the matrix – to free ourselves from the materialistic prison – is not the accumulation of vast wealth for our own selfish purposes.

The way to escape the matrix is to help others. This is freedom. You can’t be controlled by anyone if your only allegiance is to helping others. The way we are controlled is through the promise of ease, comfort, popularity, and the fulfilment of all our basic desires. If we take these things off our priority list, and instead focus on helping other people – on building a better world – for everyone – we might not be rich, we might not have an instagrammably enviable lifestyle – but – mentally – we will be free.

You might say, what if a guy makes hundreds of millions of dollars and uses it in service to others – well that of course is totally different. That’s not being a slave of the matrix – of the materialistic prison – that is using the matrix to subvert the matrix. It’s showing that you have control over it, not that it has control over you. And using money to genuinely help the world is definitely a great way of being of service. Not the only way, by any means, but certainly a great way.

But, by “helping the world” I don’t mean just taking in a handful of stray dogs – or giving 0.0000001 percent of your income to charity – like… token “nice guy” behaviour – I mean really dedicating your focus, your energy, your wealth, into making a difference on as big a scale as you possibly can.

This is the secret of freedom. This is the key out of the materialistic prison. This is the secret door out of the matrix.

Materialism is the belief – the lie – that the meaning of life is the accumulation of things and pleasure brought by the senses. This is the great lie. If we believe this lie – we are enslaved. It’s that simple.

Whereas if we believe we are Sparks of God – that everything is a Spark of God, and that therefore everything is one – then we know that the meaning of life is not wealth – but wisdom. What is wisdom? Wisdom is love – true selfless love – in practical action. This is freedom.

This post is based on Mark Bennett’s contribution to the Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence. This episode was released on September 17th, 2022, and is entitled How to escape the matrix. You can listen to the episode here and subscribe to the show here.


Also listen to our related podcast ‘How to escape the matrix‘, hosted by Mark Bennett with Darren Ball.


About the author
Mark Bennett
Mark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.




How to escape the matrix
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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A tale of two worlds Wed, 23 Nov 2022 09:06:01 +0000   Planet Earth is irrevocably moving towards a great change, the long prophesied New Age. This change is going to affect all life on Earth – certainly on this physical…

A tale of two worlds
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


A tale of two worlds

Planet Earth is irrevocably moving towards a great change, the long prophesied New Age. This change is going to affect all life on Earth – certainly on this physical plane – and humanity as a whole has a choice:

1) We either make the necessary changes to our lifestyle and embrace spirituality which will alter our vibratory rate


2) Carry on as we are and, in the course of time, our planet will become uninhabitable for us as we will not be able to sustain the atmospheric changes which will gradually take place, leaving the surface of Earth open to higher cosmic ray bombardment.

We are undoubtedly at the 11th hour of our existence on Earth but our position is not hopeless. All life throughout the universe will progress through evolution and the lessons that come to all of us are the results of our past thoughts and actions. This is referred to as karma, and a number of people are starting to understand the significance of this great Law which pervades the whole of manifestation.

Every planet in our Solar System is inhabited on higher levels of existence. The civilizations that inhabit these other planets have evolved beyond the limitations of humankind on this physical plane and lead a peaceful, spiritual existence, helping other more backward races to evolve. They look with sadness at the behaviour of the human race but they are limited in the extent that they are able to help us. They will not force us to change our ways because that would constitute a breach of the Karmic Law and they can therefore only help us in more subtle ways.

They have sent their emissaries over the centuries, to incarnate amongst the people they want to teach and there are accounts throughout our history that suggest very strongly that the great spiritual teachers of certain new religious movements of their day were not of this world. 

Coming to the present age, the UFO phenomenon is being given ever more recognition by governments around the world, yet alien beings do not openly land their craft on Earth for all to witness. Contrary to the alarmist publicity put out by certain government agencies, the fact that these craft do not land openly could be seen to suggest that they are not hostile or a threat to our security.

We are definitely under observation from otherworldly beings and this is part of the great plan of evolution towards the Source from whence we came. Their strategy is to get us to change from within and open up our consciousness to higher truth. In many respects, our civilization has advanced, particularly in the 20th century, and, according to numerous polls, most people can accept the concept of alien life. Indeed, nothing in creation is an accident of nature, and, in fact, the universe is teeming with life at different stages of evolution.

The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr. George King with him bearing the responsibility of being the principal contactee for the Cosmic Masters, as they are referred to, and this has been their primary chosen method of communication, rather than landing en masse. These communications, which spanned over 43 years, are referred to as Cosmic Transmissions and Mental Transmissions.

The Cosmic Masters see our world and all its subtle planes and are concerned by the preponderance of negative energy that is circulating through the mindbelt. This is drawn upon by people, who for the most part are completely unaware of the impact it has on their day-to-day thinking. What is needed is an injection of spiritual energy that would affect people in a positive way and help to open up their minds towards higher consciousness. 

The Cosmic Masters came up with a plan to bring a satellite into orbit of our world on a regular basis, which is referred to as Satellite No.3. This giant spacecraft, over a mile long, is able to target individuals who perform a spiritual act, an act of service, and enhance the karmic potency of such an unselfish act by a factor of three thousand.

The history of the human race is very dark. We have destroyed two advanced civilizations on this planet: Atlantis and, previous to that, Lemuria. Even worse than that, we have destroyed an entire planet, referred to as Maldek, and all that is left of that is the asteroid belt. All these terrible catastrophes were the result of nuclear war.

Satellite No.3 does not only operate in our Solar System. It travels across the Galaxy, helping worlds similar to ours, with an outpouring of spiritual energy to help them advance and turn away from war and selfishness. The first contact of Dr. King, referred to in our teaching as the Master Aetherius, gave us the example of another planetary race in another part of the Milky Way which was helped by Satellite No.3.

The Master Aetherius delivered a message on August 25th, 1956, appealing to us to tune in to the emanations radiated from Satellite No.3 which is under the command of a great intelligence referred to as Mars Sector 6. This help was offered to humanity in the spirit of friendship which would help to bring about a spiritual reorientation. In this message, the Master Aetherius refers to the help offered to another planet in the Milky Way at a similar level of evolution to us, facing similar problems. The Master Aetherius explains the situation and the outcome:

There was another one in the Milky Way that was almost as near to total destruction, but they listened to our frequent hammering upon the doors of their conscience. They opened these doors and examined themselves and they tuned into the self-same emanations which will be offered to you from August 30th onwards; and in less than fifty years they had changed the whole of conditions upon their Planet. These things are true. I have not come millions of miles to tell you a lot of rubbish. They are true and the time will come when they will be proven to all of you, despite your present beliefs, or because of them.

If other Planets can do it, so can you. The average intelligence of the particular Planet of which I am talking, that saved itself from destruction, was no higher than the average intelligence of your people – in fact you people are far more artistic than were these particular entities, and yet they did it. They have no poverty today such as you have upon Terra. They do not need prisons such as you seem to need, or think you need, upon Terra. They do not need to pay official state murderers called “executioners” such as you people have to pay upon Terra, nor do they have to waste money keeping great armies. Why? Because they tuned into the self-same power offered to you. Try it for yourselves and you will agree with me. I know you will.

There is the example of a world similar to ours in many ways that heeded the advice given to them by wiser and greater beings than them and their civilization changed in the light of greater reason, and, within a very short time, they brought about a miraculous change upon their planet. We are not asked to do anything that is beyond our capability. We have to start looking at ourselves as one planetary race instead of disparate groups of people at loggerheads with each other. We have to learn to take responsibility for our actions and realize that there will be consequences. If the whole of humanity started to understand the Law of Karma, we could leave behind us the dark days of cruelty and ignorance and go forwards to a new era of spirituality and real freedom. We have to break away from centuries of conditioning and open our minds to new and exciting possibilities.

A year after the Transmission in 1956, a question and answer session took place through Dr. King, whilst in samadhic trance, between the Master Aetherius and a live audience in London, England. Members of the audience were invited to ask questions. One of the questions posed related to the plan of reorganization that took place on the planet that accepted the help offered by the Cosmic Masters. The Master Aetherius replied as follows:

We did impregnate this planet and we did make many approaches to them. And they did listen to us, you see. And when we asked them to turn back to the teachings of their own Holy Masters, they began to do this. There was a great religious revival. All art and music was recognized as being an expression of the – I mean right art and right music of course; not this horrible, warped old stuff, but all right art and music – was regarded as being an expression of the super-consciousness and eventually they discovered the connection between pure religion, pure art and pure music and science and philosophy. Do you see?

And there came about very, very quickly, really, a great reorientation of thought because the people, as a whole, were so fed-up with their present – apparently unfair systems, that they dropped them. Do you see? And with the sudden rise of consciousness, such a request – if you wish to call it – was transmitted by them to the adepts who were directing our intervening operations that we had to virtually meet their demands. They knocked upon the door and we had to open it for them, don’t you see. So we taught them, then, how to amalgamate all these so-called sciences and form one great spiritual science, which might be termed by Terra as occultism or metaphysics, or something like that. Do you see? Philosophy, religion, even their economic system they transcribed and translated into a system of universal service. So did they reach a certain stage quickly.

Now, when we landed, because of their frequent requests, they virtually did travel through the heavens quite quickly in the matter of but a short space of time. Do you see? They did accept us. And not only did they do this theoretically, they did it practically as well. Do you see?

The Master Aetherius comments on the fact that the human race is far more artistic than this particular race of people, but nevertheless they used the arts as an expression of their higher consciousness which helped to revolutionize their whole civilization. In cultures around the world art, music and philosophy have inspired people towards Divinity. You only have to look at the great masterpieces and musical compositions that are aspects of the greatest part of human achievement. This shows that such a transformation is possible. It is not beyond our reach. Our terrestrial civilization has a long history of near success followed by failure. For millions of years we have allowed ourselves to be in the iron grip of the dark forces that populate the lower astral realms and have spread their evil influence to the physical plane. We have to break away from this vice-like grip and reach out to the cosmos and higher truth.

In fact the great Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 stated in a Cosmic Transmission in 1960 that in a certain respect we have the greatest opportunity ever offered to any life-streams in the whole Solar System since its inception. He stated:

For man upon Terra has fallen so low that the climb back could be far more glorious than any yet accomplished since the inception of this Solar System…. Mankind could, if he used his skill correctly, bring about total terrestrial disarmament and employ the present wasted energies in constructive channels so that great fertilization of his rich Earth would dispel starvation from the surface of Terra forever!

These great beings watch over us and help us as much as they can within the restraints of the Karmic Law. However they cannot make the journey for us. We have to do it ourselves.

What a glorious future awaits us if we, as a planetary race, can come together as one, put aside our differences and rise up to a new dawn for our world…!

About the author
Alyson Lawrence
Alyson is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

A tale of two worlds
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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There’s no excuse for atheism! Wed, 03 Aug 2022 06:43:59 +0000 Do you think that Jesus is the one and only son of God? Do you believe in eternal hell? I don’t believe these things, but that doesn’t make me an…

There’s no excuse for atheism!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

There's no excuse for atheism

Do you think that Jesus is the one and only son of God?

Do you believe in eternal hell?

I don’t believe these things, but that doesn’t make me an atheist.

And if you don’t believe these things, that doesn’t make you an atheist either.

In fact, my own Spiritual Teacher, Dr. George King – who was about as far from being an atheist as it is possible to be – stated the following:

…there is no such thing as eternal hell and purgatory and damnation. That is the biggest unadulterated rubbish I have ever heard of. There is no such thing as: ‘If you do not believe that this Master is the one and only, or that Master is the one and only, you’re condemned to eternal damnation.’ That is unadulterated trash – and a lie. And a dangerous one. So dangerous that some religionists have their poor deluded congregations crushed in their hands, afraid to move hither or yon. Some of them eventhe more primitive peopleafraid to think for themselves…  (Note 1)

The problem with atheism, though, is that it is not just the perfectly correct rejection of traditional religious nonsense like this, but that it is also the acceptance of a whole new nonsense that is probably even worse…!

That new nonsense is the blind belief that there is no God of any kind.

There is no evidence for this belief at all.

Logical and evidentiary flaws in certain religions are not evidence to support atheism. They are evidence that those religions are flawed. Nothing more, nothing less.

An analogy for this would be: the fact that all the food in the cupboard is rotten does not support the idea that we don’t need to eat. It just means that we should find better food that isn’t rotten.

Similarly, religious hypocrisy – and downright wickedness in certain cases – is not evidence of God not existing, or even necessarily that those religions are wrong. All it means is that the people following the religion have been wrong in their actions.

You may agree with me so far, but still think: “I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t bring myself to believe in something I have no experience of myself.”

Well, I think that is fair enough, but that doesn’t make you an atheist, that makes you an agnostic: someone honest enough, and logical enough, to say – “Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know.”

Personally, I think this is probably where we should all start – even as children. In order to know something, the first thing you have to do is to admit that you don’t know it yet. Like a glass having to be empty before it can be filled.

When I was a child I always had kind of a vague belief in God – but I did not have a knowledge of God. I desperately wanted to know the truth with as much certainty as possible; “maybes” weren’t really good enough.

Let me explain…

My question was not so much “Is there a God?” but more: “What is God?”

In other words: “What is the source of creation, what is the ultimate power of the universe? Is it an old man with a long white beard on a cloud? Is it a non-Christian type of a God? Or is it something more abstract – harder to visualize and define?”

If we define God as the ultimate source and ultimate power behind everything in creation – the question “Does God exist?” becomes absurd. The question should not be “Is it?” but rather “What is it?”

You might say that we know that the ultimate source of creation was the Big Bang: the idea that the universe began as just a single point, and then expanded. But what was that single point? Why did it start expanding?

You might then say that it was some kind of chemical reaction or whatever scientists say it was (I am no expert, as you can see) – but that then raises the question: where did these chemicals come from? Why did they react in that way?

You might say that the reactions were a result of obeying the laws of physics – but why do these laws exist?

In fact, why does anything exist at all?!

* * *

It was one thing to be an atheist in the dark old days when virtually the only religion available to you was the one you were born into. If you could see the absurdity of that religion, what other recourse did you have?

But that is not the case today – at least certainly not in this part of the world. Thousands of religions, philosophies and spiritual ideologies are at our very fingertips just by typing in a few questions on Google.

In fact, we now have virtually the opposite problem to that of a couple of hundred years ago. We now have too much information, and it can seem overwhelming.

So what’s the answer?

The answer is: motive and effort.

These twin-angels in your spiritual quest will fire up the furnace of your intuition, guide the direction of your logic, and even give you whatever evidence you may need – you personally may need – not want, but need – to convince you.

If you really want truth – unconditionally – no matter what that truth may be, and if you are really willing to put the effort in – whatever effort is required – and if you are willing to live and act in the light of that truth when you have found it – then you will find it.

My strong advice in this quest would be: Along the way – never stop asking questions – of those who are meant to know, of yourself, and of God itself – whatever it may be. Do not surrender to the ignorance of blind belief. Do not be cowed into acceptance of false logic. Do not be bullied by conditioning that tries to control you by its condemnation of the true seeker.

How can you know without asking? Ask, ask, and ask again!

* * *

When I was about 16 and was beginning to try out the King Yoga practices taught by The Aetherius Society, I felt that I was getting close to the truth, but I was far from certain.

One evening, in the pitch blackness of my bedroom, when I was meant to be asleep, I stood with my arms raised in prayer, and prayed from the very bottom of my heart – as hard as I could – for truth – as unconditionally as I could conceive of – and promised that I would follow this truth if I found it.

Almost immediately I felt a surge of energy coursing through me like nothing I had ever experienced before. My eyes were closed and I didn’t see anything of any kind, but it felt as if a shaft of light had come from above and was filling my whole being.

I have never felt anything quite like it before or since.

* * *

The journey from the honest admission of ignorance – through a quest that meanders into open-minded belief – gradually reaches something more akin to knowledge. Not a blind belief – not academic information – but a true knowledge, born of intuition, logic and even sense perception.

But the journey is still not over.

The knowledge grows and blossoms into Enlightenment, but even this is not the end.

As the Karmic Lord Mars Sector 6 stated on November 17th, 1977:

“Remember – the journey towards true Spiritual Enlightenment is hard and the road steep – and it lasts forever. But the goal eventually reached, lasts forever and forever!”

The Aetherius Society Newsletter, Volume 17, Issues 1, 2, 3 & 4; January–February 1978  


Note 1: This extract is taken from a lecture entitled ‘Karma and Reincarnation’ given in Amersham, England, on June 19th, 1973. Among many other things, Dr. George King explains in this lecture the premise of karma as a more logical alternative to the false notion of eternal hell.



We warmly invite you to attend one of our Sunday Divine Services  or Twelve Blessings Services at one of our centers around the world


About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

There’s no excuse for atheism!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 6 37666
What’s the point in going to Church? Wed, 29 Jun 2022 07:01:42 +0000 Good question! And, for many, the question is also the answer, in the sense that there is no answer, or at least not a good enough answer to motivate them…

What’s the point in going to Church?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

What's the point in going to Church?

Good question!

And, for many, the question is also the answer, in the sense that there is no answer, or at least not a good enough answer to motivate them into actually going.

For certain others – it isn’t even a question. Religion plays no part in their lives whatsoever, and the spiritual urge is often “replaced” by an almost idolatrous and highly irrational obsession with a sports team or a celebrity who is completely undeserving of their adoration.

Alternatively, they consider themselves “scientific” and live by the delusion that the meaning of life either does not exist, or can be confined to a test-tube or should be explicable by some mathematical formula; the kind of cold, soulless approach that Dostoevsky referred to as “the despicable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man.”

For others still, the situation is perhaps even a little sadder. They feel a genuine spiritual urge, and are drawn to religion, but when they actually go to church they are profoundly disappointed. What they see is hypocrisy, irrationality, superstition, empty ritual, random dictates, judgementalism, lack of genuine faith, – and, in short, a whole load of nonsense almost utterly devoid of logic: myths and moralities from a bygone age that have no place in a modern, scientific, more open-minded world.

So what is that “point” that such a person may be looking for – but does not see?

Well, first of all, some people may not really be looking for a “point” at all – at least not a religious point. They may be more interested in community, tradition, friendship, status, social standing, respectability and so forth. But some, or perhaps even all, of such things, are often available elsewhere – in a completely secular setting, which may be more appealing to those not attracted to religion.

I have great sympathy for atheists and agnostics – perhaps even too much. When you look at the ridiculous things – and historically the downright wicked things – that religion has been responsible for – coupled with a lack of proper answers to reasonable questions – and instead endless vagueness and contradiction… is it really any wonder that someone might turn against religion?!

And yet, in the modern Western world we are blessed with freedom of religion and a plethora of paths to choose from. The quest need not end with disappointment in your local parish church – because there are so many alternatives.

Not all of these alternatives are good, and not all mainstream religion is bad. In fact countless charitable organizations, and even just simple acts of kindness, can be attributed to mainstream religion. And likewise, certain “alternative” approaches to religion can vary from the superficial to the downright sinister.

But there are certain alternatives to mainstream religion that are very good indeed. These paths go deeper into the real nature of the Divine and the meaning of life – and offer effective ways to raise consciousness and find enlightenment. And most important of all, teach forms of selfless service that address the very heart of the problems on this Earth. That is the real point of going to church, temple or wherever it might be that you go to to express the God-Spark within you. 

These paths take many different forms and these forms will appeal to different people for different reasons – and such diversity is to be celebrated.

For example, some will be attracted to a highly ritualistic religion, with complex ceremonies and elaborate vestments, beautiful temples and an ancient tradition – while others may be equally devout and yet repulsed by such “empty vanities”, as they may perceive such things.

The truth is that both types of path have a certain something – and should be regarded as valid approaches to express a relationship with the Divine. Whether your approach is through what you would call the beauty of holiness, or what someone else would call the simplicity of the sacred – both are two sides of the same coin of the love of God.

And yet, if we look deeper we can see that in fact all true ritual, symbolism, and even church vestments should have an entirely practical purpose – it’s not just about beauty or tradition.

To the “religionist” a ritual is an act that for some unknown reason has a supernatural effect because God has decided that it should. Whereas, to the mystic, there is no such thing as the supernatural. As St. Augustine of Hippo wisely stated: “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.

Ritual therefore is a way of controlling and using subtle natural forces that have a very real effect on our lives and the world around us. There is a reason – a precise scientific reason – for every aspect of the ritual, and if these are not correctly put into practice, the ritual will fail. Science as we know it does not yet understand ritual, or the subtle natural forces involved – but one day these will be understood by science on this Earth.

Similarly, ecclesiastical vestments are not just some ridiculous archaic form of fancy dress – but – if correctly designed and manufactured – are ideal conduits for the flow of spiritual energy in, around and through the Minister, Priest or Bishop during the ritual. Similarly, symbols also have a power that affects subtle energy flow.

And, by the way, this energy is not some wishy-washy fanciful figment of someone’s imagination or childish wishful thinking – it is very real indeed.

In fact, upon my ordination as a Priest in the Aetherius Churches last year, I would even go as far as to say that I struggled quite a bit to control this energy, now activated within, around and through me by the Apostolic succession. Since that time, I feel that I have got a better handle on how to use the access that I now have to this power, and have been amazed by the inspiration and exhilaration that I have experienced as a result.

This all came as a bit of a surprise to me – which it shouldn’t really, because I was vaguely aware of the theory of it – but that’s almost meaningless compared to when you actually experience it. I certainly hadn’t been expecting it; naively, I hadn’t really given it much thought prior to the initiation.

What’s the point in going to an Aetherius Church?

So many reasons I hardly know where to begin!

If you are purely after a sense of community – like a social club – then my own opinion is that an Aetherius Church is not what you are looking for. You are still welcome to come along, and you will find friendly people, with a great sense of community, but an Aetherius Church is very much more than a social club.

Let me explain…

When I first began to attend – when I was just 16 years old – I did indeed find many friendly and very helpful people, which was great. But I had found this before in my earlier forays into mainstream Christianity. It was nothing unique or new to me.

What was new and unique to me personally – and two of the things that inspired me to keep attending – were:

  1. The fact that I got proper answers to profound questions about God, the universe and the meaning of life;
  2. Something I had never imagined I would ever experience – psychic abilities.

Probably like many people, especially back in the 1990s, I had the idea that you were either psychic or you weren’t. That it was some kind of supernatural gift – and that it was absolute – you either weren’t psychic at all, or, if you were, then you should know virtually everything all the time.

I had no concept of the idea of an ordinary person like me being able to develop psychic abilities – or of degrees of psychic ability. 

But it wasn’t very long after beginning to practice King Yoga – the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society – that I began to become aware of my chakras, and my aura. In fact the sensations were so tangible that I actually became somewhat concerned. I hadn’t been expecting to feel anything like that and I didn’t know what was going on. When this was explained to me, and in the light of subsequent spiritual experiences, it all made perfect sense, and was one little confirmation to me – not to you or anyone else – but to me – that I was on the right track. I had certainly not become a full-blown psychic – but I was beginning to experience the subtle forces of higher energies on a psychic level.

Every significant aspect of an Aetherius Society Church Service has a practical point to it relating to these higher energies, and to karma. Hence the rituals have been so devised as to radiate spiritual energy and improve karma. This will benefit you, those in need and the world as a whole.

To repeat for emphasis: this is not supernatural magic – which cannot exist – this is a higher form of nature that obeys precise scientific laws as yet not understood by science on Earth, but that one day will be understood.

Once, in the early days of my Membership of The Aetherius Society, I invited a friend of mine to join me for a Service. He was very interested and quite enthusiastic to find out more.

After the Service he said that he had been put off when we had started “chanting all that nonsense”. At first I didn’t know what he was talking about, then I realized he was referring to the mantras we had been using. To him it was nonsense, because he didn’t understand what it was.

It seemed to him like just reciting random syllables for the sake of it, whereas in actual fact it is applying the meta-science of sound to alter energy flow through the chakras and aura, and raise consciousness. It is so precise that one day its effects will even be measurable. But we don’t need to wait that long before we can prove the power of mantra to ourselves – all we have to do is to practice it correctly and with an open-mind.

The Dynamic Prayer technique we use is similarly precise – and effective. It is not just asking God for a favor, it is an exact formula for invoking and transmitting spiritual energy to bring about certain positive results. Precision does not, by the way, imply a lack of feeling – quite the reverse – it is intensity of spiritual feeling and expression that is the very heart of it!

In short – every aspect of the rituals in our Services is correct, balanced, positive and a powerful force for good.

This even includes the choice of ecclesiastical vestments and robes worn, and the symbolism and holy artefacts you see around you in the Temple, Church, chapel or small group. No significant aspect of the Service or its surroundings will be haphazard – or just because it sounds or looks nice. It will be because of what it achieves in bringing individuals – and the world as a whole – closer to God-Consciousness.

In addition to this, you will hear teachings that are entirely based on a complete and logical coherence that can be properly explained without requiring “blind belief”. I can’t understand how “blind belief” could possibly be a good thing – you can “blindly believe” anything whether it is true or not, whereas only Truth can actually be realized.

As the great scientist, alchemist, banker and detective Isaac Newton said: “A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.

You won’t understand everything you hear the first time you attend a Service, but, with a little patience, and a natural curiosity, the glorious window to Cosmic Truth will be gradually opened to you – through logic, intuition and your own experience. You will never need “blind belief” – in fact – you would be advised strongly not to have “blind belief”.

The teachings are not just brilliant in terms of the practical application of what is taught – but even the vibration is transformative. The very act of listening – with an open heart and mind – to a recording of a communication from an advanced being from another world will change you for the better, and if you have any psychic sensitivity at all, you can feel this. And if you don’t have any psychic sensitivity at all – you can soon develop this in this way.

I remember fondly my first few Services in London. At first I was impressed by how much more dynamic the Service seemed than the rather stale, lifeless church services of my childhood in the religion I was born into. But after attending just a few times, it was no longer the “spectacle” that struck me, but rather the striking sensation of a rise in vibrations which were clearly tangible to me through my aura. In fact, so striking did this become that I always preferred to remain silent and alone for a few minutes after the Service had ended.

I feel I have scarcely begun to do justice to the experience of attending an Aetherius Society Church Service. There is so much more to say – such as the Higher Mental Realm link and the unique origin of the Apostolic Succession, but that, I think, is best left to a Part II blogpost on this subject.

My closing words to you would be that attending an Aetherius Society Church Service is definitely for you if:

  1. You have an open-minded longing for Truth
  2. You wish to live and act in the light of that Truth to help others – and to help the world as a whole.

If these are your motives, and these motives are strong enough, you are certain to achieve your goal. And what better way to do so than through The Aetherius Society?

We warmly invite you to attend one of our Sunday Divine Services  or Twelve Blessings Services at one of our centers around the world




About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

What’s the point in going to Church?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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The Aetherius Society – A Spiritual Brotherhood Mon, 20 Jun 2022 19:01:51 +0000 An important aspect of many churches and spiritual organizations is a sense of community. We all naturally like to feel that we are supported, and part of something greater than…

The Aetherius Society – A Spiritual Brotherhood
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Spiritual brotherhood blog

An important aspect of many churches and spiritual organizations is a sense of community. We all naturally like to feel that we are supported, and part of something greater than ourselves. 

The Aetherius Society, founded by Master of Yoga Dr. George King is no different. In fact, it is part of our aims and objectives “to form a brotherhood based on the teachings and knowledge of the Cosmic Masters.” This aim was one of the first seven aims and objectives, which were dictated by the Ascended Master Saint Goo-Ling in the 1950s. 

What is a brotherhood? Dictionaries define brotherhood as a group of people (men and women) who come together with a common purpose. 

Common Purpose

Members of The Aetherius Society believe that service is desperately needed in the world today. 

We also have all chosen to work in service, through The Aetherius Society in various different ways. Dr. King has left a legacy of opportunities for us to work together in service to humanity, such as by attending Operation Prayer Power, our regular Services, or through Spiritual Healing, pilgrimages and more. 

All Members of The Aetherius Society have a common purpose. We share in the teachings, and knowledge of the Cosmic Masters, and we believe that being of service – in addition to helping our world – is the best way to evolve. 


In order for us, as a spiritual brotherhood to achieve our common purpose, cooperation is essential.

Mars Sector 6, a Cosmic Master who spoke through Dr. King, describes the importance of cooperation:

“Oh brothers of Earth, co-operation will be that key which will open the door to your salvation. Co-operation between man and man, and organisation and organisation, will be the platform upon which salvation can be built. In these days you stand at the cross roads of decision. If you choose one path, then suffering is your choice. If you choose the other path, then service is this choice. Choose well, oh brothers, at this time, for verily do you stand upon the threshold of history.

“If you, using the light of pure logic as your guide, do choose the path to service, then you must bring into being those lines of co-operation which make co-existence a living thing. Such a movement can be demonstrated by the metaphysical groups throughout your Earth. Indeed, such a demonstration as this is the duty of these groups, of these bodies of thinking humans. In order to forge these lines of co-operation, you must be prepared to meet your brother, to sink your petty difference, to sink your ego in the all-consuming fire of service!

By having a strong brotherhood, we can work together better. We can, as a group, be of better service to others. When we cooperate with others, there is mutual respect, kindness and friendship.


Dr. King, described friendship in this lovely analogy:

“Friendship is like a flower, planted by two or more people. All the planters of that flower, or both of them, have to tend this fragrant blossom of friendship. One cannot do it alone. If one tries to do it alone, it brings an imbalance to the delicate plant; its blossoms fade, its leaves wither and fall off. 

But if two people or more continually nurture the fragrant blossoms of friendship, then that flower will live and it will bear more and more blossoms which become more fragrant and more beautiful as the years go on and will continue to do so…”

Most friendships have had ups and downs. Periods of joy and periods of growth. As with all relationships, they sometimes are easy flowing, and sometimes take a bit more effort. But this effort that we put in, strengthens the friendship. Additionally, we learn from these experiences. Not just about the other person, but we learn about ourselves, and how to cooperate with others a little bit better. 

In 1979, Dr. King emphasized the importance of friendship in an address in 1979:

“…we should be entering a new spiritual age for The Aetherius Society. And all of you should enter this new spiritual age. An age where pure brotherhood means more to you than ever before. Not to pay lip service to, but to live. Where genuine friendship is more important than your lunch or breakfast or dinner. Where wisdom, and you’ve been given wisdom, is the very breath of life to your mind. If we do this, if we have this outlook, all of us—and you’re just as responsible for having this outlook, for performing in this way, as I am, because you’re part of a whole; it’s a small whole but it’s a whole, and you’re part of that—and if you vibrate in the right way, you gradually help the whole to vibrate in the right way. 

When we create better friendships, we can cooperate more effectively, as a stronger brotherhood, and help The Aetherius Society towards its common purpose. 

In my personal experience, we have a very strong spiritual brotherhood. In fact, when I initially found The Aetherius Society, this feeling of community was a significant reason why I kept coming to Services and events. I had met some kind, friendly and supportive people. 

I have been very fortunate to meet many Aetherius Society Friends, Members and sympathizers from around the world. I have lived at several different centers. But this brotherhood, this friendship and community has meant that I always feel at home. 

We have a unique spiritual brotherhood, and because The Aetherius Society is so active, and we focus so much on the various different ways we give service to the world, the brotherhood aspect can be overlooked. 

We may not always notice that this community exists, but we can all work on it daily, without necessarily noticing. It makes us stronger, it gives us support and friendships, but most importantly, it helps the whole of The Aetherius Society.



Discover more about becoming a Friend

Discover more about Membership in The Aetherius Society


About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a full-time staff member at the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in Los Angeles. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

The Aetherius Society – A Spiritual Brotherhood
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 4 37477
Overcoming the cold of aloneness Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:07:57 +0000 Recently it has been in the news that there is a loneliness epidemic in the world. It’s easy to understand how this could be the case. In the last couple…

Overcoming the cold of aloneness
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Overcoming the cold of aloneness

Recently it has been in the news that there is a loneliness epidemic in the world. It’s easy to understand how this could be the case. In the last couple of years many people have been isolated, unable to see friends and family and even work colleagues. But loneliness obviously isn’t a new emotion. All of us have experienced it at some stage, whether it be feeling physically alone and isolated, unsupported by those around us, or we may feel that just nobody understands us. It can take a toll on our physical and mental health. 

In 1961, the Master Jesus gave a prayer in which he hints that the reason we feel alone is because we are separated from God: 

Oh mighty God,
Let thy wondrous power flow
Through the minds and hearts
Of these dear sweet ones–now,
So that this power in its warmth
May overcome the cold of their aloneness;
So that they may feel again
Their affinity with Thee.

We are all sparks of God, so in that way, we cannot be separated from God. But in our limited state of evolution, we are unable to fully realize this. We see other people as different nationalities, different religions, and so on. We don’t truly appreciate that all life is one, and all life, even a rock, is a part of God. 

Everyone on the spiritual path goes through periods of loneliness. In fact, you may find that you feel more loneliness after actively starting on a specific spiritual path, but this will not last so we should not be disheartened or give up. Dr. George King, a Master of Yoga, speaks about this in a lecture from 1962:

So we lose our so-called friends and what happens. Other friends come who are real and true and lasting and honest and good. Far greater friends than ever we had before. We might feel our times of loneliness. Before a man gets illumination, he must go through a period of loneliness. We’ve been through this period. Stark, terrible loneliness. But out of this comes a greater companionship than ever we have experienced before. So we do not lose by this.

The feeling of loneliness is unpleasant. But we have control over our minds, and we are able, through practice, to overcome this feeling, or at least make it so that it does not overwhelm and hinder us. This control over the mind is difficult, and takes lifetimes to master, but we all can take steps towards it. 

Loneliness should not stop us from progressing on our spiritual path, as this is what our basic self wants. In the lecture ‘Do not let your basic self fill your heart with hate’, Dr. King says that your basic self will try to fight your spiritual progression by using its “super weapon” – loneliness. 

If we keep going forward spiritually, practice controlling our minds and listen to our higher selves, we will progress, and this feeling of loneliness will be more manageable and we can focus on progressing back towards God. 

Once we know why we feel lonely, how can we overcome this feeling? The answer from the Cosmic Masters is through giving Service to others. The Karmic Lord, Mars Sector 6 says in The Nine Freedoms:

Break away from your own troubles by concentrating upon the sufferings of others.

If you live a life helping others to overcome their sufferings, you will automatically begin to break away from your own troubles. The more we detach from our own suffering, the less we will be affected by it, and then we can focus our energy on helping others. This is the path of service, breaking away from our own troubles by doing our best to help as many people as we can. 

One of the best ways to serve is through prayer. Prayer is not making a wish to an old man on a throne in the clouds. It is a powerful way to send energy through you to the focal point of the prayer. 

In a prayer class, Dr. King mentioned that the loneliness we feel, can actually help us in our prayers. We can use this understanding of the feeling to become better prayers:

[I]t’s not until a person has suffered great sorrow, loneliness and sadness, that they can pray. I think after this time they can pray . . . I don’t mean a prayer so much of desperation, but they have so much feeling for others that they can then pray. That’s why all initiates have to go through a period of loneliness.

Loneliness, along with everything we go through, can help us to serve others better. Seeing loneliness in this light can make it more manageable. We can see that it is just another lesson in life, and turn this negative feeling into a positive result, by helping someone else. 

The Prayer for Spiritual Workers is an ideal prayer to say when you are feeling lonely. It was a prayer given by the Master Jesus, through the mediumship of Dr. George King on December 22, 1962.

The Master Jesus says of this prayer:

Say this prayer with your heart and with your Soul, when the world is cold to you–and you will be warmed. Say it when you are down–and you will be lifted. Say it when you are alone–and you will be comforted by a presence.

It is a very beautiful and powerful prayer. 

Prayer For Spiritual Workers

Oh mighty God, I bless all those
Who, because of their limitations,
Would smite me.

Oh mighty God, I bless all those
Who, because of their weakness,
Would not heed me.

Oh mighty God, I bless all those
Who, because of their ignorance,
Would defile you, through me.

And I ask, oh mighty God, oh wondrous power,
That your strength may be given to me now;
So that I might be fortified by this,
So that I might go forward bravely into the world,
And despite reception, send forth my love of thee, 
Throughout all races of man.

Oh mighty God, give me the power and strength,
To rise above my karmic weakness,
The deficiencies in the pattern of my evolution,
So that I might evolve and become stronger,
Aye, and even stronger, in thy everlasting light.
Oh God, thy will be done.

So the next time you feel lonely, say this prayer and remember that you are not truly alone as this is only a temporary feeling. Then send out your prayers to help the world, and know that you are taking a small but significant step back to God. 


You can find out more on this subject from these blog posts as well:

Jupiter 92 – How to overcome spiritual aloneness – a three point plan

Service – Oneness – Joy


About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a full-time staff member at the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in Los Angeles. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

Overcoming the cold of aloneness
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 11 37175
Pride and Priorities – feel good about doing good! Mon, 21 Mar 2022 20:03:01 +0000 What makes you feel proud of yourself? Before answering this question, let’s look at the following very illuminating statement about pride made by Dr. George King in 1965 in a…

Pride and Priorities – feel good about doing good!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


What makes you feel proud of yourself?

Before answering this question, let’s look at the following very illuminating statement about pride made by Dr. George King in 1965 in a lecture entitled ‘The Coming Year’:

…we should feel doubly honored – all of us – should feel doubly honored, we should feel very, very proud, in the right manner – I’m talking now about spiritual pride, not material pride, which is a cancer. But we should feel spiritually proud that The Aetherius Society was the organization through which the real truth about the Initiation was given to this Earth for the sake of posterity… It’s an amazing thing that this should have happened…

Dr. King was talking here to Members of The Aetherius Society, but whether a Member or not, the essence of this wisdom still rings true.

So let’s think about how we can apply this principle of spiritual pride to our own lives now – and enjoy the happiness it can bring us…!

Here’s the question again: what makes you feel proud?

Is it how good you look, or is it how much good you have done?

Is it how much money you have accumulated, or how much money you have given away in service to God?

Is it your shiny, new car in the driveway, or is it the fact that you have taken part in a mass healing mission such as Operation Prayer Power?

Is it your fancy holiday on a sunny beach, or having attended a religious or spiritual service as important as a Service of Thanksgiving for a Phase of the world-saving mission Operation Sunbeam?

Is it what is admired by the people around you, or what is appreciated by the Gods – that makes you truly proud?

If we make the effort to feel pride in doing good, and feel no pride in materialism– then we are affirming the importance of good, and the unimportance of materialism, in our own minds.

This affirmation will spiritualize our priorities – our choices – and mean that we put more energy into good, and less – or hopefully even none – into materialism.

When we look at our lives, it is what we do that helps others – that serves God – that should make us proud, and nothing else.

This feeling of pride will make us happy – and we deserve to feel happy from this pride. And this happy feeling of pride should not lull us into complacency, but rather should inspire us into doing more good.

While the motive of doing good should not be to feel good ourselves, there is nothing wrong with feeling good, if we are feeling good for the right reason; in fact, on the contrary, it is good to feel good. We all know how much more pleasant it is to be around someone who feels good than someone who does not – so let’s feel good to make others feel good.

Most of us at times feel envy – someone is richer or fitter or clever or better looking etc. But if we are leading a truly spiritual life of service, such envy is exposed as an absurdity. Because none of these things – being richer or fitter or cleverer or better looking etc – matter at all, unless they are somehow applied in service. They can be a means to Godliness when used in this light, but they are never an end in themselves. And to believe in them as ends in themselves, is to deceive ourselves and cause ourselves pain.

If we lead a spiritual life of service, and feel pride in this, this whole value system will serve to free us from the materialistic trap. We will be able to see ever more clearly what really matters and what does not – and this will inform our every thought and action – and we will feel better than we have ever felt in our lives – because this spiritual happiness is the only form of happiness that is really deserved; that is anything like close to the reality of God.

This does not mean that we will never feel sad again – or even that we should never feel sad again. But again, that sadness will not be for some ridiculous, materialistic nonsense like the fact that our next-door neighbor has a bigger, better car than we do – the sadness will be for things that really matter, like the suffering of the selfish and apathetic masses, who could change and be free of such suffering. This too will inspire us to do ever greater good – and then we will feel that spiritual pride – and resultant happiness – all the more.

Naturally, this pride should not be arrogance – and will not be arrogance if treated with wisdom; on the contrary it will lead to greater humility. By valuing doing good, we will value those who do more good than we do. We will therefore co-operate with them more; help them more. We will follow their example – and evolve to become like them – to the Bliss of God-Consciousness…!

To end, here are a few words to inspire us from the Great Ones:

I have no doubt that every loyal member reading this will take pride in the fact that he or she is a part of a Society which is given the privilege of working so directly with The Great Cosmic Masters.

Cosmic VoiceIssue 22, Dr. George King

My message just now, is to rally your forces more than ever before and keep your heads higher than ever before. Higher, with the pride you have in your Divine Task. So that you may lead those by the hand, who have just thrown the rocks of their hatred against you.

Cosmic VoiceIssue 12, The Master Aetherius

… we all enjoyed every moment of it, realizing that we were working under the directions of the Great Adepts for the benefit of the whole planet. Such is the reward of service, for there is nothing so satisfying as working for the Glory of God in the service of mankind….

Cosmic VoiceVolume 2, Dr. George King

Let us remind ourselves – whenever our hearts seem to flutter away from God, in the strange, deceptive breeze of materialistic longing – that in actual fact: there is nothing so satisfying as working for the Glory of God in the service of mankind – and that we should be truly proud when we do so…!


About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

Pride and Priorities – feel good about doing good!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe to help bring about peace, freedom and healing in Ukraine Mon, 28 Feb 2022 08:07:02 +0000 Recent events in Ukraine have many of us in shock – and horror. If ever there were a time to turn to a higher power – surely it is now.…

Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe to help bring about peace, freedom and healing in Ukraine
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Recent events in Ukraine have many of us in shock – and horror. If ever there were a time to turn to a higher power – surely it is now.

In my late twenties I was privileged to co-author the book Prayer Energy (Cico Books 2009; 2019) with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence – a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. Since that time my experience of prayer has grown exponentially – and the reason for this is that I am so fortunate to follow a spiritual path – King Yoga – that explains prayer so clearly and simply. And not just the theory of it – but how to actually do it, so it really works…!

That’s why I’d like to share with you four extracts from this book – which teach the basics of why and how to pray so that you too can experience the power and the beauty of this holy practice.




Prayer is a way of channeling and transmitting energy. It can bring joy, inspiration, healing, peace, exhilarationand even bliss. 

Let’s debunk some common misapprehensions right away.

  • It is not a dull duty or a meaningless chore, but a vibrant, living power
  • It is not the deluded hope of someone crying out in desperation, but the practical solution to myriad problems.
  • It is not an act of fear or false piety, but one of courage and true love

If prayer were understood and practiced every day by more people, I wholeheartedly believe that not only would those people’s lives change, but the whole world would also change. Why?

Because prayer works. And once the nature of prayer becomes clear and we begin to understand how it works, the confusion and doubt that all too often haunt the would-be prayerful believer are gone. 

Everything in creation is manifested through energy. In Indian philosophy this energy is known as prana. In China, it is referred to as qi (or ch’i), in Japan as ki. It is akin to the Greek concept of pneuma and the Melanesian mana. The name is not important, though. What is important is what it is, and what it does. It can be aptly described as “universal life force” because that is exactly what it is–the force of life, which exists throughout the universe. It is life itself. And even more remarkable than this, we can all invoke and use this energy simply by the power of thought. When we want something, the desire makes us magnets for energy. We use our minds, consciously or unconsciously, to direct it to bring about a certain result. This is the power of creative visualization, or intention, but it is not real prayer. 

What is real prayer?

Real prayer is not a device for trying to get whatever we want. It is an expression of love. To pray properly, we must unchain the shackles of selfishness from our hearts and condition the energy we invoke with the power of love. Think of love as the vehicle in which the energy travels to its destination. As the great yogi Swami Vivekananda put it: “The moment you have succeeded in manufacturing love out of prana, you are free.”

The efficacy of a prayer is not dependent on the whim or favoritism of a mythical overlord, whom some mistake for the great Divine Source. On the contrary, it is exact in the way that a science is exact. In fact, I would say that it is a science–albeit one of which few scientists seem to have much understanding. It is a scientific formula for sending energy, conditioned by love, from the person praying to the focal point of the prayer. 

How well a prayer works basically depends on:

  • How much energy we invoke and send out.
  • How well this energy is conditioned by love.
  • The karma of the situation or condition you are praying for.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919-1997) – pioneer of the Dynamic Prayer technique as taught in King Yoga, the spiritual path named after him

Viewed in this light, there is no need to be haunted by the specter of doubt when our prayers don’t seem to be answered. Prayer is a natural power–not a superstition. Comments such as “I prayed for world peace for five minutes last night and yet war is still going on, therefore God does not exist” are absurdly superficial. To bring about world peace would require a colossal amount of spiritual energy. In fact, miraculous though it sounds, with the right quantity and quality of spiritual energy, the world could be utterly transformed. Dr. King, from whom I learned virtually everything I know about prayer, taught that the only real energy crisis on Earth is the spiritual energy crisis, and that until this is put right humankind will always suffer from shortages of more basic forms of energy. Prayer is undoubtedly one of the best ways to help solve this crisis. 


The prayer technique

This is a simple way of sending energy to those in need.

  1. The hand position described in the prayer technique

    Stand or sit quietly for a few moments with your back as straight as is comfortable, breathing deeply and evenly, with your eyes closed. Then raise your hands so they are roughly parallel with the top of your shoulders, palms facing outward, fingers together.

  2. Visualize a scintillating white light coming down from above you into your head, charging every cell of the brain with its vibrant power. Take this energy down through your neck and shoulders, on through the chest and out to the front of the heart chakra, a few inches in front of the breastbone. Charge this center with the bright, white light.
  3. Then visualize the light coming from the shoulders down through the arms and into the hands. Now direct this energy outwards, so you have a stream of healing white light flowing out from your palms and heart chakra. You are now ready to say your prayer, which is normally done out loud. You can direct the energy wherever you choose, whether it be to a person who is ill, or to a region in crisis, visualizing the person or the region not as they are, but as they could be–glowing with spiritual happiness and well-being.
  4. When you have finished, brush your right hand over your left, away from you. This acts as a seal for the energy and is symbolic of completion of the practice. These hand positions are known in the east as mudras, a word particularly associated with Tibet. 

Even without mention of a Divine Source, this technique will still have some power, but I would strongly recommend that a request is made of the Divine Source–whatever you like to call it. This can help to raise the prayer’s energy and empower it by the conscious recognition of the truth that the energy we are using comes from a source greater than ourselves. 

Likewise, it is a good thing to end a prayer with a few words of thanks to the Divine Source. Our thanks are not needed, of course, but since we have received something, expending some energy in thanks acts as a token repayment, giving a certain balance to the ritual being performed. Thankfulness also acts as a positive affirmation that a prayer will be effective–otherwise there would be nothing to be thankful for. This confidence in your ability, providing it is not presumptuous, serves to empower the prayer. 


Say it with feeling

For prayer to work properly, it should be expressed with sincerity and feeling, and the whole act should be performed with single-minded concentration. We should not pray as though talking at a coffee afternoon or gossiping with a friend. Prayer is not a telephone call to your mother, or a request made to the boss, a priest, movie star, politician, or even a president–it is an appeal to the Divine Source. Imagine, metaphorically speaking, that you had the opportunity to have an audience with God, if that’s how you want to refer to the Divine Source, and say what it is you want and how you feel–this is virtually what is happening when you pray. If you mumble your prayers, or say them without feeling, you are as good as saying, “I don’t have to make any effort when expressing myself to God.” In fact, this shows a lock of appreciation for the Divine Source of all creation, and therefore for the most important part of yourself, and will considerably limit the power of the prayer.

Jane Austen said: “Grant us grace, almighty Father, so to pray as to deserve to be heard.” She made a good point. Technically, all prayers “deserve to be heard,” because they invoke and transmit a certain amount of energy, but the quantity and quality of the energy will increase dramatically when we start to pray dynamically.


To end this blogpost, here is a beautiful prayer written by our dear friend and colleague, the late Rt. Rev. Ray Nielsen, for the world as a whole, which you may like to try along with your own specific prayers for peace, freedom and relief of suffering in Ukraine at this time:

A Prayer for the World

Oh mighty God–which is the light which shines through and behind all things,

We pray that Your wondrous power of love may fall upon our troubled world–now!

May it fill the hearts and minds of all those who are suffering and in need at this time–

May it manifest as a great healing light, to give comfort to those who are sick–

May it uplift those who feel abandoned in their loneliness and despair–

May it inspire those who have the responsibility of world leadership

To bring lasting peace to our planet.

Oh wondrous God, may we be given the power and strength

To reach forever inwards and upwards towards our Divinity

So that we may always be mindful of the ONENESS of all life.


We invite you all to join us online in sending much-needed healing energy out into our suffering world – all our world healing Services broadcast online are listed here.


About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe to help bring about peace, freedom and healing in Ukraine
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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One in Three and Three in THAT Tue, 01 Feb 2022 20:00:49 +0000 Three In a cosmic transmission delivered through the mediumship of Dr. George King on March 17th, 1956, the Master Jesus prayed for humanity to be:  One in Three and Three…

One in Three and Three in THAT
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

One in Three and Three in That


In a cosmic transmission delivered through the mediumship of Dr. George King on March 17th, 1956, the Master Jesus prayed for humanity to be: 

One in Three and Three in THAT. 

This concept is referenced in the triangular symbol of God’s manifestation as wisdom, which was incorporated in The Aetherius Society symbol following a 65-hour meditation by Dr. King in St. Mawes in Cornwall the previous year. Its full meaning would be explained in staggering and ground-breaking depth later in the Nine Freedoms by Mars Sector 6 in 1961.

It must also be what the Master Aetherius was alluding to in a transmission delivered on August 28th, 1960, after he gave his closing invocation for humanity to know that God dwells silently within them all: 

May you be blessed in the name of the everlasting three principles.

It has nothing to do with the trinity which was invented hundreds of years after the Resurrection by the fathers of early Christianity to combine three beings in one divinity. This is a very unsatisfactory doctrine causing theological disputes to this day, yet it is interesting that a concept of God as one in three arose at all, even in this very limited form.

Thousands of years before the advent of Christianity, the Hindu religion had developed a trinity through the personalised forms of the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Like the gods of ancient Egypt and Greece, the Hindu deities suffered from myth and superstition fed by the distortion of humanising and even animalising influences. As a result, they were later given attributes such as rage, lust, jealousy and so on, until their representation was so corrupted that their behaviour is closer to that of crazed humans than divine beings.

Despite this, behind the Hindu trinity – more so than the Christian doctrine – lay a great truth. Brahma was depicted as the creator which is how religions have generally seen God. To be specific it was the sun which, according to the Master Jesus, is the God of the Bible and the Brahma of the Hindu scripts. All life in this solar system was created by the sun and exists because of it, so that was a logical deduction in those days.

Vishnu represented preservation and was linked to the avatars who have visited Earth through the ages. This energy, which is love in its highest form, is crucial to its precursor, creation.

Perhaps most unexpected is the depiction of the third member of this triumvirate, Shiva, as the destroyer. On face value, this seems negative until the abstract meaning behind these three personifications is understood.

In a lecture on May 30th, 1961, on the Seventh Freedom Dr. King said:

Now, the ancient interpretation of progression was….creation, preservation, transmigration….nobody knows who gave this to the ancient Brahmins because it existed before even the Brahmins existed.

These were the three expressions then, but no longer because Mars Sector 6 made his momentous declaration in the Seventh Freedom that the third one is now transmutation.

Previously, whatever stood in the way of transmigration back to divinity would have been destroyed by that force given the identity of Shiva. If all matter was surplus to requirements, such a force would be needed to remove it – even if that be through suppression.

But now we know that it’s not. All life, including all matter, must be transmuted just as all experience must be mastered not shunned and all energy has to be risen not rejected.

We no longer need to personalise these forces, but if we did Shiva might be re-characterised as service rather than destruction – service given even in the darkest places to bring the light of transmutation to all life.


Because of the Twelve Blessings, we now have a concept of divinity which exceeds even the holy sun. We have learnt, for the first time, that the galaxy is a living intelligence. But, as Dr. King revealed in his lecture on the Seventh Freedom, even such a being as this cannot go back directly as a galaxy to God because it has not transmuted all matter.

A key statement is made about the Supreme Lords of Creation in the Eleventh Blessing that the greater part of them is not in manifestation, which means that this part must be one with its divine source. We are also told that they are the realizers of the potential and the potential itself, which came before creation.

Very significantly the functionality of these Intelligences is work, epitomising service at so elevated a level that it defies our comprehension. Yet, “work” is the word used by the Master Jesus. If that isn’t enough to get us out of our recumbent positions – or even our meditation postures – then what is?

But there is an aspect of divinity even greater than the Supreme Lords of Creation, for they work “as The Seven – round The One”. In the Twelfth Blessing these Seven, clearly the number in which they have chosen to manifest, are described by the Master Jesus as the “hearts” of the Absolute. 

The One in the Centre – which it seems is even greater than them because they work around it – is described as the “brain” of the Absolute. This must be the nearest thing to God in manifestation.


Just as the Nine Freedoms alters and updates the teachings of the ancients in relation to the three forces which comprise divine evolution, so the Twelve Blessings expands the explanation given by the Rishis of old about God’s purpose.

This was originally described as the Outbreathing followed by the Inbreathing, sometimes given the names “manvantara” and “pralaya”. First came potential from which God saw fit to create manifestation – the Outbreathing. From this will come the return to God again free from manifestation – the Inbreathing.

In the Twelfth Blessing, a revelation is made which extends this. We are told that there is a stage which comes before potential described as “The Great Cause”. This was formed, as the Master Jesus instructs us, by the Absolute which was not at that stage even in a state of potential, never mind manifestation.

We could take the brain of the Absolute to be the manifested form of that which introduced The Great Cause, hence the Supreme Lords of Creation work around it. In a seminar delivered on January 31st, 1970, about the Initiation of the Solar System, Dr. King spoke about the Divine Creator which:

…has a form, a shape that we cannot even conceive. No good trying to talk about it. It’s no good even trying to think about it. It’s there, it exists. In what form? In what shape? Built out of what material? We have no idea and no conception, and neither have far greater people than us. And we will not have an idea or a conception of this – only in a fractional degree – not for millions and millions and billions of existences yet.

Nor can we realize the Great Cause at our stage of evolution. This, I believe, is what Mars Sector 6 refers to in the Seventh Freedom when he states that interplanetary masters begin to realize the “why of existence”.

Having said that, it may be that our enhanced understanding of divinity through these two sets of epoch-changing teachings, the Twelve Blessings and the Nine Freedoms, will provide the basis upon which such a realization might begin to dawn on those who inherit the New Age upon Earth.

We now know that this Great Cause is used by the Supreme Lords of Creation who are the Creators and Preservers of all manifestation. We also know that creation and preservation lead inexorably to the third force – the transmutation of all life, including all matter, up through every level back to its source.

These are concepts which take us further not only than any scripture of old, but even the revelations made by those who came before them. Gnani (wisdom), Raja (mind control) and Bhakti (devotion) are terrestrial yogas which are rightly respected and revered, but they are transformed by these cosmic teachings.

The highest and most important yoga now is Karma Yoga which is service which is work – if work is the way of the Supreme Lords of Creation, it has to be the way for all other life forms in manifestation which, somewhere in the lower reaches, includes us.

After all, we are all part of “The One Energy” which was described by a Lord of Saturn on November 23rd, 1957, as:

All in All and All in All That


Leave us a comment below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence Richard Lawrence is an international, bestselling author of 11 books, Richard Lawrence has frequently appeared on TV and radio internationally, and featured in numerous magazines and newspapers. Richard is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters.

One in Three and Three in THAT
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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We live in God’s Home – so let’s be happy! Tue, 18 Jan 2022 22:46:38 +0000 The phrase “God’s home” has intrigued me for many years. The only time, to the best of my knowledge, we see it in the Cosmic Teachings is in the Transmission…

We live in God’s Home – so let’s be happy!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

God's home

The phrase “God’s home” has intrigued me for many years.

The only time, to the best of my knowledge, we see it in the Cosmic Teachings is in the TransmissionGotha Speaks To Earth’ given on October 15th, 1966.

Here is the phrase in context:

Thousands of years ago we traveled the lanes through the ethers of this galaxy and others. We did this to learn and to exchange ideologies with intelligences who resided elsewhere in God’s home.

Cosmic Masters pick their words carefully – so there can be no doubt that there is a profound reason why a Master from Gotha should choose this exact phrase to describe creation – giving us an insight into their psychology, culture and understanding of God. In fact, of course, for a Cosmic Master, it is not just a case of an understanding of God – but rather: a realization of God. In other words – what they say about God is not an opinion or a belief – it is a clear reflection of reality.

In trying to understand the reason for this choice of words, I happened upon this similarly curious statement by the Master Aetherius:

“Each and every one of you can, in the quiet of your own room – which is your mind – draw inspiration which comes from within.”
You Are Responsible! – ‘Cosmic Logic’

Why does the Master Aetherius equate our mind to a room?

Putting the two extracts together – a home is something that consists of a number of rooms.

Since God is all, God’s home must be that which consists of all rooms.

In other words, God’s home must be that which consists of all minds.

What are all minds?

God’s mind.

You might say: But isn’t God’s mind greater than all minds?

And the answer would be yes – because the whole is greater than its component parts.

Imagine a house cut up with all the rooms separated and put in different places – it would look a mess and be unlivable; i.e. the house as a whole is greater than the sum of all its rooms, just as the mind of God is greater than the sum of all minds.

You might also say: But isn’t God greater than mind itself? (Note 1)

And again the answer would be yes.

God as that which is greater than mind is Pure Spirit.

But God is all – so God is not only Pure Spirit, but all mind as well.

All mind is the whole of creation and everything in it.

God as Pure Spirit does not live – it is above that – it simply is.

But God as all mind – i.e. as the whole of creation and everything in it – does live.

That, I think, is why creation is described by the Master from Gotha as “God’s home.”

It’s because a home is where you live – and this is where God lives!

Now let us look at it in a rather different way. Not a contradictory way – but a different way.

Some homes are nice and some not so nice, but it is simple logic to conclude that God’s home is the best.

And that’s where we live. We live where God lives – in God’s home. Where else could we live? There’s nothing outside of God’s home in all creation – because God’s home is all creation!

We might not feel like we live in God’s home, because our outlook is so limited.

But we do.

Here’s another way of looking at it:

Each of our planetary neighbors – every single inhabitant of this Solar System outside of our own planet – loves us with all their hearts; would do absolutely anything to help our backward world – providing only that they are allowed to within the karmic law. This is illustrated perfectly in the Fourth Blessing as given by the Master Jesus in 1958:

These are the Ones who have left their homes—their Spiritual homes—who have left their brothers—their Spiritual brothers—in order to watch over you. These are the Ones, who, day by day, suffer the unspeakable hell of terrible alone-ness, in order to give you their hearts. These are the Ones who suffer, day by day, in a thousand psychological ways, so that—the dark little Earth may make its revolutions through Evolution.

We live upon a Goddess – the Mother Earth who has done everything she possibly can for us for millions of years, and still carries on doing this, and will carry on for as long as she is allowed to by karmic law. Consider these words by the Master Aetherius in This is the Hour of Truth:

This mighty globe, which has given you so much; which has given you all that She can, and even more than all, and meditate upon the metaphysics of that and you will see what I mean…

This is a love that defies all conception – a love unfathomably and incomparably greater even than the love felt by all of the best mothers on Earth for their own children. This is our home planet – a Goddess who loves us. Who could ask for more than that?!

And in the sky above our heads, far away, we see a giant globe of dazzling golden light – which illuminates our world and sustains us, constantly, without any exception ever. This again is a love the like of which we cannot even begin to understand – never mind appreciate. As we are told about the Sun in ‘Meditation for this Age’ by Mars Sector 6:

…this Mighty Orb gives freely of Its energy unto all lifestreams in the Solar System…
Cosmic Voice – issue 17

We also live within a great God.

Consider these words following the Tenth Blessing:

Realise—at this very moment—the existence of this One [i.e. the Galaxy] and your existence within Its Wondrous Body and thank your God for this existence. For this great and mighty opportunity to travel within such a wondrous Vehicle as this, back to your Source within the Centre of the Godhead.

– The Master Jesus

Not wishing to lower the tone by quoting a terrestrial amidst such lofty sources as those above, but this situation in which we find ourselves does bring to mind the words of the poet John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost:

“The mind is its own place, and in itself
“Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.”

This is what we do. We all too often make the heaven of God’s home in which we live a living hell – through our negativity, whining, pettiness, greed, selfishness, hate, laziness and so on.

Let us turn away from this absurdity!

By the way, I am not trying to preach on this subject – I am talking to myself just as much as to anyone reading this. But the more I think about it, the more it becomes just too wonderful a thought not to share…!

We live in God’s home – with planetary neighbors who are Gods, upon a Goddess we can touch, sustained further by a God we can see in our sky, while residing within a God, some of which we can also see.

And, what’s more, despite all our appalling behavior, all of these beings love us and would do anything they possibly could within the karmic law to help us to advance to the bliss of God-consciousness. They would do anything – for love – to help the likes of us.

How can this not raise our spirits in joy – this humbling yet so awe-inspiring a fact as to spontaneously fill our hearts with joy and spiritual happiness?!

This is no wishful thinking – it is no pipe dream or delusion – it is reality. And appreciation of reality – realization of reality – will not only bring us joy, but also inspire us such that we will live and act in accordance with the karmic law – and then have the opportunity to realize more, and become more joyful, and so forth ad infinitum.

As the Master Aetherius so beautifully put it:

Be not sad, my friends, for you have nothing to be sad about. Be joyful, be full of Spiritual happiness and the fetters of your Karma will fall from you.
‘Action is essential – the sorter is here!’; Cosmic Voice – issue 25


Note 1: An explanation of mind as one of the dimensions of creation is given in Dr. King’s lecture entitled ‘The Seven Dimensions of Creation’.

About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

We live in God’s Home – so let’s be happy!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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UFOs and Signature Management: how the Colossal “Satellite Number 3” Remains Invisible Fri, 05 Nov 2021 04:00:03 +0000 “Signature management” is a phrase most people would be unfamiliar with. I only became interested in it when reading the US government UFO report released by the Director of National…

UFOs and Signature Management: how the Colossal “Satellite Number 3” Remains Invisible
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Signature Management

“Signature management” is a phrase most people would be unfamiliar with. I only became interested in it when reading the US government UFO report released by the Director of National Intelligence in June this year. According to the report, UFOs appear to use signature management. 

What is signature management?

We all give off what could be described as signatures, or clues, to our presence. In a military setting, these signatures can reveal the presence of soldiers or equipment in a conflict situation, so hiding or minimising them can be a strategic advantage – hence, signature management. 

A simple example of signature management might be camouflage clothing which hides someone or makes it more difficult for the person to be seen. 

What does signature management have to do with UFOs? 

The mention of signature management in the UFO report is quite an important admission. Signature management is intelligently controlled so this means the Pentagon has acknowledged that some UFOs are intelligently controlled. However, the motive for UFOs adopting, or appearing to adopt, signature management is completely different to the motive our militaries have in their use of it. In the case of our militaries, this is to gain an advantage over their enemies but this is not the case with the extraterrestrial spacecraft seen in our skies.

The books, lectures, addresses, journals and newsletters of The Aetherius Society detail extraordinary insights into UFOs, their technologies, the people who operate them, and, most importantly, the reason they are visiting us. This information comes through and from Dr. George King, founder of The Aetherius Society, who was in contact with extraterrestrial Spiritual Masters from 1954 until his passing in 1997. A study of these materials reveals many examples of what could be described as signature management technologies. 

Here are a few examples of how UFOs may, or may not, use signature management.

Visual signature management

Camouflage clothing may protect someone from being seen by another person, but it doesn’t help when it comes to being seen by infrared technology which shows the temperature of objects. Through an infrared camera a human body would be visible because of the heat it gives off. 

The combustion engines of motorised vehicles also generate heat when in operation as well as releasing heat through their exhaust system. For a combustion engine to be hidden from an infrared camera, some method of reducing, hiding or disguising the heat would be required. 

In the book Contacts With The Gods From Space, Dr. King reports that UFOs are powered not by combustion engines, but by an advanced system of magnetic propulsion. We don’t know how this works but this sort of advanced technology would not generate heat in the way a basic combustion engine would generate heat, or perhaps not even any heat at all. So if a UFO was observed through an infrared camera without showing any trace of heat then the military may consider this a form of signature management, but it could be that this is just a consequence of their superior propulsion technology. There is simply no heat, or signature, to be managed. 

UFOs can use signature management in relation to radar. UFOs are protected by a magnetic force screen which interferes with radio reception. Radar technology uses radio waves, and “jamming” – or interference – with radio signals is often reported when UFOs are observed as this can interfere with how UFOs are tracked on radar. 

This force screen also causes photos taken of UFOs to be blurry which is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to obtain good photos of them. 

UFOs have also frequently been described as disappearing or blinking in and out of existence. They do this through technology which is vastly superior to anything we have on Earth. They have technology which enables them to move from one level of vibration to another and therefore appear to blink out of existence. When they do this they are still visible, but they have moved to another level of vibration and are only visible on that level of vibration, not ours. 

Sound signature management

If an object breaks the sound barrier it makes a sonic boom. UFOs, however, have been observed to break the sound barrier without making any sound at all. This could mean they are managing the sound signature as they do this, but it could also mean their whole system of flight is completely different to what we imagine. Their technology is so advanced that it’s possible that there is simply no noise produced when they move faster than the speed of sound.

Why do UFOs exhibit signature management?

It’s important to note that none of these examples are because UFOs want to gain an upper hand over us in a military sense. Their technology is so vastly superior to ours that the idea of us being any kind of threat to them is laughable. 

The only thing more laughable is the idea of them being a threat to us. They have such superiority over us that if they had wanted to exercise this they could have done so long ago and our civilization would no longer exist! Even more of a reason than this, though, is the fact that, throughout our history, they have worked tirelessly to protect and guide us as we struggle to evolve, as has been extensively documented by The Aetherius Society. 

Signature management could also be used by UFOs as a way of demonstrating their superiority in a subtle way, without causing us harm. There are many other instances of them appearing to do this – for example, disabling nuclear missiles has been reported multiple times. In another report a UFO being observed by an aircraft appeared to disappear, only for the radar operator to inform the pilot that it was now waiting for him at his predetermined rendezvous point which was known only to a handful of people. In this case the UFO didn’t appear to have any reason to do this other than to demonstrate that it knew where this location was.

The example of Satellite Number 3

The Aetherius Society has, since the 1950s, reported on the presence of a large extraterrestrial satellite that comes into orbit of Earth four times per year known as Satellite Number 3. The controllers of Satellite Number 3 have chosen to make themselves invisible to the human race, so this would count as a form of signature management. Here are the words of Dr. George King from his book The Nine Freedoms describing the reason Satellite Number 3 comes into orbit, as well as how it remains undetected:

The Third Satellite is a colossal spacecraft controlled by the Martian Adept—Mars Sector 6. This comes into an orbit of Earth for several periods each year, the dates of which are always given beforehand and published in Aetherius Society material. The periods of these orbits are called, “Magnetization Periods.” During a “Magnetization Period,” all truly selfless spiritual activities performed on behalf of mankind are potentized exactly 3,000 times because of the highly concentrated and carefully balanced energy waves radiated from Satellite No. 3. So finely are these energies combined and manipulated by the expert astro-metaphysicians on the spacecraft, that never can they be used wrongly or for selfish purposes.

The Satellite is totally invisible to physical human eyes and it cannot be detected by radar.

Invisibility of the Satellite is brought about by revolving the photons, which would normally be emanated by light reflection from the hull of the craft, in a 360 degree arc within the magnetic force screen around the vessel.

The Satellite cannot be detected by terrestrial radar because the particle emission radiated through the radar antenna is not allowed to be reflected after collision with the mass of the vessel. These energies are absorbed into a special screen around the spacecraft thereby making radar detection impossible.

There are good reasons for the Space Intelligences adopting both of these precautions. It should be pointed out that when any energy is reflected by an object, the energy particles are, to some degree, conditioned by that mass through collision.

So minutely exact are the energy radiations from Satellite No. 3 that their delicate balance and predetermined results would be upset by normal light reflection and certainly by radar pulse reflection.

It is difficult for ordinary Earth brains to fully appreciate a science as exact as that practised on Satellite No. 3, but careful study and applied common sense will soon tell you that in order to be able to clearly predetermine a psycho-spiritual result, all interfering factors must be eliminated from the chain of progress which eventually leads up to that result.

Satellite Number 3 is a demonstration of the technology of the Cosmic Masters which is vastly more advanced than ours, and it is balanced with a spirituality which is also vastly more advanced than ours. 

It is an incredibly sophisticated spacecraft of compassionate extraterrestrial beings with the selfless motive of helping us using their advanced technology and deep understanding of God

While insights into their technology and how their craft operate are fascinating, of far greater importance is their message and the example they provide us of how to live.

The Cosmic Masters work tirelessly to help us and their help is freely available to anyone with the right motive who wishes to use it. They are an outstanding example of service to others. 

Find out more:


About the author
Julian RosserJulian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He was a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcast series, and is the author of numerous blogs on cosmic metaphysics.

UFOs and Signature Management: how the Colossal “Satellite Number 3” Remains Invisible
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 5 35469
A Reorientation of Thought Wed, 22 Sep 2021 06:15:34 +0000 However we choose to view the current state of our world and all of the tremendous obstacles that we face, one thing starts to become increasingly clear and that is…

A Reorientation of Thought
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

A Reorientation of Thought

However we choose to view the current state of our world and all of the tremendous obstacles that we face, one thing starts to become increasingly clear and that is the pressing need for a complete reorientation of thought as to how we are living upon this planet if we are to survive.

The old cliché of there being no easy solutions has turned almost overnight to there being virtually no solutions – not even difficult ones – to the problems humanity is collectively facing; whether they be social, environmental, economic or political. This perfect storm of challenges has contributed to a worldwide sense of growing despair that can be seen in the tragic rise in the number of people experiencing depression together with a similar increase in the number of suicides, especially among the young. (Note 1.)

Yet is there a solution to our collective chaos? Can we find a way out of this inferno that we have created on Earth? Politics, and certainly politicians, seem to be incapable of providing either a cure or the kind of unifying global leadership that the world needs. Nor can we continue to spend our way out of trouble by throwing money at every challenge that we face. The federal debt in the United States is close to being a mind-boggling $30,000,000,000,000 (30 trillion dollars) which equates to nearly $250,000 for every single tax payer in the country. Yikes!

As someone likened it recently, we have become like children in the nursery who have broken all the toys, fought and pulled at each other’s hair, soiled the carpet and the walls such that the playground has become toxic and dysfunctional and we don’t know what to do about it.

Well, desperate times do indeed call for new measures, but they don’t need to be desperate in and of themselves. In fact, they can be incredibly enlightening if we are only able to take that complete reorientation of thought, perhaps precipitated by a long-forgotten parent opening the door and stepping into the nursery.

In The Aetherius Society we have been preparing for such an eventuality for more than half a century. In fact, when one stands back it has not been hard to foresee our present worldly difficulties, and even more so when one has studied the occult history of mankind. It is not as though humanity has not been in a similar situation before – in Atlantis, and even before that in Lemuria, two previous civilizations on Earth, both of which we destroyed. (Note 2.) 

But what does it take to bring about such a necessary reorientation of thought? Does it require a global catastrophe or a gradual meltdown of society; or is it something more intuitive – an “inner-knowing” kind of intelligence?

If you find yourself in the latter group, more and more concerned about the state – and fate – of our world, we recommend you take a closer look at what the Cosmic Masters have been saying through The Aetherius Society, and in particular during the Cold War just a few years after atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It may no longer sound quite so obscure or outlandish. Indeed, it might find itself speaking to you in a way that now completely resonates. 

For example, in the early 1960s the Cosmic Master “Aetherius” from whom we take our name communicating through the trained Yogi Adept and founder of the organization, Dr. George King, gave a Transmission entitled ‘Interplanetary Policy’.

He states:

I am a Representative of Venus in Interplanetary Parliament, and as such I have taken upon myself the duty of speaking to people upon Terra [Earth] through this Mental Channel [Dr. George King] to make them think in a different way so that they may be brought out of the mental rut into which they have fallen. This reorientation of thought will bring about a heightened awareness and rise of all consciousness…   

Nothing, surely, given the state of today’s world could be either more imperative or more complete. Short of any spontaneous combustion of terrestrial thought onto a higher plane of enlightenment, the adult we need to enter into the room must, by its very nature, be something outside of ourselves if this radical reorientation of thought is to take hold. It needs to deeply capture our collective attention right down to the innermost level of our being, much like how hexagram 51 in the I Ching calls for shock, if humanity is to be sufficiently awakened into a far greater spiritual understanding of our existence not just within the nursery but of the whole mansion in which the nursery itself exists.

Earlier in that same Transmission, the Master Aetherius points out:

No political system is at all complete without a religious foundation.

How can you have water from oxygen alone? You must have the hydrogen to combine with the oxygen in order to have water. You people on Terra vote for and keep a political system in its place which is not in any way complete.

Our religion is a simple one, which has been built upon the foundation that God is ALL.

God, as Absolute, is the One Cosmic Simple.

There cannot be anything else outside of this original Cause.

This original Cause, of course, must contain even a political system which you adopt on Terra, but if you consciously strove to put the correct philosophy in the correct place, you would have a system that would not produce the world calamity and chaos and even internal chaos that your present system produces.

In other words, it is not just an understanding of the Message that we need but also of the Messenger; and the latter may indeed precipitate the former.

A few months ago, the Pentagon, a bastion of the United States establishment, somewhat remarkably published papers that it clearly felt it could no longer keep under wraps about what it terms UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The mere fact that some of these objects displayed characteristics that were as breath-taking as they were alien, as witnessed by highly-trained military personnel, was simply becoming too hot to contain. Public disclosure, after decades of denial and secrecy, seemed by far the most sensible path to take, albeit a calculated one.

It seems to also be the path taken by the aliens themselves; one of gradual exposure allowing us to slowly acclimate to their presence and possible existence. Not enough to frighten us but just enough to gain sufficient attention inside the nursery. One might argue that crop circles exist to perform a similar function; something that we can’t quite make out on the walls but which didn’t seem to be there yesterday. How did they get there? Where did they come from?

Just like UAPs, these mysterious circles have been reappearing in incredible formations and which, also like the UAPs, appear to pose no threat. Indeed, quite the opposite. They entrance us! (Note 3.)

So is it just possible that in this “eleventh hour,” when the Doomsday clock is closer to midnight than at any other time, that we are being prepared for the kind of reorientation of thought that the Master Aetherius was referring to more than 60 years ago?

If so, what does that say about The Aetherius Society which has been advocating for both the message and the Messengers all this time? To the open-minded and intuitive person already awakening to these realizations, we hope you will take a deeper look into these Cosmic Teachings. Where do these alien intelligences come from? What is their purpose for communicating with us and what is their message? Where do we go when we die? Do we ever go to where they have come from? What is our purpose for being on Earth, how did we get here; and – perhaps most importantly – can they provide us with a vision and perspective on how we can resolve and transform all our crises?

These are the types of questions that we need to be asking in these challenging times. To answer them will be to bring about a complete reorientation of global thought, and thereby not only manifest “a heightened awareness and rise of consciousness” so vitally needed, but also virtually guarantee our one and only way of survival as a species on planet Earth.

Failing that, what other alternatives realistically exist? 


Note 1. Ref: CDC 

Note 2. Ref: The Nine Freedoms Introduction

Note 3. Ref: BBC

About the author
Rev. Paul Nugent is an International Director of The Aetherius Society having joined the Society in England in 1986. He was a personal assistant to Dr. George King during the latter years of his life. Active in interfaith, Paul is also an Emeriti Board Member of the Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.

A Reorientation of Thought
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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A Tale of Two Operation Sunbeams Wed, 08 Sep 2021 06:00:28 +0000 The 1960s could be said to contain demonstrations of both some of the best aspects of our history and some of the worst aspects of our history. Starting with one…

A Tale of Two Operation Sunbeams
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


The 1960s could be said to contain demonstrations of both some of the best aspects of our history and some of the worst aspects of our history.

Starting with one of the worst, in 1962, for example, something terrible happened.

In the Nevada desert in the United States, a series of four nuclear tests took place.

Unfortunately, nuclear tests weren’t an uncommon occurrence at the time. There had been many such tests in the preceding years, and over 2,000 have taken place around the world to date.

The US military named this particular series of four tests: Operation Sunbeam.

nuclear weapons testing

Image: A crowd watches one of a series of four nuclear tests in the Nevada desert in 1962.

These tests were an act of black magic; a horrendous act with a horrendous motive – testing of a foul, vicious weapon designed to kill large numbers of people in a brutal manner.

They were performed with immense financial backing of the US government and the vast resources of its military.

They were reported around the world. They were front page news, the leading story in major papers.

Even though these detonations took place for testing purposes, they still caused pain and suffering as the fallout from nuclear tests has been linked to cancer. The day after one of these nuclear tests, the front page of the Los Angeles Times reported the absurd heading: “Towering Dust Cloud Rises to 12,000 Ft.; Radiation Level Safe.” How could a 12,000-foot high cloud of radioactive dust possibly be considered safe?! Some radioactivity from nuclear tests in the 1950s and 1960s is still detectable even today.

Newspaper clipping H-Bomb

Image: The day after one of these nuclear tests, the Los Angeles Times reported the absurd heading: “Towering Dust Cloud Rises to 12,000 Ft.; Radiation Level Safe.” 

The Cosmic Masters who spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King frequently warned of the grave consequences of nuclear experimentation. In 1955, a Cosmic Master with the pseudonym of Mars Sector 6 put it this way:

We are concerned about the release of strontium through thermo-nuclear fission. These strontium deposits will travel around your Earth, and will settle in reservoirs and on arable land. Strontium has certain properties rather like calcium. This radio-active material has a life of 35 years. It can be taken into plant life and animal life, so that when this food is eaten by terrestrial people, the strontium will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, nervous system and the bone structure, especially the latter. This will cause mutation of the bone structure and cancer of the bone. Only by a complete tuning-in during and just after the Magnetization Periods can you immunise yourselves against the mutative effects otherwise brought about by radio-active strontium absorption.

Treat this seriously, for we are going out of our way to give you this information. I do not say that I represent the first source of this information—if you have been given it before, then I can only substantiate the danger of this. We know, because we are able to measure with very sensitive instruments the genetic effects of radio-active strontium release within the filterisation units of Terra. Your scientists can measure one octave of radiation only—they know nothing of SIX OTHER OCTAVES of this radiation.

CV Volume 1

Nuclear tests and the weapons resulting from them are a black mark against the human race.

At completely the opposite end of the scale to these tests is the legacy of Dr. George King, particularly in the form of Cosmic Missions. These allow representatives of the human race to cooperate with Cosmic Intelligences in service to humanity and the Mother Earth.

Why service to the planet? Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters that spoke through him taught that the Mother Earth is a living being. As Dr. King said in his book Visit To The Logos Of Earth:

This Planet is a living, breathing Entity. It is an ancient and, in comparison with man, very advanced Entity. It is a female Entity. The mass of liquid which covers most of the surface of this Planet and which, in deep occult circles, represents psychic power, illustrates that the Life Stream, or Logos, of this Planet is female in character. Unlike certain other Planets in this Solar System, Earth is very temperate in environmental conditions and is continually promoting the growth of vegetation, animals and human bodies alike. Another striking indication of Her female characteristics. Some Planets, male in character, are, from a temperature point of view, not nearly as temperate, neither is Their surface covered by vast stretches of water and vegetation. Even though such Planets are habitable, They can only be inhabited by entities advanced enough to live under such conditions. Another definite indication of the female characteristics of our Logos—continual promotion and propagation of life in multitudinous forms from Her body is perpetually taking place. We are told that because of the extreme fertility of Earth, it is, in many respects, the most pleasant Planet upon which to live.

This great and majestic Goddess has helped humanity for eons by providing us a place to live – and not just any place, but “in many respects, the most pleasant Planet upon which to live” in this Solar System. But she suffers greatly as a result of this – we dam her rivers, create mines, and pollute on a global scale. Worse than this, we have detonated nuclear weapons in the air, at ground level and even underground, within her body. The presence of the human race on planet Earth has led to a gradual poisoning of the environment.

In 1966, four years after the series of nuclear tests described above, Dr. George King announced a new Cosmic Mission.

This Mission involved the radiation of spiritual energy into certain psychic centres of the Mother Earth as a token repayment for all that we have taken from her. One of these psychic centers is in Utah which is a neighboring state to Nevada and the aforementioned nuclear test site.

Dr. King named his Mission: Operation Sunbeam.

While it shared the same name as the nuclear tests, in all other ways it couldn’t be more different.

Dr. King’s Operation Sunbeam was a Divine and inspired invention.

The energy sent to the Mother Earth in Dr. King’s Operation Sunbeam is a token gesture of repayment. We owe her so much that we can never repay her. But even though it is a token gesture, because of the genius of Dr. King, it is still an incredibly potent karmic tool to help our world.

Dr. King wrote about it as follows in his book Visit To The Logos Of Earth:

In the beginning I recognized “Operation Sunbeam” as an ecological tool which would gradually, but nonetheless surely, start to manipulate the heavy negative Karma which the masses had brought onto their shoulders by their unappreciative and thoughtless rape of a green, beautiful and Holy Planet. Through life after life the masses had been born and reborn on this Earth—which should have been regarded as a living Temple of the living God—and yet how seldom throughout those centuries have even the few thanked their God and The Logos Of Earth for providing such a beautiful classroom in which to learn their evolutionary lessons. In my humble estimation, such a happening is unbelievable but, I regret to say, very true. If you want a demonstration of gross ignorance on the part of the inhabitants of a magnificent world, then this surely must be an horrific illustration of this.

Unlike the nuclear tests, Dr. King’s Operation Sunbeam was performed on a shoestring budget with only a small team of people involved and it received very little in the way of media coverage. Even today, few know about this mission and even fewer appreciate it or attempt to support it in any way.

Dr. King’s Operation Sunbeam also had some quite incredible consequences which he did not foresee.

When other worlds heard about what Dr. King had created, they were amazed and inspired. They saw that if a backward barbaric race like us – the kind of people capable of creating a devastating death weapon like a nuclear bomb – could perform a mission as great as Dr. King’s Operation Sunbeam, then they too felt they could do it.

Throughout the galaxy, people living on other planets were inspired to perform their own version of this Cosmic Mission upon their own worlds, and thus help their own people and the hundreds of planets upon whom they resided. One man’s idea on Earth had consequences that rippled throughout the galaxy.

The advanced beings living on other planets in our Solar System have monitored events on Earth throughout our history. They monitored our nuclear tests, concerned about the negative impact they would have. Humanity has a very dark history in relation to nuclear activity. This can be found spelled out very clearly by Dr. King in the introduction to The Nine Freedoms.

Dr. King’s Operation Sunbeam was also closely watched by extraterrestrials, but not out of concern. They observed it because it was an inspiring achievement. Even though this Operation Sunbeam received little media coverage on Earth, it was reported in far higher and more illustrious places elsewhere in the galaxy.

But even more than monitoring it, extraterrestrials actively participate in this Mission and they consider it a great privilege to be able to do so. This cosmic cooperation established by Dr. King continues to this day with Operation Sunbeam being regularly performed in the British Isles and the United States by The Aetherius Society, with 878 Phases performed to date. Since its inception, Dr. King oversaw various enhancements and it is now even more potent than it was when it inspired the galaxy.

On December 18th, 1966, only a matter of months after Dr. King had announced his Operation Sunbeam, the Master Aetherius said the following:

So you see, ladies and gentlemen, here we have a Cosmic snowball, virtually, something which has almost gone out of all proportion – certainly out of proportion to what it was originally intended. Not only will a token – a very small insignificant token, but nevertheless a token of energy, be given back to the Logos of Terra, but also to hundreds of other of Logoi throughout the Galaxy…!

This is, of course, very wonderful. This shows that, despite the savagery of a race, initially, that race is still Divine. Despite the testing of ‘murder bombs’ allegedly for peace purposes, a few individuals are reaching inward to break the veil around the lights of their Divinity. As I have told you so many times before, you do not know exactly what you are doing when you do this. Look at what has happened now. A few of you decided to accept OPERATION SUNBEAM, having not any idea that your action would even be an inspiration to the other worlds.

But I will tell you this, before my Maker, it has been so.

So there you have probably one of the strangest messages ever given to Terra at any time in Her history – but certainly one of the most hopeful.

OPERATION SUNBEAM will continue and it must — despite all odds — ALL odds no matter what they be — continue for it will be watched by others who need this type of thought to give them confidence to do their equivalent of this Operation upon their worlds.

Find out more:


About the author
Julian RosserJulian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He was a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcast series, and is the author of numerous blogs on cosmic metaphysics.

A Tale of Two Operation Sunbeams
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 7 35170
An Alien Base Under The Sea Of Japan Mon, 19 Jul 2021 22:04:12 +0000 As the name indicates, UFOs – unidentified flying objects – are typically regarded as an aerial phenomenon. However, there is a growing discussion around them not just being seen in…

An Alien Base Under The Sea Of Japan
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Aliens in the Sea of Japan

As the name indicates, UFOs – unidentified flying objects – are typically regarded as an aerial phenomenon. However, there is a growing discussion around them not just being seen in our skies, but in our oceans as well. 

A few examples of these include:

  1. Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for the UFO organisation MUFON, says he observed an underwater UFO travelling at high speed while he was aboard a US Navy submarine.
  2. A History Channel documentary earlier this year investigated reports of UFOs being seen coming out of the water around the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. 
  3. In a June interview with The Washington Post, Luiz Elizondo, Former Director of the US Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, spoke of UFOs being seen underwater that are “able to perform in ways that frankly exceed anything that we know on the planet right now.”  
  4. This month a Navy Gunners Mate on an aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, reported that on the way from Florida to Haiti in 2010 he saw a “Tic Tac” shaped object moving rapidly underwater. 

These underwater objects are sometimes referred to as “unidentified submerged objects” or “trans-medium UFOs” because they are able to travel through at least three mediums: air, water, and space. Like their airborne counterparts, these objects are able to travel at incredible speeds and perform maneuvers far beyond what our current technology is capable of, showing that they must be the product of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations – imagine a submarine that could fly through the air and travel through space! 

Even more fascinating than these recent reports is an earlier article in The Aetherius Society’s Newsletter which revealed the presence of underwater alien activity around four decades ago. 

In the early 1980s, there were media reports of UFO activity around Russia and Japan. On March 28th, 1982, Dr. George King, founder of The Aetherius Society, asked one of his extraterrestrial contacts about the reason for the UFO activity in this area. 

His contact – the cosmic entity known by the pseudonym of “Mars Sector 8 – Special Advisor S2” – responded with a stunning revelation: there was an alien base in the Sea of Japan! 

The report in The Aetherius Society’s Newsletter included the following information about the aliens in the Sea of Japan:

It seems that these spacemen are not from this Solar System but have been using underwater bases on and off for some time now, probably for exploration purposes. We do not accept the findings of the special Russian Scientific Commission set up to check this out, which brought forward the theory that, because this part of the Pacific Ocean bed is rich in iron and manganese and other minerals, the aliens could work under water undisturbed by earthlings in order to mine these minerals for their own use. 

However, it is now a certain fact that, for whatever reason the aliens needed this and other underwater bases, they do exist. It is also a certain fact that, according to the Interplanetary Communication Centre, Mars Sector 8 – Special Advisor S2, these aliens are under close scrutiny by Interplanetary Confederation Forces, which make no attempt to interfere with them as long as they remain non-belligerent to terrestrials, and as long as they do not interfere with the fragility of the sea bed in this or other areas.

While a fascinating report, the presence of this underwater base was not a total surprise to Dr. King. Some years previously, he had been informed that the Interplanetary Confederation had relaxed the rules around exploration of Earth by intelligences from outside of our Solar System. This meant that aliens would be visiting Earth in greater numbers than before. 

The fact that the aliens using this underwater base were under observation by Interplanetary Confederation Forces to make sure they did not become belligerent, shows the peaceful outlook of Dr. King’s extraterrestrial contacts. This is an important point at a time when increasingly some are wrongly trying to portray the extraterrestrials visiting Earth as a threat. 

About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He hosted the  Mystic FM podcast.

An Alien Base Under The Sea Of Japan
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Interplanetary Service Fri, 25 Jun 2021 21:45:09 +0000 Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from…

Interplanetary Service
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from other worlds are visiting us. 

The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught that beings from other worlds have been visiting us for thousands of years. In fact, some of them have even allowed a part of their consciousness to be born among us. These Avatars who have come in the past include Sri Krishna from Saturn, the Master Jesus and the Lord Buddha from Venus, and St. Peter from Mars.

In fact most planets in this Solar System are inhabited, but not at this frequency of vibration; the advanced civilizations of our planetary neighbors exist on higher planes, as yet undetectable by terrestrial science – but nevertheless completely physical and very real in every sense. 

As well as being born among us, these advanced spiritual beings visit us in other ways as well – one of which is in spacecraft, hence a number of the countless UFO sightings reported are in fact vessels from other planets.

But these beings do not need to come to our planet to help us, they can do this from their home planets as well. 


We are told in The Nine Freedoms that the inhabitants of Mars are an advanced race, and that they are the engineers and builders of the Solar System. Further to this, in Life on the Planets, Mars Sector 6 tells us that: 

“Mars is the industrial Planet of the Solar System. At least 75% – as you would call it – of all Interplanetary vehicles, are manufactured upon the Planet Mars.” 

So when we see UFOs in our skies, if they are in fact extraterrestrial craft, and if the visitors are from this System, it is likely that these vehicles were built on Mars. 

These vehicles are given freely to other planets in this Solar System. In fact, any planet can ask for thousands of vehicles and, once ready, these great fleets can be sent to their new planets by remote control. It is important to note that every single one of these vehicles is only ever used for peaceful purposes. These purposes, as far as worlds like ours are concerned at least, are, we are told by Mars Sector 6 “observation, screening and protecting other less evolved Planets, such as Terra.” “Terra” is the word they use for Earth.


The inhabitants of Venus are so highly evolved that certain of their Masters are able to have direct communication with the Logos or Cosmic Entity of Venus itself. 

Venusians live on and below the surface of the planet. They have built two Temples specifically to radiate energy out from the Logos. One of these Temples is in the center of the planet, and the other on the surface in order to form a magnetic line from the Logos of Venus to the surface. This is so that they can radiate its power throughout the Solar System, so that all the people who need this power can use it. 

Venus also has large healing centers for anyone who needs any kind of help. The Master Aetherius, a Venusian, says that:

“…some of your terrestrial Adepts, travel to these Centers when they enter the profound Silence, known as the deeper states of Meditation. Here they learn and are illuminated, before they return to their physical bodies upon Terra, so that they, in turn, can teach the people of your Earth.”

The Master Aetherius tells us that they are helping us as much as they are karmically able to. 


Jupiter is the main reception planet for the Solar System. The cosmic intelligence referred to as Jupiter Sector 92 describes some of the ways they help other races:

“Many vessels from other inhabited places in the Milky Way do land and sometimes the people stay with us for some time in order to have the benefit of sensitization brought about by the regular and direct impregnation by our music, perfume and color energies.”

Jupiterians are able to “observe both sides of the light spectrum” so they are able to see thousands more shades of color than we are. 

They also are able to manipulate magnetic energies so they are transformed into sound which creates beautiful music that they can radiate to other life-streams in this Solar System. The Jupiterians are also able to see the colors made by these sound energies. 

The beings from Jupiter radiate their beautiful music, color and perfume to other life-streams on inhabited worlds, including Earth, so that they may also raise their consciousness.  

“We will in future, more than we have done in the past, turn our attention to Earth, so that much inspiration of the people of Earth may be brought about by the Transmission from our temples of these music and perfume energies and they – if ready, will be risen up, as a result of this absorption.”

– Jupiter Sector 92


Saturn is the most evolved planet in our Solar System and it is home to the Twelve Perfects of Saturn. Primary Life Cycle Saturnians are so advanced they are able to divide their consciousness such that they can inhabit up to 1,860 positions in the space-time continuum, and some of the Perfects can go even further than this.

The Perfects live in a great temple on Saturn. 

“From their Mighty Souls pour forth the rays of inspiration – out into every life-stream in the Solar System, so that it may be impregnated with these mighty rays…The Perfects – or the Most Ancient Ones – desire only to help the basic life-streams to express in full the Divine Spark of that Thing you call God – which is within.” 

– Mars Sector 6

These great beings are helping every person on Earth in this way. Sending us inspiration, to raise our consciousness. 

Life on Earth is vastly less evolved than these advanced beings on the other planets in our Solar System. Inhabitants of these other planets work together, even with the Logos of their Planet, to uplift each other, visitors and other life forms in any way they can. 

So here we Terrestrials are quibbling about whether or not UFOs exist, and whether they’re extraterrestrial, and these beings are quietly working to help us, asking nothing in return. 


About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a staff member and Programme Administrator at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

Interplanetary Service
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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The Adepts and Animals Mon, 17 May 2021 07:30:01 +0000 On May 17th, 1959, the Master Aetherius, a Cosmic Master, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King to the attendees of a special Power Circle at Aetherius House…

The Adepts and Animals
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Adepts and Animals

On May 17th, 1959, the Master Aetherius, a Cosmic Master, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King to the attendees of a special Power Circle at Aetherius House in London. He informed them that there were three specially trained Adepts who had come to Earth on a mission to transmute the black magicians who were manipulating the evil forces upon Earth.

The term “black magician” refers to the type of magic these beings performed, not their skin color. These sinister beings lived on the lower realms of Earth. These lower realms are just as physical as this realm that we live on, but they vibrate at a lower frequency. These black magicians were powerful and they were able to influence this realm that we live on, causing division, fear and even war.

The Three Adepts that the Master Aetherius referred to were Interplanetary Beings, and were joined on their Mission by another two Cosmic Masters, also known as Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five and by the Master Babaji, who is the Lord of Earth and was also known as Adept Number Six. We now refer to these as “The Six Adepts.”

The Six Adepts had many Missions that we know of from the 1950s until 1997, when Adept Number One, Dr. George King passed from this plane.

Through their numerous battles, and other forms of assistance, the Adepts have saved humanity many times. The level of compassion that they have for the Mother Earth and humanity is so deep it is beyond comprehension.

This compassion, however, was not just limited to the Mother Earth, or humanity, but also extended to animals. Let’s look at three examples of this.

Blessing for pets

On several occasions, Dr. George King, had a special ceremony where people brought their pets and he gave each one a blessing. It wasn’t just cats and dogs who received a blessing; birds, hamsters and even a turtle were blessed as well.

These were uplifting and joyous ceremonies for the pet owners, for Dr. King and the animals. At the first ceremony, which was held at the American Headquarters in Los Angeles in 1981, Dr. King told a story of his wife’s dog, Rusty:

Rusty would know an hour before I did, many times throughout her life, when a Transmission was going to occur, and she always did the same thing. She always came to me and cuddled up to me in a very frightened way. I think she knew that danger was imminent. She did this for a number of years.

The dog was uncannily correct with these things. If some Transmissions were given, such as a fight against the evil forces, Rusty would shake very badly and almost have a heart attack. In fact, sometimes we thought we had lost her. So therefore, she had to be cared for by other people all the time the Transmission went on.

Afterwards she would then come to me, have a look at me, see I was still alive and walk away. I wonder which are the dumb people – the owners or the animals?

I think we should always remember this, and I think, too, it is so nice to see people who are devoted to animals, are kind to them, who obviously look after them in the right manner, and I feel that if people cannot do this, then they are not worthy of being called human.

Dr. King was extremely hard working. He was always moving from one life-saving Mission to another and his leisure time was severely limited – to say the least. Yet here he took time out of his almost impossible schedule, more than once, to set up a blessing for animals.


Dr. King was an animal lover. One expression of this was two very beautiful and moving blessing ceremonies conducted by him for the Members’ pets, which took place outside the Temple of the American Headquarters. Members presented their pets before him, as an Archbishop, to receive his loving blessings.

Animal Surgery

In 1978, one of the Directors of The Aetherius Society lost her beloved dog to a tragic accident. Dr. King saw the distress that this caused her, and contacted the Cosmic Master Mars Sector 8 – Special Advisor S2, hoping that he could locate the dog on the mental realms. It is unknown how many hundreds of thousands of animals die each day, but this Master was able to find the dog on the other realms in just six minutes! Dr. King then immediately reached out to Adept Number Five, who said that he would “make contact.”

The Adepts always make it a point to turn a negative situation into a positive one, and this case was no exception. Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five advised that auric surgery was performed on the dog, and no auric blemishes remained. Additionally, the recovery time for the dog would be very short. But that is not where this story ends. Inspired by this incredible example of compassion and service, hundreds of humanitarians on the other realms stepped forward and volunteered to help other animals who were also in need of this auric surgery.

In January 1979, Dr. King received this message from Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five:

The training programme we initiated to train suitable candidates in our specialized method of psychic surgery, for the benefit of animals with mutilated subtle bodies, has already reached such gigantic proportions that we have to train and appoint more than 100 organizers to control it. This is not the only animal rescue service on these realms but is the most specialized in auric surgery to severe cases.

This is an incredible story of compassion for animals and spiritual action. Again, we see that the Adepts, although busy with dangerous and life-saving work, have gone out of their way to help animals. They even set up a system for this help to carry on in the future.

The Atomic Mission

In the Atomic Mission, the Adepts went into the lower realms and discovered an area that was used as a dumping ground for radioactive waste, which had caused mutation of the whole area.

As the radioactivity escaped from the fragile containers, which had probably been broken open when dropped by air into this jungle swamp, a mutation started to form and conditions were exactly right for it. What was before an impenetrable disease-ridden swamp, now became something which could, in non-technical terms, be described as a single mutated entity which absorbed everything in its path; animal, fish and vegetable alike.

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King

This leaking radiation was causing animals in the area to be severely burnt and even killed. One of the first actions the Adepts took was to place narcotic land-mines around the whole area. When animals came near, these land-mines rendered the animals unconscious so that they could be dragged to safety. Hundreds of animals that strayed into the area were saved by volunteer forces.

Although cleaning up the radioactive waste was their primary mission, not saving the animals, the Adepts, as always, went above and beyond what was needed to fulfil their mission to make sure that their actions preserved all life as much as possible. No unnecessary death or suffering would take place. This shows how much they valued animal life as well as human life, and how they treated it with a similar level of care and compassion.

The lessons I am taking away from these examples of the Adepts and their interactions with the animal kingdom, is the importance of being kind and compassionate to animals. They are also living beings on their own evolutionary path. If great beings such as the Adepts could find the time to help animals, we should do the same.

The motto of The Aetherius Society is “SERVICE is the jewel in the rock of attainment.” I think we can interpret this “service” to mean service to others, all others.


Dr. King was an animal lover throughout his life, and owned a number of pets including dogs, fresh and saltwater fish and even a much-loved monkey (below).



Dr. King out for a walk with his dog, Sandy, a Hungarian Vizsla.

About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a staff member and Programme Administrator at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

The Adepts and Animals
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Life on Mars Mon, 26 Apr 2021 22:41:36 +0000 The Rover has landed! The search for life on Mars continues unabated. The Rover, named Perseverance, is the largest lander sent to the Red Planet by NASA to date and…

Life on Mars
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Life on Mars

The Rover has landed!

The search for life on Mars continues unabated. The Rover, named Perseverance, is the largest lander sent to the Red Planet by NASA to date and the first artificial craft to touch down since Curiosity in 2012. Since touchdown on February 18th, 2021, images have been sent back to Earth with the usual desert-like features we have seen in the past. The purpose of this new exploration is to extract soil samples which will then be retrieved by a future craft and brought back to Earth, provided of course that the technology has advanced sufficiently to allow a return journey which is scheduled for 2031. Perseverance is then going to launch its helicopter, Ingenuity, which is designed to give a bird’s eye view of the Martian landscape in April. The search, of course, is for evidence of ancient microbial life because as far as NASA is concerned, Mars is now a dead Planet, although it might have supported life millions of years ago.

But are they telling the truth? Has there in fact been a massive cover-up designed to keep humanity in the dark about life on Mars? When Dr. George King received the series of Cosmic Transmissions on March 18th, 1957, entitled ‘Life on the Planets,’ a very different picture was given indeed – a Solar System teeming with advanced, intelligent lifestreams.

Revelations about Life on Mars

The great communicator, Mars Sector 6 gave very definite information regarding life on Mars – revelations that Mars was far from being a “dead” Planet. In 1957, there were no Mars rovers, landers or orbiters. The first successful “fly-by” was launched by NASA in November 1964 and the first lander to send back data was Viking 1, which reached its destination on June 19th, 1976 – a ten-month journey from Earth. Meanwhile the Soviet Union was also launching its own space programme and was seemingly far more open about its findings.

What did Mars Sector 6 tell us?

  • There is vegetation on the physical plane
  • There is more oxygen in the atmosphere than our instrumentation would suggest
  • There are cities beneath the surface and on the surface of Mars

Vegetation on the physical plane

We are told that the surface temperature of Mars is so cold (-140° C) that the ice formed is carbon dioxide, which freezes at -78.5° C. Carbon dioxide has no liquid state, unlike water, which means that as carbon dioxide ice melts, it evaporates immediately. The temperature on the Martian surface has to be warm enough to support vegetation which would suggest that the ice detected on Mars must be water ice, not carbon dioxide.

Mars Sector 6 refers to the so-called canals on Mars as being vegetation strips, indicating that they were on the physical plane. They were observed by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli and others towards the end of the 19th century.

The famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke commented on photos sent back from the Mars Global Surveyor in 2001, showing what appeared to be trees and bushes on Mars. He stated: “Something is actually moving and changing with the seasons that suggests, at least vegetation.” NASA has calculated that, based on the height at which the images were taken, the “objects” would actually span one kilometer in width. They were explained away as carbon dioxide water spouts.

Oxygen in the atmosphere

Seasonal changes have been observed in Hubble photos of areas that show a greenish tinge in the Spring and Summer. NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected fluctuations in the Martian atmosphere of increasing and decreasing oxygen levels. During the Spring and Summer seasons they rise by some 30% and recede again during the Autumn and Winter and this varies from year to year.

Cities beneath the surface and on the surface

The most mysterious and yet startling revelation by Mars Sector 6 has caused quite a stir in the scientific community – the fact that there are cities beneath the surface and on the surface of Mars. In 1988, the Soviet Government released photos taken by their probe Phobos II of what appeared to be an underground city the size of Los Angeles. The images were taken with an infrared spectrometer. Similar images would later be taken with the Mars Odyssey in 2002 with the Themis imaging camera, which operated on nine levels of infrared wavelengths. When the area known as Cydonia was photographed using that imaging system, it revealed a huge underground cityscape similar to the Russian photos of 1988.

Several images of what looks like a city on the surface have also emerged. Needless to say, there was only silence from official sources. It is thanks to committed researchers who have poured over hundreds of images from the Mars Global Surveyor, the Mars Odyssey and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that they have been made available to the public. Other structures on the surface of Mars, such as pyramids and other artefacts such as the now iconic “Face” are surely not of natural origin. These have been endless topics of discussion and are widely available in book form and social media, as have been revealed in numerous documentaries and publications. All this suggests a physical contact with terrestrial civilisation at some time in our history. Many ancient cultures refer to Gods who came down from the sky.

Advanced civilizations in our Solar System

We are just starting to reach up into the cosmos and the vastness of the universe. It is worth remembering that only a few hundred years ago people thought the Earth was flat. There is a danger of looking at the existence of life through the perspective of one level, or dimension alone. The mysteries of life are starting to be revealed to us. We live in a multi-dimensional universe teeming with life, with the great Mind behind all of creation. There is the process of evolution which affects every form of life, from the greatest super-sun down to the tiniest microbial life-form.

Every Planet in our Solar System is populated with more advanced civilisations and they are not limited to the physical plane upon which we live. They live on the higher realms of existence but have the technology and evolutionary capacity to move more freely between the realms. This has been made easier by an important event which took place in 1969. This was a great cosmic move which vibrated all life-forms onto a higher level of existence. This did not include basic life on Earth, including the human race, due to our lowly evolutionary status. You only have to look at our aggressive, war-like behaviour and disrespect for life on our own world.

Before this great evolutionary move, this cosmic initiation, the Martian civilisation was more active on the physical plane and had more open contact with previous civilisations on Earth, such as Atlantis, and the even earlier civilisation of Lemuria. The vegetation on Mars and the underground cities may still be visible but the Martians themselves do not need to live on a more basic plane of existence. Unlike some new theories that are being aired, the Martian civilisation has not died out – in fact the very reverse.

Their chosen method of communication was through the mediumship of Dr. George King as their way of relaying important information in these days. Amazing revelations were made that all life throughout the universe is subject to the Law of Karma and the more advanced planetary civilisations in our Solar System obey this to the letter. There is so much help and education that could be given to us but our karmic position is so bad that they are limited in what they can do. They wait and watch and hope that we will wake up to this greater reality. The Solar System could be regarded as one family with the inhabitants of Mother Earth at the bottom of the class – wayward, delinquent children.

Intervention is given in a very subtle way. They will not land openly among us but their presence has been observed in the many UFO sightings that governments are having to acknowledge. They are obviously friendly. If they have the technology to get here in the first place, they could easily have wiped us out by now if their intentions were belligerent. They are waiting for us to change our outlook. There is an Interplanetary Confederation which consists of representatives from this Solar System and those visiting from beyond.

Are we ready for the truth?

We must embrace this exciting new reality. Israel’s former head of the Defence Ministry’s Space Directorate, Haim Eshed, made a startling revelation at the end of last year. He stated unequivocally that there is an underground base in the depths of Mars and that “earthlings,” as he called them, have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a Galactic Federation. He added that the American Government certainly knows about this! Needless to say, attempts are being made to ridicule his claims. NASA’s stated aim is the continued search for extraterrestrial life but claiming not to have found it yet. That search will prove successful when we show that we are ready.

We have to show that we are ready. We have to stop killing each other, cease religious and racial persecution and live by the rules and spiritual truths set out in certain religious texts, many of which had extraterrestrial origins and especially the teachings delivered through Dr. George King. Only then will our planetary neighbors land openly among us and bring a new dawn to our world, long prophesied by the seers of old.


About the author
Alyson Lawrence
Rt. Rev. Alyson Lawrence is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches and an International Director of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters in London. She was a devoted follower of Dr. George King during his lifetime, and has lectured in several countries and written articles on many and varied metaphysical topics.

Life on Mars
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection Sat, 17 Apr 2021 23:05:13 +0000 With the passing of Prince Philip this month, many tributes have been made to his life of duty to the British crown. But there haven’t been many stories about his…

The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Royal Extraterrestrial Connection_text

With the passing of Prince Philip this month, many tributes have been made to his life of duty to the British crown. But there haven’t been many stories about his lesser-known interest in UFOs and aliens.

One such story was first reported in 1997 in an article written by international bestselling author of UFOs and the extraterrestrial message, Richard Lawrence. Richard phoned and interviewed Prince Philip’s assistant, the late Sir Peter Horsley, who was residing in the Bahamas at the time.

Sir Peter related the story of his secret meeting with an alien in Chelsea, London, in 1954 – a meeting which had a profound effect upon him at a spiritual level and which he remained silent about until he retired decades later.

Sir Peter said the alien referred to himself as Mr. Janus and requested a meeting with Prince Philip. He appeared to be able to read Sir Peter’s mind and asked him about the UFO research he was undertaking for the Prince. He spoke about many things and his message aligned with the messages being received by Dr. George King, founder of The Aetherius Society, the world’s oldest international UFO organization. Dr. King was also contacted by extraterrestrial intelligences, known as Cosmic Masters, in the same year, and maintained communication with them throughout the remainder of his life. Interestingly, Sir Peter’s book came out in 1997, just a few months after Dr. King passed on.

It makes you wonder: What if Mr. Janus was an extraterrestrial, and what if Prince Philip had met him and spoken of his meeting to the world?

Below is an extract from Richard’s book UFOs and the extraterrestrial message (CICO Books) which provides more detail on the meeting:

At least one high-placed British official in the 1950s had an experience of direct contact with what he believed could have been an alien being. The late Sir Peter Horsley was a member of the Royal Household who later became an Air Marshal and was knighted for his services. Only in later life was he willing to disclose his secret encounter, which he did in his memoirs, Sounds From Another Room. I was able to speak with him about it on the telephone just before the book was published. He was abroad at the time. As a result of this conversation I was among the first to reveal the full story of Sir Peter’s extraordinary encounter with an alien being. It appeared on the front page of the Sun on August 26 1997 and in several other newspapers. What I find of particular interest is not so much the physical conditions in which the incident occurred, as the spiritual significance of what Sir Peter discovered.

Sir Peter Horsley was, at the time, equerry to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. One of his tasks was quietly to investigate credible UFO reports and keep Prince Philip informed of his findings. In fulfilling this duty, he spoke with high-ranking officials, including the Commander-in-Chief of Fighter Command at Stanmore, Air Marshal Sir Thomas Pike, who was later to become Chief of the Air Staff. Far from debunking the matter, which would have been in keeping with the public position of the government, Sir Thomas admitted to Sir Peter that he was concerned about UFO reports. He confirmed that reports were being examined in both Fighter Command and the Ministry of Defence, and that the United States defense authorities were also concerned. One of the many sightings Sir Peter investigated was an object said by Air Force personnel to be traveling at a thousand miles per hour. It is easy to see why, privately, they were taking UFOs very seriously indeed, despite the official stance.

Sir Peter’s fascinating encounter with what he took to be an alien visitor occurred in 1954, after he was introduced to a General Martin by the quaintly titled Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State, who was himself a retired Air Chief Marshal, Sir Arthur Barratt. General Martin arranged for Sir Peter to meet a lady, a Mrs Markham, at her apartment in Smith Street in Chelsea, a fashionable part of London. There, in a poorly lit room, he was introduced to Mr Janus, who sat in a deep chair by a not very warm fire, and who claimed to be from another world. Mr Janus asked Sir Peter about his UFO research, informing him with an unusual directness that he would like to meet Prince Philip. Before Sir Peter could respond fully with his concerns about security and so on in arranging such a meeting, Mr Janus responded to these thoughts in what could best be described as a telepathic manner. He demonstrated throughout the encounter what Sir Peter felt was an extraordinary ability to read his thoughts before Sir Peter could express them verbally.

Mr Janus proceeded to provide further background to his request. He spoke of a time when humanity would be able to explore the solar system and beyond; of traveling at the speed of light and even faster than this; of the possibility of gaining mastery over death; of robot and computer-controlled spaceships; and of discovering fields of gravity and anti-gravity where objects could travel across space and even other universes with different space and time formulae. These concepts are not unfamiliar to us now—they are the stuff of modern science as well as science fiction—but they were far removed from the science of 1954.

Mr Janus went on to discuss what he considered to be more important than the science of space travel—namely, the spirit of man and the universal designer. He spoke of belief in God as being age-old and inherent in even the most primitive people from opposite ends of the Earth. He made the key point that if space travel was conducted for the motive of material gain, it would achieve nothing, but if it was conducted for spiritual reasons, it would lead to a deeper understanding of God. He spoke of a golden age in the future when, providing humanity survives, the greatest advances would be in the development of the mind.

He talked of life throughout the universe, much of it more advanced than our own, and asserted that the humanoid form was not peculiar to the human race. He spoke of races who had overcome the urge to kill and fight wars, and had instead come to love all life, especially humanoid life. They had developed the power of will, and advanced sufficiently to be able to dispense with their physical bodies altogether. They were capable of integrating into the one great universal intelligence, which seems to be akin to the Buddhist concept of nirvana. He spoke of the creator, and the importance of prayer and collective willpower as the essential links to this source. Significantly, he said that these views do not contradict any of the great religious books and that there are many different paths to the same destination. This spiritual approach, he said, is the valid motivating principle behind space travel.

He claimed that the number of visitors who come to Earth from space is a tiny fraction of those who exist. They come to learn about a primitive and hostile race. Most of the vehicles, he said, are robot-controlled space probes, but some of them are manned. He answered the question of why they don’t land openly by pointing to the damage done by some of our explorers visiting more primitive cultures. He basically said, though not in these words, that the world was not ready for such a landing. He went on to describe how specific contacts have been made, with great care, through history, and said that this would continue. Finally, he spoke of the visitors’ mental abilities, extrasensory powers, and ability to operate in different dimensions.

Sir Peter wrote down his recollections of this meeting immediately after it happened, so we can take it as being an accurate account of what he experienced that day. He reported it to his superiors, but was in two minds about informing the security authorities, whose reaction to such a claim was unpredictable. He wondered whether these security concerns had been “picked up” by Mr Janus, who became mysteriously uncontactable. General Martin became distant and Mrs Markham went away in a hurry, leaving no sign of life in her apartment. Sir Peter never saw any of them again. However, he was, he says, changed by the experience at a profound spiritual level. He saw God in a new light as being a universal and not just a biblical figure, as he had before. He described how he had discovered a much greater intellectual peace as a result of this encounter with the powerful and hypnotic Mr Janus. It is strange to think that while Sir Peter’s memoirs containing his account of this extraordinary encounter are, to the best of my knowledge, now out of print, books that focus on the personal and romantic lives of historical figures are readily available, with new ones being commissioned all the time. In a way, that says it all about priorities in our world—and some people wonder why UFOs don’t land openly on Earth for all to see!

In the article in the Sun on this encounter, I was quoted as saying, “It must have taken courage finally to admit to this contact.” Yes it must, but it would have taken far greater courage to admit it openly forty-three years earlier, when it happened.


About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He hosted the  Mystic FM podcast.

The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Three Knights in the Afterlife Tue, 13 Apr 2021 05:30:05 +0000 Dr. George King was an extraordinary medium who channelled many unique communicators. What made him extraordinary was that he was able to receive messages of a high spiritual calibre with…

Three Knights in the Afterlife
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Three Knights in the Afterlife

Dr. George King was an extraordinary medium who channelled many unique communicators. What made him extraordinary was that he was able to receive messages of a high spiritual calibre with almost unwavering accuracy. This was the result of the trance state he used; a trance state of meditation known as samadhi. This trance state was possible thanks to intense and determined practice of advanced yoga; 8 to 10 hours per day for a decade.

Dr. King was able to be a channel for very highly advanced Cosmic Beings, such as the Master Jesus, the Master Aetherius and Mars Sector 6 – a Lord of Karma.

But there were also other communicators, some of which were not Cosmic Masters from other planets, or even Ascended Masters from Earth, but people more like you and me, who had lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries and who were at that time living and actively working on other realms of existence to help others.

The three that I have chosen are Sir Thomas Lipton, Sir James Young Simpson and Sir Oliver Lodge. While they had all been knighted by the ruling British monarch in their physical incarnations on this plane for their contribution to business and charitable work; medicine; and to society, respectively, they are not great Masters, and while they may have been interested in spirituality, this is not what they were known for primarily.

The first of these Transmissions that we have on record is from 1953, and the last was in February 1962. Some of these communicators have been mentioned by Cosmic Masters and in the Society’s newsletters in later years so we are able to learn something about their lives on the other realms.

Who were these communicators? What did they have to say? And what can we learn from their examples?

Their messages are practical – not nearly as profound as the messages from the Cosmic Masters, but they have a wonderful motive. They want to help. They want to serve.

Sir Thomas Lipton

Sir Thomas Lipton (1848-1931) is known mostly for Lipton Tea, which Dr. King enjoyed. He was also a keen boating sportsman and made five challenges to the American holders of the America’s Cup, an international yacht sailing trophy, from 1899 to 1930. Additionally, he was inducted into the America’s Cup Hall of Fame in 1993. His efforts to win were well publicised and his efforts are credited with making Lipton Tea famous.

He was also a very generous man. At Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee he spent what is considered to be today’s equivalent of over $2.5 million in feeding the poor in London.

In February 1962, Dr. King was researching boats, and was looking to purchase one. Two boats were under consideration – an Owens and a Chris-Craft. During a question and answer session, the Master Chang-Fu was asked which of the two boats would be best for purchase. The Master Chang-Fu deferred to Sir Thomas Lipton due to his experience with boats.

Sir Thomas Lipton then went into detail comparing the boats, discussing size, motors, temperature meters and instruments, safety and even the boat shape. In the Transmission, he mentions that either boat:

…will at a later date be useful in various findings which you can make public through this Society.

A very interesting comment when you consider that Operation Bluewater, a Mission that took place in a boat over a psychic center of The Mother Earth, began the following year. Sir Thomas Lipton was clearly using the knowledge and skills from his last life on the physical realm, to help guide and serve from the other realms.

Sir James Young Simpson

Sir James Young Simpson (1811-1870) made his mark in medicine. He was the first physician to demonstrate that chloroform could be used as an anaesthetic during surgery, which was revolutionary at the time. He was also extremely interested in antiquarian research, becoming vice president of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, and made contributions to both the history of medicine and to archaeology.

He was a more regular communicator through Dr. King and often spoke about spiritual healing. In a transmission in October 1960, he gave some of the people present health assessments.

At the time, Dr. King was preparing for a trip to Australia for Operation Starlight. Sir James Young Simpson tells the audience that while Dr. King is away:

I’d like to give you all my blessings, such as they are. I’m not capable of giving anybody very many blessings, however, if I can help anyone of you in any way, I most certainly will. When our friend here is away in bigger country, you people may call upon me. I won’t give you a message and that’s that, but I’ll give you healing and I will help you and I will guide you as much as possible.

In 1968, Sir James Young Simpson was one of the entities to meet a Member of The Aetherius Society after their passing to help with their transition to the other realms. Dr. King describes him as being in “close support” of The Aetherius Society on the other realms.

Again he is mentioned in 1981 along with no less than two Masters from Level Six – the highest inhabited level on Earth. On this occasion, a prominent Master from the Inner Council of The Spiritual Hierarchy Of Earth, as well as Sir Oliver Lodge and the Master Chang Fu were involved in meeting four children who sadly passed away in a tragic fire. The death of these children was raised with Dr. George King by a relative of theirs, who was a Staff Team member in Los Angeles at the time.

What tremendous service Sir James Young Simpson is displaying. It is clear that he too is using the skills and specialities that he had in his last life on the physical realm to give service in the afterlife.

Sir Oliver Lodge

Sir Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) was a physicist and was heavily involved in the development of the radio. He was also Principal of the University of Birmingham from 1900-1920.

Some of the articles by Sir Oliver Lodge – modern science has not yet caught up with them… far more brilliant man than Einstein will be for two more lives, there’s no doubt about this. All you have to do is to look at this man’s face. Never have I seen such an intellectual face anywhere on this Earth, as that possessed by Sir Oliver Lodge. This forehead, to me, is a classic example of intellectuality.

– The words of Master of Yoga Dr. George King

During his last life on the physical realm, he was very interested in spiritualism and psychic phenomena, specifically telepathy. He visited mediums and wrote about his experiences in several books, including a best seller. He believed that there was life after death and that this had been demonstrated to him by the use of mediumship.

He blended his knowledge of science and spirituality. Through his study of electromagnetic radiation he became convinced that there was an ether that filled the universe, and that this is where the spirit world existed.

He spoke through Dr. King in 1956 giving information on the use of chromotherapy:

I would bring your attention to the fact that chromo therapeutics will take their active place in science, but pioneers will be needed to lead science into the correct paths of research. You people are in a position to do this. I will help you in every possible way so that you may know exactly what colors are and how to use them to help your patients.

Additionally, in 1979, Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir James Young Simpson, and others were instrumental in attempting to bring Operation Prayer Power to the lower realms, specifically level minus one. Dr. King wrote in The Aetherius Society Newsletter in 1980:

We were not the only ones working on OPERATION PRAYER POWER in 1979, for Level Four made a good start in earnest to Charge their Batteries. The magnificent description of this spectacular event was given by the Master Aetherius through myself in a truly beautiful Transmission which came through while I was in England on September 23rd, 1979…

As well as this I also received an application from Level -1 (below the physical Realms of Earth) as there was a movement brought about by Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir James Young Simpson and others, who although they did not live on this Realm, wished to bring together a small, active group so that the mighty OPERATION PRAYER POWER could be extended to the lower astral Realms. Unfortunately, these doctors and scientists could not manage to activate the Operation by the end of 1979 but, as they are determined to do so, I feel that it will be starting in the present year.

As with so many if not all of the Cosmic Transmissions, the terrestrial communications focus in one way or another on service. In their last life on the physical realm, and then in life on the other realms, these men put their efforts into helping mankind, through a variety of different ways.

Mars Sector 6 tells us in ‘The Nine Freedoms:

There are many ways, indeed, to serve.

By your SERVICE you can help to heal those who are sick and you should.

By your SERVICE you can help to give encouragement and strength to those who are depressed and weak and you should do this.

By your SERVICE you can throw a dazzling beam of scintillating white vibrant energy into the darkness of a suffering world – and raise it.

It is – by God it is – the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment.

We are a long way off from becoming Cosmic Masters, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be of tremendous service right now. Like the example set by these terrestrial communicators on the other planes, we too can do as much as possible to serve in this life on this plane. As we can see from these examples, service to others in this life forms a foundation and we can take this experience with us to help in different ways in future lives and even while we are on another realm waiting for our rebirth.


About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a staff member and Programme Administrator at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.






Image credits

Photo of Sir Oliver Lodge made available from Lafayette Ltd under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Three Knights in the Afterlife
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 32 33774
The Mind of a Planet – A few thoughts Tue, 30 Mar 2021 05:30:57 +0000 Our Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, in his address entitled ‘If I could choose’, given on May 26th, 1968, made the following outstanding revelation: The Earth herself could state, this…

The Mind of a Planet – A few thoughts
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The Mind of a Planet

Our Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, in his address entitled ‘If I could choose’, given on May 26th, 1968, made the following outstanding revelation:

The Earth herself could state, this morning, before you leave this church, “I’m going to start again. I want a new race of people on my back.” Shake a little bit and kill everything on the surface. And she would be peopled again. The Law of Karmic Procreation would see to it that she was not a barren planet for long. And if she was a barren planet for 10,000 years – which to her is just a moment or so – this would give her a chance to go inside of herself more, to meditate for a short while. She won’t do this – but she could.

In fact, this statement is more than just one revelation, it’s a whole stream of revelations – all within just a few sentences.

Despite having heard this address many times, I had never noticed the bit about the Earth being able to enter a state of meditation if she was uninhabited, which started a trail of thought. I do appreciate that no terrestrial can really understand the mind of a planet, but I don’t think that that should stop us from trying. After all, the more we understand the Earth, the more we can appreciate her true spiritual stature – and live in the light of her sacrifice.

We know from Dr. King and his cosmic contacts that the Earth is a living Goddess, who thinks, breathes and feels.

Let us try to imagine a Cosmic Master – the power, the wisdom, the experience, the knowledge, the compassion… and then let us multiply this many times, and we have a little glimpse, in our benighted ignorance, of what kind of an entity a planet is.

Meditation is the act of entering a superconscious state, or even a supraconscious state. Our Master states in his commentary in The Nine Freedoms, that in Cosmic Consciousness “all basic thought, as such, stops.” In other words, the conscious mind is not active as it is in normal life; it has been superseded by a higher aspect of mind, which is closer to pure Divine Spirit, which is above all mind.

In the extract above, we learn that there is a correlation between a planet being in meditation and a planet being barren. From this we might deduce that there is also a correlation between a planet not being in meditation and a planet not being barren.

The state of Cosmic Consciousness, as we understand it on Earth, is far from being the highest state of consciousness attainable in Creation. In fact, I think we can safely assume that our superconscious states are lower than the conscious state of a more advanced entity. In other words, a highly evolved Cosmic Master would have more wisdom in their conscious minds, than we would have even in the deepest state of meditation attainable on Earth. When such a Master entered their highest state of meditation attainable on their planet, this would be something vastly greater still.

If this is the case for a Cosmic Master, imagine how much more true this would be of a planet. The conscious mind of Earth may be something incomparably greater than the superconscious mind even of a Cosmic Master. And her state of meditation would be something so great as to be even more beyond our comprehension than this…!

Since being a barren planet appears to enable that planet to enter a meditative state – its equivalent of super- or supra- consciousness – we might guess that when not barren, the planet is in its equivalent of a conscious state. In other words, the natural manifestation of this planet – the Mother Earth – as we see it and experience it – is an aspect of her conscious mind.

But the natural manifestation of this planet is of course not just the plane of existence that we currently inhabit. We know of course of the six realms above this, and the four below. But that’s not the full story.

We know of at least one other realm – what our Master refers to as a “realm of waiting” – where most of us go immediately after death prior to going to the realm which we will ultimately reside upon while awaiting rebirth.

Furthermore, in his lecture on ‘The Seventh Blessing’ given in 1960, quoting from this Blessing, our Master elaborates as follows:

Thrice Blessed upon all of her hundred stages is she.

That phrase, “hundred stages”, that’s…. I believe it really means a hundred stages of manifestation, most of which are invisible or of etheric nature.

Does this mean a hundred planes of existence?

Might we be being given clues in these revelations, that some, or perhaps all, of these planes, or at least the planes that are inhabited, are aspects of the equivalent of the conscious mind of the Earth as an entity?

If this is the case, she is lowering her conscious mind to manifest it, or part of it, as planes low enough in vibration for us to reside upon. To her, even level seven is no doubt a lowly plane compared to her true potential.

But, much worse than this – consider the fact that she has even manifested her conscious mind as lower planes – the “hells” – environments vibrationally adapted to accommodate the most evil minds on Earth, so that these involved terrestrials can gain the experience they need in their evolutionary journey back to God. An utterly horrifying thought on the one hand – and a very inspiring thought on the other, as we begin to appreciate that little bit more, how great her sacrifice – her compassion – really is!

How would this line of thought apply to other planets in this system?

The civilizations on our planetary neighbors are so advanced as to be on higher planes of existence, as yet undetectable by terrestrial science. How much life there is on these planets on this plane of existence – our plane now – we do not know. Maybe some, maybe very little, maybe none.

If these planets are barren on this plane – in other words, their conscious minds are not manifesting at this plane, much if at all – their conscious minds would be functioning at a higher plane, where their planetary inhabitants reside.

* * *

Looking at the Earth with these thoughts in mind can perhaps to some extent help to further invigorate our belief in the Earth as a great Goddess; can perhaps take us a little way from the “belief” stage, to the “realization” stage. We can’t really appreciate something unless we understand it, and we can’t understand something unless we at least try to think about it.

As far as the Mother Earth is concerned, not only should we think about her true nature and her sacrifice – but we have been commanded to do so by no less a being than the Master Jesus himself – towards the end of ‘The Seventh Blessing – Blessed is the Mother Earth’:

You are commanded to think of these things and spread them like seeds of Truth, abroad. Then, dear friends, you will be helping the Great One in the limitation She has accepted on your behalf.

What a wonderful promise – by thinking about the truths in ‘The Seventh Blessing’ – and spreading these truths – we, even in our current lowly state of evolution, can actually help the Goddess Earth!


About the author
Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

The Mind of a Planet – A few thoughts
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race? Fri, 19 Mar 2021 19:50:43 +0000 This Sunday, March 21st, a 3,000-ft wide asteroid will pass near to Earth. The asteroid is considered “potentially hazardous” by NASA, but all asteroids that come within 4.6 million miles…

Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

This Sunday, March 21st, a 3,000-ft wide asteroid will pass near to Earth. The asteroid is considered “potentially hazardous” by NASA, but all asteroids that come within 4.6 million miles of Earth are classed this way. The closest scientists believe it will get to Earth is still more than five times as far away as the Moon.

Most asteroids, meteors and meteorites come from the asteroid belt – but what is the asteroid belt and where did it come from? The answer, as given by Dr. George King and the extraterrestrial intelligences who communicated through him, is quite a shocking one.

Where does the asteroid belt originate?

While some scientists suggest the asteroid belt is a “disrupted planet” that never fully formed, other scientists believe it is the remains of another planet, or planets, that previously existed. For example, a 2018 study from the University of Florida concluded:

…at least 85 percent of 200,000 asteroids in the inner asteroid belt — the main source of Earth’s meteorites — originate from five or six ancient minor planets. The other 15 percent may also trace their origins to the same group of primordial bodies…

Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology analyzed the data from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft that went into orbit of the two largest asteroids in the belt, Ceres and Vesta. In 2020 they described Ceres as being a “relict ocean world” and said there may be reservoirs of salt water still in existence on it today, leading National Geographic magazine to describe Ceres as “geologically alive.” Water is, of course, a key factor for sustaining “life as we know it.”

These recent examples show scientific research is beginning to align with what Master of Yoga Dr. George King said in the 1950s. In his book published in 1961, The Nine Freedoms, he describes in detail how there used to be another planet in our Solar System known as Maldek. This planet was about the same size as Earth and orbited the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, the same position that the asteroid belt now occupies.

How did a planet turn into millions of asteroids?

Dr. George King received many messages from cosmic intelligences – advanced extraterrestrial beings from other worlds – throughout his lifetime.

To understand the origin of the asteroid belt we need to turn to a cosmic being who spoke through Dr. King known as Mars Sector 6 

In 1957, Mars Sector 6 gave a message calling for people to rise up and demonstrate against the atomic bomb testing that the American, Soviet and British governments were undertaking at the time.

The reason these cosmic beings were concerned was that the human race has a history of atomic bomb experimentation long before the events of the twentieth century.

Prior to our civilization on Earth, the human race lived upon another planet, Maldek. 

Here is an excerpt from the message from Mars Sector 6 in which he addresses the fate of the planet Maldek:

Picture the asteroid belt. Thousands of pieces of cold rock spinning through space; spinning through space, lifeless, devoid of atmosphere, a broken world; where, a few thousand years ago, there blossomed a green Planet. There blossomed a Planet teeming with life. Life which had likes and dislikes, hopes and ambitions. Life which dreamed of a better future. Life which pro-created itself. Life which knew happiness and sadness. Male and female joined as one and worked as one. Then came the younger ones from this. Until the few grew dissatisfied with their knowledge and began to explore those fields of science which they were not fully prepared to investigate. A great weapon was made for Peace. This weapon, made for Peace, eventually destroyed all life upon the Planet. Some of your Holy Works refer to this Planet as—Maldek. 

A WEAPON MADE FOR PEACE! Some of you upon Terra are the re-incarnated life-streams of the people who perished upon Maldek. Some of the Dark Ones among you are those who destroyed Maldek. It seems that even time has not taught these so much.

Like the Mother Earth, Maldek was a living being, not just a lump of rock, but an advanced cosmic intelligence. So as well as destroying our own civilization on Maldek, the human race murdered a living entity – the planet itself. The asteroid belt is now all that remains of Maldek. 

This wasn’t the only example of this in our history either. We repeated the mistake of Maldek when we destroyed the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis through atomic experimentation, although thankfully we didn’t manage to destroy an entire planet on those occasions.

The nuclear threat is still real today

This week The Guardian reported on a leaked document that shows the UK government is ending 30 years of gradual nuclear disarmament. Even just last year they were still adopting their policy of gradually reducing the number of weapons they have. But the leaked document shows they are intending to increase the cap on their Trident nuclear warhead stockpile by more than 40%.

This is a backward step and a worrying move, but, even with this increase, the UK’s stockpile is still dwarfed by the vast stockpiles of weapons belonging to the US and Russia. Even so, each of the UK’s warheads still in existence is more powerful than the bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. 

An alien appeal for peace

One of the key themes of the many messages from the cosmic beings in contact with Dr. King in the 1950s was the need for us to cease atomic experimentation. These messages included specific appeals to the British government to cease its Christmas Island atomic bomb tests. These appeals were printed and sent to the British Prime Minister and Members of Parliament at the time, but the tests still went ahead. 

In 1956 the Master Aetherius, a cosmic intelligence living on the higher levels of vibration on Venus, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King and made the following appeal:

Your military leaders have never improved the world; your conquerors or dictators have never improved the world. The only improvements—if you can call them that—which have been done upon Terra [i.e. Earth], especially just lately, have been done by the individual who works collectively for the good of his brother. All your Masters have told you that it is important—it is the most important thing—to love your neighbour as yourself. It is not right to hate yourself; neither is it right to hate your neighbour, for virtually when you hate yourself, you hate your Creator, for you are a part of that Creator as well as a part of His Creation. So is your neighbour.

There are many people upon Terra—I have heard them—who say, ‘I hate so-and-so’ and ‘I hate such-and-such a thing.’ What are they doing? They are hating God.

Of course, they are. Never use the word. It is a foul one and its meaning is dark indeed.

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and you will see what hate is. Terrible! Do not let it happen again, for if it does the fault lines existing within the screen of your frail little Earth will open and indeed great calamity will befall you.

Is it not worth working for the peace of the world? Surely it is worth all your efforts.

Find out more

The full story of Maldek, Lemuria and Atlantis can be found in Dr. King’s book The Nine Freedoms 

Read an adapted extract of the story

The full text of the message from Mars Sector 6 can be found in Dr. King’s booklet Wisdom Of The Planets

The full text of the message from The Master Aetherius can be found in Cosmic Voice Volume 2

Masthead image: The dwarf planet Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt. The map overlaid at right gives scientists hints about Ceres’ internal structure from gravity measurements.



About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He hosted the  Mystic FM podcast.

Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 10 33822
Out of Darkness, into Light – The Amazing Astrology of February 11th, 2021 Mon, 08 Feb 2021 22:39:38 +0000 If your world feels out of balance at this time, you may find the answer in the quote attributed to Hermes Trismegistus: “As above, so below….” Whatever happens to us…

Out of Darkness, into Light – The Amazing Astrology of February 11th, 2021
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Planetary Alignment

If your world feels out of balance at this time, you may find the answer in the quote attributed to Hermes Trismegistus: As above, so below….” Whatever happens to us on Earth, to some degree or other, reflects the Divine plan of evolution working through the energies of the planets.

Right now, the energies are extremely intense as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are all in the sign of Aquarius, forming what’s called in astrology – a stellium (a configuration of three or more planets in the same sign of the zodiac).  

All of this Aquarian energy is influencing the lives of everyone on Earth, especially from February 1st until February 18th. The peak day is at the time of the New Moon on February 11th at 11:05 am PST / 2:05 pm EST / 7:05 pm GMT.

This high-octane powerful and intense energy in the sign of Aquarius is calling us to awaken to greater humanitarianism, a desire for Oneness, social justice, an expansion of consciousness, a quest for Truth rather than theory, and an integration of science and spirituality.  

All of these planets in Aquarius form a square (a 90-degree angle that brings tense energy) with one of the two ruling planets of Aquarius – Uranus, in the sign of Taurus. Uranus brings revelation as well as revolution. This indicates Earth changes, buried secrets coming to light, as well as possible violence and a desire to tear down the status quo. Fortunately, the influence of the second planetary ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, referred to as the planet of Karma and upholder of tradition, is particularly strong. It is reminding us that our actions, our thoughts, and our intentions all have consequences.

This potent configuration is like a cosmic reminder that we can no longer continue as we have been and now is the time for us to move away from our infancy as a race and grow into conscious adults. 

So, what does this mean for us; what can we expect and what should we do 

While the planets incline they do not compel. Since we have free will, the choice of how we use these influences either by realizing more fully our Divine potential or by continuing in our petty, selfish ways – whatever the consequences – is up to each and every one of us.

To make the best use of these influences, we are urged to strive for spiritual goals. It is time to understand ourselves and others. It is a time to determine that we will make a positive difference. It is a time of giving through service to others, healing and prayer.

If we choose to do this, we are then using the potent energies of the planets to assist us and each other in our growth and evolution. It is as if God is pointing out to us the way forward through the influence of Its fantastic planetary emissaries. 

Almost Sixty Years Ago – The Age of Aquarius Begins and the World Changes

Almost sixty years ago, on February 4th/5th, 1962, a similar stellium of seven planets took place in the sign of Aquarius during the time of a total solar eclipse. In 1962, the intensification of energy of this line-up of planets resulted in worldwide changes of social and spiritual consciousness. This was the beginning of a counter-culture: a new spirituality, transformative love – numerous changes, positive and negative. 

The planetary configuration on February 11th, 2021, is akin to humanity being given a second chance to uphold the positive attributes of the new spirituality of this Age, embodied by organizations such as The Aetherius Society. 

In 1962, the stellium was reported in the news and celebrated among astrologers. However, it was the 1967 musical, Hair, with its opening song, Aquarius, with the line “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius“, that brought the Aquarian age concept to the attention of audiences worldwide. While the astrology wasn’t accurate, the words resonated with many people yearning to find a better way of living in keeping with the concepts of this song: Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abounding, No more falsehoods or derisions”.

However, the real significance of the 1962 configuration was taking place behind, or one might say above, the scenes. These actions by Masters and Ascended Masters from The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth together with Interplanetary Intelligences known as Cosmic Masters who have been assisting humanity for many thousands of years, were absolutely astounding. This was reported in The Aetherius Society’s journal, Cosmic Voice Issue Number 26 (July-August, 1962)

This journal included many messages, known as Cosmic Transmissions, received through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King. On December 20th, 1961, the Master Aetherius spoke about the upcoming configuration and the action being taken in the form of Power Transmissions from Cosmic Masters from Jupiter. In this extract, you will read that He refers to Mental Channel No. 1: a code name for Dr. George King.

The Master Aetherius:

Very shortly, there will be a powerful configuration in the heavens, as you call them. As we have already said previously, you Terrestrials have, to some extent, modified the tremendous radiations which will be given from this particular configuration. This modification of yours has made what could have been Spiritual honey into a dark acid. You will have to drink this acid. By Karmic Law, you must.

Such is the Karma of Terra that we cannot intervene any more than the pattern permits. However, whenever possible, we will project through some pieces of mechanism as much of the beneficent radiations from the Planet Jupiter as we can. Not that the radiations from the configuration are in any way malefic. Whoever says so, is an idiot, to use your own terminology back at you, if I may be permitted to do so. But, however, the alkali for the acid will be Jupiterian radiations and we will use Mental Channel No. 1 between this time and February the twenty-third to radiate as much Energy from this giant Planet as Karmic Law will allow. We will start now, at the moment.

Dr. George King explained by writing that:

….The Master Aetherius stated that a special series of Power Transmissions would be given so that energies from the Planet Jupiter might be radiated to Earth in order to tend to counteract the modifications which terrestrial people have imposed upon the tremendous radiations which would come from the configuration of Planets on February 4th and 5th, 1962.

As these Transmissions were due to be given any time during the day or night, the Los Angeles and London Headquarters adopted emergency stand-by measures. On both sides of the World, we were prepared to go into action immediately.

Dr. King, in constant communication with the Cosmic Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy throughout this time, reported the different phases of Power Transmissions that took place between January 30th and February 19th. In the important third phase, energy sent from Jupiter was manipulated by the greatest Master now on Earth, the Lord Babaji. 

Dr. King revealed:

At the end of this manipulation, there was a Council meeting on Earth, attended by the Lord Babaji, Mars Sector 6, and the Lords, Buddha and Shri Krishna. This was an historic meeting indeed and we were informed that the Logos of Earth had received more Energy during this manipulation than ever She had received before in Her present incarnation as a Planet!

These power transmissions were given to benefit humanity but primarily the Earth Herself, during this time leading up to Her Primary Initiation on July the 8th, 1964

This Phase culminated with a beautiful transmission received through Dr. King by a Cosmic Master, Jupiter 92. This is a short extract:

For centuries we have impregnated your World with our different essences. The essence of music we have sent upon you. The essence of colour we have laid at your feet. The essence of sound, of Love, of inspiration, these we have sent unto you. The essence of subtle beneficence, we have sent, but alas, too few have reached and grasped this from the very living ethers around them and taken this essence of inspirational culture to their very souls. Nay, they have eaten of the fruits of Earth without appreciating the greatness which was still small, yet all resounding. We have impregnated you with these essences, quite freely, save for an inward searching on your part, a lack of selfishness on your part, an urge to rise upwards on your part and this their only cost. Upon the temple of your very soul is placed even now great inspiration which could lift you upwards and away from your present dilemmas.

During the Sixth Phase, it was reported by Dr. King that the most important Power manipulation up to that time had been delivered through The Three Adepts and 40 Agents of The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.

Dr. George King:

Probably more devastating catastrophes than the World can remember would have caused the death and destruction of tens of thousands of human lives, had it not been for This, the most important Power Transmission ever given for man at any time. The World has a great debt to repay to the Cosmic Masters and to those few people who are able to cooperate with an Operation such as this. 

Indeed was the Master Aetherius right when, in a Message to The Aetherius Society, on April 1st, 1961, at 9.30 p.m. He stated quite categorically: ‘The Aetherius Society is an essential part, an essential cog in the Great Cosmic Plan. It is the Master Cog, which is being driven by a Cosmic Battery.’

Our Actions Now

During the time leading up to, during and after the most potent day of the planetary stellium on February 11th, The Aetherius Society is using this intensification of planetary energies in the most potent way – by increasing our spiritual actions, including Services of global prayer and healing.

We invite you all to join us in our regular online Services so that you too can be a part of this change – helping to lead us out of darkness into Light. Let us remember that, in this Age of Science – the Aquarian Age – it is our Love that is the most essential energy of all.

In the words of the Avatar of Love, the Master Jesus, delivered in a Transmission through Dr. George King on September 14th, 1957:

The Age which is breaking now, brings with it great possibilities and is the Age of Science. Science, by itself, is like the soul-less wanderer of the realms of night. Yet a warmth will come out of Love, to fashion it into a tool, so that it becometh as a wise man, finding his home. Warm it with that Love, my brothers. Let that wondrous, everlasting Power from your hearts fall upon this Science, so that it becometh as a tool in the hands of Everlasting Divinity and not that soul-less thing which you have made of it.


In order to further cooperate with this important astrological configuration, The Aetherius Society worldwide will be radiating over 100,000 prayer hours through our five Spiritual Energy Radiators from February 8th to 14th. Read more about the Cosmic Missions of The Aetherius Society.

Chrissie Blaze

About the author
Chrissie Blaze has been a Member of The Aetherius Society since 1972 and was a close student of Dr George King for 25 years. She is an ordained Priest in The Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power.

Out of Darkness, into Light – The Amazing Astrology of February 11th, 2021
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 21 33478
‘Oumuamua and the Comet that wasn’t a Comet Sun, 31 Jan 2021 22:42:19 +0000 Artist’s concept of ‘Oumuamua. Image Credit: European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser The fast moving interstellar object known as ‘Oumuamua is back in the news again with a Harvard University…

‘Oumuamua and the Comet that wasn’t a Comet
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Artist’s concept of ‘Oumuamua. Image Credit: European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser

The fast moving interstellar object known as ‘Oumuamua is back in the news again with a Harvard University professor claiming it is “alien technology.”

It was discovered in 2017 but exactly what it is continues to be debated. The possibility of it being from an alien civilization has been discussed in most of the major mainstream papers, and is just one of an unprecedented number of high profile stories about UFOs and aliens over the last year.

‘Oumuamua was an exciting find for astronomers because it is generally accepted as the first observed interstellar object, meaning it came from outside our Solar System. However, The Aetherius Society has a report of another widely observed interstellar object which preempts this by decades. But before we get to that let’s look a little more at ‘Oumuamua.

Oumuamua orbit

The path ‘Oumuamua took through the inner Solar System, showing its position every 7 days Image credit

Was ‘Oumuamua A Comet Or An Asteroid?

Measuring somewhere between 100 and 1000 meters in length, it came within about 15 million miles of Earth – close by astronomical standards. Its name, ‘Oumuamua, reflects its discovery through a telescope in Hawaii and means “scout” or “messenger.”

While other observed comets and asteroids are believed to originate from within our Solar System, everyone agreed that ‘Oumuamua came from outside of our Solar System. But it presented astronomers with a challenge when it came to classification – was it a comet or an asteroid? 

It was initially designated as a comet, but then because it didn’t behave like a comet it was changed to an asteroid, before finally becoming the first of an entirely new class of interstellar objects with the official designation 1I/2017 U1.

But what exactly was it?

Professor Avi Loeb, Harvard University’s top astronomer, says that it couldn’t be described as either a comet or an asteroid because there was no tail or trail of debris, it was moving too fast at 196,000 miles per hour, it had an unusual orbit, and it showed “unusual non-gravitational acceleration.”

He says that the science shows ‘Oumuamua wasn’t actually a natural object at all and therefore must be artificial. While he doesn’t know exactly what it was, his conclusion is that it may have been a piece of advanced technology created by a distant alien civilization. 

Despite his long-standing experience and status in the field, Professor Loeb has encountered resistance to this theory from many in the scientific community. The idea of intelligent alien life has frequently been quashed and ridiculed so Professor Loeb’s willingness to put his credibility on the line with such a theory is commendable.

The Comet That Wasn’t A Comet

Sixty years prior to ‘Oumuamua’s appearance, in 1957, there was a comet that was widely observed and reported in the media. But the report about this in The Aetherius Society’s journal Cosmic Voice, Issue No. 13, December – January, 1957-1958, took a very different view to the mainstream press.

Cosmic Voice included a message received through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King on 13 August 1957. It came from the Master Aetherius, an advanced spiritual intelligence from the planet Venus, where the civilization resides upon higher frequencies of vibration thus making them, as yet, undetectable by science. Under the heading ‘The Comet,’ the Master Aetherius stated: 

This was what you would call a Space Vehicle which came from outside this present Solar System and even outside the Galactic System. It is making a tour of the whole Galaxy. Although its particular course is now set, however, there are many Patrol Ships aboard and many go out from there, to make various probes into the Milky Way.

Certain Cosmic Adepts are aboard. Its main function, so far as Terra* was concerned and certainly is now concerned, was to spin a Karmic Web. It came reasonably close, so that a Karmic Web could be spun, which will, like a tree planted today, bear fruit when it is grown.

One of the Cosmic Adepts aboard that Space Vehicle, may be regarded by you people upon Terra, as belonging to the Lesser Lords of Karma.

We did not say anything about this at the time, because even your thoughts could have held up certain manipulations, which were taking place.

* ‘Terra’ is the word they sometimes use for Earth

Here is an example of a comet being much more than the rock it was thought to be; being in fact a space vehicle piloted by highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligences. 

Was ‘Oumuamua also an extraterrestrial space vehicle carrying advanced cosmic intelligences like the “comet” in 1957? We don’t know, but these words of the Master Aetherius certainly shed an intriguing light on the subject. 

At the time, like all comets, the 1957 comet was also presumed to originate inside our Solar System. But the Master Aetherius says it came not just from outside of our Solar System, but from outside of our Galaxy! Therefore, ‘Oumuamua was not the first recorded interstellar object in our Solar System. There was one 60 years earlier that was observed  without its interstellar origins being realized.

In another Transmission not long afterwards, on 5 October 1957, and appearing in the same issue of Cosmic Voice, the Cosmic Master known as Mars Sector 8 said:

It is also desirable for Earth Operators to make known our previous statements regarding the Comet.

We know that these statements will be met by disbelief, in certain quarters. However, there is a good reason for this move, which may not be divulged fully, to you.

Dr. King followed this directive to the letter and considered this information to be of such importance that The Aetherius Society issued a worldwide press release. Because of the current publicity around ‘Oumuamua it seems appropriate to make these statements known once again.

It may be that the comet of 1957 wasn’t actually the first interstellar spacecraft that has been observed from Earth either. After all, comets have been documented throughout our history, since at least the time of Aristotle. Which makes you wonder – how many of these were also space vehicles? 

Find out more about extraterrestrial life

UFOs, aliens and their spiritual message

Find out more about ‘Oumuamua

The Observer: Why Aliens Likely Exist and Visited Us in 2017, According to Harvard’s Top Astronomer

The New York Times: Did an Alien Life-Form Do a Drive-By of Our Solar System in 2017?

CNN: The first sign of alien life? This astrophysicist thinks so

NASA: ‘Oumuamua


About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He hosted the  Mystic FM podcast.

‘Oumuamua and the Comet that wasn’t a Comet
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Be Not Limited and a Time of Endurance Mon, 19 Oct 2020 17:10:03 +0000   The Ultimate Hero’s Journey Sixty years ago, on August 28th 1960, the great cosmic orators Mars Sector 6 and the Master Aetherius delivered an outstanding Transmission entitled ‘Be Not…

Be Not Limited and a Time of Endurance
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Be Not Limited and A Time of Endurance


The Ultimate Hero’s Journey

Sixty years ago, on August 28th 1960, the great cosmic orators Mars Sector 6 and the Master Aetherius delivered an outstanding Transmission entitled ‘Be Not Limited.’ It is as relevant to our world today as it was then with our global society, economy, and the natural environment all under unprecedented collective strain.  And all this with the threat of nuclear apocalypse hanging over our heads “like the terrible sword of a vicious Damocles…” The infamous “Doomsday Clock” now stands closer to midnight than at any other time – less than two minutes. 

However, ever hopeful and inspiring, the Cosmic Masters provide us with the solutions to our problems: to “tread the narrow precipitous path unto the goal of Truth” and prepare ourselves and others for the birth of a new world upon Earth.

It is, in short, the ultimate Hero’s Journey!

Note: The text that follows the Transmission extracts was originally presented as an Address entitled “A Time of Endurance” and can be watched here.

Be Not Limited

Mars Sector 6

“This is Mars Sector 6, reporting from Satellite No. 3, now in orbit, Jupiter. Subject: BE NOT LIMITED.

“Oh brothers of Earth, in these last days, in these days of trial and tribulation, in these days when the forces of light are liable to pass through the initiation of crucifixion, be ye not limited.

“In these days, the workers in the genuine Cosmic Plan specifically designed to bring about a transformation of Terra [Earth], need not be limited, for a greater power than ever before will be yours, if you but tread the narrow precipitous path into the goal of truth; if you divorce yourselves from the great temptation of materialism, which will be dangled in many colors before your gaze…

“A vast number of the inhabitants of Terra have allowed themselves to become the pawns of communism. Another great number have allowed themselves to become the pawns of so-called democracy.

“The few, the thinking few, the glorious few, have divorced themselves from these things and are not the pawns of any political creed, any dogmatic belief. These few know a greater freedom than the majority, for they are not limited to basic materialistic concepts.

“In the New World you need not plan for a better economic system, for economy as you know it, will not exist. It is a cancer in the heart of spiritual man.

“In the New World, you need not listen to those who make great political promise to you, for politics will not exist.

“In the New World, you will need to have no fear of horror weapons hung over your heads, like the terrible sword of a vicious Damocles, for these weapons will be destroyed.

“In the New World, you need not plan the breakdown of your customs barriers, for there will be no countries. There will be inhabited land and sea. That is all.

“How do you go towards this goal?

“By training your intuition at this moment, so that your discrimination is so enhanced that you can see the false and detach yourself from it. You cannot detach yourself from that you are not aware of. So, become aware—then detach. Become aware of the great Spiritual Truths and then attach yourself to these.

“My friends, you will notice by keen study that not once in any true message to Earth, given by an agent from another planet, have we told you that one political system was better than another. For we advise detachment from all existing systems. We have reminded you often that every form of political system has been tried, but to fail. Most of them to fail horribly on some bloody battlefield. Most of them to run away with the blood of the slain and stain the green Earth red—steaming red.

“You do not need to be a man of perception in order to discover this for yourself.  You do not need to be an adept in order to formulate for yourself a workable philosophy which you can now start to demonstrate in your own life and become a living part of this philosophy so that others may copy you, may be guided by you, may be gently led by you into their own enlightenment. Discrimination will show you the way.

“These are the last days. These are the days when the prophecies will be worked out; when mankind will be weighed in the balance of karma. Those found wanting will be reborn upon another, younger planet. Those who have advanced far enough will go into the great millennium upon Terra…

“Then will the Earth, as you call it, move on Her axis, change Her place in relationship to the Sun, and the new day will dawn. It is today when the pattern of tomorrow is forged. Forge this well, oh brothers! Be brave. Let not fear grasp your hearts so that you become weak. Be undaunted. Be united in your efforts…

“Be united in your efforts, so that you may be a worthy channel for inspiration, so that you may be a worthy channel for the higher forces to flow through you out unto all mankind.”

Master Aetherius

“…The gist of our message this evening is to make these facts known to you. Come together, cooperate together, drop petty differences. Transmute them in the Light of Spirituality, and use the Great Powers, which will be offered to you during this time and you can so alter the Karmic pattern of yourselves, of your community, of your country, that greater things will be brought about.

“You can draw your own picture, you know, in the Akashic records of time. In fact, every thought and action you perform adds a little bit more to this Akashic picture. Will you not think of this the next time you think? Will not you use the greater part of yourself in the right way, so that you can draw for yourself an everlasting glorious picture in these timeless records?”

A Time of Endurance – Rev. Paul Nugent

I think anyone who has been required to spend a relatively prolonged period of time in my company will no doubt have experienced a time of endurance.

I say that slightly tongue in cheek because those of who have been required to spend a certain amount of time in my company will have no doubt heard me at some point in time relate the great, epic story of the Endurance which was the ship of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew of 27 men that, in 1914, sailed to Antarctica with the great task of crossing the Antarctic via the South Pole; something that had never been accomplished before, and this was of course during the period known as the ‘Heroic Age of Polar Exploration.’

It truly is an incredibly epic and remarkable, and even karmic, tale of heroism and endurance.

Very briefly to recount it, Ernest Shackleton and his crew sailed from England in August 1914, just as World War I was breaking out. This was after they received a one-word telegram from Sir Winston Churchill who was serving as First Lord of the Admiralty, giving them the command to “Proceed;” because they were in doubt as to whether they should go, which is interesting in itself.

And they sailed for the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean and from there they made their way to Antarctica; and after a certain amount of time their ship, Endurance, became trapped in the ice, and there is a saying that “what the ice takes the ice keeps.”

After several months of drifting in this ice pack in their trapped ship it was eventually crushed and later sank. This left Shackleton and his team many hundreds of miles from the ocean’s edge which they had to reach by dragging their three heavy lifeboats with as much essential supplies as they could carry over the jagged ice pack. To make one or two miles in a day was considered good going. 

Well, after tremendous strain they eventually did reach the ocean’s edge with the jet black, ice cold waters of the southern Atlantic, but they were still almost a thousand miles from safety. The nearest island was an island that had never had foot set upon it before, known as Elephant Island, and so they cast their three lifeboats into these jet black, ice-cold waters with killer whales circling all around and occasionally surfacing with their jet-black eyes piercing them with their stare and threatening to capsize their boats at any moment.

With several of the crew suffering extreme frostbite, their rations were a biscuit a day which they would “look at for breakfast, suck for lunch and eat for dinner.” But they eventually made it, miraculously, to Elephant Island; although they were still several hundreds of miles from safety, well below the path the whaling ships would take much further to the north. And so their only hope was for six of them to make this continued epic journey in one of the lifeboats, the James Caird – named after the wealthy Scotsman who had largely financed this expedition – almost 800 miles over the most dangerous seas on the planet in the extremely remote chance that they might actually reach South Georgia Island from where they had set out over a year before.

Well, incredibly, the six managed to reach South Georgia Island – largely thanks to the exceptional navigator they had, a New Zealander named Frank Worsley. His taking part in this whole expedition was remarkable and well worth your further investigation.  

However, the trouble was they were on the wrong side of South Georgia Island which had a snow-capped mountain range running down the middle of it that no man had ever crossed. So it was left for three of them to set out and cross this mountain range without food and in threadbare clothing in the hope that they might make it to the whaling station on the other side, which they did.

The next day sailors from the Norwegian whaling station, in a state of complete shock and disbelief at the state of Shackleton and his two companions, went round to the other side of the island to rescue the other three men. But there were still 22 men stuck on Elephant Island and this is what I really want to get into in this address.

They all knew that Shackleton and the other five men had almost no chance of making it to safety but it was better than all remaining for the rest of their short lives on Elephant Island. And the man in charge – Shackleton’s second-in-command – was a man called Frank Wild, and every day Frank Wild would say to the men, “Roll up your bags boys, the Boss is coming today!

Well, I can imagine they were willing and able to do that with a certain amount of enthusiasm for a week or two, but as the weeks turned into months they must have abandoned all hope. But still Frank Wild would tell them, “The Boss is coming today!

As mentioned, this was during WWI and so Britain was unable and certainly unwilling to loan Shackleton a ship to get back to Elephant Island to rescue those 22 men, but after three attempts and thanks to help from the Chilean government, four months later Shackleton was able to make it down to Elephant Island. In those four months his hair went from black to white such was his anxiety. 

And, unbelievably, as he used his binoculars he could slowly count one, two, up to 22 men… They were all still alive!

Well one may well ask ‘How does this tie into us?’ What’s the relevance of this story?

Well, I would say that The Aetherius Society offers to everyone an even more epic and heroic journey!

It’s one thing to cross the Antarctic via the South Pole before anybody else, but we are in a position where we can play a vital role in helping to hold together a whole world. 

And it is, in a way, a time of endurance; and it’s made more difficult, obviously, during this time of the pandemic. And nerves can be frayed and we can become a little bit restless.

I think it’s important to bear in mind, “The Boss is coming today!”

If I was to use one line during this period of waiting – and when we are waiting: perhaps we’re waiting for the coming of the Next Master; something that is frequently considered by many people who are familiar with this outstanding revelation; we are certainly waiting for the New World as described in the Transmission “Be Not Limited” by Mars Sector 6 – but the line that certainly stands out most to myself is the line from the Master Jesus’ prayer for The Adepts when he tells us to “stand unflinchingly by the side of these.”

What does that mean? What does that mean for you, what does that mean for myself – “to stand unflinchingly?” 

I think it means, at least taken in part from that Transmission ‘Be Not Limited,’ to really detach ourselves from all other lesser things that come into our life; that distract us, that take up our time.

As Mars Sector 6 says, “for a greater power than ever before will be yours, if you but tread the narrow precipitous path unto the goal of Truth.” This narrow path: we don’t need to become ensnared in these other things. All they do is disperse our energy and our focus which does not just affect us but as we heard from the Master Aetherius, it affects our community and even our country and even our world.

“How can you do this?” Mars Sector 6 answers this:

“By training your intuition at this moment, so that your discrimination is so enhanced that you can see the false and detach yourself from it. You cannot detach yourself from that you are not aware of. So, become aware—then detach. Become aware of the great Spiritual Truths and then attach yourself to these.”

Master of Yoga Dr. George King would often say that he could not have blind faith in anything; and he certainly did not expect us to have blind faith in anything. But he had an unbreakable faith in the Cosmic Masters, and in the Cosmic Plan, and in God.

And I think all sincere seekers have been given more than enough evidence to have an intuitive realization of “the great Spiritual Truths” that are now unfolding upon our world.

The great spiritual truth – the greatest spiritual truth other than God Itself, at least as pertaining to our world – is that The Initiation of Earth has happened and that a Bright New Dawn will come.

We also know that, in Operation Karmalight – one of the great Cosmic Missions of the Adepts – the lower astral realms have been cleaned out of the worst entities that were down there, including the so-called “devil” himself.

We can have an intuitive faith in Satellite No. 3 when Mars Sector 6 states “…a greater Power than ever before will be yours…” when we detach ourselves from the petty things in our life and focus on the real, great, lasting things upon our world at this time.

And so I think as we are now at this time – a ‘Time of Endurance’ – it is also a time to reflect and to consider this great, epic journey we are all on. 

And I think that everybody who comes across The Aetherius Society, and everybody who joins The Aetherius Society, should be absolutely aware of this great, fantastic, heroic, epic journey that we are on in holding together our world; an opportunity that has been paved for us by our Master, Dr. George King, and the Adepts, and the great Cosmic Masters.

We are their hope for our world. In fact, the Master Aetherius has said that we are the only hope, which is not to say that there are not many, many, many other people in our world doing wonderful work; but it is The Aetherius Society that has been entrusted with Operation Sunbeam and The Saturn Mission and the Spiritual Energy Radiators, which are helping to hold this world together, and without us and these Missions, who knows how our world would be at this time?

So I think it is a great time, to quote the Master Aetherius in the transmission ‘Be Not Limited’ to “Come together, cooperate together, drop petty differences. Transmute them in the light of spirituality, and use the great powers…” which have been offered to us; and to focus ourselves on this “narrow precipitous path into the goal of Truth.”

And remember that the Boss is coming back – we have been told that those who are faithful will meet Dr. King and the great Cosmic Adepts – and that the Next Master is coming. Are we ready for that? 

To remember another great, epic terrestrial journey, that of Odysseus, or Ulysses; no one recognized him – except his dog! Isn’t that a wonderful thought? His dog never gave up; never forgot his Master!

And so in closing, when we do push aside all these other petty things that come into our life – and when we do take and grasp this profound Spiritual opportunity of holding together our world to build the New Age, and make this the real, true purpose of our life – everything else in our life will be taken care of and we will be standing on the threshold of ultimate Triumph and Glory! 

Thank you.

About the author
Rev. Paul Nugent is an International Director of The Aetherius Society having joined the Society in England in 1986. He was a personal assistant to Dr. George King during the latter years of his life. Active in interfaith, Paul is also an Emeriti Board Member of the Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Be Not Limited and a Time of Endurance
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Spiritual Determination Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:38:44 +0000 “Life is difficult but not impossible. I don’t think that any man is given a problem to solve unless it is known that he can solve that problem providing he…

Spiritual Determination
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Spiritual Determination

“Life is difficult but not impossible. I don’t think that any man is given a problem to solve unless it is known that he can solve that problem providing he uses courage and determination and has faith in his own abilities, his higher abilities and probably, sometimes even, in the abilities of others. I don’t think he’s given any problem that’s too great for him.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘Do Not Allow Your Basic Self To Fill Your Heart With Hate,’ 1971

We all have very difficult times in our lives. These can include health or family issues, difficult living situations, pain, loss – there are countless examples. We can find ourselves in negative situations of our own making, and sometimes through no fault of our own. This can leave us feeling unmotivated, overwhelmed, and even very hurt. All of these situations can make it difficult to focus on our spiritual lives.

It is in these times that spiritual determination can help us to progress on our spiritual journey.

“What is progress? It is change. Retrogression is change. Nothing ever stands still. It either retrogresses or progresses.”

– Dr. George King, a lecture on the 11th and 12th Blessings, 1960

If we are not actively progressing on our chosen spiritual path, or moving closer to God, we are actually moving the opposite way, we are moving away from God.

It is as if there are two spirals, or two ways that we can respond to situations in our lives – one negative and one positive.

The negative or downward spiral occurs when we allow our lower selves to guide the way. We may allow ourselves to be distracted and pulled away from the path. It can mean that we are allowing our lower selves to dictate our emotions and our decisions.

If we do allow this, we aren’t just standing still, we are actually moving backwards. What’s more, the longer we stray from the path, the more difficult it is to come back.

The positive or upward spiral finds us actively working on our spiritual selves. We start to live more spiritual and service focused lives.

We still have troubles, distractions and difficult times, but we are understanding that these are lessons for us to learn. We are able to take a step back from a situation, and instead of allowing it to have a negative affect on us, we can look at the bigger picture and try to find out what we are meant to learn, and possibly, what we could be doing differently. This can give us greater insight and we can then understand difficult times better. We understand that these are lessons for us to learn and it gives the difficult time context. Our resilience grows, our determination grows.

Dr. King believed in turning every negative situation in life into a positive one – and we can do the same.

What does it mean to be spiritually determined?

Dr. King says the following about someone on the spiritual path:

“In the early days, I found, like everyone else has always found before, that the more I practised, the more discipline I exercised over myself, the more I knew. You will not – doesn’t matter who tells you otherwise, makes no difference – you will not ever experience a mystical state, such as Cosmic Consciousness, unless you work really, really hard for it. There’s no easy way. There’s a quick way and a long way.

“The quick way is by far the most dangerous; by far the most difficult. The long way is much safer. But whichever way you take, you must work very, very, very hard. And it’s up to you: [you can] say, ‘Well, in the next life it might come, or the life afterwards it might come.’

“Or you can say, as I did, ‘It’s gonna come now. I can’t wait for the next life. Definitely not. Now it’s gonna come!’ …and work accordingly.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘Key To Your Spiritual Progress,’ 1981

The spiritual path requires discipline, otherwise we end up letting our lower selves pull us away from our path, down the negative spiral. We will all lead with the wrong foot from time to time, but the discipline and determination to stay on the spiritual path will help us to falter less.

This will feel frustrating and extremely difficult at times, but we must be determined to carry on and continue focusing on moving forward – it will be one of the greatest decisions we can make. We are not given any task that we are unable to handle, this is in fact Karmic Law.

Dr. King also said:

“Many people fall by the wayside, leave the straight and narrow road because things get difficult for them and, if they were to keep along this road for just a little while longer, many of these difficulties would be resolved.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘Do Not Allow Your Basic Self To Fill Your Heart With Hate,’ 1971

How can we become more spiritually determined?

Spiritual practices

Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters have given us numerous spiritual practices to help us through difficult times. These can give us strength, raise our consciousness, and make a real difference in our lives. You can find over 40 of these types of practices in the book Realize Your Inner Potential through the path of spiritual service – King Yoga.

One example is the chanting of mantra, or sacred sounds. This will enhance the flow of prana through our chakras. This enhanced flow can bring inspiration and a harmonization of our subtle bodies.

Yoga breathing, also known as pranayama, is another effective way to draw prana into yourself through deep breathing techniques. Dr. King stated that:

“No shallow breather can be a deep thinker. If you breathe shallowly you can never have glorious visualisation or glorious visions. Relatively speaking, the deeper your breath, the more controlled your thoughts.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘The Power of Creative Thinking’, 1961

Both of these practices bring peace to you and apart from having a great subtle effect on your bodies, they can also calm and quiet the mind. By practicing these, we will open ourselves up to inspiration. Inspiration that can give us strength, or even at times, solutions to our problems. This strength and inspiration can help us fight through difficult times, see the problems more clearly, and continue on the upward spiral.

Personal Prayer

In Dr. King’s lecture on ‘The Secret of Personal Prayer‘, he says that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help and guidance, particularly if you are asking for help to carry on along your spiritual path.

In the lecture he gives specific directions on how to do this properly, and he states that if we do this personal prayer practice:

“You will have confidence, you will have determination, you will have courage, you will have fortitude, you will have better health, be it mental or physical health which we all need.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘The Secret of Personal Prayer‘, 1981

He goes on to say that if we do this practice each day for a month:

“In thirty days you would not be able to recognize yourself if you applied this most holy formula.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘The Secret of Personal Prayer‘, 1981

The ‘Prayer for Spiritual Workers‘ is also an excellent personal prayer that can be used to give you strength in difficult times. The Master Jesus, who gave this prayer says of it:

“Say this prayer with your heart and with your Soul, when the world is cold to you – and you will be warmed. Say it when you are down – and you will be lifted. Say it when you are alone – and you will be comforted by a Presence. Say it when you fail – and you will succeed. Say it when you die – and you will live. Say it so that you may gain sufficient Power and strength to do greater things.”

– The Master Jesus

Focus on service

“Break away from your own troubles by concentrating upon the suffering of others.”
– Mars Sector 6, from The Third Freedom

The energy that we send out, comes back to us. So by helping others, we are also helping ourselves. The energy and effort that we put out, we also receive in return. While this may not be our motivation, receiving love, strength and inspiration is never a bad thing, especially when we are in need of it.

Additionally, the more we detach from our own suffering, the less we will be affected by it and then we can focus our energy on helping others. This is the path of service, breaking away from our own troubles by doing our best to help as many people as we can.

But this does not mean that we should not think about the difficulties in our lives, it means that despite having difficulties, we are not allowing the situation to consume us, and we continue to help others.

It feels good to help others, but in addition to this, we know that the Law of Karma states action and reaction are opposite and equal, as often cited in Buddhism. Or as it says in the Bible, Galatians 6:

“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

We are told that we will be helped on our path of service. The Master Jesus tells us in the First of The Twelve Blessings:

“Oh workers, who in unselfish sacrifice, share the burden with your brothers, I say unto you, that even though the way be rough and long and dark, you will be helped and guided in your passage, so that you may guide and help those stumbling ones who see not the Light in the midst of Light.”

– The Master Jesus, from The First Blessing

Study spiritual teachings

The greatest gift that you can give anyone is wisdom. Wisdom is one of the things that the Cosmic Masters and Dr. King have given to us; wisdom in text and recordings that is easily accessible, and simply explained.

We are so fortunate to have such inspiring, profound and easy to understand teachings given to us by and through Dr. King. And each time we read or listen to these teachings, we can learn something new; another aspect will speak to us.

These teachings can give us greater wisdom that will allow us to see ourselves and our situations more clearly. This will give us strength and inspiration on our spiritual journeys. In fact, the very vibrations of the teachings will affect us positively – even if we don’t fully understand them.

Be determined – choose the upward spiral

We all have lessons that we need to learn, and situations that we must go through and sometimes this will be very difficult. Being spiritually determined and resilient will help us have the strength to get through tough times. We will also often be able to see our troubles more clearly, and this can make them easier to overcome. We can begin to focus on turning every negative situation into a positive one.

So next time you are in a difficult situation, or if you are in one now, take a moment to consider the advice above from Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters and think about what you can do to stay on the upward spiral.

Further Recommendations:

About the author
Lisa RosserLisa Rosser is a staff member and Programme Administrator at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. Lisa has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years. She is particularly passionate about helping others and world healing.

Spiritual Determination
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Satellites X-90 & XB-70: What’s in a Name? Wed, 03 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 In a Transmission delivered on 3 July 1954, published in You Are Responsible, the Master Aetherius spoke about two satellites placed into orbit of Earth by the Cosmic Masters. He…

Satellites X-90 & XB-70: What’s in a Name?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Satellite x-90 & xb-70

In a Transmission delivered on 3 July 1954, published in You Are Responsible, the Master Aetherius spoke about two satellites placed into orbit of Earth by the Cosmic Masters. He gave their names as X-90 and XB-70. The Master Aetherius said the governments of several countries already knew about these satellites, although they have never admitted this.

The names X-90 and XB-70 have long intrigued me and I’d like to put forward a possible explanation for them. It’s just a theory of course and you’ll have to make up your own mind about it. 

Here is an extract from this Transmission:

Question: “Are radio waves emitted from Venus and Mars and also from Space Ships?”

Aetherius: “I believe that, in exceptional conditions certain ultra-short-wave radio transmissions have been endeavoured and in one particular place upon your globe, regular ultra-short-wave communications are carried on between X-90 and a group of Occult scientists. In the near future XB-70, which is the number of our second Satellite in space above the Earth, will contact certain radio receiving stations. We hope to use high speed Morse code through a scrambler. The receiving station is already standing by.

“We have two Satellites in Space between Luna and Terra. From these Satellites observers note many changes taking place on Terra. These Satellites are artificial moons which we have built, in order to have some observatories which can keep your Earth under close surveillance. Now, it is from one of these Space Stations that International Morse signals have already been received by Earth and we are going to transmit from the other. I am afraid that I cannot tell you the Earth receiving stations yet for very obvious reasons.”

The Cosmic Masters have in the past named things in relation to their context. An example of this is Satellite Number 3. According to Dr. King, this was so named because there were already two satellites in orbit, and indeed sometimes it is even referred to as ‘the third satellite.’ Perhaps if there had already been three satellites in orbit, then this might have been known as Satellite Number 4. 

Given the straight forward naming of Satellite Number 3, the names of these previous two satellites – X-90 and XB-70 – are complex by comparison. They could have been named simply Satellite Number 1 and Satellite Number 2. Why were they given more complex names?

Satellite XB-70

Interestingly, the name XB-70 was also given to an aircraft in February 1958, less than four years after the Master Aetherius mentioned Satellite XB-70. The aircraft was a bomber which was developed for the US Air Force and had its maiden flight in 1964. 

Initially, one might wonder if the US Air Force somehow copied the name XB-70 from the satellite. Or perhaps there was a more sinister dark force influence at work that inspired them to name their bomber after the satellite. 

The Master Aetherius mentioned the satellite’s name in 1954 and the US Air Force didn’t use the name until a few years later. So if one was copying the other then it would seem that the US Air Force was copying the satellite. But there’s a bit more to it than that. 

Breaking down the name XB-70

The name XB-70 follows a standard naming system used by the US Air Force. ‘B’ stands for ‘Bomber,’ just like the more well-known B-52 bomber. ‘X’ indicates that it is an experimental aircraft.

The number ‘70’ is part of a numerical ordering system in which each craft is named as they are produced. This began with the XB-1 in 1927 and continued in this fashion with future bombers: B-2, B-3, B-4 and so on. So the US Air Force was inevitably going to reach XB-70 sooner or later as they developed more and more bombers. 

So why was the satellite named XB-70 when the US Air Force was already on track to name one of its upcoming bombers XB-70?

This seems an impossible coincidence; surely there must be a reason behind it? 

A nuclear connection

As well as the same names being used within a few years of one another, there is something else that stands out. 

The XB-70 bomber was the prototype of a nuclear-armed bomber that could fly at three times the speed of sound. But even worse, the early designs considered the idea of it being nuclear-powered as well. Imagine the scale of the disaster if a nuclear-armed and nuclear-powered bomber crashed. It’s incredible to think that an aircraft like this was even considered!

In a way, the aircraft shares a strange connection with the Cosmic Masters as it puts them at opposite ends of a spectrum. The Cosmic Masters advocate for humanity to turn away from atomic experimentation, so a nuclear-armed and nuclear-powered bomber would be the antithesis of this. 

Even though they share the same name, the motives behind the satellite XB-70 and the bomber XB-70 couldn’t have been further apart.

So why the common name?

The US Air Force didn’t copy the name of the satellite as they were already on track to use the name. Could it be the other way around? Did the Cosmic Masters name the satellite XB-70 because they knew the US Air Force was due to allocate this same name to a bomber? It seems a strange proposition, but could there be a reason the Cosmic Masters would choose to name their satellite this way? 

In the past, the dark forces in our world have taken powerful spiritual symbols and tried to debase or corrupt them through misuse, such as the cross and swastika, which have both held a spiritual significance for many centuries. In the times of Atlantis there was the even more absurdly named ‘Brahma weapon,’ or ‘weapon of God’ which was an atomic ray. There the name of God was used in the name of a weapon that brought about the downfall of a civilisation.

But perhaps in the case of the XB-70, it was the other way around. Instead of the dark forces corrupting the name of the satellite by using it for their weapon, perhaps the action of the Cosmic Masters was a preemptive strike.

By naming the satellite XB-70, did the Cosmic Masters create a situation whereby the US Air Force would be dooming their project to failure by giving it the same name as the satellite? Did they set it up so that the very act of giving the nuclear-armed, nuclear-powered bomber the name XB-70 was a cosmic crime? 

It’s just a theory and you’ll have to make your own mind up about it. But if this was the case, then the XB-70 bomber project would presumably have brought a negative karmic reaction upon itself sooner or later.

As it turned out, the XB-70 bomber project was cancelled. Only two of these experimental aircraft were made. One caught fire on its first flight during landing. It survived this; going on to fly a number of test flights before the project ended. But the other aircraft crashed just two months after its maiden flight. Thankfully they didn’t end up making it nuclear-powered and it wasn’t carrying any nuclear arms when it crashed.

If the cancellation of the XB-70 bomber project was what the Cosmic Masters wanted, then it would seem that they achieved their goal through an ingenious plan. But a plan well within the level of ingenuity we have seen them demonstrate elsewhere. 

But what about the name of the other satellite, X-90?

Satellite X-90

As it happens, there was also an aircraft with the name X-90. 

It was built by Stearman Aircraft as the X-90 but later given the name SBT-17 by the US Air Force and had its maiden flight in 1940. The X-90 was a “trainer” – an aircraft for training pilots.

Interestingly, Dr. King describes the purpose of satellites X-90 and XB-70 as also being of an educational or training nature. In a lecture on 14 December 1959, Dr. King said:

“These two satellites are what we call classrooms. They have people in them from other planets who, like ourselves, need to learn. In my very small and very humble opinion, I believe that those people in those traveling classrooms around this dark Earth possibly are told to regard us upon Earth. And after they have done so they are then possibly told, “There you are my friends, that’s what not to be like.” If we are to be logical it couldn’t be anything else, could it really?

So the purpose of the X-90 training aircraft – a kind of classroom for pilots – matches the purpose of Satellite X-90 which was also a classroom. Both serve an educational purpose. But the nature of those purposes are again at opposite ends of a spectrum.

Satellite X-90 is training beings from other worlds how not to behave. An obvious example of the wrong behavior of humanity would be our many wars. The X-90 training aircraft on the other hand was training people for roles in war. 

This X-90 naming connection is interesting, but not especially compelling on its own. But it seems more compelling when considered alongside the naming connection of Satellite XB-70. 

Simply ingenious

All of this is of course just a theory. We’ll never know the full story – at least not in this life. We don’t even know if the satellites are still in orbit or not, although they very well may be. But if it was true, it would be an absolutely ingenious plan. 

To name a satellite in such a way that even its very name would help humanity by stopping the creation of a nuclear-armed, nuclear-powered bomber – an horrific killing machine – is just the level of ingenuity we have come to expect of the Cosmic Masters. 

I feel there is even more to this story than this, and I’ve omitted some interesting aspects simply because of complexity (such as the Russian X-90 thermonuclear missile which was cancelled in the 1980s). But there’s one final point on the X-90 name that I’d like to mention.

One final note

The US Air Force runs an experimental aircraft programme which began with an aircraft named the X-1 in 1946. This was followed by the X-2, X-3, X-4 and so on. The latest craft to be named in this way was the X-61 in 2019. This means the US Air Force are on track to name another aircraft X-90 within the next few decades. Exactly when they use this name depends on how rapidly they produce this type of aircraft. At times they’ve produced a new one every year, whereas at other times they have had several years between new aircraft. 

If they do create another X-90 aircraft at some point in the future, I’d hazard a guess that it won’t be a success for the US Air Force. But it could be yet another success for the ingenious Cosmic Masters…!

About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister and full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London. He has been a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcasts series.







Note: The masthead image is an artist’s impression of two spacecraft near Earth, and is not meant to be an actual depiction of the Satellites discussed in this blogpost.




Satellites X-90 & XB-70: What’s in a Name?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Richard Lawrence reflects on UFO and ET revelations as new edition of book is launched today Tue, 05 May 2020 19:36:41 +0000 With Darren Ball Darren Ball (DB): I was 23 when I first discovered The Aetherius Society in 2009. Before that time I had no conception of the link between extraterrestrials…

Richard Lawrence reflects on UFO and ET revelations as new edition of book is launched today
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message

With Darren Ball

Darren Ball (DB): I was 23 when I first discovered The Aetherius Society in 2009. Before that time I had no conception of the link between extraterrestrials and spirituality. In fact, I hadn’t thought very much about extraterrestrials at all until then. 

However, I was searching for spiritual truth. And strange as it seemed to me, I could not deny the extraordinary and profound spiritual teaching I found in Master of Yoga Dr. George King, and the extraterrestrials Dr. King was in contact with, from 1954 until his passing in 1997. 

I was privileged to interview someone described recently by a leading UK radio station as the “Guru of UFOs.” Though not willing to accept such a title, which he says belongs only to Dr. King, he has been, nevertheless, a major figure in the campaign for truth that Dr. King helped so tirelessly to pioneer and promote throughout his own life. Richard Lawrence is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including the recently released new edition of UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message (CICO Books). He is also a leading Disciple of Dr. King, and Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe – a position he has held for over 40 years. 

I wanted to talk to Richard for the same reason that he wrote his book, i.e. to help spread the truth about enlightened extraterrestrials visiting Earth, so that spiritually-minded people everywhere might be inspired to listen, learn and act! And if we did act, what kind of world might we be able to create?

In the last few months there has been a flurry of activity and interest again in UFOs and extraterrestrials. Britain’s first astronaut Dr. Helen Sharman made waves when she suggested in January that invisible aliens may be among us. The US Government confirmed that alleged US Navy footage of UFOs was in fact genuine. And the British Government revealed that they would be releasing their previously classified UFO files collected between the early 1950s (when, incidentally, Dr. King began campaigning) and 2009. 

Richard, you’ve been campaigning for governments to tell the truth about UFOs for over forty years. Now we’re in this moment where they claim to be doing that. Do you feel vindicated at all? 

Richard Lawrence (RL): Well, there was a Transmission – a communication made through Dr. King – that says:

“It must be—and indeed is obvious—to all Governments upon Terra, that Flying Saucers are real, are physical, are friendly, are extraterrestrial. They cannot TRUTHFULLY deny this.”

– ‘Demand the Truth,’ Mars Sector 6, from Cosmic Voice Vol 4, Issue 16

I, together with the late Ray Nielsen and others, launched a campaign around that Transmission in 1979, which included a petition that we actually delivered to 10 Downing Street in London, England, with thousands of signatures calling for the release of the truth. 

And in fact, some truth did come out, because a Minister in the House of Lords admitted for the first time that they had UFO records on file. 

But the big thing is that right through the forty years you’re talking about, there have been denials. Things have leaked out, but they have rarely been authenticated by governments. Now, what’s changed – and this is progress – I don’t think it’s total vindication – is that now the position of the government in Britain is basically: yes, we have UFO sightings on file, and we’re going to release some of them – they haven’t said “all of them.”

The American Government has confirmed the US Navy videos are genuine. They’ve described them as unidentified. They’ve now changed the term Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), which is just a ploy, I would say – a rebranding – to probably try and make people take less notice of it. But anyway, let’s be positive. They have done this. Even the President of America has been interviewed on it, according to, I believe, Reuters, and has said that he thinks it’s “a hell of a video.” And, he wondered out loud whether it was real, which either means he doesn’t know or that he’s not being completely candid. And my guess is that he doesn’t know whether it’s real. 

So that is a sort of staging post, if you like, in the UFO story. But we haven’t yet got to the finishing post where governments have said they’re real, they’re friendly and they’re extraterrestrial. 

DB: What do you think of the timing of the release of this information? 

RL: There’s an old saying in politics: you need a good time to bury bad news. By which I mean that a time when everyone’s mind is on something else is the best time to bring out a piece of bad news. This isn’t exactly bad news, but it’s embarrassing for them, because it wasn’t so long ago that the Pentagon was basically saying that they did lie about UFOs, but only because they are American secret aircraft. Well, now they’re not saying that. In fact, it’s come out thanks to a man called Luis Elizondo, who was a Pentagon official working from 2007 to 2012 in the Department of Defence in America on a program to investigate UFOs. He said that there is nothing in the American inventory or any other inventory on Earth that could duplicate the manoeuvrability and the flight abilities of these craft.

It’s embarrassing for them because It shows that they have covered up the truth. Therefore, it’s a good time to reveal this during the coronavirus crisis. It’s very cynical. I can’t say I know it for a fact, but it looks to me as though they picked this time. The footage has been around for many years, one of them was taken in 2004 and the other in 2015. Suddenly, at the height of the coronavirus crisis in America, they release this. So, yes, I think that was deliberate. 

DB: In fact, it was only today that these stories were covered online in two of the biggest national selling newspapers in the UK – The Sun and The Daily Mail. How does this relate to the timing of the new edition of your book, which is also out today in the UK? 

RL: Well that’s extremely interesting because I didn’t know until Saturday – just a couple of days ago – that this book was being launched on May 5th in the UK and in June in the USA. 

This is a new edition by a publisher – not The Aetherius Society – but a publisher called CICO Books with a new foreword, which incidentally mentions the US Navy videos. And it comes out at a time of apparent abnegation of responsibility by governments – not just Britain and America. The Japanese Minister of Defence came out last week as well and said that he’s going to look at a response that their forces could make, should they have a UFO encounter. 

In the midst of this comes out a new edition of UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message, with a chapter on “Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel.” There is also a chapter on “The Extraterrestrial Message” containing Transmissions, selected by Brian Keneipp, Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society in America. These answer many of the questions people are asking.  

DB: Can you talk more about why you would say The Aetherius Society is the best place to come for these answers? 

RL: Well, the best place you can go to get the answers about UFOs are from the beings who man them. How do you do that? You investigate people who claim to have been contacted by those beings. You need to discriminate very carefully, as Dr. King recommended, because there are fakes and deluded cases out there. In doing so, you look for the most substantial, genuine cases – the longest record, the broadest and deepest knowledge and the most effective programme of cooperation with extraterrestrials. 

I do not know of any organization or claimant that compares with Dr. George King and The Aetherius Society. So I think you come right to The Aetherius Society if you want to know these answers. 

DB: So you started to talk about some of the history there. I thought we could go back into the history of The Aetherius Society, particularly to the 1950s when Dr. King was first campaigning for the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials. Can you tell me more about that period?

RL: I’ve campaigned on this for 40 years, but that’s nothing compared to what Dr. King did. When I started there was scepticism – more than scepticism, attacks. I remember giving lectures and getting heckled by some people in the audience just for saying that there was a government cover-up. It probably sounds strange to you, Darren, to think that, you know, the idea of governments covering things up and lying was regarded as a bit nutty then, when now everybody knows it. But imagine then going back 25 years earlier than me. My goodness, you’d be savaged by the media; mercilessly ridiculed. 

But that didn’t stop Dr. King at all. He was fearless in that respect. He launched a rally in Trafalgar Square in central London in 1958 to demand the truth from governments about flying saucers. That in itself was highly controversial because governments in America and Britain at that time were denying that they had any hidden files, completely mocking it, and they had a policy of debunking the whole topic. 

In the book, there’s an extract from a Transmission that was delivered on September 15th, 1956, by Mars Sector 6, called ‘The Conspiracy’ which explains how the so-called silence group worked. It also gives the solution, which is spiritual power. 

DB: Could you talk a little bit more about anything that distinguished Dr. King as an early contactee? 

RL: One of the things that was remarkable about his contacts in that period is that right from the beginning Dr. King linked UFOs to spirituality. 

In a very early Transmission on October 26th, 1954, an extract from which is published in UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message, the Master Aetherius made it absolutely clear that they were Spiritual beings. That they live and they exist, as he put it, in subtle states and they only use coarser bodies when necessary. 

He said:

“It is not possible for me to give English names, for the constituents of the molecules of the subtle bodies, because you have no words to describe them. So tenuous are these bodies, that it would be like giving a name to the molecules of your Soul, as it were.”

Of course, in those days scientists had not discovered what they have since about invisible matter and a multidimensional universe. One thing that marked Dr. King out from the very beginning, was the linking of UFOs with spirituality, metaphysics and, if you like, religion. 

In the first Transmission Dr. King received in public on January 29th, 1955, extracts from which are published in the book, the Master Aetherius said:

“Our belief in an Absolute Architect, an Absolute Creator, thinking into being certain laws which are immutable, these are the things we study first; secondly we apply these laws to our political system and our educational system. We do not try to get the laws to fit in with our preconceived ideas of what things should be, we make our systems fit the law. When you do that, you will become luminous in the heavens, you will immediately go one step further upwards, you will immediately be showered by Flying Saucers and Mother Ships, call them what you like, who will come from planets to walk your Earth.”

If you’d like to discover more about UFOs and Spirituality:


Email Series

Book/eBook – Available from Amazon

UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message


UFOs and the extraterrestrial message – a spiritual insight into UFOs and cosmic transmissions

Written by international bestselling author, Richard Lawrence








Leave us a comment below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence Richard Lawrence is an international, bestselling author of 11 books, Richard Lawrence has frequently appeared on TV and radio internationally, and featured in numerous magazines and newspapers. Richard is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters.

About Darren Ball

Darren Ball Darren Ball is a Staff Member of The Aetherius Society. He is passionate about personal and global healing and the creator of

Richard Lawrence reflects on UFO and ET revelations as new edition of book is launched today
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 14 29993
Living The Spiritual Approach Will Change Everything Mon, 27 Apr 2020 21:02:18 +0000 Have you considered whether the coronavirus pandemic is yet another outward reminder, to us all, that the way we have been living our lives is not really working? What if…

Living The Spiritual Approach Will Change Everything
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Living the Spiritual approach will change everything

Have you considered whether the coronavirus pandemic is yet another outward reminder, to us all, that the way we have been living our lives is not really working? What if there are lessons in all this that could help us move forward? If so, what could they be?

“…it is the Spiritual approach which will eventually put this world right, not the political one, not the materialistic one. It is the materialistic approach adopted by mankind which has brought on the conditions that we are now facing – all of us; and I think we should never ever forget this.”

– Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919-1997) – ‘The correct approach to materialistic and metaphysical problems today’ (1971)

Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Dr. King at a radio interview.

What does adopting a Spiritual approach consist of? Many things, but one very real and practical example I would like to highlight is:

  • Accepting that each and every one of us has a higher self which has access to great knowledge and power that will help and guide us right in all areas of life.
  • Then, once accepted, working to build a clear and strong connection with this higher self so its light, wisdom, and power may flow into our everyday lives and inspire us to make better decisions and actions in life. Decisions and actions that will inevitably create more positive karma and build a brighter more successful future freed from so many of our current troubles.

Would we even have the coronavirus and other challenges if all of us were more advanced in our connection with our higher selves? Humanity is being reminded in a powerful way yet again to embrace a Spiritual approach.

But how can we experience the many benefits the Spiritual approach has to offer if we spend little or no quality time developing a Spiritual approach to life?

In addition to Dr. King, other great Spiritual masters from this world and beyond have taught the truth that EMBRACING AND LIVING SPIRITUALITY is the lasting way to freedom from the shackles of limiting fears, and needless pain and suffering. But these great Masters can’t do the required work for us.

We have to take up the gauntlet of responsibility to explore and integrate Spiritual principles into our everyday lives. In this post, I will share with you a few of the ways that Dr. King recommended that we can do this. And, in fact, right now is an extremely powerful time to do so.

The Spiritual Push – your opportunity to speed up your spiritual progress

During special periods called Spiritual Pushes, a highly specialized spacecraft called “Satellite Number 3” comes into the orbit of Earth.

Its purpose is to radiate Spiritual energies that enhance all Spiritual and unselfish actions done by anyone on Earth regardless of their belief, religion, gender, age, race, class, or creed, by a factor of 3000 times.

As reproduced in Cosmic Voice Vol 2 (February 1957), The Master Aetherius stated:

“With the arranging of these Spiritual Periods, we have gone out of our way to help you, to put into your hands a sceptre of Power – Power that you would not normally have. We have gone out of our way to enable you all to evolve three thousand times quicker than you would normally. You are getting away from the necessity of re-incarnation three thousand times quicker than you would normally.”

This is a tremendous opportunity that is an essential Divine intervention for humanity. Satellite No. 3 is giving humanity energy that we would not otherwise have so that we can advance 3000 times more quickly out of the pit of ignorance that breeds and maintains so many of humanity’s difficulties.

Satellite Number 3

A representation of Satellite Number 3.

How can I use this information to help myself and others?

First thing is to know when these Spiritual Push dates are. The dates of the Spiritual Pushes each year, as given in 1988 for the next 1000 years, are as follows:

April 18th – May 23rd
July 5th – August 5th
September 3rd – October 9th
November 4th – December 10th

Each orbit begins and ends at midnight GMT.

The Master Aetherius in Cosmic Voice Issue 25, 1961 stated:

“You have been told that this Spiritual Push constitutes the most important time period in your total lives upon Terra [Earth] and that is exactly true. In this next Spiritual Push, my friends, you have greater opportunities, to do greater good than you have ever had before in all of your thousands of lives upon this Planet. If you grasp these opportunities and some of you will, then you will advance greatly.”

Next thing is to explore what specific actions we can take to benefit from the Divine influence of Satellite No. 3.

Selfless service to others

All selfless, charitable, humanitarian actions will be potentized 3000 times and we are encouraged to do more of this. It does not matter if you are an orthodox religious person or have less conventional beliefs, or if you are a humanitarian with no Spiritual beliefs per se – each of us has a destiny and all of us can perform the “greatest acts” as Mars Sector 6 relates in The Nine Freedoms:

“The greatest Yoga is – SERVICE.
“The greatest Religion is – SERVICE.
“The greatest act is that act done in – SERVICE.”

Quicken your Spiritual awakening

Build that stronger and clearer bridge to your higher self and the voice of intuition as Dr. King stated in a lecture on ‘The Third Satellite’ – given on 23rd Jan 1959:

“…even if it is for personal advancement or personal enlightenment, providing that is sought with the right motive, these energies [from Satellite No. 3] will directly, directly help you in every possible way…”

Dr. King in a yoga posture

Dr. King in a yoga posture

Heal and support others better through prayer

Your unselfish prayers for the Spiritual awakening of others can help others to accept and connect more fully with their higher selves.

As Dr. King stated in a lecture on “The Third Satellite” – given on 14th Dec 1959:

“If during an ordinary time of the year you spend 15 minutes in prayer for another individual, whoever it may be, for whatever reason it may be, and you release X units of energy towards that individual, then during the time that this Satellite is orbiting our Earth, you release 3000X units of energy towards that individual.”

This is truly staggering. We have an incredible opportunity to bring about miraculous healings and powerful Divine intervention in people’s lives through prayer during a Spiritual Push.

Dr. King in prayer atop Mt Tallac.

Dr. King in prayer atop Mt Tallac.

Enhance yoga breathing results

Reported results from yoga breathing exercises include:

  • increased vitality and alertness
  • control of stress and more natural sleep
  • greater confidence and more positive thinking
  • improved concentration and memory
  • enhanced psychic and intuitive abilities
  • stronger awareness of the higher self.

These results could be greatly quickened within you during a Spiritual Push…

“During every Spiritual Push, it is essential for you to tune in more than ever before to the vital energies which are being radiated into your atmospheric belt during this time. There is no better way of absorbing this energy than by correct breathing methods, nor indeed is there a safer way.”

The Master Aetherius – Cosmic Voice Volume 1 (February 1957)

If you do not have a correct breathing practice at the moment I highly recommend the methods taught in the very short practical booklet Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga by Dr. George King.

Dr. King and others performing yoga breathing exercises.

Dr. King and others performing yoga breathing exercises.

Have a greater impact with your spiritual events

Dr. King stated in “The Third Satellite” lecture – given on July 24th, 1960:

“If any of you are planning any Spiritual event at all, any move of a Spiritual nature, or to do with Spiritual things, higher things, no matter what it may be, then try to fix that move so that it falls in the time that this Satellite is orbiting around the Earth, and you will be helped greatly by unseen, but nevertheless present hands, to bring this move about.”

As a result of the coronavirus crisis, The Aetherius Society has now arranged a considerable number of events online in accordance with official government policies on social distancing and so on.

Dr. King delivers a spiritual dissertation to an audience at the Hotel Bel-Air in California in 1959.

Dr. King delivers a spiritual dissertation to an audience at the Hotel Bel-Air in California in 1959.

Energise your teaching and healing activities and move mountains!

In the same July 24th lecture Dr. King stated:

“If you are concerned with teaching you will be helped to teach. Healing, you will be helped to heal. Whatever it is you will be helped. Not by a presence, not by messages because you will not – repeat not – receive messages from the Third Satellite…

“But you will receive something far more vital, far more important, far more usable, far more practical in a lot of ways – that is a beam of energy. And the beam of energy put down by the Third Satellite is put on individuals, and groups of individuals, throughout the Earth, and this beam, these individual beams are the size of one thousandth part of the finest hair on your head. They are invisible beams but they have strength to move mountains – if you have the faith to move mountains.”

Dr. King teaches Spiritual Healing

Dr. King teaches The King Technique of contact Spiritual healing. (In light of the current crisis, absent healing is recommended, in line with social distancing.)

The Twelve Blessings

Dr. King stated in a lecture on ‘The Third Satellite’ – given on 14th Dec 1959:

“…in answer to your question, how could I best use the energy radiated by the Third Satellite for my own benefit and for the benefit of all those around you, I would recommend you The Twelve Blessings, the book given by Jesus.”

Dr. King with The Twelve Blessings.

Dr. King with The Twelve Blessings.


So this is a tremendous opportunity for us all to speed up our Spiritual progress and make a tremendous impact in helping our suffering world.

About those who cooperate with the Spiritual Push, Dr. King offered the following words of hope and truth in his lecture on ‘The Third Satellite’ – given on 23rd Jan 1959:

“…no matter what odds seem to be against you, and God knows the odds are bad enough, but no matter what odds they are, eventually you will win. There is no doubt about this. Eventually light will transmute darkness, there is no doubt about this. Whosoever thinks otherwise doesn’t think deep enough, doesn’t think long enough, doesn’t know enough. If we keep on sending out this light, this energy, we will cause a great transmutation of the dark forces upon this Earth. We will cause them to be transmuted so that they themselves can enter the realms of light.”

Higher Self Higher Realms

Image courtesy of Mario Duguay –

If you have enjoyed this post and found it helpful, please share it with others!

About the author
Ayub Malik

Ayub Malik has had a deep interest in the mysteries of the Divine since a life-changing breakthrough in his teens, leading him to a life of spiritual exploration and discovery. He is a full-time staff team member at the European Headquarters.

Living The Spiritual Approach Will Change Everything
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 18 29729
New Morning – A New Year’s Poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King Tue, 31 Dec 2019 18:00:44 +0000 Happy New Year! In this post we wanted to share with you a New Year’s poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King, as well as his own commentary…

New Morning – A New Year’s Poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

New Morning poem

Happy New Year!

In this post we wanted to share with you a New Year’s poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King, as well as his own commentary on its true meaning.

This poem can be interpreted as a very concise manual for how to live i.e. what we each can do to make ourselves better, wiser people, and be an inspiration to others: 

  • Know yourself
  • Know God
  • Be of service

We wish every one of you greater inspiration, spiritual determination and joy in the New Year!


New Morning

By Dr. George King

I saw a fresh Moon rise on Resolution’s morn, 

To sweep in soundless curve,

O’er sphere where many a deed

Was cast as yesterday’s wrong.


Rung out by bell—cold as Luna’s face, 

A ghostly memory put aside;

When oft-bitten fingers of old Time 

Did hang a new and hopeful date,

O’er mantle and as ever lingered there, 

To watch the new-born babes at play.


Promises, which like turning dates would change 

To canting spectres, chained by sloth

In Reform’s little used cell.


Oh! Would that we on such a time 

Did stand and reflect—true reflection. 

Stripped naked down to very soul

Of body’s garments of deceit.


And then and there did make a vow 

To change these pompous robes,

For Realities’ clouded mystic dress— 

Full open to he who open is!


And fill time’s glass with rendered joy 

Replacing Prosperity’s wish—by Service. 

Hand’s grip—by unselfish support.

And herald in the type of Morn

As dreamed an Infant—near two thousand years ago! 


Dr. King’s commentary:

(NB: Extracts from the poem appear in bold.)

“This poem was written about the ritual commonly adopted by people in the West on New Year’s Eve. It is a straightforward poem which tries to let us see ourselves as we really are rather than as we hope we are.

“It is no use trying to transmute hypocrisy in your life unless you will admit that you are in some ways hypocritical and in some respects I think we all are. You can never put a thing right unless you see that it is wrong in the first place and, although this sounds really obvious, it is surprising how many people are afraid to do this.

“The poem begins by telling of the promises and resolutions which are often made on a New Year’s Eve as is the custom but which are very soon forgotten. We have all before now made many good New Year’s resolutions and have forgotten them before the middle of January. This is characteristic of mankind on Earth. When man is no longer like this, he will become a better person—and the purpose of life is to study how we can make ourselves better people.

“I will now amplify some of the sentences of this poem so that they may be better understood. For instance:

“Promises which like turning dates would change 

To canting spectres chained by sloth

In Reform’s little used cell.”

“How little is this cell used. A lot of us believe in reform in our own lives and in our own thinking, and yet we are frightened to reform ourselves. There is a kind of blockage which stops us from doing this. We express beliefs in many things, but when it really comes to the point, we are afraid to apply them in our own lives for fear they may appear too unorthodox. It is like the promises which are made especially at New Year, with probably the best intentions in the world. They become just “canting spectres”, intangible things that do not really exist yet make a noise, like a spectre or a noisy ghost. We should be careful of giving out promises and yet never making them tangible by living up to them. Not only are we contravening an Occult Law by giving a declaration to do something or change in a certain way, but we are breaking down the whole of our character by making a promise and not living up to it. We let ourselves down as well as other people.

“The most difficult discipline is self-discipline. There are many people who will take orders, but a lot of these people are still not capable of self-discipline. When you can exercise a certain degree of self-discipline you are then able to take orders, not only from people you respect on Earth, but also from the Higher Forces. You can then know what childishness so-called free will is and can easily give this up. The greatest people on this Earth are not those who exercise their free will and run amok among civilization—but the people who have controlled free will. The people whom mankind will be awakened to remember, are those who have been given a particular assignment for the benefit of mankind and have devoted their lives to it—especially if that assignment has been dictated by Higher Forces. The memory of those who have not devoted their lives to such an assignment will pass into nothingness.

“There are times, of course, when we will hurt others by acting on our resolution. We do not want to hurt others unless we have to, and then we may have to. The whole suggestion in this sentence is that if we do make a promise then we must not let it become just a “canting spectre”, roaming way back in a cavern, which exists only as a mental facet of ourselves, but make it real and make it live. Even a little thing is important, for the big things in life are made up of thousands of little things. A house is made of many small pieces of material.

“Oh! Would that we on such a time 

Did stand and reflect—true reflection. 

Stripped naked down to very soul

Of body’s garments of deceit.”

“We should all analyse ourselves. You do not have to go to a church and sit in a little box in order to confess—it is far better for a person to confess to himself—or in other words, analyze himself. I do not mean in the way the psychologists might do it, but a careful, correctly done self-analysis can be very beneficial to us all. We can all learn a lot from this and each and every man can improve himself in this way. The basic materialist can see the folly of his alleged practicality and can then make more definite steps onwards. The yoga student can, in the same way, make more definite steps onwards through evolution by careful analysis, by strict self-discipline, by absolute unbendable resolution and by sticking to those resolutions that he has made—whether they are to the world or to himself. Actually, it is impossible for you to make a resolution in secret. It is not possible to think without some other Intelligence knowing about that thought. There is no such thing in life as privacy.

“And then and there did make a vow 

To change these pompous robes,

For Realities’ clouded mystic dress— 

Full open to he who open is!”

“You can, from the results of your analysis, change your basic faults and thus take a greater step forward so that you can study the realms of Truth and that which is real. Reality is not that which we can see or feel or touch, not even with our psychic senses, it is above all these things and behind all these things. The world around us is unreal. Our bodies and minds are unreal. The great Reality is the Everlasting Truth which is behind all these things and the greatest Reality is—God. In fact, you could say the Supreme is the only Reality and the only thing Which does not change. What does not change? GOD. All else changes. The manifestations of God do change, but not the God Itself—not the very Heart, the very Essence, not the Core of the Supreme Architect of all things, the One that is the only Unchangeability in the whole of manifestation.

“We have to begin to search for our path back to This. We have to be like a flame pointing upwards towards our Source from which we came—towards the Godhead. The poet is trying to encourage men to do just this; to realize that they have a Divine Home and that they are not lost or alone in the Universe. Everything around them with the exception of one single thing—the Spark of God within—is unreal, is illusion, and susceptible to the ravages and changes of time. The Spark of God within remains pure throughout all things and all time and is above all things and all time. So, after careful examination of yourself, make a firm declaration to search for the real, lasting Truth in all things, in the everyday things as well as the higher things.

“And fill time’s glass with rendered joy.”

“Rendered to oneself? No, to another, of course. You render that thing which you are to give to another as an artist makes a rendering of something which others will look at.

“Replacing Prosperity’s wish—by Service.”

“Replacing the hypocrisy of good wishes, for the good wishes of basic man are often little more than words. “Good morning, and how are you?” and before you have time to answer, he is thinking of something else. Often there is no sincerity in such a wish; it is just hypocritical tinsel which he has put over life. It would be far better to give no greeting at all.

“There are many people who, if you mention to them Service to another, will run away in horror with their hands high in the air, but there are others, thank God, who are giving Service to others in many ways. These are the great ones. So, instead of just clasping the hand of your fellow man, offer him true support where needed.

“And herald in the type of Morn

As dreamed an Infant—near two thousand years ago!”

“Actually the dream was not made by the infant, but before the infant became an infant. Jesus knew His Mission before He came to Earth, and the greater and most important part of this He accomplished. The other part of the Mission will be successful—despite the Christians—not because of them, but despite the indoctrinated orthodox Christians who have been filled with the strange untruth which I term “Churchianity”. So the dream was in the Infant. It had lived before and therefore was living still. In other words, “As dreamed an Infant”.

“Therefore, fashion your life according to the life of Jesus—this Man who had dreamed, who had visualized His Mission, Who had visualized the success of this Mission and who worked hard to carry this out. If we all do this then next New Year’s Day we will be better people than we are now.

“When I wrote this poem, “New Morning”, in 1957, many people did not understand it so I have now given you just a little idea of what I meant so that you might think about these things.

“Remember—do not be afraid to live your beliefs or to let other people see you are living your beliefs, for it makes no difference what others think—and help to bring to mankind a beautifully Spiritual New Morning.”

Taken from Newsletter Volume 13, Issues No. 25 and 26, December 1974

New Morning – A New Year’s Poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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The King and I – Centenary Tribute 2 Wed, 15 May 2019 23:15:50 +0000 “Why don’t you sit down and have a drink with me?” “I’d love to, Master”, I replied as I poured myself a drink and sat next to him. “Yes, but…

The King and I – Centenary Tribute 2
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society


“Why don’t you sit down and have a drink with me?”

“I’d love to, Master”, I replied as I poured myself a drink and sat next to him.

“Yes, but why do I have to ask?” He choked slightly. “Then I am completely alone”.

The starkness of this remark resonated within me. There was I, staying with him at his residence in Santa Barbara, and he had to invite me to join him. What he wanted from me in that instance was not polite respectfulness, with the distance that can bring, but the warmth of friendship and love.

The three-stage journey of the disciple

For me, the disciple’s journey falls into three stages.

1) First you have to find your Master and learn how to follow him.

2) As you progress to the next stage, you begin to move beyond just following and you really start to love him.

3) And then comes the most important stage of all, when you assist him in his mission – and, if you are fortunate enough to be in a position to do so, help him personally too.

An unpredictable Master

We all got it wrong sometimes and, with a Master as enigmatic as Dr King, it was a mug’s game predicting exactly how he would react at any given moment. Conversations could turn on a dime from hilarious repartee to strict admonishments and much between. The default position was to eagerly listen and occasionally interject as he spoke with his trademark authority and knowledge on a range of topics from the cosmic to the commonplace to the comical. But that could change when he would become the most attentive of listeners; or when he wished to be regaled with a choice selection of anecdotes and assorted yarns – not always for the first time!

An attentive listener

“Give me some of your great logic, boy,” he exhorted teasingly as we sat together in the dining room at Aetherius House in London after lunch one day. As instructed, I held forth for what must have been at least ten minutes about goodness knows what, until it was clearly enough. I will never know what the purpose of that conversation was, except that it was certainly not for the benefit of his education!

On another occasion at a hotel in Carlisle, he came into the bedroom which I was sharing with John Holder, after dinner one evening. He sat down on a simple wooden chair and asked me to tell him how things were going in The Aetherius Society in Nigeria, something in which he always had a very deep interest. I gave what amounted to an uninterrupted dissertation for a considerable time as he registered expressions of interest and approval. When he seemed satisfied he said ‘goodnight’ to us both and retired to his room. Once again, I never knew exactly why he picked that time to ask for such a report – especially since we were on our way to Scotland the following morning for a very important Cosmic Mission – but that was the nature of the man and Master who was a habitué of the unexpected.

An unexpected initiation

Dr King in The Aetherius Temple in Los Angeles prior to a blessing ceremony.

Such was the occasion he chose to initiate his dear wife, Monique, and myself into an ancient mantra of great power. We had not prepared ourselves with fasting and japa, nor had we contemplated silently in the Temple for several hours beforehand. We had, in fact, been watching a film on television with him in his sitting room in Los Angeles. Afterwards he turned the television off and without warning or apparent preparation proceeded to impart the sacred Sanskrit words to us. There was no grand pronouncement nor a requirement for us to kneel in his presence, but as he spoke, I could not help but notice a tear rolling down the side of his cheek.

Terrible aloneness

Dr King sits alone pensively.

The loneliness he must have experienced can only be guessed at. The Master Jesus spoke with devastating poignancy in ‘The Twelve Blessings’ about the Planetary Ones living upon Earth: “who, day by day, suffer the unspeakable hell of terrible aloneness, in order to give you their hearts.” And the Venusian Master of love would really know – from first-hand experience.

An alien psychology

Dr King delivers an address in Los Angeles.

The evolutionary chasm between Dr King and even his closest friends and disciples was unquantifiable, and yet it fell to some of us to at least try to bridge it and thereby lessen the sense of isolation he must have felt living as a god among humans. His searing words in the brilliant address ‘The Men who won Operation Karmalight for you’ delivered on February 24th, 1978, illustrate how alien his psychological make-up was and he knew it. Talking about how the Three Adepts behaved after this great victorious battle in the lower astral realms of Earth, sometimes called “the hells”, he said:

They knew when they came back home from the wars that it was finished, as far as you were concerned, but not as far as they are [sic] concerned, and they still retained this balance. I, myself, in my own little way, have said more than once… ‘when this is all over, that’s it for me you can forget The Aetherius Society, you’ll never see sight of me, I’m just going to go out and have a good time’. That was one of the biggest lies I have ever told. I didn’t do it and, ladies and gentlemen, let me be honest with you, I’ve looked at myself in the mirror and I have condemned myself for not doing it. I said, ‘what the hell is the matter with you, King? Why don’t you go and kick over the traces?’ I must be as alien as those other people [the Adepts]…

As the medium who received the Transmissions throughout the sixteen months of Operation Karmalight he was on stand-by for 24 hours a day. He had tried to think as an ordinary human being would about what he would do afterwards, but his psychology was completely different. He carried on, just as he always had done, in his mission for the world as a whole, which included running The Aetherius Society. He blamed himself for not being more like us, but the truth is that we should be more like him – it is for us to move in his direction.

Just for a moment

Dr King at his desk in Santa Barbara where he sometimes received mental transmissions.

On another occasion in Santa Barbara, he had just performed the unimaginable feat of receiving a Mental Transmission from the greatest Masters resident in our world, the Protectors of the Ineffable Flame of the Logos of Terra. He walked slowly down the corridor from his office and sat in his armchair, fatigued and seemingly deflated at having to “return” from such elevated company. This time I did not leave him alone but sat down next to him. There was silence as I wondered whether or not I should “break the ice”.

After about a minute, I made a statement that can only be described as preposterous – not in terms of its validity but because it came from so unqualified a source as myself. “It is rare”, I proffered, “in the annals of occult history for such intelligences as these to use this method of communication with anyone in a terrestrial body”. I knew how ridiculous it was for me to opine on such a matter to a master as advanced as he – it was not as if he needed my untutored speculation. But he looked up and glanced in my direction. And then he nodded in agreement and started to talk about it. It was as though he felt just for a moment that he was not alone – and that, for me, was all that mattered.

[Note: The masthead photo features Dr King (left) with Richard Lawrence in England.]

About the author
Richard Lawrence is a Senior Bishop and Executive Secretary for Europe and Africa of The Aetherius Society. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books and has co-authored a biography of Dr George King to be published later this year.

The King and I – Centenary Tribute 2
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Spiritual Optimism Mon, 22 Apr 2019 09:00:58 +0000 “Evil is made up of lies and pessimistic dwellings.” So said the great Karmic Lord Mars Sector 6. From a young age, we’re taught not to lie. There’s still a…

Spiritual Optimism
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Spiritual Optimism

“Evil is made up of lies and pessimistic dwellings.”

So said the great Karmic Lord Mars Sector 6.

From a young age, we’re taught not to lie. There’s still a lot of lying out there, but nevertheless it is usually almost universally frowned upon to lie.

It can be difficult to tell if someone else is lying, but we generally all know if we are lying ourselves, if we have any sense of self-awareness.

And if we ever hope to find truth – spiritual truth – then we need to live truth.

But pessimism is a bit different.

It isn’t as widely condemned as lying. It’s not spoken of as negatively. We’re not so overtly taught to avoid it as children. It’s even not as much of an insult to call someone a pessimist.

In fact, some people would even be proud to say they are pessimistic. Some would say that it’s more realistic than optimism.

But actually nothing could be further from the truth.

Optimism and health

Strangely enough, if you practice either one – optimism or pessimism – they may well prove themselves to be true.

Master of Yoga Dr George King says that optimism, and positive thinking in general, can improve your health in this extract from Realize Your Inner Potential:

A person who is optimistic, happy and positive is a person who generally, even if he is ill, recuperates very quickly. The more positive and dynamic you are, the greater the powers of recuperation you have. You can be very ill today and fit tomorrow. The negative type of thinker can be very ill today and very ill this time next year and have exactly the same complaint. They are interfering with their subconscious mind by feeding it negative suggestions. The dynamic and positive person, who will be more optimistic, is building up the subconscious mind by feeding it with positive suggestions.

As Charles Abrahamson says in his introduction to Dr King’s book You Too Can Heal:

After all, you have given Healing, or received it, practically every day of your life! It is not possible for two persons to pass on the street, let alone for them to shake hands or strike up a conversation, without some interchange of subtle magnetic forces taking place. One is bound to be stronger, more optimistic, in better general health than the other. An exchange takes place and the weaker of the two benefits. Such Healing takes place between all living things at all times. It is instinctive and unconscious.

Changing our attitude from an overly pessimistic one to a more positive and optimistic one can be more than just a change of mindset, it can also be helped through the power of correct breathing.

The Cosmic Master known as the Master Aetherius gave an excellent practice referred to as ‘The Breathing and Recharging Practice’ which focuses on the flow of prana through the nostrils. In his commentary on this practice, which can be found in both The Practices of Aetherius and Realize Your Inner Potential, Dr King says:

The morbid, pessimistic, easily led individuals are those who breathe too frequently through their left nostrils.

And later:

The over-optimistic, highly strung individuals who always perspire easily are breathing too much through their right nostril.

He goes on to describe how this particular practice, ‘The Breathing and Recharging Practice’, can help alleviate this.

So even the simple act of breathing correctly can have a significant impact. Indeed some of the greatest truths in life are the simplest. And this next statement from Mars Sector 6 is an excellent example of this.

“Limitation is death, expansion is life, expand – and live!”

One of the main ways we limit ourselves is through our incorrect thinking. In this case, through “pessimistic dwellings” as Mars Sector 6 describes it.

Pessimistic thinking can create a negative, downwards spiral – a self-fulfilling prophecy of limitation.

Optimistic thinking, on the other hand, can create a positive self-fulfilling prophecy – a virtuous circle; an upwards spiral of expansion.

Importantly, both of them can be contagious. Our thoughts can spread and influence the thoughts of others. Probably all of us have a friend, family member or colleague who radiates positivity and optimism. As soon as they walk into a room, the dynamic changes for the better. Likewise, we all know someone with “pessimistic dwellings” and their company can result in the opposite effect.

A healthy, balanced optimism requires effort

While optimism alone isn’t enough, it definitely helps. It can enhance everything we do.

Optimism can sometimes be looked upon as a bit flakey in our world. It might be seen as impractical, unrealistic, as not living in the real world. It can be looked down upon as foolish. But in fact it is actually just as realistic as pessimism, and can result in more preferable outcomes.

Optimism – not to the extent of foolishness – but a balanced practical optimism, takes effort. When things are stacked against you, it can seem easier to believe that you can’t rise above them, that it’s easier to accept defeat.

To stand up and fight, to be optimistic enough to see that you have a chance even when the odds are stacked against you, takes courage. It takes bravery.

Blind optimism = foolishness

Of course you can overdo optimism too.

An overly optimistic attitude isn’t helpful. If someone turned up to a running race having done no training at all and thought that they could win purely because of their optimistic attitude, then they would get a rude awakening.

If you haven’t studied for a test then optimism is unlikely to prepare you on its own. If you’re late for work every day, optimism won’t mean your boss is fine with this.

Likewise, if you want the world to be a better place, optimism alone won’t make that happen.

The Cosmic Masters are optimistic

They have to be. The very fact that they are here helping us demonstrates this. We are, after all, the race that destroyed Maldek, and then went on to destroy our civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis. Even again in the modern age we have continued to foolishly develop weapons capable of destroying ourselves.

If the Cosmic Masters weren’t optimistic, they would have given up long ago. Their very presence shows that they have a deep sense of optimism.

They have hope for our future. They can see our Divine potential, and they want us to realize it.

The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr George King, was most certainly an optimist. There’s an old saying that goes: “The pessimist sees difficulty at every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” Dr King’s life is virtually a masterclass in the second half of this saying. He, as with all Cosmic Masters, seemed to be able to extract success out of every challenge he faced, no matter how difficult or hopeless it may have seemed. So much so that sometimes it almost seemed like he even created difficulties, simply so that he could leverage the opportunities they produced. Such was the depth of his understanding of the Law of Karma.

But the optimism of the Cosmic Masters is perhaps best summed up in this final statement from Mars Sector 6. And let’s remember that Mars Sector 6 is a Lord of Karma. That means that he is intimately involved with the workings of the great Law that is God. So if anyone is an authority on whether your outlook on life can influence your future, it’s him.

“When a few are gathered together in our praise and appreciation, there is still hope for the planet Earth.”

If ever there was an optimistic statement, surely this is one!

Even though there are billions of people on Earth, the activity of even a relative few still means that there is hope. Now that’s optimism! And quite bold optimism. But certainly not foolish optimism, because while he says there is hope, he does add a condition to it.

If you’re looking for a model of optimism to follow then look no further than Mars Sector 6, because if there’s anything we can say for sure, it’s that he is never going to be one to fall into the trap of “pessimistic dwellings”.

So if you find yourself wondering if you might be being pessimistic about some kind of problem you’re facing, then you could always ask yourself this question: how would Mars Sector 6 see this problem?

We can’t know how he would see the problems we face in our daily lives, but it’s still an interesting exercise to try. It can help us to see things from a different perspective, to get out of our own minds and see things in a different light.

Spiritual optimism

I think we can probably all agree that our world needs help. It is struggling in many ways. In fact, it would be easy to give up on it. It would be easy to think – what can I do? I’m just one person. How can I possibly make any difference?

But the true spiritual worker – because of their optimism – will see the potential. They will see that they can make a difference, and that this difference can grow and blossom.

To be spiritual is to be optimistic. You can’t really be a spiritual person without optimism. It is an attribute of true spirituality.

You can’t really want peace, or even believe in peace, without believing that it is possible.

You can’t hope for a positive future for our world without believing it is possible.

If we’re honest, probably all of us have to admit that we can fall into the trap of pessimism at times to a certain degree. But when we think back to the original quote from Mars Sector 6:

“Evil is made up of lies and pessimistic dwellings.”

…we can see that pessimistic dwellings really are a poisonous thing and best avoided. They’re corrosive and unhelpful. They limit us.

Optimism on the other hand, helps. Not foolish optimism of course, but a balanced, pragmatic optimism.

So it makes sense to try and see things in a positive light wherever possible. If we want to avoid evil, we shouldn’t feed it with “pessimistic dwellings”.

So let’s be optimistic!

Be optimistic in your day to day affairs, and especially in your spiritual life.

Be optimistic about your future, and your success on your spiritual journey.

Be optimistic about the future of our spiritual organisation, The Aetherius Society, and be optimistic about its spiritual path, King Yoga.

Even better, be optimistic about the future of the whole of the human race.


Because optimism can make all the difference.

If you have enjoyed this post and found it helpful, please share it with others!

About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister at the New Zealand Branch of The Aetherius Society in Auckland. He has been a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcasts series, which covers a wide variety of topics such as The Nine Freedoms.

Spiritual Optimism
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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What comes first: faith or spiritual experience? Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:21:58 +0000 One of life’s oldest riddles is “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?” It might be easier to answer “What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?” To the latter…

What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Faith and spiritual experience

One of life’s oldest riddles is “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?” It might be easier to answer “What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?”

To the latter of these questions I would have to say neither faith nor spiritual experience take precedent over the other but rather a suspension of disbelief. In other words, one needs to be open and receptive to something from outside of oneself for either one to step forward. But even that is not quite enough. One must also have a compelling spiritual hunger, almost like a vacuum that needs to be filled.

Such was the case when I encountered The Aetherius Society. It’s not that I believed its cosmic philosophy merely because I was being told it was so or that it rang true, nor that I needed proof of extraterrestrials by seeing a UFO; but I did need spiritual answers and I was open to whatever form that might take.

My first such experience was one evening in what is now called the George King Chapel in London, a basement beneath the shop floor of the European Headquarters where The Twelve Blessings were given by Jesus in 1958 through Dr George King. At the time I was a practicing Christian. I had already detected an inherent purity within the Blessings but it was not until I experienced them through prayer that I felt their tremendous power. I remember feeling my arms like rods of steel with a great shaft of light rushing through them such that it was physically difficult to lower them. This came about simply because I allowed it to happen through my genuine and open desire for the revelation of truth.

This wonderful experience certainly enhanced my faith in this spiritual practice. A few months later, in March 1986, I recall lying in bed one Sunday morning. I was having a lucid dream in which a great enlightened figure hovered to one side. I expressed my desire to travel to the place from which he had come that was clearly another world, radiant in a golden light. He telepathed his response over and over until I had received the message: “You serve to leave. You serve to leave.” Suddenly, I understood what was being conveyed. In order to leave Earth it was necessary to have fully served this world. There was no other way. I took it as a wonderful metaphor for any situation in life, and I had the words inscribed in gold lettering on a picture of Christ that was mounted at the head of my bed.

This experience similarly enhanced my faith in what I was learning about more enlightened beings from beyond this Earth. A short time after this, I was invited to help paint the outside of a property owned by The Aetherius Society in Devonshire, near Holdstone Down. It was the first time I would be staying on Aetherius Society property and where, I had been told, the Ascended Master the Lord Maitreya had visited Dr King on Christmas Day in 1983. I remember feeling a heightened spiritual excitement though I did not expect anything to transpire. However, in the middle of the night, I was awakened by a hand upon my shoulder. My natural reaction was one of alarm and to see who it was but I found myself to be paralyzed. I could neither speak nor move. The hand felt gentle and strong as if to keep me in place but also to reassure me that all was well. In the morning I asked if either of the other two people who were staying in the house had experienced anything but neither had.

Repainting the property

Painting The Retreat in Combe Martin where Rev. Paul Nugent had his first experience on Aetherius Society property.

The next time I stayed on Aetherius Society property was three years later in May 1989. I was visiting the American Headquarters and due to one of the residents needing to travel abroad, I was asked if I would sleep in her small apartment and take care of her dogs. I willingly agreed to do this, and the very first night I again found myself being paralyzed, unable to move.

Never before had I experienced anything like these two incidents, both of which occurred on Aetherius Society premises. The next time anything similar happened was two years later after I had moved to the American Headquarters.

The first incident took place in 1991. Dr King had called me over to his office to inform me that he and several of his Staff would be going to Lake Powell in Utah, site of a Psychic Center of Earth. He asked me if I would stay in his home while he was away, on security. I naturally agreed to do this. As I turned to leave he added, “You can use the bedroom.” I looked back and acknowledged his words, not thinking too much about the significance of his kind gesture.

A couple of days later he and his team left Los Angeles and I moved the few things I would need into his home. I didn’t recall ever having been in his bedroom before and it felt intensely personal, as indeed it does to enter anyone’s bedroom for the first time. That evening, after we had “knocked off” for the night, instead of going across the street to my own apartment I went into the Master’s home. I felt almost like an intruder to be doing so.

I watched television for a short time before deciding to retire for the night. It seemed very strange to be sleeping in the Master’s bedroom but he had specifically said that I could do so, almost as an instruction. I remember reading for a while before turning out the light. As I settled my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, the next thing I knew was that I felt as if my mind was, literally, in outer space! I remained conscious momentarily, long enough to be cognizant of what was happening but equally, I knew that my mind could not handle this experience and I completely shut down. It demonstrated to me where our Master’s mind would go at night and I believe he wanted me to have that experience, hence his instruction.

Much later, another Staff Member was telling me how the Adepts would be given training exercises at night to keep them sharp. I have joked if that first night I was there was one of those occasions, and have laughed at which party would have received the greater shock when they contacted the ordinary human “intelligence” in our Master’s bedroom.

His Eminence Residence & Temple

The residence of Master of Yoga Dr George King where the author (Rev. Paul Nugent) slept while the Master was away.

I slept in his room on that occasion for almost three weeks. Nothing else happened until the very last morning when he was due to return. Curiously, I was having another lucid dream in which the Master was imparting to me “the most important thing”, repeating this vital quality like a mantra. Again, as before in March 1986, I had difficulty grasping the message that was being conveyed until it became very clear. The most important thing one can have is a positive attitude. The collective image was that although I was the least experienced person on his Staff, the fact that I was willing to help him – and undertake any task that might be required – was a most essential attribute in life.

A few years later when I was living with Dr King in his private home in Santa Barbara as a personal aide, another interesting incident occurred when, again, I became completely paralyzed only this time I was fully awake while it happened. It was shortly after midnight when I heard him adjusting his mechanical bed to get up. Under all normal circumstances he would have called for assistance only this time he did not do so. Being both concerned and curious, I cracked open the door of my bedroom to see what was up. To my surprise he had arisen and was appearing to go to the bathroom unaided. I knew that if he had needed me he would not have hesitated to sound his buzzer. So I closed the door and lay on my bed wondering what was happening. Within moments I could sense him walking down the passage adjacent to where I was lying. As he approached I felt my body becoming completely paralyzed as he passed by, the sensation diminishing as he walked away. Then he turned to come back down the passage and again I became completely paralyzed as he did so. This happened for a total of three times back and forth. I have no idea as to why this should have happened save to presume that he was in contact with a great interplanetary Master and he did not want me to interfere in any way. An alternative to this possibility was that he had let down his own guard and the radiance of his aura was so strong that it rendered me immobile.

The Santa Barbara residence of Master of Yoga Dr George King where the author (Rev. Paul Nugent) served as his personal aide until his passing.

In conclusion, I believe these unusual experiences occurred not so much because of my personal faith nor, even, that I needed the experience to provide me with faith, but rather because I had suspended all disbelief. I had simply laid myself open for their possibility to manifest as greater realities of the truth inherent within The Aetherius Society, and as a demonstration of the profundity of Dr George King as a Spiritual Master of genuine power and ability.

The Master George King

Master of Yoga Dr George King

About the author
Rev. Paul Nugent is an International Director of The Aetherius Society having joined the Society in England in 1986. He was a personal assistant to Dr George King during the latter years of his life. Active in interfaith, Paul is also an Emeriti Board Member of the Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.

What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 27 20794
The King and I: A centenary tribute to my Master Fri, 11 Jan 2019 16:50:23 +0000 “Did you want something?” The words were said with a gentle kindness, but what took me by surprise was the person who had spoken them. “Oh, I’m sorry to disturb…

The King and I: A centenary tribute to my Master
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Centenary tribute to Master of Yoga Dr George King

“Did you want something?” The words were said with a gentle kindness, but what took me by surprise was the person who had spoken them.

“Oh, I’m sorry to disturb you, sir. I was just wondering whether there was anything I could do to help?”

“Come over here.” Dr King motioned to me to look into the shop window at Aetherius House in London where the covers of his books were fading in the sunlight.

“Can you make model books for me so that the real ones won’t be damaged?”

“Yes, I can.” At that point I had no idea how to make a model book, but I was surely going to find out.

“Good – then do that for me would you?”

“Yes, sir.”

Dr King walked upstairs to his office with two assistants, leaving me standing in the shop transfixed – this was my first direct assignment from the Master I had chosen to follow a year before. At the age of 19, I was on a summer break from my university and had decided to spend as much of it as possible working at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society. What I didn’t know when I walked through the shop door, was that Dr King had just arrived in London from Los Angeles where he lived, for a speaking tour.

After university I moved to London and became a schoolteacher until, at the age of 24, he employed me to work full-time. From then on I worked with him at an executive level, helping to run the organization he had founded internationally; co-authored his last two books; travelled with him in Europe and the USA on trips for both work and relaxation; and looked after some of his personal affairs. I am honoured to say that we became great friends, but I was always his disciple – as I still am today.

I discovered that he was everything he claimed to be and more. He was, I believe, of the same company as Sri Krishna, Moses, the Lord Buddha, the Master Jesus and the holy Master of Earth known as the Lord Babaji. I regard him as one of the greatest avatars ever to have walked our Earth.

This year we celebrate the centenary of his birth – on January 23rd, 1919, in the small village of Donnington Wood, near Wellington, Shropshire in England. His family later moved to Yorkshire where he spent most of his childhood. His spirituality was clear from the start, showing pronounced abilities in healing, prayer and the perception of truth.

He became a conscientious objector in the Second World War, despite being highly skilled in martial sports such as boxing, fencing and shooting. Instead he was a section leader in the fire services during the devastating and extremely dangerous London Blitz. His psychic faculties were put to good use identifying where bodies would be found beneath the rubble of fallen buildings after bombing raids.

It was after the war that he made a seminal and, for those days, very unusual decision. He turned to the study, and especially the practice, of yoga including its most advanced forms such as Kundalini, Raja and Gnani. When he practised yoga, he did so with total commitment – for eight hours per day for ten years. To enable this, he worked for a living in a variety of jobs including driving.

Anyone who applied themselves with such intensity to correct yoga practice would reap rich results. Because of who he was, these were all the more forthcoming. He started to realize some of his boundless inner potential, demonstrating such phenomena as clairvoyance, telepathy, astral projection, mediumship, invisibility, miraculous healing and even levitation. However, his goal was not the pursuit of these powers, but to gain enlightenment through the rarely attained meditative condition known in the east as samadhi.

By the age of 35, he had achieved this elevated state in which he knew and understood the nature of his and all existence. It was then that he was contacted by the Gods from space.

“Prepare yourself, you are to become the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament!” was the audible command he received from the cosmic intelligence known as the Master Aetherius. He was now ready to commence the mission for which he had come to Earth.

It will come as no surprise to learn that Dr King was ridiculed for his claims. This would still happen today, but nothing compared to the climate of social conformity which characterized 1950s Britain. His personality contained the rare combination of being both shy and fearless. It did not suit him to be in the controversial position he had been called to, but he accepted it unhesitatingly, appearing in the press, radio, television and at numerous public events. His hallmark was to unequivocally declare the truth he had experienced as far and wide as possible.

He acted as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, the main medium and point of contact for extraterrestrial intelligences upon Earth, from May 8th, 1954, to July 12th, 1997, the day of his passing. In that period, he received literally thousands of communications (transmissions) from the Cosmic Masters, mainly from this Solar System, but also from beyond it. These included some of the greatest teachings that have ever been delivered to Earth; and world-saving missions to be performed during and after his lifetime.

One thing he did not disclose fully and openly was his true identity. Just as some of the great avatars before him, he came from another world. He knew this, as did those close to him, and it was referred to in a number of transmissions, but he preferred to keep as low a profile as he could and was reluctant to promote himself unless he had to.

In February 1997, I was at the American Headquarters in Los Angeles when I received a call from Dr King who, now in poor health, resided at his small bungalow in Santa Barbara 100 miles away.

“Can you come and see me for about ten minutes?”

It was early one Saturday morning and I was due to run a ceremony in the Society’s Temple in LA that afternoon. Soon after that I was scheduled to catch a plane back to London.

“Of course, I can, Master,” I replied willingly.

After a drive in my hire-car of about two hours, I walked into his sitting-room to find him waiting in his armchair.

“Kneel before me.”

This was an extremely unusual thing for him to say. Normally, he did not like overt deference from those around him unless it was at a formal ceremony of one kind or another. He had even reprimanded me on one occasion when I knelt at his bedside to give him healing, and insisted that I adopt another less reverential posture.

“I am going to initiate you into a secret yoga practice.”

I eagerly knelt before him as he did so, and then sat beside him for a few minutes afterwards as he explained its purpose to me. I thanked him profusely, we hugged, and he sent me on my way so that I would arrive in time for the ceremony. That was the last time I would be in his physical presence, and I am sure he must have known it. His first words to me, when I was 19, had been to give me a task to perform. On this last occasion, he gave me a wonderful initiation.

In the vast expanse of the teachings and missions he left our world, there are numerous tasks to perform. Some of these are unique in their elevation; others are more lowly but still essential. There are also practices to learn and initiations to receive, some of which have never been given before, to empower our journey towards enlightenment.

Today we call this path, which anyone can take, King Yoga. Its rewards are immeasurable as you will undoubtedly discover if you do so. And one thing I would add: you do not have to have met Dr King physically to learn from him, follow him and one day, should you choose, to become his disciple too.

About the author
Richard Lawrence is a Senior Bishop and Executive Secretary for Europe and Africa of The Aetherius Society. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books and has co-authored a biography of Dr George King to be published later this year.

The King and I: A centenary tribute to my Master
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 40 19972
Go forward into light! Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:05:01 +0000   Through service, not sympathy, we will go forward into light! This post is based on a series of extracts from a profound spiritual message given to us by the…

Go forward into light!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Go forward into light


Through service, not sympathy, we will go forward into light!

This post is based on a series of extracts from a profound spiritual message given to us by the Master Aetherius on April 7th, 1960, through the trance mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr George King.

In these extracts we are told that there are no planets which are faced with problems that could not be solved by the inhabitants of those planets.

This means that we too can solve the problems we face on Earth today – if we choose to turn back to the essence of the spiritual teachings we have been given and act in the light of these truths in service to others.

“No Planet is faced with any conditions which are in any way impossible to it. There is not a lifestream upon Terra at this time, no matter what problems face that lifestream, who has one single problem which is not answerable. All the major problems which you face in these days have been answered over and over again throughout the centuries, in different phraseology. There is not one lifestream upon Earth at the moment who has not had direct access to the teachings of either Buddha, Jesus, or Sankaracharya. Not one single individual lifestream!

“Where is your memory? Is it so short that you forget the part that you played, nineteen hundred and sixty of your tiny years ago? Have you involved so much that your memory is as limited as that? Well, whether it be conscious memory or unconscious memory, it is there! You have had opportunity after opportunity. You have not risen to your position.

“Very often, some of you have said, ‘Oh well, if only such and such a Spaceman would land and do this, that and the other!’ May I ask you a question. Would you recognise Him if He did? If you did recognise Him, would you serve Him — completely?

“When the person called Jesus came to this Planet from Venus, the person called Buddha came to this Planet from Venus, did you recognise them as people bringing the Very Torch of Salvation to you? No! You allowed the Great Buddha to beg his bread.

“You murdered the Great Jesus…!

“My friends, this is the Truth. It is not a pleasant Truth. But it is Truth. You have had greater opportunity than any other people in this Solar System. You have had more outside intervention upon this Planet than any other people in this Solar System and you have done less about it than any other people in this Solar System…!”

* * *

“If three hundred people expended sufficient Energy, those three hundred people could light such a Flame in the country of America that all who came within the illumination of this Flame would be changed by it. Three hundred: if—they expended sufficient Energy. We have told you this before.

“May I be permitted, please, to give you people in the country of America a little advice? If you, on the whole, took far less notice of absurd commercials coming over your television and treated other subjects as being more Sacred than you do, greater, deeper awareness would be the result.

“If you did not treat the handful, the handful, of legitimate teachers in your country with such familiarity, treated these with a greater respect, holding a more Sacred approach to the genuine teachings coming from other Planets, greater awareness would be the result.

“But what do you do? You talk glibly about the ‘brothers this’ and the ‘brothers that’. Do you really think, are you deluded so much that you really believe that you are entitled to refer to a Cosmic Being as—Brother? My dear friends, may I remind you that such a reference signifies that you, too, are on a par with such a One. Are you? If you say you are, then may I suggest that you look in the textbook of your language and find out the true meaning of the word—humility.

“If you were to open your Holy Works and treat the matter therein as being Sacred Material, Holy Material, a greater appreciation would dawn upon you. A greater discrimination would come to you….”

“Yet, the fakes can come oft times before you and talk glibly with a silver tongue and what do you do? Lose your discrimination! You lose one of the greatest gifts given to you!”

* * *


“DISCRIMINATE! Treat the Real Teachings as being Sacred Teachings and discrimination will come to you like the dawning of a new day. Then you will be fired with a Spiritual ambition, an ambition which will help you to go forward and help to bring Enlightenment to your brothers—to your brothers upon Earth.

“You people can put conditions right upon your Earth, and then your bodies will become less gross, far more sensitive. Your psychic centres [chakras] will be opened to such an extent that you will have a greater awareness, a deeper Cosmic appreciation, greater Enlightenment, a greater feeling of Oneness. Then you will be able to take your rightful place in the Cosmic Scheme of things.

“Do you want to go backwards or do you want to go forwards?

“It is a lot easier to go backwards. Just continue bursting your bombs and you will go backwards. Continue with your systems of competition and you will go backwards. Continue with your greed, with your hate, with your jealousy and you are sure to go backwards.

“Come forth into Service and you will go forwards!

“Spend all of your spare time in Service to others and you will go forwards!

“Read the numerous Messages which have been given to men of Earth from this Source and you will go forwards!

“Act upon these Messages and you will go forwards!

“Take the Holy New Age book, The Twelve Blessings and practise these things and you will go forwards!

Practise the Presence and you will go forwards!

Breathe deeply the Great Pranic Energies coming from the Sun and let these impregnate deep, deep, down inside of you and you will go forwards, because you will vibrate in a different way.”

* * *


“Service to an enemy is very difficult is it not? Service to an unknown stranger is very difficult, is it not? Service to a friend is easy. It is not counted in the Great Book, you know.

“Mankind upon Terra has brought these present conditions upon himself. These are the Last Days where he must come out of his present state into the LIGHT. He must use his free will.

“Millions of years ago, the race of people now upon Terra chose to use their free will. They chose to give up Freedom by the use of their free will. Meditate upon that. Free will and Freedom are opposite sides of a magnet—opposite poles. In fact, they are poles apart. You chose this. Now, my friends, you are finding the bitterness of your choice.

“But mark you well this: there is sweetness, too, in this choice—not everlasting sweetness—but a great sweetness in this choice, because you can by the use of this hitherto misused free will, accomplish mighty things—if you choose.

“I think I will leave that thought with you—CHOOSE—FOR YOUR OWN BENEFITS.

“Might I remind you of this fact: the condition upon your Earth is not an impossible one. Even in the midst of darkness, there is still great Light. Thousands of your numbers are working throughout the world to bring great Light. They are working against tremendous odds and they are succeeding! Do not sit back though and allow these ones to go on alone. It is your help they need, not your sympathy. If you are worthy of the name, human, you will give them this help in every conceivable way and if enough of you do so, you will do great things! You will prove beyond all shadow of all doubt that you are ready to take the next step onwards into the Great Light which is soon due to come to Terra.

“You will prove it to the Lords of Karma, for They are the Beings who know you. You cannot lie to These. You cannot cheat These. Be as insidious as you may, you cannot fool These. They know. You can prove though, by your thought and action to These, that you be ready for this great Cosmic Initiation which is due to come unto the Planet you now occupy. It cannot, even with all the Divine intervention be kept in abeyance much longer.

“When it comes, the involved ones will be sorted, a little roughly possibly, from those who are obviously ready…” [See End Note 1]

* * *

Go Forward Into Light


“Draw down the great Powers unto yourselves. Vibrate with this tremendous Power and Energy and go forwards giving service instead of sympathy. Living your belief instead of just talking about it. Co-operating instead of competing. Then you will not only help yourselves, but help hundreds, aye, maybe even thousands of your Terrestrial brothers.

“Mark ye well, oh men of Terra, what has been said. Act upon it, if you be great enough, wise enough, to do so. When you do this, you will become wise in your greatness!

“Before I vacate Transmission Orbit, I will give you all, the benefit of my Invocation.

“I Invoke the Powers from the Masters of the Sun and Saturn, this very moment.

“May these Powers fall upon the heads of all Terrestrials who are ready to receive them, this very moment, so that they may know that—God dwells silently within them all.

“Thank you very much for your attention and your cooperation and may God Bless you all.

“Good night.”

From a series of Transmissions entitled ‘The Initiation of Earth’ in You Are Responsible!, given by The Master Aetherius.

End Note 1: This Cosmic Initiation, now referred to as the Primary Initiation of Earth, took place on July 8th, 1964. Thanks to the brilliance and compassion of the Cosmic Masters, the changes that should have immediately resulted from this initiation have been slowed down. This is to give us more time to become spiritually advanced enough to survive the highly elevated vibrations that the Mother Earth will radiate in the New Age.  

Go forward into light!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 8 19476
Religion is the answer! Mon, 12 Nov 2018 19:34:43 +0000 Religion of the future will be free from lies and dogma. It will teach people in simple, understandable language about the unchangeable laws of God. It will teach people how…

Religion is the answer!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Religion is the answer

Religion of the future will be free from lies and dogma. It will teach people in simple, understandable language about the unchangeable laws of God. It will teach people how to be still and seek the God within. And, it will teach people what they can do to help others to evolve towards God-realization.

In the following extracts from a profound spiritual message given to us by the Master Aetherius on January 8th 1955, through the trance mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr George King, we are told that the revelation of spiritual truth throughout our world is essential – and that is up to us to do this.

In fact, the Master Aetherius goes as far as to say, surprising though it may sound, that “religion is the one method which has not been tried by Terra [Earth], yet it is the only method that can really succeed.” Not religion as we generally know it of course – but something altogether much, much greater…!

The Master Aetherius:

“My Advisors, who have travelled your Earth quite a bit, tell me that many religious leaders in the Western regions of Terra actually know of the existence of the Law of Re-incarnation. Those people who know of these things and yet are not prepared to teach them, are guilty of a foul crime—a subtle one admittedly, but nevertheless a major crime. You have been told through countless ages that the greatest gift you can give to another man is to teach him how to reach up to that thing you call God. So, therefore, these people are lacking in their duty to their followers and to the world as a whole.

“The time will have to come when the Western religious leaders and teachers will have to take from Oriental teachers certain things which are acceptable to them and put them into practice. Theory is no good without practice; what good is it? It is useless. So our message to your religious leaders throughout the Western world is to be prepared to introduce into your teachings, Truths about Re-incarnation, so that you can give your followers a better, truer and more understandable picture of the Law which is God.

“If you leaders try to wrap this up, to hide it beneath a bushel, then you must be prepared to give up your positions to those people who are braver. The coming age demands bravery in all respects. I tell you this: no man or woman can realise One-ness without bravery. So all religious leaders must be brave enough to break away from the dogma which is only a small part of the Truth and be prepared to use the best which comes out of the East so that it can be practised in the West. The theory of the East and practice of the West is the perfect union; that is what we are trying to bring about in the New Age. We are trying to get the major factors in the West to put into practise the Ancient wisdom which dawns with the rising Sun…

“The time has come when certain cherished foundations must be torn up by the roots and cast onto the fire of discriminating Truth to be transmuted. The religious leaders of Terra have this responsibility in the coming age. Your Bible has to be re-written. It has to contain more of the Truth in a more understandable way than it does at present.

“It is the age of science. The greatest science upon this or any other Earth is the study of God. The greatest science upon this or any other Earth is religion. What greater study can there be? Knowledge of the real governing unchanging Laws brings man freedom from ignorance, freedom from want, freedom from disease, freedom from pain, freedom from the horrors of war, freedom from the baser aspects of his own mind and freedom from the prison created by materialistic accumulation—the most subtle prison of all. This is the only thing that will bring these freedoms. There is no other way to get them.

“If the Law of Re-incarnation was studied first and taught properly afterwards, then you would see war gradually die out on this Planet. A man would not go to war if he thought he may be killing someone who has been his own brother, his own blood relation, in a past life. The love of God, that some of you talk about so freely, can be made to live, can be made a vital existing thing upon Terra by the correct teaching of the basic Laws.

“I would say here and now that the religious teachers who are in high positions are doing themselves not only great injustice, but great personal harm. No, I would go further than that; I would say they are doing the world a great harm by withholding this most essential teaching at this time. So much Light is being poured upon this Earth that this Light will penetrate into the darkest corners of the mysterious archives and will cause these to be revealed to man. If the religious leaders were to reveal these now, in the correct way, they would keep their followings, they could fill their churches with people who wanted to go and pray for their brothers.

“If they do not reveal these things now, then these things will be revealed by other Leaders who will empty the churches throughout the world. They will have meetings upon the tops of hills and in barns.

“We feel rather strongly about this, because religion is the one method which has not been tried by Terra, yet it is the only method that can really succeed. By religion I do not mean dogma, I mean the real teachings of the Law. Not those foolish things made by man but the Laws laid down by the Great Architect of the Galactic System; Laws which are immutable and unchangeable and whether you agree with them or not, you have to accept them and abide by them. Any deviation from the path laid down by these Laws has its repercussions upon those people who deviate. There is no doubt at all about this.

“You see, we believe, after a certain study of Terra, that if your religious leaders took a brave step forward into the light of the New Age, they could bring about a great rise in consciousness which could put your people above such useless things as war, could rule out famine and alter the educational system of your world, could transmute your present-day economic system up to a place of brotherly subsistence.

“It is essential that all of you who are willing to follow, must try in your little way to get this type of message over to your religious leaders. If it does not do any good, then at least you have tried; you can detach yourselves from the result, but do not belittle your own ability in this respect. If you go forward armed with the sword of Real Truth—not the Truth you like to pick from Truth, but the whole Truth whether you like it or not—armed with this weapon whole worlds will tremble before you, even though you may not be aware of the fact. If it comes to a battle between good and bad, good will always win; it always has and it always will. Although bad is appearing to win, it is only because there is an allowance in the Law made for this appearance. Meditate on these words—for this appearance.

“The time has now come when terrestrial man must recognise the fact that he is beginning the journey back out of the coarse matter of materialism to the Love which is God. How better can this be accomplished than by right teachings from religious leaders, throughout the world.

“The new Avatar, who has not yet come to Earth but will shortly do so, will teach these things. You can imagine the battle He will have when the time comes. Some of your followers, like the Mental Channel who is tuning into my emanations, have been chosen to go forward to form an outpost, so that the way may be prepared. If you push your wedge of Light into the darkness, it will prepare the way for that which is to come, rather like a snowplough going first and a big food lorry following along afterwards. You see, the food would never reach the people if the snowplough had not prepared the way; so it is with Spiritual things.”

“In conclusion, therefore, I must say that we have this message for the religious leaders of Terra in the coming age.

“You must put forward correctly, truthfully, without alteration or adulteration, the teachings of Re-incarnation. If you fail, then your own communities will displace you. You will be displaced by what you may term unorthodox teachers who will arise. These unorthodox teachers will not need great churches or cathedrals for they will meet under the blue dome of Heaven and raise their voices to the trees. And I say unto you, that all the world will hear them. They will make far more commotion than do your church bells make on a Sunday morning!

“The time has come when we feel that it is essential that these things should be brought to the notice of you religious leaders. Each one of you has responsibility for the position of the world at the present time and none of you can divorce yourselves from this responsibility. The responsibility of the ordinary man, grave as it is, is not as grave as the responsibility of you religious leaders. Act upon this, realise it, execute your responsibilities properly, or evolution will displace you!”

This extract was taken from Chapter 11 of the book You Are Responsible.

Religion is the answer!
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 19 18966
The Three Habits of the Spiritually Successful Mon, 08 Oct 2018 20:30:12 +0000 A horse suddenly came galloping quickly down the road. It seemed as though the man on it had somewhere important to go. Another man who was standing alongside the road…

The Three Habits of the Spiritually Successful
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The three habits of the spiritually successful

A horse suddenly came galloping quickly down the road. It seemed as though the man on it had somewhere important to go. Another man who was standing alongside the road shouted:

“Where are you going?”

To which the man on the horse replied:

“I don’t know! Ask the horse!”

Have you ever had a habit like this?

In their negative aspect, habits can involve mindless repetition, to the extent that our lives can become ruled by them even when we don’t want them to be, much like the man on the horse.

But in their positive aspect, habits can profoundly change our lives for the better. By cultivating the right habits we can advance along the path to spiritual success much more quickly.

Destiny is a bundle of habits

Swami Sivananda once said:

“You are the architect of your own fate. You are the master of your own destiny. You can do and undo things.

“You sow an action and reap a tendency. You sow a tendency and reap a habit. You sow a habit and reap your character. You sow your character and reap your destiny. Therefore, destiny is your own creation. You can undo it if you like – destiny is a bundle of habits.”

We all have good and bad habits, let’s be honest.

A single occurrence of most actions in our daily lives has very little impact on our lives as a whole. But through repetition, the effect of even small things can add up to create a big impact over time.

For example, eating badly for a meal here and there probably won’t make much difference. But if you eat badly so often that it becomes your daily routine, then over time your physical health will most likely suffer.

The same applies to exercise, getting enough sleep and many, many other things. We all try to strike a balance with these things and this can sometimes be very difficult. But it is well worth the effort, because all of these things that make up our daily lives ultimately, through repetition, help create our destiny.

So for the spiritual seeker, it’s essential that the habits we cultivate are going to help us on our spiritual journey.

Before we address the three habits of the spiritually successful – how do we define ‘spiritual success’?

What is spiritual success?

There’s a wonderful book that outlines some very important spiritual successes that all people on Earth can aspire to. It’s called The Nine Freedoms and it contains a series of teachings given by a Cosmic Master known as Mars Sector 6.

These were delivered to humanity through the mediumship of the Spiritual Master Dr George King in 1961. Dr King would induce a positive trance state within himself and Mars Sector 6 would speak through him using Dr King’s vocal chords. These messages were recorded, transcribed, and are available as CDs, audio downloads, a hardcopy book or ebook.

A textbook for spiritual success

The Nine Freedoms are nine steps, or stages for want of a better term, that we all must progress through on our spiritual journey. And we’re talking about our spiritual journey in the very big-picture sense here – across many lifetimes. But the lessons they contain are also vital to our spiritual success right here and now.

The Nine Freedoms provide textbook examples of spiritual success on Earth in the form of:

  • Enlightenment – freedom from ignorance and the dawning of true wisdom.
  • Cosmic Consciousness – from here we begin a great journey through cosmic truth.
  • Ascension – complete control over the power of kundalini is achieved, leading to the graduation from the classroom of Earth.

They also offer us definitions of spiritual success in the Solar System:

  • Interplanetary Existence – once we’ve achieved all we can in the classroom of Earth, we go on to learn in higher classrooms, that is to say other planets in the Solar System – not on this physical level, but at a higher frequency of vibration.
  • Saturnian Existence – after many lifetimes on other planets we finally reach the most advanced planet in the Solar System, Saturn.
  • Solar Existence – a state beyond our comprehension, where we literally become the very radiations of the Sun itself.

These last three are pretty difficult to appreciate. All we can do is wonder about them in awe.

But to bring it back to our daily lives in the here and now – how do we achieve these lofty goals? What are the habits that can lead to these? To find these we only need to look at the first three of the Freedoms: Bravery, Love and Service.

These could be described as the three habits of the spiritually successful because they are the essential foundation for any spiritual journey.

Habit 1: be brave

The Cosmic Master who gave The Nine Freedoms, Mars Sector 6, makes it clear right from the outset how important bravery is in our lives. He begins by saying:

Bravery is essential in all things…

In order to really search for truth and progress on our spiritual journey, we have to be brave. And bravery comes in all shapes and sizes.

Bravery can mean standing up for yourself or for others. It can mean being really brutally honest with yourself about your life.

Bravery can be in small, everyday things. In fact, being brave in small everyday things may be the best place to start. It’s unlikely that we can be brave in really big, important things, without first cultivating bravery as a habit in the smaller areas of our lives. So much so that it becomes our state of mind.

Bravery is essential in all things, but how can we be brave in all things without first being brave in some things? And then some more things. And then even more things. And so on. We have to start somewhere and grow.

Bravery is about overcoming fear. Fear can also be a habit and a very negative one. Mars Sector 6 says:

It is just as easy to have a state of mind unclouded by fear as it is to allow it to be warped by this intrusion.

So if it’s just as easy to be brave as it is to be fearful, then why aren’t we brave more often? We can blame it on the conditioning of society, but we can also take some responsibility here for allowing ourselves to carry on with the bad habit of being fearful.

Habit 2: manifest love

Mars Sector 6 again:

Manifest this great, true, impersonal power in your every thought and action during your waking state, then it will still be manifested by you during your projected state which you call sleep.

Quite simply, we need to manifest love in our every thought and action. That’s quite a statement. How many thoughts and actions have you had already today by the time you read this? Even if you read this at 9 o’clock in the morning, you must still have already had plenty of thoughts and actions. And in how many of those did you manifest love? It’s an interesting thing to consider.

So if the goal is to manifest love in our every thought and action, then we must begin by first manifesting it in some thoughts and some actions. And then some more thoughts and some more actions, and so on.

Gradually, over time we will make this behaviour so ingrained in our lives that it will become a part of us, an attribute and a state of mind. In fact, Mars Sector 6 advises us to make it not just a state of mind, but “a state of whole being”. How can we do this unless we first make it a habit?

The second aspect of this quote is that we are responsible for our karma, generated by our thoughts and actions, for 24 hours per day. We’re not fully conscious the whole time obviously, but during our sleep state we project from our physical bodies, and therefore we are generating karma for ourselves even when we are asleep.

So how can we control how we behave in the sleep state? Well, Mars Sector 6 shows us the power of making manifesting love a habit. Because if we make this such a habit during our waking state, then it will carry over into our sleep state.

In fact, it seems reasonable to assume that any of our habits from our waking state will carry over into the sleep state. So the same could also be said for bravery. If we manifest this in our waking state, we will be more likely to manifest it during our sleep state.

And it could also be said for the third habit.

Habit 3: give service

Here we encounter the best habit of all – unselfishness. Mars Sector 6 says:

Freedom from selfishness is – service.

Through the habit of selfishness, we imprison ourselves. But we can break this bad habit, and free ourselves from this prison, by creating and nurturing within ourselves the positive habit of service.

Service is such a critical part of our spiritual journey that, in fact, it is the number one key to spiritual evolution. Mars Sector 6:

Service is a culmination of experiences which denote the server as being on the ladder of evolution, firmly on this ladder.

The three habits are all important and they are very interrelated. But of the three of them, service is the real jewel.

If we look at the lives of the great Masters who have walked among us – Cosmic Masters from other planets – such as the Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna and many others, we can see these three attributes strongly demonstrated, especially service.

Indeed their very presence on Earth is a wonderful act of service. And in more recent history, to study the life of the Master Dr George King is to be given a masterclass in all of them.

Destiny is a bundle of habits

If we want our destiny to be one of spiritual success then we need to manifest bravery, love and service. And no matter how much we’re manifesting them in our daily lives now, we can strive to increase this. In fact, striving to manifest them more and more is what will allow us to progress spiritually – it’s what life on Earth is really all about.

A close study of The Nine Freedoms is one of the best ways to cultivate an understanding of them, and also to stimulate the motivation to want to manifest them more and more. This study will serve us well because these attributes are not just vital to spiritual success on Earth, they are also vital to spiritual success throughout the rest of our journey beyond Earth.

Be brave more often.

Manifest love in more thoughts and actions.

Give more service.

These are the three habits of the spiritually successful.

Manifest them and shape your destiny!

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About the author
Julian RosserRev. Julian Rosser is a Minister at the New Zealand Branch of The Aetherius Society in Auckland. He has been a regular presenter on the Mystic FM podcasts series, which covers a wide variety of topics such as The Nine Freedoms.

The Three Habits of the Spiritually Successful
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 19 18516
Know Yourself Thu, 30 Aug 2018 20:46:17 +0000 A true spiritual path is not about rejecting logic. It is about understanding what the universe really is – and who you really are – through logic, and also through…

Know Yourself
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Know Yourself

A true spiritual path is not about rejecting logic. It is about understanding what the universe really is – and who you really are – through logic, and also through intuition and sense perception.

On November 28th 1954 the Master Aetherius gave to us a stirring spiritual message, through the trance mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr George King, entitled ‘Cosmic Logic’. This message can be read in full in the book You Are Responsible, which was written by Dr King.

In the extract below we are told to know ourselves and to help ourselves reach for the Light of Divinity that burns within each and every one of us.

In fact, the Master Aetherius gives us a formula we can all follow to fill ourselves with Cosmic Light and knowledge of the right kind. If we do this we can draw toward ourselves the help of those who are closer to true God knowledge, and serve as a living lighthouse of inspiration for others.

The Master Aetherius:

“You are not alone in your struggles — you have never been alone in your struggles for Spiritual supremacy. We have been aware, for centuries, of the tremendous battle now raging on Terra — a battle between basic materialism on the one hand, and Spirituality and enlightenment on the other hand.

“Now, when some of you regard the apparent surface chaos of your Planet, you are apt to be despondent. Cast this despondency to the winds, for it is a useless garment — it could never keep you warm because the winds of doubt could blow through its coarse weave and you would freeze.

“Discard your despondency!

“Have courage, hope and faith that your most honourable aspiration will be fulfilled by a greater magic than any other magic — the magic that is brought about by the power within you …

“This is the crux of my message: know yourselves and help yourselves — you cannot help yourselves without knowing yourselves, it is absurd. The more you know yourselves and help yourselves, the more you will be helped from all sources. Go out of your way to help and teach others and the more you do so, the more you will be helped to do this, for it is an honourable calling.

“You will find that in the coming years, the Flying Saucer believers will be split into two camps. One lot will look upon them from the super-mathematical aspect and the other camp will look beyond the products of mathematics — to the Light. It is to this latter camp that I have to speak, in order to teach and help.

“The other camp will be looked after by other agents, trained specially to look after the more academically minded terrestrial beings. So we will spread the teaching throughout this dark island which we call Terra — an island only because you have deliberately cut yourselves off and tried to shut away the Light of knowledge, which cometh through the ethers.

“I hope you will stay this dissection and open yourselves to those Cosmic rays which are being emanated by the Planetary Beings, so that you may become warm in the depth of winter, Light in the darkness, Holy in the midst of sin, pure and clean in the midst of impurity and dirt.

“You can do it now, if you will — it is not impossible for any of you. If I knew one here who would find it impossible, I would not talk so. If each one of you expended the correct effort, you could become filled with Cosmic Light and knowledge, for it would be the right knowledge which has been passed through the heart and moulded into wisdom. That cold knowledge, which has limitations, is useless because, sooner or later, it must be transmuted into something higher. So why not start in the right place now, gain the knowledge, pass it through the feelings and bring it into being on the Planet for yourselves?

“If you try to do this, you will not be working by yourselves — many others will see to that. It is the Occult Law that the teacher himself must not trespass upon the private sanctuary of what may be termed a person’s individual way of thinking. But if the thinker transmutes his way of thinking to the highest realm of which he is capable, then can the right teacher shed Light into his mind and body and raise him up.

“This is so — it has happened before on Terra — your great Masters have done this. Your Great Masters chose to be born in material poverty. I am informed that there is one shining exception to this — Buddha — who serves only to prove the rule — and even then, He had to cast aside His materialistic accumulation before He could receive the Light.

“I must point out that it is easy to make excuses and say, ‘If I had been born so-and-so, I could have done better’, but this is not so, it is the foolish talk of a child. Each and everyone of you can, in the quiet of your own room — which is your mind — draw inspiration which comes from within. The more people who do this, the more will follow those people, because they will see within you the Light — they may not know that they see it, but they will see it. They will not know why, but like moths that flit around the light of your lantern, they will follow. Why should the Law suddenly change now? It has been the vogue for 3,000 million years upon Terra and it will be 3,000 million years more before the Planet is absorbed back again into the Sun.”

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Know Yourself
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 15 18206
Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization Fri, 17 Aug 2018 01:34:49 +0000 Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have…

Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization

Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have never had before to help others and attain enlightenment. This is the path we now call King Yoga.

As part of these celebrations we have selected the following inspiring extracts from the words of our founder, Master of Yoga Dr George King, talking in 1984 about our humble beginnings and the importance of working together – like so many lighthouses around the world – to inspire humanity towards realization of our true Divine heritage.

‘The Aetherius Society – A unique organisation’

“From tiny beginnings in 1955 The Aetherius Society has been evolved into a tremendous spiritual power for good in the world. There’s no other organisation like this, nor, according to the Great Masters, has there ever been. When I first founded The Aetherius Society in 1955, of course I was ridiculed because my thoughts, expressions and even spiritual ambitions were so far ahead of their time that they were not understood or even appreciated.

“These teachings and expressions and knowledge came from another place and another time and, as far as the world was concerned in those days, some strange futuristic fantasy. It was just a matter of holding the thought, not deviating from it, becoming totally subservient to God and his angels, if you wish to call them that, in complete, absolute, utter surrender, forgetting all else. And when one does this one always wins. You may not appear to win but you will. People have done this throughout the centuries and they’ve died as martyrs, to become greatly honored many years, sometimes centuries, after their demise. But this was not the motive, as far as I was concerned. I knew that I was doing the right thing because I had inspiration from people who were above any person or intelligence on this earth. So therefore I was dedicated to this.

“If you’re going to follow anybody, pick the best and follow him. You know, anyone can stoop and pick up nothing. But you have to reach upwards to find out what is right, and stand fast. The Great Cosmic Orator, Mars Sector 6, says, when talking about God, when talking about religion, when talking about your spiritual path, “Choose well, stand fast and know God.” … But you do have to choose well, and you do have to stand fast, in order to know God. And if you want to know God, then associate with those further along the path than yourself, and you will know God from them better than you will know God from anyone who is not as far along the path as yourself. This is pretty basic logic and I was rather surprised that man could not easily see this. But he couldn’t and he didn’t, at least as far as I was concerned, for a number of years …”

“… we became engaged in some Cosmic Missions not offered to any other organisation on Earth. And I’ll tell you why. When I was commanded by the Great White Brotherhood, I mean the real Great White Brotherhood, not the figment of certain people’s imaginations; the real people, to start The Aetherius Society, these words were said: that it is not that we wish to start another organisation and thereby add to the confusion already existing, but to start something new without us having to completely disrupt an organisation – to start something new, is something that we can use. In other words, start it off in the right way and then keep it operating in the right way, and the Cosmic Masters have virtually said the same thing. Do you mean to say that if somebody like Aetherius wanted an Aetherius Society started he couldn’t have completely disrupted the Roman Catholic Church, picked out 10,000 people and said, “you run it, and you’ll run it that, that, that, that, that.” Well if you think that then I’m sorry. He wouldn’t, but he could have done.

“So therefore we started and later on we had to … we were offered certain missions … too many to list here, but as we go today we are running Operation Space Power. You know every day, don’t you, or at least every week, you hear about some earthquake somewhere – there was one in – what, two, three in California a couple of days ago, the earthquakes don’t seem to diminish but the death roll diminishes. And the death roll from earthquakes are getting less and less and less and less, even taking into consideration very heavy quakes. That’s not by chance. Nothing happens by chance. There’s not such a word as “chance”. There’s not such a word as “coincidence”. There’s such a word as “conditions”.

“So, our Operation Space Power is helping to stabilize things in this respect, [as is] our Operation Sunbeam. I’ve been promised a Transmission by Mars Sector 6 and I’ve asked Mars Sector 6, through certain communication channels, to give us this Transmission one of these days: ‘The world without Operation Sunbeam‘, and I’m going to make every Member of The Aetherius Society learn it verbatim. Our Operation Space Magic is another fantastic Operation. The Saturn Mission. The Saturn Mission is directly, not indirectly, directly responsible for the low death toll from so-called natural catastrophes. In the last few days we had two Missions of The Saturn Mission and one of the things that happened from those two Missions was that 30,000 people per sub-phase – multiply that by six – 30,000 people per sub-phase, were saved from death or severe mutilation, from so-called natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, tornados, this, that and the other. We’re not talking about something that happened 15,000 years ago, you know … Talking about something that happened in November 1984.

Operation Prayer Power – I don’t think we have to tell you what we have done with that. We’ve stopped wars, we’ve brought healing to many parts of the world. And when I say stopped wars I mean stopped wars. Not every war that we’ve tried to stop did we stop, immediately, because we couldn’t do that without gross interference, so it was a gentle healing process. Operation Prayer Power is the greatest spiritual healing tool that the world has ever seen, which has been put, and don’t quote me wrong, which has been put into the hands of ordinary people, and you’re the people who send out your prayer to be used in Operation Prayer Power. You do it. It’s your energy. You invoke it. Alright some of us help to manipulate it, but purposely we let you invoke it.

“Our teachings, literature, tapes are becoming more popular as the times go on. You’d be amazed where some of our books have found their way into and some of our tapes. From the highest in the land to the lowest in the land. From palaces to prisons. And wherever they have gone they have left their mark.

“Inside the Society we are gradually spiritually evolving into a small but powerful temple through learning and through our Temple Degree Examinations …

“And the big secret of our continued success is that, if we remain united and work together as brothers, then there is not a force in the land which can stop our progress, no matter what force that is, and no matter how they try. We may be held up, possibly, but never stopped. We can go on talking about this wonderful Society for many hours without covering a fraction of it. Without even chipping the surface. Or we can just, at this stage anyway, feel ourselves very fortunate that we were inspired to come along, because nobody forced you to come along – inspired to come along – and join the ranks in the first place. Somewhere down the line something inspired you to start to enquire and from then on, you went forward and went forward.”

Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 7 18200
The Evolution Of Mankind Is Now Being Speeded Up… Thu, 02 Aug 2018 09:12:43 +0000 We are all on a great journey. Yet both the origin and destiny of our journey can seem obscure at best. As such, we can be inclined to subjugate this…

The Evolution Of Mankind Is Now Being Speeded Up…
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

The Evolution Of Mankind Is Now Being Speeded Up…

We are all on a great journey.

Yet both the origin and destiny of our journey can seem obscure at best. As such, we can be inclined to subjugate this greater journey with more obvious and immediate goals in life, or else ignore it altogether as something unknowable, unfathomable, and even unbelievable. It can be something for others to think or worry about rather than ourselves. It is the journey of our soul.

Paul-Nugent-Poem-The-Story-So-FarIn The Aetherius Society and the path we call King Yoga, we are taught that the journey of the soul is our most important journey over which we, alone, have complete control. Indeed, our primary goal is to grasp this journey and make it the overriding priority in our life, governing all other major choices that we make. This soul journey is not only the reason we are born but a continuation of that same journey we have been making since the beginning of Time, through life after life. It is the inevitable journey we are each making as aspects of God through evolution.

This realization can come to us at different times if indeed it comes to us at all. For myself, I was struck in my mid-twenties that something was dramatically missing from my very orthodox life. I had a good career ahead of me, a loving and supportive family, many friends and a mortgage with my brother on a flat (apartment) in a fashionable part of London. And yet I instinctively felt that none of this was the primary purpose of my life. It threw me into a crisis and, not knowing where else to turn, having been raised in the Anglican Church, I read the four Gospels for the first time with any seriousness or understanding. It answered the fundamental cause of my crisis. I discovered that there was some deeper purpose to my life. I began attending church while my life took on a whole different meaning.

I delighted in ordinary things; I wrote poetry. I felt I could, in the words of William Wordsworth, “see into the life of things.” I had discovered the beauty and the sacred purpose of life, and for the first time since early childhood, I experienced joy.

However, I soon found that encountering the essential truth of Christianity was only the beginning of this journey which led, a few years later by way of Eastern mysticism, to my joining The Aetherius Society. Here, I encountered the understanding that this soul journey continues not only beyond life and death but even beyond this world. It was a profound revelation and yet one which rang resoundingly true.

Moreover, not only did this organization lay out the path for this soul journey in a mystic text known as The Nine Freedoms but it emphasized the urgency of these times, confirming again my intuitive understanding.

Evolution speeding up

In a transmission delivered by the Cosmic Master Aetherius through the organization’s founder, Dr George King, sometime in the early 1960s, he stated:

The evolution of mankind is now being speeded up, in order to reach a certain point within a certain time limit. Co-operate with the speeding up, help it, become the beings who speed this up and I promise you a million helpers. If you do, you will never regret any time you have spent in this wonderful way. There is so much for all of you to do, but so little time in which you can do it. Then strike the gong of the present, so that the echoes may be magnified by the future. These are the teachings which we, from the Interplanetary Governmental Systems wish you to take, absorb, believe and act upon. Then we can make our next move, which will be free movement among you and direct help given in your schools, universities, hospitals and governments. If you go out of your way to reach up to us, we can and we will come out of our way down to you, but you must move! We cannot come unless you do this – that is the Law. We do not break the Law.

It might have been hard to appreciate this statement at the time it was given but looking back with the benefit of hindsight I think we can all recognize the profundity of the opening few words. Indeed, one term now used to describe our present time is the “Exponential Age”. Literally, so it seems, everything is going exponential – from population growth, to science and technology, to environmental challenges and shifting values, much of which would have been inconceivable just 60 years ago. Yet, how we emerge from these transformative and revolutionary times remains in the balance. On the one hand it seems that our world might literally spiral out of control at any given moment; yet on the other there appears to be a growing sense of heightened consciousness and responsibility arising out of the chaos we are collectively creating. How we respond is directly related to how cognizant we each become of our individual soul journey as part of some much greater cosmic vision and understanding for humanity.

The Big Picture…

I believe that the reason the Master Aetherius made that opening statement was because he was not only aware of a much bigger cosmic picture but was actively engaged in cooperating with it. In a purely material sense, he would have already known for many thousands – even millions – of years what modern-day Earth science is only now discovering, in part as a direct result of this unfolding quickening: that the Universe – this great body within which all of creation exists – is expanding; and even, according to some scientists, accelerating in its expansion at almost incomprehensible velocities.

While this concept may have been realized philosophically by the ancient Rishis and other mystics, it is only within very recent years that astronomers have been able to observe a “supercluster” of galaxies towards the center of which all life in the Milky Way, together with over 100,000 other galaxies in our shared corner of the Universe, is being drawn. They have called this supercluster Laniakea, a Hawaiian word meaning literally “immeasurable heaven”.

In short, what some terrestrial scientists are coming to recognize – or at least presume – is that all of creation will reach a climax of expansion from the initial “Big Bang” out of which it arose, and then reverse itself, presumably with equal if not even greater velocity, towards what it calls by its opposite term the “Big Crunch”.

But why is this so critical to humanity at this time? What does it mean for our own soul journey?

Coming back to the Master Aetherius and other Cosmic Masters who spoke through Dr George King in the late 1950s and early 1960s, paramount above all other communications was what they referred to as the Initiation of Earth. Indeed, it could well be argued that it was for this primary reason that these extraterrestrial Masters began speaking to humanity at all. In a very crude way, our time had come; or at least was fast approaching. Despite much of humanity’s narcissistic sense of self-importance to the virtual exclusion of all other life within creation, even adopting the irrational view that all of this vastness was created entirely for our sake alone, the Universal Plan was proceeding and unfolding unannounced. Why we were previously so kept in the dark is another story although by no means unrelated to this one, and even in its own way is a critical aspect of where we are now on our present soul journey. But it was this impending “Initiation”, perhaps more than anything else, which led the Master Aetherius to make this ringing pronouncement about the evolution of mankind now being speeded up, tied up as it is into some far greater Divine Cosmic Plan. We can think of it as an alarm clock awakening us out of a very deep coma into which we had tragically fallen long ago. (Ref. Atlantis, Lemuria & Maldek)

Similarly, it is within this very same context of Laniakea and “the ever-moving manifestation” of the galaxies that we also learned, again from the Master Aetherius, in a transmission he gave on December 28th, 1969 five years after the Initiation of Earth had taken place, of another Initiation impacting humanity: that of the Solar System. During this transmission we not only learn that this Initiation had taken place over the preceding months but, critically for our own understanding, it is also explained why: “…thus, slowly, surely, another aspect of the great plan for the total evolution of all beings will be worked out in perfection, which is the governing Law behind it all.

The beautiful and utterly inspiring reference to “the governing Law behind it all” correlates with a similar sentiment that had been made by the Master Jesus more than 10 years before in The Twelve Blessings when he stated: “These Great and Mighty Lords of Karma, make it possible for fools like ye and Me to gain that experience which will lead us to the Godhead – as Conscious Gods.”

So what is really going on?

Mars Sector 6 – The AppealIn other words, it would appear that we, as Divine and immortal aspects of God, are being transformed in concert with all of Creation, although at infinitely varying degrees of consciousness; and that the transformation – for reasons best known unto God Itself – is quickening. The great governing Law [of God] is in the process of expanding and collapsing manifestation in what the ancient yogis more poetically described as the great “out-breathing and in-breathing of God”. Alternatively, we can think of it all as a shattered piece of glass splintered into quadrillions of shards each of varying size and consciousness, awaiting recall back into the Singularity from which it all arose billions of years ago; although one unanswerable question we might well ponder is, “For how long has this God been breathing?”

Our calling, as communicated by the Cosmic Masters through Dr George King as a quintessential aspect of what we call “King Yoga”, is to come into alignment with this Divine transformation, firstly, by becoming aware of it and, secondly, through conformity with it.

This is the great evolutionary soul journey that we are each on. It is our individual choice coming under an increased and accelerating pressure to determine our own course towards a Spiritual Enlightenment, or else to remain a fly in this Divine ointment holding ourselves back to await that next great wave of acceleration whenever that should take place.

In the words of another great cosmic orator, Mars Sector 6, who outlined our soul journey in The Nine Freedoms, and the chosen motto of Dr King:

Choose well, stand fast, know God.

Let us choose well and thereby enable the great Cosmic Masters such as the Master Aetherius to make their moves, giving the kind of direct help to our schools, universities, hospitals and governments that our civilization so desperately requires at this critical time in our evolution.

About the author
Rev. Paul Nugent is an International Director of The Aetherius Society having joined the Society in England in 1986. He was a personal assistant to Dr George King during the latter years of his life. Active in interfaith, Paul is also a Board Member of the Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.

The Evolution Of Mankind Is Now Being Speeded Up…
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

]]> 25 18123
What is love? Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:15:25 +0000 In King Yoga we say that a true spiritual path is not just a theory – it is a way of life that can change the world. If there is…

What is love?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

What is Love?

In King Yoga we say that a true spiritual path is not just a theory – it is a way of life that can change the world.

If there is anything that will change the world, it is love!

Not the love we typically experience, but true, unconditional love.

Selfless prayer is one of the most magnificent expressions of unconditional love, and it is something that every one of us can do.

This post is the fourth in a series from a book called Prayer Energy, written by international bestselling author Richard Lawrence with Mark Bennett. You can find links to the other parts at the end of this post.

In this fourth post is a deeper and more complete description of unconditional love – one that we can study, contemplate upon and integrate into our practice and our everyday lives.

Wouldn’t that be a way to change the world!

“Love” is a word used in many different ways. It can refer to the relationship between parent and child, friends, husband and wife, owner and pet. It can refer to sex. It can even refer to the relationship someone has with an object, as in: “I really love my car.”

But real love is not limited to any of these things.

Love between people is complex – much of it is good, but not all. For example, the love that spurs the protective instinct a mother feels for her baby can be wonderful, but the kind of love that leads to jealousy and possessiveness can be destructive. Any kind of love that depends on selfish desire isn’t love at all – not really love, in its higher sense. The love that we should strive to manifest in prayer couldn’t be more different from selfish desire.

Real love is not a measure of emotion, but something much greater. Being able to channel the extraordinary power of love brings freedom from hate and from a host of other ills. Love can even bring freedom from war, disease, and our own basic selves. Rather than thinking of it as a state of mind, think of it as a state of whole being.

When it says in the Bible: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44), it doesn’t, in my view, mean that we necessarily have to like our enemies, or people who curse us, hate us, despitefully use us or persecute us. It doesn’t mean we have to socialize with them, or buy them Christmas presents. It’s not that kind of love at all but rather, an impersonal love in the sense of desiring the highest good for them, ultimately their enlightenment.

After all, if they were enlightened, they wouldn’t curse us, hate us, despitefully use us or persecute us. One of the ways of putting this love into practical action is by praying that they be inspired to become the people they could be.

Think of hate as fire, and of love as water. Just as you can’t successfully fight fire with fire, nor can you successfully fight hate with hate. The water of love can extinguish the fire of hate – nothing else. Your prayers can be the fountain from which that water flows.

This may sound like wishful thinking, but it really is true – with experience you will discover this for yourself. But love is much more than a way to extinguish hate. It is a force for healing, inspiration, and transmutation. Just as life as we know it on Earth could not exist without water, nothing in the universe could exist without love.

All this may seem like a pipe-dream. If the true nature of something all-pervasive is so wonderful, how come everything here on Earth isn’t also wonderful? Well, it could be wonderful but it’s up to us to make it so, to realize the potential and manifest perfection, by using love in its higher aspects.

Don’t miss the other posts in this series on prayer:

What to pray for

How to pray

Say it with feeling

This extract has been taken from the book Prayer Energy. Exploring a wealth of traditions and outlining Master of Yoga Dr George King’s brilliant technique of dynamic prayer, this beautifully illustrated new hardback, by international bestselling author Richard Lawrence co-written with Mark Bennett, reveals a profound connection between positive thought and powerful change. Anyone purchasing this book will also receive a free copy of A Book of Sacred Prayers.

About the authors

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He has devoted his life to the work of his Master and personal friend, Dr. George King (1919-1997), who founded the Society. He is also an international bestselling author of more than 10 books.



Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

What is love?
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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Say it with feeling Mon, 18 Jun 2018 18:46:35 +0000 In King Yoga, we say that a true spiritual path does not require blind belief – all it requires is that you experience its truth for yourself. Prayer is the…

Say it with feeling
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

Say it with feeling

In King Yoga, we say that a true spiritual path does not require blind belief – all it requires is that you experience its truth for yourself.

Prayer is the transmission of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is a real force. It is not a fantasy or wishful thinking. It is as real as electricity or any other “physical” energy.

Before long, you will begin to physically feel the energy as it flows through you. You will not only feel inspired mentally – but you will actually have a tangible sensation of this power flowing through your aura and chakras.

Anyone can do this!

One of the great secrets of dynamic prayer is to say your prayer with real feeling. Anyone who feels at all for the millions of people who are suffering in one way or another around the world, can do this.

The greater your feeling, the greater your love, the better channel you can become – and the greater experience you will have, of spiritual energy. Not blind belief – real experience.

This post is the third in a series from a book called Prayer Energy, written by international bestselling author Richard Lawrence with Mark Bennett. You can find links to the other parts at the end of this post.

In this third post you will find clear and specific guidance about how you too can become an even better channel for spiritual energy by learning to express yourself, through prayer, with more feeling than ever before.

For prayer to work properly, it should be expressed with sincerity and feeling, and the whole act should be performed with single-minded concentration.

We should not pray as though talking at a coffee afternoon or gossiping with a friend. Prayer is not a telephone call to your mother, or a request made to the boss, a priest, movie star, politician, or even a president – it is an appeal to the Divine Source.

Imagine, metaphorically speaking, that you had the opportunity to have an audience with God, if that’s how you want to refer to the Divine Source, and say what it is you want and how you feel – this is virtually what is happening when you pray.

If you mumble your prayers, or say them without feeling, you are as good as saying, “I don’t have to make any effort when expressing myself to God.” In fact, this shows a lack of appreciation for the Divine Source of all creation, and therefore for the most important part of yourself, and will considerably limit the power of the prayer.

Jane Austen said: “Grant us grace, almighty Father, so to pray as to deserve to be heard.” She made a good point. Technically, all prayers “deserve to be heard”, because they invoke and transmit a certain amount of energy, but the quantity and quality of the energy will increase dramatically when we start to pray dynamically.

Try saying “The New Lord’s Prayer”, or indeed any other white-magic prayer, in as expressive a manner as you can.

Don’t worry about seeming silly. Just give it all you’ve got. Make it as dynamic in intensity, but not volume, as a scream you might let out if someone ran over your foot, and as wholehearted as when a football fan cheers for his or her favourite team, although exerting more self-control. You don’t have to be very loud – the important thing is not to hold back at all. Imagine that your very life depends on every single word. Don’t be melodramatic or over-emotional. Put genuine feeling and love into it. This is the first step.

Controlling prayer energy

The next step – when you’ve got used to saying a prayer out loud with all the feeling you can muster, thus invoking and transmitting much more energy than you did before – is to train yourself to gain more control over the energy.

This will enable you to act as a channel for even more, and better quality energy, which will, in turn, make your prayers greater than ever.

Prayer should be a balanced symphony of opposites, a melody of yin and yang, a harmonious blend of light and shade, each bringing the other to life. To gain more control over prayer energy, you should be:

  • gentle, but also definite and firm
  • passionate, but controlled and not too emotional
  • filled with compassion and want the result of the prayer with all your heart, and yet also be detached from it
  • imploring, yet confident of the outcome of the prayer
  • humble, and yet feel as powerful as the Divine Source, which is our essence

With the development of these qualities, your prayers should become quieter without losing any of the intensity displayed when praying loudly. A good way of cultivating these opposite attributes is to alternate the volume of your prayer a little, so that some words and phrases are louder than others, and some words may be barely audible at all.

Praying like this is not easy and can take a lot of practice.

Remember, you are making yourself a channel to allow the energy to flow through you. You are not trying to force it. Your body should not be tense to the point of shaking. Instead, you should be physically relaxed, while trying to maintain the posture described in the prayer technique.

Often you may not feel in the mood to pray at all. In fact, when we feel at our lowest, prayer can be a struggle, but this is the very time when praying can do the most good. So try it. Just do one short prayer.

My own experience is that this can change your mood so quickly that you may well feel like carrying on and saying more prayers as soon as you’ve finished the first one.

Prayer and personality

Prayer and personality go hand in hand. Everyone has an individual way of praying, even when adhering to the same principles, as listed above.

What is interesting, though, is that our true personality seems to be revealed by prayer – after all, prayer has to be genuine to mean anything at all. It has to come from the soul. Someone who is apparently very passive might suddenly come to life during prayer, becoming almost unrecognizable. This is that person’s real personality. The one he or she usually shows is merely the surface of the still, deep ocean of his or her true spiritual nature.

Learning to pray is not just the acquisition of an incredibly useful, practical skill. It is a tool for personal transformation and discovery. As your ability improves, you will find that you improve throughout your life in countless different ways. It will, in short, bring out the very best in you.

Don’t miss the other posts in this series on prayer:

What to pray for

How to pray

This extract has been taken from the book Prayer Energy. Exploring a wealth of traditions and outlining Master of Yoga Dr George King’s brilliant technique of dynamic prayer, this beautifully illustrated new hardback, by international bestselling author Richard Lawrence co-written with Mark Bennett, reveals a profound connection between positive thought and powerful change. Anyone purchasing this book will also receive a free copy of A Book of Sacred Prayers.

About the authors

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He has devoted his life to the work of his Master and personal friend, Dr. George King (1919-1997), who founded the Society. He is also an international bestselling author of more than 10 books.



Mark BennettMark Bennett is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels, which was voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the youngest International Director of The Aetherius Society, whose teachings he chose as his spiritual path at an early age.

Say it with feeling
Copyrighted content - originally published by The Aetherius Society

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