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Blessed Are They Who Love

The Twelve Blessings are a series of profound spiritual revelations channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Jesus. This podcast is a discussion of the 3rd Blessing by Gary Blaze & Paul Nugent, both of whom were close followers of Dr. King and have studied and practiced The Twelve Blessings for many years. Below is a series of extracts from Dr. King’s own lecture on this Blessing.

…”they who love” are they who control power. L-O-V-E is the most potent energy upon the Earth. …It is the greatest energy in all the worlds and the one that should be controlled the most because it can manifest itself in many, many different ways.

…Jesus’s love…is the great living illustration. Jesus is the one who lived love. He came down to teach the use of love. He lived it. He was love.

…They’re pouring out their love, in one way or another, to all people. By giving them the right teachings, by spreading light, by spreading wisdom, by giving healing. In one of a thousand ways these people do it. Some of you do it. In one of a thousand ways you do it. You don’t talk about it. You work quietly. …But you do it. If you weren’t there, people would miss you. That’s the point. …If you be one of them, you’re great. Send out your blessings to those people who give their love to the whole world. Send out stream after stream of energy from your heart centre to those people and let it impregnate them and help them to carry on with their work. And it will help you to carry on with your respective task, no matter what it might be.

…[Jesus] is talking about a certain peace within. A deep inner peace where the tree called confidence is born. And then that confidence blossoms and others see the confidence tree blossoming within you, and they pick of its fruits and they too have a greater confidence, a greater knowledge, a greater power, a greater love, a greater light, a greater wisdom, because they are performing, like you, a greater service.

…this, to me, this energy – love – is so, so different.

Image credit: Tian Tan Buddha by Hugo Powell –

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  1. Pat Timmermans, Purveyor of “Endless Possibilities!” on February 7, 2018 at 6:41 am

    “Pure Divine Love is the Fuel of On-Going Creation. As we come through our Divine Lineage Energetically Pure upon entering into the physical plane, this Core Essence, this Pure Divine Love Spark that we All are, is our Divine Tool awaiting our use through Prayers & Blessings! It is our Passionate Declaration of our Hearts & Minds to be of Loving Service & Eternally Moving for The Highest Good of All! These Twelve Blessings are a Dynamic Catalyst that makes It So…✨💖”

  2. Paul Smith on July 10, 2018 at 6:43 am

    Mars Sector 6: ”A basic rise of the Power you call Kundalini tends to partially activate one face of the Heart Chakra. This often manifests itself as childish emotion; sometimes referred to as sentiment. This is not the Love I speak of.”

    White Eagle: ”So often sentiment is confused with Love. Sentiment has it’s place, but sentiment is not Love. Misplaced love – or sentiment – can blind you to your real service to another; it will cause you to give foolishly, to indulge not only your brother or sister, but also yourself, indirectly.”

    • Darren on July 11, 2018 at 5:19 am

      Thanks for sharing that, Paul. These seem to be very aligned. Blessings, Darren

  3. ADIKA on March 17, 2021 at 2:54 am

    Jesus is quoted in the bible with the saying ” forgive 7×7 and I would have thought that same will apply to relinquishing material possessions/ attachments, etc.

  4. Paul Nugent on March 17, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    I think the important, and even essential idea is that we drop our attachment to material things such that they do not possess us.

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