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Blessed Are The Planetary Ones

The Twelve Blessings are a series of profound spiritual revelations channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Jesus. This podcast is a discussion of the 4th Blessing by John Holder & Vivien Gibson, both of whom were close followers of Dr. King and have studied and practiced The Twelve Blessings for many years. Below is a series of extracts from Dr. King’s own lecture on this Blessing.

…a man is limited only, only by the limitations he imposes upon himself. That’s the only limitation that a man has got on this Earth. If he limits himself and says, “I cannot do this,”… he cannot do it. But if he says, “I will try to do that, I feel I can,” or “I can do that,” or “I will do that,” he will find a way, one way or the other, to do it and I think you all know this. Life consists of multitudinous problems. We are here to solve those problems and gain experience by solving those problems, so that we can go on to new sets of problems, some of them pleasant, quite pleasant, and some of them unpleasant.

…people who have been offered the right teachings…can recognise the fact that such a sacrifice is being made by the planetary ones on this Earth. And they can send out their power to the planetary ones. …Send it out freely to the whole block of planetary ones who are on this Earth.

The time for the planetary ones to declare themselves has not yet come. It will come but it hasn’t yet come. And when it does come they will have to, against their own will, most definitely…in the majority of cases, have to declare themselves. Or certain Masters will take it upon their own backs to declare that such and such a one is from such and such a planet. But this time is not yet right. …It’s a wonderful thing, though, to realise that there are people from other planets actually living among us as people upon Earth. And they are doing a great, great job. Because they are here for our benefit, for our protection, for our enlightenment, and so on.

…”The greatest enemy that mankind has is his mind.” …it wants to be the controller always, always, always and when it loses control, or is on the verge of losing control, it will try everything within its power to keep that control. Hence my advice. When you go [with]in to try your contemplation, and all thoughts come into your mind from all over, don’t fight against them. Let them come. This might be different from the advice you’ve had previously. But listen to me. I talk from practical experience. Allow them to come. Let them come. Don’t fight. Let them come. Let them keep coming. There will come a time when you – the lower you – will turn to the higher you for guidance and “Bingo!” – you reel the fish in then. If you’ve learned nothing else from these lectures my friends, only that, they’ve been worth coming to for that one thing alone.

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  1. Pat Timmermans, “Purveyor of Endless Possibilities!l✨💖 on February 19, 2018 at 1:41 pm

    “Know this, that all celestial bodies are, indeed, Sentient Beings, each Unique & in Loving Service to The Absolute, Our Heavenly Father. Having this Cosmic Consciousness leads us into our Eternal State of Joy in the OneNess of us All…✨💖”

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