Blog/Podcast Archives: King Yoga

Knowing God through King Yoga

This month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a very special show featuring a recording made earlier this month by Richard Lawrence. It includes a series of extracts, exactly as he wrote them, from what Richard calls his ‘Kundalini Diaries’. He started the diaries on…

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What’s the point in going to Church?

Good question! And, for many, the question is also the answer, in the sense that there is no answer, or at least not a good enough answer to motivate them into actually going. For certain others – it isn’t even a question. Religion plays no…

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The Aetherius Society – A Spiritual Brotherhood

An important aspect of many churches and spiritual organizations is a sense of community. We all naturally like to feel that we are supported, and part of something greater than ourselves.  The Aetherius Society, founded by Master of Yoga Dr. George King is no different….

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Aetherius Society Membership – the opportunity of our lives

Over the years we’ve received thousands of questions about Membership in The Aetherius Society. What difference does it make? Why does it matter? Is it the right step for you? In terms of your spiritual advancement, and our future on Earth, there are considerable karmic…

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Meditation Redefined in King Yoga

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live opens with a fascinating new theory about the encounter between Prince Philip’s personal aide, Sir Peter Horsley, and an individual Sir Peter believed to be an alien, in 1954. This contact completely…

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King Yoga – The path of personal development

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Everybody will one day achieve enlightenment. It is simply a question of when. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in a million years.

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Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization

Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have never had before to help others and attain enlightenment. This is the path we now…

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Ready or not – you are now

Many centuries ago a phrase of ancient truth was coined: when the pupil is ready the teacher appears. Master of Yoga Dr George King commented on this in a personal development class in 1966: The teacher has to, by law, take the next step with…

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An Advanced Path for Ordinary People

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Master of Yoga Dr. George King took the most advanced truths, some ancient, some unprecedented on Earth, and expressed them in simple, direct language. The spiritual practices are powerful and balanced – suitable for both the beginner and advanced…

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My King Yoga Experience – Your King Yoga Experience

A quest begins … When I was growing up I was very interested in spirituality, religion and the meaning of life. I quickly became indifferent to the puzzled looks and concerned mutterings of people around me, including classmates of course, and sometimes even teachers, who…

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The King Yoga Experience

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. King Yoga is what we call the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society, given by and through Master…

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Unconditional Surrender to God

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this episode, Richard Lawrence invites his wife, Alyson, onto the show to continue with the sixth and final instalment in the keys to the current King Yoga series: unconditional surrender to God…!This is without a doubt the highest and…

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Become a fighter for spirituality!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze begin this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live with a short tribute to the late Lady Monique King, who passed away on September 29th. Lady Monique was an outstanding individual. She devoted her…

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KING YOGA – the greatest karmic force for your own personal development!

Raising consciousness through spiritual self-development When you read a spiritual book, and allow its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, you change. Your vibration becomes that little bit higher. Your knowledge is that little bit greater – which, if you let it, will permeate your…

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Manipulating karma

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Karma is key to your journey to God-realization. You have complete control over your own karma – and you can change your negative karma into positive karma in a single second! Karma is one of the great secrets of…

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World service through King Yoga

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many ways of giving service to others – spiritual and material, and all of them are important.But as spiritual workers we each have to look for the way in which we think we can make the greatest possible difference to the…

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Repaying our debt to Mother Earth

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this episode, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze share with us profound revelations about the reason Dr. George King came to Earth as part of an ancient plan, devised not just for the plight of humanity, but also…

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King Yoga – The Yoga of spiritual development and service

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Master of Yoga Dr. George King was an extraordinary inspiration to all those around him. He was a man that wanted the very best for everybody. He didn’t just want people to be good, he wanted them to be…

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King Yoga – The Path of The Aetherius Society

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The New Age will bring a bright new dawn of global peace and enlightenment. But humanity is not yet ready for this. There is work to be done – inside and out. The New Age will have to be…

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A day to reflect on the Karmic Gods

Today is the second most important date in The Aetherius Society calendar because we commemorate what we call the eviction of the alien. This day in 1965 saw a key moment in the Alien Mission which was performed by those Cosmic Beings known simply to…

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Realize Your Inner Potential through King Yoga (Podcast)

Could anyone really strive to realize their oneness with all life and not try to help all life at the same time? It won’t work – not now, in fact not ever. The path to enlightenment is through Service. And it is this path of…

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King Yoga

This post is based on an address given by Rt. Rev. Richard Lawrence on 7th August 2016 at The Aetherius Temple in London to launch the concept of King Yoga to the world on behalf of The Aetherius Society. On January 23rd 1919 a Cosmic…

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“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 5

We have great pleasure in introducing the last episode in our current five-part series of podcasts: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. George King.  

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“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 4

This is part 4 in our 5 part series of podcasts entitled: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. George King. In times of dramatic upheaval, profound,…

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“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 3

This is part 3 in our 5 part series of podcasts entitled: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. George King. In this episode Paul and Chrissie…

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“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 2

This is part 2 in our 5 part series of podcasts entitled: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. George King. In this episode Paul and Chrissie…

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“Why The Aetherius Society?” – Part 1

This is part 1 in our 5 part series of podcasts entitled: “Why The Aetherius Society?” – presented by Revs. Paul Nugent and Chrissie Blaze, both Staff Members of The Aetherius Society and close followers of Dr. King. There are many great spiritual paths –…

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