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“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 2

This is part 2 in our 5 part series of podcasts entitled: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. George King.

In this episode Paul and Chrissie discuss:

  • The Aquarian Age and the lessons it will bring for the collective consciousness of humanity, with unique insights from Chrissie Blaze, who is a professional astrologer, and the author of seven books.
  • Satellite Number 3 and the spiritual opportunity that it offers each and every one of us during a ‘Spiritual Push’.
  • The coming of the next Master to Earth – an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence who will prove beyond all reasonable doubt his interplanetary origin.
  • The charging of holy mountains with spiritual energy which anyone can access and use in world healing.
  • A spiritual teaching and practice unlike any other, given by The Master Jesus in 1958, that you can use to send love energy out into the world.
  • How extraterrestrial intelligences prevented a global catastrophe that would have submerged the West Coast of the United States under sea water.
  • The most important initiation the Earth has ever received since her inception as a planet and what it means for the great change ahead.

We hope you are inspired by this series of podcasts. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can get involved.

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  1. Noor on January 13, 2016 at 6:38 pm

    When mankind tears itself apart so does the Earth. The connection is rarely perceived because the Earth being operates on a slower tempo. So, for instance, underground explosions take years to manifest on the surface and usually many miles away by which time we have forgotten our actions and fail to see the link.
    . The soul of the Earth brings forward the Avatars, like Buddha, to help its own progression and that of its inhabitants. There is a deep connection with the heart center, the hurt of mankind is felt by the Earth and vice-versa. Remember, it is a symbiotic relationship. Love, so much brotherly love is needed!

    • Mark on January 15, 2016 at 12:21 pm

      Thank you Noor for your comments. The relationship between mankind and the Mother Earth is not symbiotic. We need her. She does not need us. You are correct that what we do affects her, but this is only because in great compassion, she allows us to live here. Avatars come from other planets to help mankind evolve and to serve the wondrous entity we call “Earth”. People on Earth should live in harmony with one another, and in devotion to the Earth as a Goddess. This would end virtually all suffering on this planet.

  2. Marian on February 12, 2016 at 11:46 pm

    I am so happy to have come in contact with the Aetherius Society and to hear this message today. These words are bringing so many things together and moreover offer a source of energy to carry on. My deepest gratitude to those who have guided me to this place and to those who have sacrificed to make these messages available. Blessed Be. Marian

    • Darren on February 16, 2016 at 9:48 am

      Thank you so much for writing. It is fantastic and heartwarming to hear that the message of The Aetherius Society has struck a spiritual chord! What has had the most impact on you?

  3. clement fon on September 3, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    I was recently introduced to this organisation from this time i haven closely following them in the postings from the facebook Ghana branch. Their discuss and messages are very correct most especially karma and reincarnation. Their interest in the wellbeing of human race

    • Darren on September 4, 2017 at 5:34 am

      Hi Clement, thank you for writing and your appreciation of the teachings and mission of The Aetherius Society.

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