Blog/Podcast Archives: Service

#149 – How to avoid burnout after a spiritual awakening (essential listening for spiritual workers)

This episode is essential listening for spiritual workers – people who are at risk of burning out unless they take action to keep that inner flame alive. In this episode you’ll discover: – What spiritual burnout really means – and the good news about what…

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#147 – Why you shouldn’t settle for temporary happiness – and what you can change to create a life of lasting inner joy instead

In this week’s episode, Richard and I talk about a key to enriching your life. Not just with fleeting moments of happiness – but with lasting joy. Don’t miss: – Why world-famous psychologist Daniel Kahneman believes there is something better than happiness – What you…

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Sacred Mountains of Power

Mountains stand as silent sentinels, adorning our world with their majestic peaks. Through the ages, people have been awed by their beauty and have yearned to climb, as if called by an inner voice to conquer these heights. In modern times, a new type of…

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Earth Goddess: A New Ecology

Ecology is how living things interact with their environment. But one thing that is missing from mainstream ecology is how we interact with the Earth Goddess – upon whom we live – as a highly-evolved, conscious intelligence. In this show, co-host Chrissie Blaze, will be…

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#138 – Become A Warrior For Spiritual Truth

Truth has great power. And in an age of disinformation, lies and hidden agendas, some consider truth more important than ever. Whether it means telling someone a home truth essential for their wellbeing, or campaigning for a good cause to help others, we need people…

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Our Role in Divine Intervention

I am sure we have faith that our prayers are helping and healing people who are suffering. We believe that they are inspiring and protecting the brave aid workers: those who are working in difficult and dangerous situations to bring comfort, aid and healing to…

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#137 – How To Deal with People You Find Difficult (Using Psychic Powers)

We all have to deal with people we find difficult at times – whether it’s an argument at home, a challenging situation at work, or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people or work around them. But…

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How to prevent World War III

The world is in a dangerous state. With top officials talking about moving closer to a World War III, we can’t rely on politicians and the military to sort this out. So how can we prevent World War III? Join Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard…

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#123 – Avoid These Misconceptions About Selfless Service (Advice for Spiritual Workers)

There is a wrong idea that service to others somehow involves subjugating yourself to others’ needs.Or that it means bending over backwards to accommodate people’s demands with some sort of robotic-like obedience.But service is about neither of those things.Service is not about making yourself a…

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The Metaphysics of Presence

One thing we can all agree on is the extremely beautiful vibration presence in our Temples and other sanctified locations around the world. But that is just one of the many inspiring reasons to attend Services in person. Perhaps the most inspiring, and life-changing, is…

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#121 – The Truth Behind The Global Conspiracy (Key To Your Spiritual Awakening)

There are lots of people who talk about a sinister, power-hungry elite controlling our governments from behind the scenes. But there is no one, that I know of, who is talking about who these people really are – or where they are operating from. Part of our…

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#119 – Do Material Things Matter After A Spiritual Awakening?

Do material things matter on the spiritual path? Is it “unspiritual” to think about money? Does that make you materialistic? For the genuine truth-seeker there are a lot of confusing messages about money, materialism and true spirituality. Let’s get some clarity! Tune in to this week’s…

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The Cosmic Masters Appeal to Women

What do enlightened extraterrestrials think about the way that women have been treated on Earth throughout our history?What do they think about the essential role for women in our world today – and in the future?Find out in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live!Host…

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50 Years of Operation Prayer Power

We are now just days away from our historic pilgrimage to Holdstone Down, where we will be celebrating 50 years since the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power – a completely unique world healing mission designed by Master of Yoga Dr. George King.In this month’s episode…

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#98 – Science & Spirituality: How You Can Combine Both To Change The World

 Are true science and true religion really so different? They both strive to understand the nature of the universe. They both try to express these unchangeable truths. And, ideally, they both try to apply these truths to bring about the greatest benefit to all….

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#86 – Pacifism Is Not Enough: A Spiritual Approach To End The Russia-Ukraine War

We said we’d have a surprise for you this week and here it is! The Spiritual Freedom Show is now on video – as well as audio! Our mission is the same as ever – to answer your spiritual questions with the outstanding cosmic teachings…

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How to Help Bring Global Peace and Healing with Strategic Prayer

What Is Strategic Prayer? Strategic prayer is spiritual first aid. It is used in crisis situations, such as war, plane crashes, earthquakes, floods or riots to bring help, inspiration, and healing and to assist in relief efforts. If, for example, a war is pending somewhere…

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From Orthodoxy to Mysticism – My Christian Journey

Almost 40 years ago, in 1984, I was an orthodox Christian. I regularly attended St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, London, known to many people around the world as “the parish church of England”. I also gave of my services to the Scrub Club, a…

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The Spiritual Energy Crisis (Podcast)

Spiritual energy is a real power that can raise global consciousness. The problem is that there are too few people using it in the correct way. And look at the result! Selfishness, greed, jealousy, violent anger, endless wars – all these things are the result…

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The most spiritual thing we can do

I think there is a great danger on the spiritual path of underestimating service. Even if we think service is important, even if we think that service is the most important thing we can do, there is still a temptation to think of it as…

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Pride and Priorities – feel good about doing good!

What makes you feel proud of yourself? Before answering this question, let’s look at the following very illuminating statement about pride made by Dr. George King in 1965 in a lecture entitled ‘The Coming Year’: …we should feel doubly honored – all of us –…

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Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe to help bring about peace, freedom and healing in Ukraine

Recent events in Ukraine have many of us in shock – and horror. If ever there were a time to turn to a higher power – surely it is now. In my late twenties I was privileged to co-author the book Prayer Energy (Cico Books…

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A Reorientation of Thought

However we choose to view the current state of our world and all of the tremendous obstacles that we face, one thing starts to become increasingly clear and that is the pressing need for a complete reorientation of thought as to how we are living…

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A Tale of Two Operation Sunbeams

The 1960s could be said to contain demonstrations of both some of the best aspects of our history and some of the worst aspects of our history. Starting with one of the worst, in 1962, for example, something terrible happened. In the Nevada desert in…

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#16 – “Serve And You Will Become Enlightened” – The Words Of A Being From Mars

With the giving of The Nine Freedoms in 1961, Mars Sector 6 stated that: “The greatest yoga is – SERVICE. “The greatest religion is – SERVICE. “The greatest act is that act done in – SERVICE.” And even declared: “Serve – and you will become…

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#12 – Key To Your Spiritual Advancement

Kundalini is a mystical power located at the base of the spine, sometimes referred to as the “Serpent Power”. Controlling this power is key to Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and beyond. In fact, we know from Master of Yoga Dr. George King that the main, if…

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#8 – What Love Really Is – According To Spiritual Aliens

If there is anything that will change the world, it’s Love! Not the conditional love we experience as basic emotion, but true, unconditional, impersonal Love – something that motivates our work to help others and which we can radiate, as an energy, to help heal…

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#2 – The Old Path vs The New Path To Spiritual Enlightenment

Who would you consider more spiritual? An atheist with the courage to leave home and serve others suffering in terrible poverty, or a devoted yogi secluded in the Himalayas in pursuit of their own enlightenment – and only their own enlightenment? At one time it…

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Our Directives For The Next 1000 Years (Part 4)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the fourth and final instalment in a series based on ‘The Five Temples of God’ – a communication giving The Aetherius Society world-changing directives for the coming 1000 years….

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A Saturn Mission Special

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s show, host Richard Lawrence invites fellow Saturn Mission Field Commander Brian Keneipp onto the show for a Saturn Mission special. The Saturn Mission is one of the five Cosmic Missions entrusted to The Aetherius Society. What…

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