Blog/Podcast Archives: UFOs

UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a plot to conceal the truth from the masses is not a modern invention. Throughout history,…

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#125 – UFOs: Spiritual Aliens Or Government Black Ops?

In spite of credible whistleblowers coming forward, and decades of earlier disclosure, there are still a lot of people who believe that genuine UFO sightings are evidence of secret government programs rather than extraterrestrial life. But can anyone really claim that the UFO phenomenon is…

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The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts – to do whatever they can for humanity on Earth. Tune in for personal insights…

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#95 – UFOs: Friend or Foe? (The Spiritual Connection)

 UFOs are now often acknowledged seriously in the media and by governments around the world – even if they still won’t fully admit they’re extraterrestrial. Are UFOs really hostile – as so many try to make out? Or are they friendly? Why don’t they…

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The Floating Temple of Light

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew of extraordinary operators. Tune in to discover more about this floating temple of light that…

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Latest UFO News Around the World

The head of NASA and the head of the Russian Space Agency are both taking UFOs seriously – what about you?   The UFO conversation is becoming more and more mainstream, and governments in many countries are beginning to respond more openly.   In this…

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UFOs and Signature Management: how the Colossal “Satellite Number 3” Remains Invisible

“Signature management” is a phrase most people would be unfamiliar with. I only became interested in it when reading the US government UFO report released by the Director of National Intelligence in June this year. According to the report, UFOs appear to use signature management. …

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A UFO Special

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Less than a month ago the Pentagon released their report on UFOs. They may have downplayed many of the outstanding revelations made, but the truth is still out: UFOs are real. And for anyone reading the report with common…

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An Alien Base Under The Sea Of Japan

As the name indicates, UFOs – unidentified flying objects – are typically regarded as an aerial phenomenon. However, there is a growing discussion around them not just being seen in our skies, but in our oceans as well.  A few examples of these include: Marc…

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‘Oumuamua and the Comet that wasn’t a Comet

Artist’s concept of ‘Oumuamua. Image Credit: European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser The fast moving interstellar object known as ‘Oumuamua is back in the news again with a Harvard University professor claiming it is “alien technology.” It was discovered in 2017 but exactly what it…

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Satellites X-90 & XB-70: What’s in a Name?

In a Transmission delivered on 3 July 1954, published in You Are Responsible, the Master Aetherius spoke about two satellites placed into orbit of Earth by the Cosmic Masters. He gave their names as X-90 and XB-70. The Master Aetherius said the governments of several…

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Richard Lawrence reflects on UFO and ET revelations as new edition of book is launched today

With Darren Ball Darren Ball (DB): I was 23 when I first discovered The Aetherius Society in 2009. Before that time I had no conception of the link between extraterrestrials and spirituality. In fact, I hadn’t thought very much about extraterrestrials at all until then. …

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UFOs and Spirituality

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. On this day, January 29th, in 1955, an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, whom we call the Master Aetherius, was able to speak through the unique trance mediumship of Dr. George King to a public audience in London for the first…

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UFO at Chernobyl

Originally published by The Paranormal Chronicles. Explore the series, download episodes and follow The Paranormal Chronicles here. Today – July 2nd – is celebrated by many people around the world as World UFO Day. In this podcast, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence reveals details of…

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UFOs are here to stay!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. A recent spate of UFO sightings between December last year and January this year reported in various newspapers, including this video footage from The Independent, has sparked a flurry of interest again in UFOs. Are they real? Where are…

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The Close Encounters of Mary King

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Discover the truth about an amazing series of space contacts – including information never before revealed to the public about extraterrestrial life in this Solar System! Not only was Dr. George King one of the most remarkable contactees on…

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The World without Flying Saucers? Lifeless!

In this show, host Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her research over many years on the topic of UFOs – a number of which really are extraterrestrial spacecraft!

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