Blog/Podcast Archives: The Mother Earth and our future

#104 – The New Age On Earth: What It Means For Your Spiritual Awakening

 There have been prophecies for centuries about the coming New Age.But the key that almost everybody has missed is that it’s not so much about us as it is about the Mother Earth – the living Goddess upon whom we live.On July 8th, in…

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Earth Changes – The Big Picture

This summer, record monsoons overwhelmed parts of Pakistan, displacing millions of people. It is just one example in a long list of extreme weather and environmental conditions that are straining natural ecosystems and people around the world. It is clearly a time of change. How…

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How we can help the Mother Earth

With the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference just behind us, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Alyson Lawrence take a moment to reflect on a deeper aspect of our relationship with the planet Earth.In The Aetherius Society, we believe that the Earth is a being; a…

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The Mind of a Planet – A few thoughts

Our Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, in his address entitled ‘If I could choose’, given on May 26th, 1968, made the following outstanding revelation: The Earth herself could state, this morning, before you leave this church, “I’m going to start again. I want a new…

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Out of Darkness, into Light – The Amazing Astrology of February 11th, 2021

If your world feels out of balance at this time, you may find the answer in the quote attributed to Hermes Trismegistus: “As above, so below….” Whatever happens to us on Earth, to some degree or other, reflects the Divine plan of evolution working through…

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How to channel the power of the universe

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The more we channel the power of the universe, the more we will raise the consciousness of all life on Earth. This is a key to the New Age – and to being more in harmony with the Mother…

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The Aetherius Society – The Karmic Factor

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The coming to Earth of the Next Master, Armageddon and the New Age are all events of biblical proportions that have been foretold for centuries. None of them has happened as expected. Why? In the last few months, hosts…

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What ever happened to Armageddon?

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There have been prophecies for thousands of years about a great battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. So what ever happened to this Armageddon? Operation Karmalight. During Operation Karmalight there were some of the…

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The Twelve Blessings on a Holy Mountain and the Lord’s Declaration

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. November 23rd 2018 marks the 60th Anniversary of the giving of The Lord’s Declaration – a prophecy about the coming of the Next Master to Earth! 2018 is also the 60th anniversary of two other world-changing events: – The…

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The Evolution Of Mankind Is Now Being Speeded Up…

We are all on a great journey. Yet both the origin and destiny of our journey can seem obscure at best. As such, we can be inclined to subjugate this greater journey with more obvious and immediate goals in life, or else ignore it altogether…

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Interview: The Spirituality of Aliens

This show originally appeared on The Collective Evolution Podcast The spiritual implications of the extraterrestrial phenomenon are becoming more and more mainstream everyday. Even the message of helping others and the need for us to change and take responsibility for our own destiny are becoming…

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Payback time – 50 years of Operation Sunbeam

On Saturday, September 24th, 2016 The Aetherius Society worldwide is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the start of the Cosmic Mission Operation Sunbeam. This mission was devised by Dr. George King – the only spiritual master on Earth with the occult credentials and ability to…

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The Initiation of Earth

In this show you will hear fascinating revelations about what the New Age really means for the planet upon which we live, the Mother Earth, and for all humanity. The revelations you will hear in this show are based on a Cosmic Transmission by Mars…

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The Invisible World Of Nature Spirits

In this show, host Chrissie Blaze interviews special guest, Alyson Lawrence on this fascinating topic. Alyson has had many incredible first-hand experiences with the Nature Spirits since childhood and she will discuss these on the show, as well as share how everyone can commune with…

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The Mother Earth

The Mother Earth is a living, breathing, thinking intelligence – vastly wiser, greater and more important than all of mankind put together. And yet, in her immense compassion, she sacrifices her own evolution to allow us to gain experience upon her holy back.

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